HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes September 3, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Ashland Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Dale Shostrom, Keith Chambers, Curt Anderson, Vava Bailey, Joyce Cowan and Carol Abrahamson. Also present were City Council Liaison Steve Hauck, Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. No members were absent. Cardinale has resigned, and a new member will be appointed September 16th. APPROVALOF MINUTES Chambers moved and Abrahamson seconded to approve the August 6, 1997 Minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 97-073 Conditional Use Permit 570 Siskiyou Boulevard Laura Shrewsbury Knox explained this application is to expand the existing traveller's accommodation from four units to five. Overall, the application would meet all the regulations. The only exterior change proposed is an exterior door for the new unit. The primary concern of Staff has to do with the applicant's floor plan. The new unit will be created from existing owner's unit space. According to the findings submitted by the applicant, the kitchen area is not accessible by guests. This does not make the common area (living/dining rooms) accessible from the inside. Guests would need to walk outside and to the front of the house. Each unit has a kitchen area. Staff sees this more as a hotel than a traveller's accommodation. Knox added it seems unlikely the guests would use the common area. He also stated he understands the owner/applicant has the property for sale and is moving. Staff feels it would be premature to approve this application. The owner's living area is getting smaller and it soon would not fit the needs of a family, but only one or two people operating the business. For these reasons, Staff is recommending denial or a continuance in order to work out these issues. Laura Shrewsbury debated Staff's reasons for denial or continuation. She said all they were changing is the existing double set of windows to an exterior door. She emphasized the common area is for the guests and they are served breakfast there or outside in the enclave, which is covered and opens to the pool. She also said they have a full basement under the house. They don't live there but they could. They will have three sets of doors opening onto a beautifully landscaped area that guests like to use. Chambers asked where the new units were derived and Knox answered from the owner's bedrooms. Chambers said his understanding of the B & B ordinance is that it allows people with larger homes to live there, serve the needs of the community and earn money. This application seems more like a hotel. Knox said the intent of the ordinance is also to allow people to fix up older homes. He related it is important to remember the B & B is in a residential zone. A new owner would also have the same application requirements to ensure the residential areas and the home itself are respected. Skibby said he sees all the exterior doors and it seems obvious this is a change from residential use to a hotel. Lewis related it is also important to know this is in a multi-residential zone and it is necessary to look at how easy the B & B can revert back to residential use. He said he feels it would not take much to do this. He also said to change from four to five units would not be a big impact. Bailey said if you keep adding units, parking, etc., it soon won't feel like a residential area. It will be more like a commercial area. Skibby agreed and said if it reverts back, the units could be used as rentals. Chambers maintained this application is pushing the envelope of what the ordinance envisioned. He said he tends to agree with Staff and this application is nearing the point in which the neighborhood area stops feeling residential. Anderson asked for clarification of the status of the house. Shrewsbury said the house is for sale. She is living in the house but the rest of her family is not. Her family would like to keep the property, but her children do not want to live there. Shostrom said this seems to be a planning issue versus a historic issue. Visually and architecturally, he does not see a problem. He feels, however, it could have an impact on the area. Knox said the increase in the number of units probably would not be noticeable in the neighborhood. He asked how usable the common area is. If it can't be used, it doesn't meet the intent of the ordinance. Staff doesn't think it will be used. Shrewsbury countered by stating she serves guests all winter in the living/dining area. Bailey said she would rather see it worked out where the guest suites are more accessible to the common area rather than see all the exterior doors. Skibby agreed and added he would rather see it remain more as a residence. The use, he repeated, seems to be changing. Chambers said the issue is about houses converting to B & Bs. They need to retain a residential feel. This is pushing the ordinance because the way neighborhoods function is Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 3, 1997 Page 2 part of the purview. By decreasing the size of the owner's quarters, it will be less livable for a family. Chambers then moved to recommend denial of this application to the Hearings Board with the suggestion the owner rethink the interior design of the house in order to keep it more residential. Anderson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Planning Action 97-082 Variance 872 "B"Street Dan Heller/Mary Beth Burton Anderson stated he knows the applicants and owns a rental home not far away. He said he does not believe it will affect his ability to make a fair decision. Knox explained the applicants are requesting a Variance to allow the existing rock wall to remain at five feet in height rather than cutting it down to three feet six inches as required by ordinance. About seven years ago, Heller stated he came to the City Hall and asked the Building Official if he needed a permit for the wall. He said he was told by Everett Murrell (who was the Building Official at the time) he did not. Knox noted the applicant is a stone mason and the design factor of the wall and expense to Heller should be considered unusual circumstances. Therefore, Staff is recommending approval. Dan Heller said he built the wall in 1990 to replace an old five foot wooden fence. He then read the letter he had submitted with his application. Darrell Pearce, 107 Fifth Street, testified he lives in the neighborhood and walks frequently. He sees many fences that probably don't meet the code. There are different styles and approaches. This is all part of the character of the Railroad District. Heller didn't intend to build an illegal wall, and to try to cut it back 18 inches would be horrible. It ties in with his new house. He encouraged the Commission to consider approving the Variance. Linda Datz, 156 Eighth Street, stated she walks by the rock wall every day and thinks it is a beautiful piece of art. She loves the neighborhood. A large part of the charm of the Railroad District is the diversity of the property. This makes it a real neighborhood and the wall adds to it. She said she feels the wall has been there for seven years and that it is more of a benefit than a detriment. She would like to see it stay. Mary Beth Burton related she went around the neighborhood and talked to people to find out if they supported keeping the wall. There was an overwhelming support and she found no complaints. She then submitted a petition signed by neighbors to keep the wall. Skibby asked if a gate would be installed in the cut out. Heller said he didn't plan to put in a gate, that he thought it would be more friendly to keep it open. He will be creating a return in the opening going toward the new house, however. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 3, 1997 Page 3 Anderson said he appreciated the fact that Heller applied his trade in creating the wall. When the wall first went up he felt it was imposing, but has gotten used to it. He then asked about the opening. Heller said he cut it when he started to build his new house. Anderson said the issue now is there is a house behind the wall. He doesn't want to have a neighborhood of walls and would like to have assurance there would not be a big gate. Burton responded the vegetation behind the wall has been cut so the new house can be seen better. Bailey asked if a person is allowed to plant tall vegetation in front. Knox said it is not allowed and added that Staff only acts on a complaint basis if there are problems with neighbors. Hauck added when there is a planning action, this triggers compliance with ordinances. Bailey stated the wall was not inviting before; it still is not inviting. She related she would also like to ask the owners to keep the vegetation down. Knox declared this is not something that will set a precedence. It will not happen in the future. Lewis said this is a beautiful wall and agreed it would be difficult to cut it down. Chambers added there is a gray area about what went on with this and stated it is important this not set a precedence. Abrahamson asked if the rock wall would meet Historic District criteria if it were built to code now. The general consensus was that if it were three feet six inches, it would be OK. Skibby noted if the wall were cut down to three and one-half feet and recapped, it would not be as attractive. Shostrom stated he used to live just down the street so he looked at the wall for a long time. He said he felt there was a mystery lot behind the wall and it was not welcoming. He commended Heller in the design changes he made for the new house, but he said he still sees the wall more than the house. He continues to have the same feeling of mystery. He said it is a shame you can't see the beautiful house until you get to the opening. The four foot opening just seems too abrupt. Shostrom then asked if Heller would be willing to make a wider opening in the wall or step it down. He doesn't like to feel as though he is violating someone's privacy to admire the house. Heller responded he felt it would be enough to cut the vegetation. He said it would change the look of the wall to widen the opening or cut it wider. It would be a tremendous project to step it down and he would fight it. Heller also noted he had talked with Planning Director John McLaughlin about the four foot opening he recently cut and McLaughlin indicated he had no problem with that width. Anderson stated McLaughlin would not have spoken for the Historic Commission and added the saving grace in the wall is that there is an opening. Chambers commented he didn't feel the wall is quite in step with the neighborhood and the opening is too abrupt. He asked if Heller would consider stepping down the wall. Heller replied the cap rocks are woven in and are black shale rocks. He really doesn't want to do that and pleaded with the Commission to let him leave the wall. Chambers said he would Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 3, 1997 Page 4 like to mitigate this. The wall is in violation and he does not feel it is unreasonable for Heller to make some adjustments in the opening. Heller stated he will use the thinnest rock for the return, which will only reduce the current opening by a few more inches. Skibby said it would help to have a wider opening and that it would be easier than stepping down the wall. Anderson said a wider opening would only be 1-2 % of the 60 foot long wall and that he didn't feel it would make much difference. Chambers maintained it would be up to a 50% increase in the opening, however, and that it would make a difference. Skibby moved to recommend the Hearings Board accept the Variance with a wider finished opening of six feet and that the hedges be lowered to the approved height. Discussion followed. Abrahamson seconded the motion, which carried with all voting aye except Anderson. After further discussion, Hauck stated the Commission should clarify the motion. Clarification is as follows: 1) the minimum opening of the rock wall should be at least six feet with a preferred recommendation of a nine to ten foot opening, and 2) the Review Board review the design of the return walls on the opening of the rock wall before being built. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of August follow: 835 Blaine Street 110 Pine Street 255 East Main Street 219 Almond Street 115 Fork Street 115 Fork Street 307 Meade Street 35 Granite Street 66 North Second Street Keith & Ann Chambers Mark & Nancy Spector Elk's Lodge John Javna Larry Medinger Larry Medinger Cynthia Ceteras Allen Connolly Trinity Church Revision Remodel/Addition Fence Enclosure Addendum to Carport Garage Demolition Remodel/Addition Revision Basement Addition Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25 October 2 Anderson, Bailey and Skibby Abrahamson, Cowan and Skibby Chambers, Cowan, Skibby and Bailey Lewis, Shostrom and Skibby Abrahamson, Lewis and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 3, 1997 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA# ] Address Person(s) Assigned I 96-063 62-66 East Main Street Terry Skibby 96-058 264 Van Ness Avenue Jim Lewis 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis 96-110 499 Iowa Street Joyce Cowan 96-112 249 "A" Street Jim Lewis 96-139 545 "A" Street Terry Skibby 97-014 20 South First Street Joyce Cowan 96-143/97-030 136 North Second Street Terry Skibby 97-018 661 "B" Street Jim Lewis 97-039 78 Sixth Street Jim Lewis 97-053 565 "A" Street Jim Lewis 97-082 872 "B" Street Dale Shostrom OLD BUSINESS Downtown Design Review Committee Knox reported the committee is moving forward with the design standards. All six members seem to be on the same track. He also noted the design standards will be required, will have nice illustrations, and be user friendly. NEW BUSINESS Election of Officers With a motion by Skibby and second by Shostrom, it was the unanimous decision to elect Chambers to be the City Council Liaison. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 3, 1997 Page 6 Railroad District - National Register Grant Approval Knox reported the City has received word from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) that we are the recipient of grant money dedicated for the research in applying for National Register status for the Railroad District. Requests for Proposal will be sent within the next three weeks. He also explained the Historic Preservation Ordinance would kick in. This would give property protection and benefit the property owners. They could apply for National Register status individually, and in turn get the taxes frozen. Before SHPO approves the tax benefit, property owners will now be required to submit a plan for significant renovation to the structure, which needs to be consistent with the guidelines. The financial impact will be minimal to the City. Goal Setting/Orientation Meeting The Commission discussed various ways to incorporate the orientation meeting with the monthly meeting. One suggestion was to have the orientation meeting in the early afternoon, then have the monthly meeting in the late afternoon. This will be discussed again at the next meeting. Space Needs Committee Hauck informed the Commission the Mayor will be appointing a new Space Needs Committee and she would like one member from the Historic Commission. The main objective the committee will be working on will be the addition of a third story to the City Hall. The Commission will recommend a member at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 3, 1997 Page 7 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda September 3, 1997 I, II. III. IVo Vo CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 6, 1997 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 97-073 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to add one additional unit (total of 5) to the already existing four unit plus owner's quarters traveller's accommodation located at 570 Siskiyou Boulevard. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9BD; Tax Lot: 4400. APPLICANT: Laura Shrewsbury PLANNING ACTION 97-082 is a request for a Variance to allow the height of the existing rock wall to remain at 60 inches (front yard), 18 inches above what is required by ordinance. The rock wall within the side yard is to remain at a height of 42 inches. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AC; Tax Lot: 200. APPLICANT: Dan Heller/Mary Beth Burton OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board >> appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. Downtown Design Review Committee Update D. Other NEW BUSINESS A. Election of City Council Liaison B. Railroad District - National Register Grant Approval C. Goal Setting/Orientation Meeting - think about November dates D. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT