HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-08 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes September 8, 1999 CALL TO ORDER At 7:42 p.m., Vice-Chairperson Terry Skibby called the meeting to order at the Community Center. Members present were Terry Skibby, Gary Foil, Curt Anderson, Dale Shostrom, Kay Maser, Keith Chambers, Joan Steele and Vava Bailey. Also present were City Council Liaison Cameron Hanson, Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Member Jim Lewis was unable to attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Anderson moved and Maser seconded the Minutes of the August 4, 1999 meeting be approved as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 99-101 Conditional Use Permit 514 Siskiyou Boulevard Lloyd and Sandra Erb Knox reported this application is for a transfer of ownership for the Royal Carter House Inn. Staff feels comfortable with this application and is recommending approval. A note of historical information: Skibby stated the E.V. Carter House, currently located across the street at 505 Siskiyou Boulevard, was originally situated at 514 Siskiyou. This house was moved and the Carter-Fortmiller House was built in 1909. Steele moved to recommend approval of this planning action to the Hearings Board. Chambers seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Planning Action 99-102 Site Review 141 Lithia Way Allan Sandier and Ed Bemis Knox explained this application is for a two-story commercial building to be constructed on vacant property. It will be the first building to come under the recently adopted Downtown Design Standards. Staff feels good about the project. The applicants have been to the Review Board and have made changes to reflect concerns of the Board and Staff. The building will encompass the entire lot. The design of the building is in context with the area, and design elements such as awnings, clear vertical separation between floors, as well as horizontal separation with the windows, have been incorporated. Structural brick and synthetic plaster will be used on the front and rear. On the Will Dodge Way side of the building (rear) the architect has integrated a Tuscan influence which adds a positive element to the alley. There will be a second story balcony with columns and decorative iron railings. Staff feels the variety of design in the alley is appropriate. Staff is somewhat concerned, however, about the concrete block side of the building that will face Harrison's parking lot. Sandier clarified the wall will be almost identical to the existing building as it is now. It will have some type of detail and will be nicely painted with a compatible color, probably the same as the brick. He stated the parking lot adjacent to the wall would most likely become a building before too long anyway. The building will house a jazz club and the interior will be for dancing. He and Bemis have no intention of selling the property. Skibby asked for more clarification of the detail on the front of the building. Sandier responded there will be plaster on the bottom with brick above that. He also pointed out the reliefs and further explained the brick will be red and the plaster will be painted a lighter color. Sandier then wanted to know what the Commission thought about a stamped cobblestone pattern in the alley for the 40-foot width of the lot. All members thought it would look nice. Knox related the second floor in front will cantilever out over the entry in the front. When Anderson asked what type of lighting the building would have, Sandier responded it will be soft lighting in the ceiling of the overhang and will be directed downward. Skibby questioned where the meters would be located. Sandier stated they will be sunken in the ground at the alley side and will actually provide for more electric capacity than this structure will use. A wall will also cover the area. Knox asked Sandier about the transparency of the windows in front. Sandier replied they will all be clear glass, however in the storage area, they have thought of having silhouette cut outs of perhaps a couple sitting at a table with back lighting. Knox then questioned the two lower right side windows on the front of the building. Unlike the other windows on the drawing, no transoms are indicated. Sandier stated he will add the transoms so the windows are consistent. Shostrom commented the City has to live with the existing building because it is already there. 90-100% of the view driving down Lithia Way will be the blank side of the wall on the new building. This could be an opportunity to make something nicer out of the wall because it may be that way for 25 years. He would like to see a higher contrast material used or at least the color toned down. Sandier said he is concerned about the dark color because of the large size of the building. He wouldn't mind changing the color, but would rather do it after the building is constructed. He could have his painter splash different colors on the wall when the time comes. Shostrom said he likes the idea of a more homogenous building colorwise, but would prefer stucco rather than synthetic plaster on the bottom. Sandier said it would be too expensive. Chambers stated the building will be impressive and will make a positive improvement in the area. He said he agrees with Shostrom about the blank wall and went on to say he had recently been at the Stanford Mall and observed walls that had paintings of doors and windows. He suggested doing something similar. Knox said that would not be allowed under our ordinances. Chambers then asked why a real rock face pediment on the bottom of the building was not being considered, as it would be a very big improvement. Historically, base pediments were often stone. He also said he would prefer the applicants not use smooth brick. Sandier stated the brick will be rough textured. He also maintained he does not like fake rock and the good stuff is too expensive. Bemis said he did not want to use rock anyway. Chambers countered by stating the citizens of Ashland will be the beneficiaries even though it may be more expensive. Shostrom agreed with Chambers and also stated by increasing the size of the columns on the bottom, it will give a corbel effect. The synthetic plaster looks too light. If the columns were beefed up, it would also help to add strength to the bottom of the. building. He also stated he would like to see specific dimensions in detail. Shostrom then said the columns in the middle are too narrow and would like to see them line up better. The floor plan differs from the elevations provided. For such a heavy building, the columns appear too narrow and he recommended increasing them to 16-20". He then commented the band to delineate floor levels seems too light. Chambers stated he likes the band. Sandier noted the band will look like concrete. Chambers stated he did not want to drop the pediment issue. This would be a relatively small change that would make a big difference in the appearance of the building and he does not think it is too much to ask. The fact is is that the base is supposed to look more solid. This can be a change in color, texture or different size of brick. Knox interjected this is one of the criteria in the Downtown Standards and quoted "Buildings shall provide a foundation or base, typically from ground to the bottom of the lower window sills, with changes in volume or material, in order to give the building a 'sense of strength'". Sandier agreed to widen the columns in the middle and at the base. He also said he will use concrete, different brick or split face block, but not heavy stone for the pediment. Shostrom stressed the fact the pediment needs to delineate strength. After discussing the above concerns, Shostrom moved to recommend approval of this application to the Hearings Board with the condition the architect look at features that have been discussed and come back to the Review Board with changes, including relief drawings to at least 1W' = 1 foot, prior to drawing the fully engineered plans. Following is a list of the concerns: 1) the interior front columns be expanded to 16-20" and moved in line with the window joints, 2) the base of the columns be corbelled 3-4" to provide a sense of strength, 3) the cornice level at the parapet wall should have more flare to it (3-4" would be more appropriate), 5) the side elevations of the columns should return two feet (need to see elevation of this), 6) relief in the front profile section be expanded to be more substantial, and 7) the material for the pediment needs to be heavier (a larger size darker brick would be OK). Steele seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 8, 1999 BUILDING PERMITS 155 Ei.qhth Street - The owner of this house and her contractor were invited to the meeting to get direction on an addition to the second floor. They had proposed a shed dormer, however, the Review Board felt it was not an appropriate design and was concerned part of the gable on one side of the house would be removed. Discussion ensued after they left whether or not it is appropriate for citizens to come to the full Commission meeting with design problems. Steele said she feels the Review Board could give people direction, thus not taking time from the monthly meetings. In contrast, Skibby said he feels the Commission is here to help. He also commented not all members have expertise in design and since the Review Board only consists of three different members each week, it could delay projects unnecessarily. Also, in this case, the timing was better for the owner of 155 Eighth Street to come to the full Commission meeting. Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of August follow: 152 Helman Street 562 "A" Street 525 "A" Street 258 Third Street 88 North Main Street Don Wilson Gary Powell Peter Brunner/Cynthia White Vivienne Friedman Ashland T-Shirts Addition Addition Office/Residential Building Remodel Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the September schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 Skibby, Chambers and Foil Skibby, Steele and Anderson Skibby, Steele and Maser Skibby, Bailey and Shostrom OLD BUSINESS Project Assiqnments for Planning Actions PA# 96-086 685 "A" Street Anderson and Lewis PA# 97-018 661 "B" Street Lewis PA# 98-039 Holly Street Steele and Lewis PA# 98-045 122 Church Street Bailey PA# 98-047 Between 548 & 628 North Main Street Foil PA# 99-020 525 "A" Street Lewis PA# 99-062 Van Ness Avenue Foil PA# 99-102 141 Lithia Way Shostrom Grant for National Register Web Site Knox related he is close to having all the photos completed. He will then tie everything together, including the formats and maps, and submit it to the National Park Service, probably by the end of this month. Removal of Fish Barriers in Ashland Creek as it Flows Through Lithia Park Skibby reported the Parks Commission voted to retain dams 1 and 2 and to remove dam #3. He then showed the Commission a photo taken circa 1890 that depicted the mill run from the original flour mill that was located where the Perozzi Fountain now stands. Dams 1 and 2 seem to be connected to this original mill. He also noted fish passage will be provided on these dams. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 8, 1999 NEW BUSINESS Southern Ore.qon Traininq Workshop Knox related the Cities of Ashland and Jacksonville and the State Historic Preservation Office will be sponsoring a training workshop on October 2 in Jacksonville. Bailey, Hanson and Skibby said they would be able to attend. Knox volunteered to drive. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Anderson and second by Foil, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:46 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 8, 1999 ASHLAND HTSTORIC COMMISSION Agenda September 8, 1999 Ia CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way ZI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 4, 1999 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PLANNING ACTION 99-101 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a transfer of ownership of the four unit traveler's accommodation and manager's unit at 514 5iskiyou Boulevard. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; 39 1E 09 BD; Tax Lot: 7600. APPLICANT: Lloyd and Sandra Erb PLANNING ACTION 99-102 is a request for a 5ire Review to construct a two-story commercial building (2284 sq. ft.) to house a jazz/blues club located at 141Lithia Way. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-l-b; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 BA; Tax Lot: 11101. APPLICANT: Allan Sandier & Ed Bemis IV. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board >> appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. Update on Notional Register Web Site b. Ashland Creek Fish Barriers Update E. Other Va NEW BUSINESS: A. Southern Oregon Historic Commission Training Workshop B. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT