HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes August 6, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Ashland Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Dale Shostrom, Keith Chambers and Larry Cardinale. Also present was Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Curt Anderson, Vava Bailey, Joyce Cowan and Carol Abrahamson were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Shostrom moved and Skibby seconded to approve the July 2, 1997 Minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 97-075 Conditional Use Permit 40 North Main Street Christopher R. McIntosh Knox explained this application is for the expansion and alteration of the Espresso Bar which is on the southeast corner of Water and North Main Streets. The applicant proposes to expand the use to allow a portable smokeless BBQ and food service. The Espresso Bar was originally approved as a temporary use. The BBQ would be stored off site during the off season, however, if it is successful, the owner would like to operate it year round. This would add 171 square feet, bringing the site to a total of 471 square feet. Mclntosh proposes to build a redwood enclosure around the unit. Knox said Staff is recommending denial of this proposal because it goes beyond the temporary use threshold in creating more of a permanent site. The expansion competes with the attempt of the Conditional Use Permit chapter limiting the product sale. He also stated the use competes with other merchants in the area which have fixed overhead and maintain building space. Chris McIntosh explained he wouldn't set up the BBQ until next year if it is approved. It will be fully enclosed in a redwood arbor, which will be 6' 10"high on the Water Street side, which is the same height as the existing arbor. He said he has spoken with other merchants in the area and has come up with a menu of mainly finger foods which won't conflict with their businesses. Shostrom asked where the public access would be located to purchase the food. McIntosh replied customers would order from the Espresso Bar as they do now for drinks. Skibby questioned the operation in the enclosure and Mclntosh said according to the Health Department, the BBQ needs to be completely self-contained, which includes three sinks. Mclntosh related he has been pleased with everybody's reaction to his proposal. Knox stated the Commission needs to think about long term things as Staff believes this expansion would have an impact on the marketability of businesses in downtown buildings. The original application was adequate for a temporary use. The new use would have impacts. Cardinale said he feels the proposal detracts from the historic nature of the street. The original use was temporary, but it is becoming more permanent. He concurs with Staff and stated he can't support the application. Shostrom stated the proposed enclosure blocks the openness of the site. He likes the airiness of the structure that exists now. Skibby agreed and added the new structure will stand out. Lewis noted the deck was a nice expansion of the Espresso Bar, but with the BBQ, it will no longer be temporary. Chambers complimented Mclntosh for his thorough presentation. He said the Espresso Bar has a positive ambiance, but feels the expansion is a little questionable, as it is almost taking advantage of the Conditional Use Permit process. He added the location is wrong for an expansion. Cardinale moved to recommend denial of this application, as it is not going to add to the historic nature of the streetscape, it is becoming more of a permanent structure, and it is not in accordance with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan. Chambers seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Planning Action 97-081 Variance 111 "B" Street Joe Collonge Knox gave the Staff Report, explaining the applicant proposes to remove the existing garage and replace the structure with a 479 square foot caretaker's unit. The existing house is a one-unit traveller's accommodation. Currently, the owner's quarters are located in the basement, which offers poor living conditions. A Variance is being requested to reduce the side and rear yard setbacks for the proposed cottage. It will have a three foot side yard setback and a five foot front yard setback to the porch (this unit will front on Pioneer Street). Staff feels the cottage has been attractively designed and is compatible with the area; however, although the porch is nice looking, it is not usable. The Variance is being requested to deviate from the standard setbacks. Staff is recommending denial because the new unit would start competing with the streetscape and it is believed the building could be moved back a few feet, keeping it more in line with the existing house. There is a tree in the back yard, but Staff feels it is insignificant and could be removed. When questioned by Skibby on the location, Knox said the garage is located five feet from Pioneer Street. The porch would begin where the garage is. Although this proposed unit Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 6, 1997 Page 2 would be a nice addition to the neighborhood, Lewis said he agrees with Staff. Knox then clarified parking will consist of two stacked spaces on site and one off-street credit. Architect Phil Schwimmer stated the owner's intentions are to improve the streetscape by removing the unattractive garage and replacing it with a compatible cottage, and to save the tree in the back yard which provides privacy. The property is caught in a commercial area and faces the Old Armory and Cantwell's on one side and a bank and Town Hall on the other side. He explained the entire house (Fiddle Faddle Inn) is rented as one traveller's accommodation unit. The owner would be caretaker of the yard. The porches and bay of the Fiddle Family Inn protrude into the setback area and the proposed cottage would be in this line. The porch was designed to be an entryway only. The owner did not want it to be useable because of its proximity to the commercial area which is not open to residential use. The existing garage is ugly and does not match the home. Also, there are no adjacent residences on this side of Pioneer Street. The owner feels the loss of the tree would be significant for the residential use and privacy. Skibby asked Knox what front setback would satisfy Staff. Knox replied ten feet would probably work, with an overhang. Staff feels the porch is not necessary and that a stoop would work and be enough. The cottage would be too close and dominate the street the way it is proposed. Chambers noted the design is attractive but it is too close to the street. He feels it would be obtrusive to people walking down the sidewalk. Lewis agreed the design is nice and said it would be an asset to the neighborhood, but he would like to see it pushed back so it could be built. He also thinks the Historic District would gain by having a nice little cottage rather than adding on to the existing house for the needed space. The streetscape is important and the cottage would just be too close. The Commission questioned the overhang as drawn. Schwimmer said it was meant to mimic the existing house which is 2-2½ feet. Cardinale said the overhang concept, as drawn, was too wide for the cottage. Chambers moved and Skibby seconded to recommend denial of the cottage as presented based on the close front yard setback and the narrow unusable porch. It is the Commission belief there are options which can be used to increase the setback and alter the porch design in order to decrease the reduction of the Variance requested. The motion passed unanimously. Planning Action 97-072 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 440 East Main Street Steve Morasch Knox related this proposal includes the removal and relocation of the two existing motor fuel islands, and replacing them with two adjoining dispensing islands. The two island Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 6, 1997 Page 3 canopies would be replaced with one large canopy which would be 36' x 55'. The underground tanks would also be removed and replaced as mandated by Federal and State environmental regulations. This application is an expansion of a non-conforming use and non-conforming structure. Also proposed is a change in the entrance/exit patterns through a reconfiguration of the fueling stations. It is the interpretation of Staff that since one of the fueling islands has not been used for several years, it is considered abandoned. Therefore, the gas station is limited to the one active fuel island with the two existing fueling locations. Staff also feels there would be problems with the traffic and increased use on that corner. Knox said gas stations are not permitted in downtown and Staff has the discretion to not allow non-conforming uses to expand. The proposed canopy is similar in size to other gas stations out by the freeway. Since this is the entryway to downtown, Staff does not feel the proposed canopy or the landscape come close to the standards. Knox then showed slides of gas stations in other communities that have made efforts to blend in more with the surrounding areas. He stated the City understands the need to improve the site, but not to mimic the older buildings across the street. Staff would like to see the proposed canopy eliminated, an increase in landscaping, and the minimization of asphalt. What is being proposed is not much better than what exists. Also, the lighting would cause glare issues which are not currently there. Staff wants the applicant to come back with something better. Attorney Steve Morasch, 1211 S.W.5th, Portland 97204, spoke for Western Stations (Astro). He first quoted a segment from Kurt Vonnegut's commencement address at MIT which stressed the importance of wearing sunscreen. Although Ashland doesn't get as much rain as other areas in Oregon, hot weather in Ashland can cause problems also. It is vital for Astro employees to be protected from inclement weather, whether it is rain, snow, ice or sun. A canopy would protect both the customer and the employee. Since they are not dealing with an historic structure, the designers looked at surrounding buildings and came up with a compatible design for the canopy. The existing canopies are 20' x 30' and the proposed canopy is 30'x 55'. It will be the same height. He pointed out the differences between the existing and proposed canopies. He also presented a perspective of what the proposed canopy will look like. Referring to the lights, Skibby said they will stand out day and night. Morasch stated there will be recessed lights in the canopy and will only be turned on at night. Skibby pointed out the existing lighting is completely exposed. Glen, Vice President of Western Stations, stated the purpose of the lighting is to convey safety. The lights will not be seen and they will be an improvement of what is there now. When questioned by Skibby, he answered the lights will be on a timer system. Lewis asked if the canopy is a standard design for the Astro stations. Glen said there is no standard plan because when his company was established in 1970, existing stations were bought. He said canopies are being added at all their stations in order to protect the entire facility. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 6, 1997 Page 4 Morasch noted part of the development is to change the sign to wood. The standard bright yellow color will not be used. Knox informed the representatives standard as in the downtown area. street lights on the plan. of Astro the City would like to keep the street lighting In addition to the canopy lighting, he only located three Lewis asked if there was a way to condense the size of the canopy. Dave Kimmel, project designer, answered it would be difficult because of the significant amount of traffic from two sides. Since they anticipate the same traffic flow, they have put a little more width between the islands. The intent is to get all on-site improvements to include pedestrian traffic also and to encourage the traffic circulation flow. Morasch stated the proposed landscaping exceeds the requirements by 20%. They have proposed juniper because it is draught tolerant He also said since raised beds are prohibited, they have not proposed any. They will also be ringing the property with street trees. At 10:00, Skibby moved and Shostrom seconded to extend the meeting to 10:30. The motion passed unanimously. Shostrom commented the plan does not show the topography elevations. The ground slopes downhill from Main to Lithia. Kimmel said the intent is to flatten out the land because it is not good to fill tanks on a slope. He also noted the plants that were chosen go with the site and flattened area. Chambers commented the citizens of Ashland recognize and appreciate the historic nature of downtown. This is a major corner and he doesn't feel the proposed canopy would be appropriate for the area. After viewing the slides, he said he believes a more creative solution could be accomplished. He thanked Knox for the slide presentation. Shostrom said he is concerned with the scale of the canopies that exist versus the proposed canopy, which is 60% larger when the two existing ones are combined into one. When asked about the width of the canopy roof, Kimmel answered it will be 31/2 feet thick. Shostrom commented that adds to the visibility of the canopy. It seems to him, the width could be reduced to minimize the impact. Skibby expressed his concern with the mimicking design of the canopy using the cornices of the building across the street, and questioned the compatibility. He also said that because of the orientation and angle of the property, the massing is a change in the viewscape and light. Lewis commented he is concerned with the gross size of the canopy. He likes the addition of the trees surrounding the site. He also remarked this triangular lot is a visual open area now and he feels a gas station with a low impact design would be an asset. A smaller canopy would be better and less obtrusive. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 6, 1997 Page 5 Chambers said the proposed design does not appear to meet the criteria of a Conditional Use Permit. It is a massive expansion of a non-conforming use. He challenged Western Stations to rethink the design concept of less presence. Chambers then moved to recommend denial of this application to the Planning Commission because the design is not in conformance with the following specific Conditional Use Permit criteria in Chapter 18.104.050: 1) Similarity in scale, bulk, and coverage, 3) architectural compatibility with the impact area, and 6) the development of adjacent properties as envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. At 10:30, Skibby moved and Chambers seconded to extend the meeting until 11.'00. The motion was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of July follow: 31 Water Street 4 Hillcrest Street 142 Sixth Street 70 Water Street 115 Fork Street 320 Iowa Street 437 Fourth Street 447 Scenic Drive 461 Allison Street 370 Lithia Way 835 Blaine Street 307 Meade Street 286 Vista Street 142 Sixth Street 253 East Main Street 37 Third Street 20 South First Street Lloyd Haines Sara Johnson Stephanie Johnson Ann Clouse Larry Medinger Wayne & Joan Brown Joe Garfas Floyd Flood Sarah Swales Agnes Korn Keith & Ann Chambers Cynthia Ceteras Sid& Karen DeBoer Stephanie Johnson Zeus Juice Siskiyou Adventures The Living Gallery Fire Damage Repair Deck/Front Porch Partial Demolition SFR Flood Damage Repair Replae Garage Garage Remodel Remodel Addition Remodel/Addition Reroof Remodel/Deck Carport/Screen Porch Demolition SFR* Remodel/Addition Sign Sign Sign * Disapproved REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: August 7 August 14 Skibby and Cowan Abrahamson, Lewis and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 6, 1997 Page 6 August 21 August 28 Skibby and Shostrom Cowan, Abrahamson and Skibby OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions PAll [ Address I Person(s) Assigned 96-063 62-66 East Main Street Terry Skibby 96-058 264 Van Ness Avenue Jim Lewis 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis 96-110 499 Iowa Street Joyce Cowan 96-112 249 "A" Street Jim Lewis 96-139 545 "A" Street Terry Skibby 97-014 20 South First Street Joyce Cowan 96-143/97-030 136 North Second Street Terry Skibby 97-018 661 "B" Street Jim Lewis 97-032 174 Church Street Vava Bailey 97-039 78 Sixth Street Jim Lewis 97-053 565 "A" Street Jim Lewis OLD BUSINESS August 19 City Council Meeeting Knox reminded the Commissioners Council meeting and how important members would speak. they would be introduced at the August 19th City it is for all to attend. Discussion ensued on which NEW BUSINESS Flood Restoration Meeting Knox emphasized the significance of the bridge replacement on Winburn Way and stated there would be a meeting the following night. Lewis added this is a very important area in Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 6, 1997 Page 7 the Historic District. Lithia Park is on the National Register and the Plaza area has been designated eligible for placement on the National Register. He said he planned to attend the meeting. Election of Officers Chambers moved and Cardinale seconded to retain the current officers. Chairperson is Lewis, Vice Chair is Skibby, Planning Commission Liaison is Skibby. We still need a City Council Liaison. The motion passed unanimously. Letter from Kay Atwood Skibby emphasized the importantance of adding Hargadine Cemetery to the National Register and the Commission agreed. Skibby moved and Shostrom seconded to proceed with the acquisition of funding for Kay Atwood to research Hargadine Cemetery. The motion passsed unanimously. Knox will write a letter to Community Development Director John McLaughlin and Finance Director Jill Turner. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 6, 1997 Page 8 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda August 6, 1997 Ie II. III. IVe CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 2, 1997 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 97-075 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion/alteration of the temporary use at 40 North Main Street. The proposal is to permit a portable BBQ adjacent to the existing Espresso Bar. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-i; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9B; Tax Lot 10100. APPLICANT: Christopher R. McIntosh PLANNING ACTION 97-081 is a request for a side and rear yard variance to construct an owner's unit at 111 B Street. The existing garage is to be removed. The owner's unit will have a three foot side yard setback and a five foot front yard setback to the porch (8' to the building wall). Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09BA: Tax Lot: 13300. APPLICANT: Joe Collonge PLANNING ACTION 97-072 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review for the alteration/expansion of an existing non-conforming use. The proposed renovation includes removal and relocation of the two existing motor fuel islands, and replacing them with two adjoining dispensing islands. A new, free standing island canopy, 36 feet in length by 55 feet in width, will be installed to provide a cover over the dispensing islands. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-l- D; Assessor's Map #39 1E 09 BD; Tax Lot: 801. APPLICANT: Steve Morasch OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board >> appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. Downtown Design Review Committee Update D. Draft Letter Regarding the Location of Transformers E. Introduction of Historic Commission at August 19th City Council Meeting F. Other V. NEW BUSINESS A. Flood Restoration Update - Winburn Way Bridge B. Letter from Kay Atwood regarding Hargadine Cemetery C. Election of Officers D. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT