HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-02 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes June 2, 1999 CALL TO ORDER At 7:40 p.m., Vice-ChairpersonTerry Skibby called the meeting to order at the Community Center. Members present were Terry Skibby, Gary Foil, Joan Steele, Curt Anderson, Dale Shostrom, Vava Bailey, Kay Maser and Jim Lewis (who arrived at 8:30). Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Member Keith Chambers was unable to attend the meeting. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER Knox introduced the Commission's newest member, Kay Maser. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Steele noted a typographical error on page 3 of the Minutes of the May 5, 1999 meeting where is should have been it. Steele then moved and Bailey seconded the Minutes of the May 5 meeting be approved as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 99-063 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 56 Third Street Barbara Allen Knox reported this application is to convert a residence that is currently in use as an office to a hotel/motel. The house was built in 1899 and is fairly in tact. It has had a number of uses over the years. No exterior changes are proposed except to replace and expand two decks at the rear of the building. The house will be painted and the landscaping will be upgraded. There are three existing parking spaces in the rear. Knox explained that although this is in a C-1 zone, a hotel/motel still requires a Conditional Use Permit. Bike parking will need to be provided. Staff has no concerns with this proposal and is recommending approval. Skibby asked if anything needed to be changed in the interior. Knox replied it does not appear so. Steele commented the findings submitted by the applicant were very confusing and staff should require more detail, especially in the explanation of criteria. She also requested the applicants be required to specify any exterior changes, including windows and doors. Knox stated he will add conditionsto this effect. Shostrom noted the bike parking shelter should also have details submitted. Foil said since the house will be converted to a motel, it is likely another entryway will have to be added. He would like to see a floor plan of the house for its proposed use. After discussing the missing details, Foil moved to recommend denial of the application due to the lack of appropriate detail as specified for the bike shelter, deck and interior floor plan showing where the entry doors will be. Steele seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. On June 3, the Review Board met with Barbara Allen in order to clarify the matters mentioned above. The applicant brought in floor plans and additional information that satisfied the members present. Members who were not present were polled by phone and concurred to recommend approval with the following condition - the deck railings and bike area will meet City requirements for such additions and will come before the Review Board when plans are submitted. Nomination to National Register of Historic Places Ashland Downtown Commercial District Public Hearing There was no one present who wished to speak on the nomination of the Ashland DowntoWn Commercial District to the National Register. Knox stated it signifies the owners have no problem with the nomination. All property owners received notice regarding the public hearing and initial meetings have already been held. George Kramer, who prepared the nomination, explained to the Commission the process of getting the Commercial District on the National Register started with the 1997 flood. Property owners have wholeheartedly supported the nomination. They have nothing to lose. Early in 1997, the Plaza area was "determined eligible" by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Most everyone, however, felt the area should include the entire downtown. (Lewis arrived at this time - 8:30 p.m.) Kramer then presented a slide show that he will also give to the City Council on June 15. In October the nomination will go to the State Advisory Board on Historic Preservation. At this time, Kramer will make any corrections or revisions. It will then be presented to the State Board again in February, and by May of 2001, the records keeper will most likely have it entered into the National Register. Once the district is on the Register, individual property owners can choose to apply for a 15-year tax freeze. Also available for commercial properties is a 20% tax credit, in which the federal government essentially provides 1/5 of the cost for rehabilitation. The City of Ashland currently has 11 buildings on the Register in the Commercial District, there will be 100. Ashland already regulates what goes on in the Historic District so the process will not have much of a change. Register status will add money incentives for the property owners. Steele moved to authorize staff to send a favorable recommendation to the City Council to go forward with the listing of the Downtown Commercial District on the National Register of Historic Places. Lewis seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. NEW BUSINESS Steele moved and Anderson seconded to revise the agenda and move on to new business. It was unanimously passed. 685 "A" Street Owner Patricia Murphy and Designer Doyle Brightenburg (350 Phelps Street) met with the Commission to discuss the design of her proposed building on "A" Street. They have been to the Review Board several times and there was a difference of opinion between Review Board members (individually) and Staff. Since this is in the preliminary stage, it was considered beneficial for the owner and designer to attend a full Commission meeting. Brightenburg stated the difference in opinion stems from the dome (which it really is not); he prefers it be called the hipped barrel-vaulted roof. It is similar to the old high school except this will have a rectangular base and the high school appeared to have a square base. Also, the old natatorium (designed by Frank Clark) had a strong influence on the design, as did the sanatorium, from which he derived the circular top of the windows, the parapet profile and the horizontal ears on the side. The marquee also influenced the design. Brightenburg explained he did not use these forms outright, but let them influence the design. He feels the proposed building portrays the workman/hometown feel of the Railroad District. Since this site is one lot away from the park, he perceives the building as complementing the transition. Anderson said he likes the fact the building advertises the business it will house, and added it is refreshing to see something a little different. Knox noted Staff is obligated to follow the existing standards and guidelines, and this is bringing in a new element not presently found in the Railroad District. Part of the criteria is to prove elements currently exist. Staff is being cautious, especially since the Railroad District is on the National Register. Staff concerns include the appropriateness of the design, the rhythm of the openings (windows), and whether or not this is a workable design for a variety of uses. Brightenburg replied the building could be adapted quite easily to different uses. Staff feels the use is fine. Bailey commented the frosted windows are not very street friendly. Brightenburg responded he has increased the window area significantly to allow more light into the rooms. Lewis observed while the elevations show a more severe looking dome, the drawing has softened the curvature lines. Foil stated there is now an eclectic mixture of buildings on "A" Street and he Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 2, 1999 does not feel they should all look the same. He said he likes the dome, and since there is not much vacant land left, it is not an attribute that will likely be replicated in the Railroad District. Steele said she likes the concept that has been presented although she is a little concerned about the bulk and scale. Knox interjected there is a lot of stepping back and recessment in the design. Skibby commented he does not object to the dome, however, he would like it better if it could be kept as Iow as possible. Also, he said he feels the windows should be enlarged. Patricia Murphy stated because the interior will be massage rooms, the windows really can't be larger, also she doesn't feel the dome will be that noticeable when driving or walking by. She has tried to do everything she could to make this work for the Historic Commission and the City. Lewis stated when a large dome is put on a building, it could become the focal point of the building. Once it's built, it is too late to change it. He would not want the dome on this building to overpower it. Shostrom related he likes the parking design and the interior floor plan. He wondered about the encouragement of mixed uses in this area and if there would be a second stow in the future. He said the building looks exciting and interesting, however the windows are not as exciting and that bothers him. He suggested making them a little higher in front to accommodate the arched windows. He stated he does not feel the dome has a huge impact on the building as a whole. Bailey said she thinks the dome and front entrance should be wider. The building seems sturdy on one end, then it seems to wash out. She also thinks the windows should be more interesting and would like to see elevations of the building drawn from other angles. Maser also commented on the windows, stating there is no continuity of the arched windows. In addition, the square windows should echo the round portion of the arched windows and the dome. Brightenburg related he had enough input to modify the design. He will also submit a rendering of the proposed Phase 2 second stow addition. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of May follow: 132 Fifth Street 113 High Street 595 North Main Street 586 East Main Street 142 "B" Street 147 North Laurel Street 209 Almond Street 134 Manzanita Street 145 Fourth Street 165 Lithia Way 76 Alida Street 283 High Street 40 North Main Street 337 East Main Street Lynn Carmichael June Smith Ashland Community Hospital Foundation Kate Jackson Carl Wright Ronald & Tamara Foster John Javna Carolyn Eadie Priscilla Hunter Copeland Lumber Christine & George McCaffrey Jeanette Poston Plaza Mall Village Shoes Remodel/Addition 2nd Stow Addition Tenant Improvement Remodel Foundation Remodel Remodel/Addition Garage Conversion to Studio Remodel Accessory Unit Re-roof 2nd Stow Addition Garage/Studio Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the July schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: June 3rd June 10th June 17th June 24th July 1st Skibby, Anderson and Foil Skibby, Steele and Shostrom Skibby, Bailey and Steele Skibby, Bailey and Foil Skibby, Lewis and Steele Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 2, 1999 OL[) BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planninq Actions PA # ADDRESS PERSON(S) ASSIGNED 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson and Jim Lewis 97-018 661 "B" Street Jim Lewis 98-039 Holly Street Joan Steele and Jim Lewis 98-045 122 Church Street Vava Bailey 98-047 Between 548 & 628 North Main Street Gary Foil 98-070 595 North Main Street Terry Skibby and Dale Shostrom 97-072 440 East Main Street Terry Skibby 98-075 542 "A" Street Jim Lewis 98-091 559 Scenic Drive Vava Bailey 99-020 525 "A" Street Jim Lewis NEIN BUSINESS Desi_(In Review Form Anderson volunteered to oversee the revision of the Design Review Form the Commission uses. Knox related Staff is now requiring elevations in the scale of ¼" - 10'. Also, a cross section of detail will be required. OLD BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week *:* May 9-15, 1999 The Commission discussed National Historic Preservation Week. Skibby reviewed the tours he had conducted, noting he had a good turnout for the Sunday and Tuesday tours, but there were only a couple people on Friday. He also noted one tour was rained out half way through. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Bailey and second by Anderson, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:1',)0 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Mir~utes June 2, 1999 Ashland Historic Commission Agenda June ! 999 I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER - 59 Winburn Way II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 5, 1999 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS: PLANNING ACTION 99-063 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review approval for a 2-unit hotel/motel. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Retail Commercial District; Zoning: C-1; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 095D; Tax Lot: 1200. APPLICANT: Barbara Allen There will be a public hearing to review the draft *~nomination" document to list the Ashland Downtown Commercial District on the National Register of Historic Places. The public is invited to participate IV. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Review Board ~ appointments/volunteers 2. Project Assignments and Reassignments for Planning Actions 3. National Historic Preservation Week - Review 4. Other Commission Items V. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Patricia Murphy - Regarding 685 *~A" Street 2. Annual Presentation of Historic Commission at June 15th City Council Meeting 3. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT