HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 3, 1999 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Gary Foil, Joan Steele, Joyce Cowan, Dale Shostrom, Vava Bailey and Keith Chambers. Also present were City Council Liaison Cameron Hanson, Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Member Curt Anderson was unable to attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Foil moved and Cowan seconded the Minutes of the February 3, 1999 meeting be approved as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 99-014 Conditional Use Permit '1'17 Third Street Rosemary Silva Knox reported this application is for the conversion of the existing medical office in the rear of the property to a one-unit traveler's accommodation. The applicant owns Colonel Silsby's, which is adjacent to 117 Third Street. No exterior changes are proposed. The main house on the property will remain as a rental unit. The medical office, which was built in 1993, has more impact than a traveler's accommodation unit will have. Chambers asked about the owner-occupancy requirement and Knox clarified since the applicant owns the property next door and lives there, she meets the requirement. Chambers moved and Foil seconded to recommend approval of this planning action to the Hearings Board. The motion was unanimously passed. Planning Action 99-01 Conditional Use Permit 259% "B" Street Stephen Sacks Knox explained this application is basically the same as the previous one. The owner of the property seeks to convert the existing 400 square foot guest house to a one-unit traveler's accommodation. The main house was built in 1898. There will be no exterior changes to the structures. A flagstone path will be put in from "B" Street to the unit in back for easy access. Staff has no major concerns with this proposal and is recommending approval. Michael Bingham, representing the applicant, stated it is likely the guests won't be driving once they arrive because of its close proximity to downtown and the fact that the owner will be providing bicycles. Foil asked if the unit will revert back into a rental unit if not used as a traveler's accommodation unit. Bingham affirmed it would. When the subject of increased traffic on "B" Street came up, Lewis noted the Planning Department is in the process of sending out questionnaires regarding traffic calming on "B" Street. Steele moved to recommend approval of this proposal to the Hearings Board. Skibby seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Planning Action 99-021 Final Plan Approval Holly Street Evan ArcherdlHal Dresner Knox related Outline Plan for this proposal was approved in May of 1998. This application is for Final Plan approval. Very little has changed from the Historic Commission perspective. Designer Bill Emerson has incorporated changes the Historic Commission had requested last May. This request is for a nine unit (three-triplex) development. Staff is happy with the application and the traditional design. Skibby noted the designer has been to the Review Board on several occasions. Emerson added the elevations he submitted reflect all the changes which were recommended. Chambers asked about the tree that recently came down. Evan Archerd answered Tom Myers (Upper Limb-It) took it down because it was dying. He also said no more trees would come out, only a few bushes. Skibby moved and Bailey seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion passed unanimously. Planning Action 99-020 Site Review 525 "A" Street Peter Brunner and Cynthia White Knox explained this application is for a mixed use building on the northeast corner of Fourth and "A" Streets. 75% of the lower level will be office space; the rest will be commercial. The second story comprises three apartments. The same owner and architect built the structure on the adjacent lot last year. The design is attractive and reminiscent of the adjacent building, however, its own features stand out also. Parking will be on the rear and side. Knox stated the Land Use Ordinance allows up to 25% shared parking spaces and this proposal is requesting 21% to be shared (3 spaces). The courtyard will be shared between the two buildings and landscaping will be similar. Skibby asked about the location of the utility meters. Knox responded they will be located on the front of the building. Architect Jerome White stated the Electric Department is requiring the meter boxes to either be on the front of the building or within five feet of the front on the side. Because of the design of the building and the length of the other lines for the adjacent building, this was the only feasible location. It will, however, be screened. White conveyed the design is similar to the adjacent building because when both lots were purchased, a long range plan was developed. The new building will be 30 feet longer and it will be brought out four feet at Fourth Street. The entry is similar to the building across the street which now houses Chris Briscoe's studio. White also stated the retail space may end up as office, however, they are planning for the highest use as far as parking is concerned. The material and texture will be different than the adjacent building. Plaster will partially be used on the bottom portion and will set the retail portion apart. Plaster will not include the bay. Colors will be similar but not the same - they have not been decided upon yet. Also, there will be an awning on the new building, which will be different. Gary Powell, 562 "A" Street, stated he is concerned about the parking and traffic on "A" Street. He is also concerned about how big the building will be. This is a very special area and it deserves consideration. The building will blend in but half the block will look the same. He said he appreciates the distinct differences between the new buildings that have been constructed so far. Also, the space between the two buildings is a concern. Sound bounces off the big buildings. He has tried to buffer the noise by planting more trees around his house. Powell related he didn't buy his house to change it but to improve it. He wants to keep the character of the Railroad District. When asked by Powell, White responded the new building will be a third to a half larger than the adjacent one. Applicant Cynthia White stated when she and Peter Brunner bought the property in 1993, they wanted to offer something unique to that corner. They liked the San Francisco-influenced design for that corner and also, they wanted to make the design similar to the one they built last year. Hollis Shostrom asked if an elevator would be put in. Shostrom informed him elevators were quite expensive. Cynthia White added there will be ramps all around the building and the lower floor will be wheelchair accessible. Jerome White acknowledged an elevator was considered but it was determined it would be too expensive. If the building were three stories high or larger in size, ADA would require an elevator. Jerome White said Powell brought up a good point about the changing nature of the buildings. The lots, however, were created with a more current character than the narrow lot historic character. They feel they are keeping the historic character of the area but in an affordable vein. He also noted the building will be the same width as the depot. Lewis stated when the applicants received their previous approval for the adjacent building, Jerome White provided a concept of what the building on the corner would look like. Foil noted "A" Street is designed for commercial development and the similarity of the two adjacent buildings appeals to him. He likes the flow and consistency. Skibby added the broken lines of Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1999 the new building add perspective to the structure. Lewis stated he likes the design from every side; it doesn't have a bad side. The color changes, textures and awnings all give the building its own character. This will be bringing back something that was all over town at one time. Bailey asked what material will be dividing the portion of the building that is recessed. Jerome White answered the windows will be framed like the others; it is difficult to see in the drawings. Shostrom stated he appreciates Powell's concerns about the space between the two buildings, and added there will actually be 26 feet. Each building is 13 feet from the property line. Powell was relieved to have that clarified. Shostrom then noted the second building has more detail, and the way the depth, elevation and textures change will enhance this. Because this is a commercial corner, the proposed building will be the primary building and will compliment the other one. Knox added Staff also sees changes from the first building. Seventy years from now, the buildings will probably look quite different. The consistency in the most recently constructed buildings is nice. At first there was a hodgepodge of designs. Chambers moved and Bailey seconded to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of February follow: 95 Winburn Way 147 North Laurel Street 638 Siskiyou Boulevard 55 Golden Spike Way 298 Hargadine Street 156 Sixth Street 300 East Main Street 155 Hillcrest Street 342 High Street 321 North Main Street 44 North Second Street 157 Church Street 41 North Main Street City of Ashland - Parks Ronald Foster John McCory/W. McCormick Karen Giese Mark & Maddie DeRienzo Allison Renwick Allen Drescher Bill & Lisa Molnar Ralph & Sandy Nelson Laura Shrewsbury Trinity Episcopal Church Goerge Hocking Louie's Ice Rink Cover Re-roof Re-roof Remodel Remodel Convert Structure to Studio Repair Sheetrock Windows Garage Remodel Enclose Porch Remodel Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the March schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: March 4th March 11th March 18th March 25th April 1st Skibby, Foil, Bailey and Steele Skibby, Steele, Foil and Shostrom Skibby, Chambers and Shostrom Skibby, Foil, Bailey and Cowan Skibby, Chambers and Cowan OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA# I Address I Person(s) Assigned 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis 97-018 661 "B" Street Jim Lewis 98-022 112 Helman Street Vava Bailey 98-039 Holly Street Joan Steele and Joyce Cowan Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1999 I PA # Address I Person(s) Assigned 98-045 122 Church Street Vava Bailey 98-047 Between 548 & 628 North Main Street Joyce Cowan 98-070 595 North Main Street Terry Skibby and Dale Shostrom 97-072 440 East Main Street Joyce Cowan 98-075 542 "A" Street Jim Lewis 98-091 559 Scenic Drive Vava Bailey 99-020 525 "A" Street Jim Lewis NEW BUSINESS Movin_~ Request for 134 Church Street Knox related this proposal is to move the existing house to another location on the same property in order to allow a larger single family residence to be built. Architect Fran Icenhower explained the proposal is to pick up the existing house and move it to the rear and side of the property, leaving the front elevation as it is. The front elevation will still be facing Church Street. The owners of the property would like to turn this house into a studio space on the second floor with garage space on the bottom floor. The side addition and rear sunroom addition will be removed. A garage door will be installed on the Baum Street side. The Commission discussed duplicating some of the windows on the right side more like the left side if it works for the owners on the inside of the building. Icenhower said the stairway and closet area are in the way on that side, but she will see if any more windows can be added. Chambers asked if it would feasible to have a single rather than a double car garage. Icenhower answered another single car garage will be built perpendicular to the street in the new house. Skibby said in reality, the house will be saved and turned into a carriage house. Lewis asked if the garage door could be changed from a roll up type to a two-section one. Icenhower responded there are garage doors available now that look like they are in two sections that open out, yet still roll up. She will do more checking. Chambers agreed with Skibby the same building will be on the same lot with the same elevation and the front facade restored. He stated this is a creative solution. Foil said he is concerned with what the new house will look like. He doesn't want it to block the existing historic house. Icenhower said the historic home will be totally visible and added the design for the new house has changed considerably since the beginning. Currently, it is designed to have a 1500 square foot footprint and will be a bungalow style. The basement area has been expanded with this design. She said she took input from Lewis, Shostrom and Cowan when she met them on the site and is trying to work the recommendations into the design. Shostrom said his concern is the bulk and scale of the new house. Church Street is comprised of older historic homes and this will be the first new home on the street. He does not want this to start a trend. Bailey asked how high the new house will be and Icenhower answered it will be 24 to 30 feet. Chambers asked if either shed, both of which are proposed to be demolished, is movable. Icenhower said they are both in bad shape but the smaller one may be able to withstand a move. She added the owners would be willing to give them away if anyone wants to move them. Foil said it is important the Review Board see the elevations of the new house and the streetscape of what the lot will look like. Foil then moved and Chambers seconded to recommend approval of this house move to the City Council upon Review Board examination of the proposed new house. Bailey added it will be necessary to ensure there is visual space between the two. The motion passed with all voting aye except Bailey. Icenhower stated she will be out of town, but Tom Taylor will bring in the elevations for the new home to the March 11 th Review Board meeting so it can go to the City Council on March 16th. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1999 Masonic Temple - 25 North Main Street Knox explained the owners of this National Register building are proposing exterior changes so a Staff Permit is required. He clarified the changes which are proposed. (At 10:00, Skibby moved and Foil seconded to extend the meeting until 10:30 p.m. The motion was unanimously passed.) Skibby moved to approve the changes proposed for this building with the stipulation the signs fit the relief panels between the first and second floors. Shostrom seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. More OLD BUSINESS Grant for National Register Web Site Steele said she has been working with Skibby on the details of each site. Southern Oregon Historical Society Since the tour which was planned for February 24th needed to be rescheduled, the Commission decided on March 24th. Ashland Public Library There was nothing new to report. More NEW BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week - May 9-15, 1999 In discussing the annual presentation of awards, the Commission decided to hold the ceremony at the Old Armory at noon on Friday, May 14th. This decision was based on the fact the Railroad District is soon to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Armory is already on the National Register, Southern Oregon Historical Society now has an office there, and there is refuge from the rain if needed. There will also be a walking tour of the Downtown area. The Review Board will discuss this further and decide upon more events. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Bailey and second by Cowan, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:33 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1999 999 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER - 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 3, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS: PLANNING ACTION 99-014 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to convert an existing medical office to a one-unit traveler's accommodation located at 117 Third Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 BA; Tax Lot: 8700. APPLICANT: Rosemary Silva PLANNING ACTION 99-018 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a one unit traveler's accommodation at 259~/~. "B" Street. Traveler's accommodation unit to be located in a separate accessory structure off the alley. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 BA; Tax Lot: 5200. APPLICANT: Stephen Sacks PLANNING ACTION 99-021 is a request for Final Plan approval of a nine-lot, nine-unit multi- family planned unit development under the Performance Standards Option located at Holly Street between Gresham and Idaho Streets. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 CD; Tax Lots: 5201 and 5300. APPLICANT: Evan Archerd/Hal Dresner PLANNING ACTION 99-020 is a request for a Site Review for an approximately 7,000 square foot mixed-use building (commercial and residential) located at 525 "A" Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-l; Assessor's Map #: 391E 09 AB; Tax Lot: 6501. APPLICANT: Peter Brunner and Cynthia White OLD BUSINESS: 1. Review Board ** appointments/volunteers 2. Project Assignments for Planning Actions 3. Grant for National Register Web Site - Update 4. Set new date for SOHS tour - March 17th or 24th 5. Plans for Library - Update 6. Other NEW BUSINESS o Moving Request for 134 Church Street National Historic Prese~ation Week 3. Other ADJOURNMENT