HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-12-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes December 3, 1997 GOAL SETTING/ORIENTATION At 4:00 p.m. the Historic Commission met in Pioneer Hall in order to discuss its duties and responsibilities, parameters and protocol, and criteria based decisions. Knox and Lewis led the discussion. Knox then showed slides of commercial and residential projects that have been completed in the past year. Since there was not enough time to discuss goals, the members delayed this until after the regular meeting. They also toured the historic Masonic Temple building. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Curt Anderson, Vava Bailey, Joyce Cowan, Dale Shostrom, Keith Chambers, Carol Abrahamson and Joan Steele. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. No members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Steele moved and Bailey seconded to approve the November 5, 1997 Minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. PIERS AT RAILROAD PARK Parks Director Ken Mickelsen and Parks Superintendent Steve Gies met with the Commission to voice their concern about the piers at Railroad Park, which was developed in 1993. At that time, Historic Commission members Bill Emerson and Skibby had requested the piers be saved because they were the only historical remnants of the railroad era left on the original site. The piers originally held two water tanks. In the meantime, there have been a few minor accidents, and recently, a child broke an arm. Mickelsen read the last paragraph of E-Mail he had received from the child's mother, seeking removal of the piers. Parks considers the piers to be an attractive nuisance and the Risk Manager for the City has said they need to be removed because they are hazardous. Anderson suggested building a deck on top of the piers. Mickelsen said it would still need to be playground safe. Lewis conveyed he has observed kids jumping from one pier to another. Anderson asked if only half could be removed, however Mickelsen asked if they would still serve their historic purpose. Shostrom asked if it would be possible to fill the area with sand so the piers would only stand up six inches or so. Mickelsen said a retaining wall would then have to be built. Lewis stated most people have no idea what the piers are or what they were used for. Skibby inquired if another water tank could be built. He was told this would not be feasible. Gies suggested leaving one pier and developing an interpretive area. Bailey said it would be better to leave the four corners so it would portray how large the area was. Shostrom wondered if more piers could be saved by removing some so they were at least six to eight feet apart. Mickelsen reminded the Commission when the park was designed, the 8th Street corner was designated for the historical aspect. one pier should be saved and stressed the value of telling the story of the rail yards. have to be removed, but one could remain. Lewis maintained at least Mickelsen said the piers Anderson suggested making a bench out of the ones encroaching on the sidewalk, however Mickelsen said those would have to be removed because of ADA standards. Chambers proposed using the tallest ones for interpretive signs. If the piers are totally removed, Ashland would lose its last vestige of the railroad era. The Commission agreed the piers on the sidewalk should be removed. Mickelsen agreed to leave the interpretive area up to the Historic Commission. Lewis, Bailey, Skibby and Abrahamson will meet at the site with Mickelsen and/or Gies during the December 1 lth Review Board meeting. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 97-075 Conditional Use Permit 40 North Main Street Christopher R. McIntosh Knox related the applicant originally came before the Commission last August for permission to operate a portable BBQ adjacent to the Espresso Bar. At that time, it was difficult to understand how the BBQ enclosure would appear. Since then, McIntosh hired two professionals to draw options. Overall, Staff is supportive of the design. The temporary use is still a concern, but it will be dealt with at the Planning Commission level. Chris Mclntosh displayed the two options -- one using more lattice work, thus creating a more open look (option 2), and one with horizontal redwood siding half way up around the deck (option 1). He said the BBQ would be moved in and out every day and will operate from June ! to October 31. Architect John Duffi~ clarified the only thing that is mobile is the BBQ unit itself. The enclosure will remain. McIntosh said he feels he has refined the design and lightened up the mass. He also said he has been talking with the Health Department and the requirements are very stringent as to the size of the enclosure. (At 8:10 Bailey left.) After discussing the different options, Anderson moved and Abrahamson seconded to recommend approval of this proposal with option 2 being preferred. The motion was unanimously approved. Planning Action 97-112 Conditional Use Permit 174 North Main Street Georges T. Van De Kerckhove Knox reported this proposal is for the transfer of ownership for the Laurel Street Inn. There will be no changes. Staff is recommending approval. Chambers moved to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. Abrahamson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 3, 1997 Page 2 BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of November follow: 545 "A" Street 726 Iowa Street 148 Wimer Street 155 Strawberry Lane Second Street/Lithia Way 337 East Main Street BW Squared Richard Rudd Toomey Benjamin Stott Two Guys Selling Trees Cuckoo Kingdom Tenant Improvements Remodel Reroof Addition Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: December 4 December 11 December 18 December 24 Abrahamson, Steele and Skibby Bailey, Abrahamson, Skibby and Lewis Shostrom, Chambers, Skibby and Lewis Steele and Skibby OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions I PAll Address I Person(s) Assigned I 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis 96-110 499 Iowa Street Joyce Cowan 96-143/97-030 136 North Second Street Terry Skibby 97-018 661 "B" Street Jim Lewis 97-053 565 "A" Street Jim Lewis 97-075 40 North Main Street Dale Shostrom OLD BUSINESS Conference With Other Historic Commissions Knox reported he and Jason Locke (City of Jacksonville) have had a good response from the people they have talked with regarding the conference. There should be representation from the Cities of Ashland, Talent, Medford, Jacksonville, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls, and Jackson County. In addition, there Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 3, 1997 Page 3 will be representatives from the State Historic Preservation Office, the National Trust, and Livability Oregon who will be speaking. He will keep the Commission updated on the progress. NEW BUSINESS National Register Nomination of Hargadine Cemetery The Commission commended Atwood on her research of Hargadine Cemetery. With a motion by Skibby and second by Steele, the Historic Commission unanimously supported the inclusion of Hargadine Cemetery in the National Register of Historic Places. Staff will write a memo to the City Council. Southern Oregon Historical Society Presence in Ashland Lewis reported Councilman Steve Hauck and Mayor Cathy Golden were in attendance at the last meeting, along with several trustee members from SOHS. The committee is trying to find a location, preferably in downtown Ashland, to locate a history center. Among the suggestions was to move the house owned by Trinity Episcopal Church across the street to the vacant lot on North Second Street. He will keep the Commission updated on the progress. Goals Goals included in the discussion were: o 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . development of a "slick" walking tour publication become a Certified Local Government (CLG) establishment of a Historical Importance Day/Month adoption of the Downtown Design Standards follow through with the Railroad District nomination to the National Register attempt to persuade the Electric Department to locate transformers/electric more discreet location, other than the front of buildings locate posts/markers signifying interesting historical data in the City involvement of students in educational programs meters in a These will be ranked at the next meeting. 542 "A"Street Becky Reitinger informed the Commission she and her husband, Mark, had purchased the building at 542 "A"Street. She is a business consultant and he is a designer. They want to move their office in order to gain more space. Their intent is to create a mixed use building, with commercial and residential space. The existing structure has no foundation and there is an excessive amount of dry rot. The Reitingers said they were looking for a guide from the Commission as to the historic significance of the building. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 3, 1997 Page 4 Skibby asked if they wanted to restore the building. Becky said because of the dry rot, not much could be saved. Knox asked how many stories it would be. Mark R. answered two stories would be the maximum. Skibby commented there are not that many original commercial buildings in the Railroad District. Becky maintained it is about ready to fall down now if something isn't done. Lewis commented the logical consequence would be to have a two story building on the site. Chambers noted the building has limited historical quality, and the Reitingers have the opportunity to help anchor the corner at 4th and "A" Streets. In his opinion, they just need to replicate the period. Knox added it is important to document the Railroad District. Because it should soon be on the National Register, the State will understand not all buildings can be saved. Lewis added it is necessary for the Historic Commission to see what will replace the building before any approvals can be granted. When Anderson asked about the commercial and residential space, Mark R. stated the first story will accommodate retail and the second story will include an office and one residential unit. Skibby maintained the Commission has an obligation to look out for old buildings. If all they are gone, there will be no Historic District. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Skibby and second by Chambers, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 3, 1997 Page 5 ASHL D HISTORIC DeeanI er COMMISSION 1997 Ie CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 5, 1997 III. PIERS AT RAILROAD PARK: Parks Director Ken Mickelsen IV. STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 97-075 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion/alteration of the temporary use at 40 North Main Street. The proposal is to permit a portable BBQ adjacent to the existing Espresso Bar. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-i; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9B; Tax Lot 10100. APPLICANT: Christopher R. McIntosh PLANNING ACTION 97-112 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a transfer of ownership for a traveller's accommodation consisting of three-units plus the owner's unit located at 174 North Main Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1 E 09 BB; Tax Lot: 2200. APPLICANT: Georges T. Van De Kerckhove V. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ,, appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for Planning Actions Co Joint Historic Commission Conference >> Jackson County, Cities of Jacksonville, Talent, Medford and Grams Pass >> February 21st at Ashland Community Center and Pioneer Hall (for sure) D. Other VI. NEW BUSINESS A. National Register Nomination of Hargadine Cemetery B. Southern Oregon Historical Society Presence in Ashland - update C. Other VII. ADJOURNMENT