HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes February 5, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Ashland Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Joyce Cowan, Vava Bailey, Keith Chambers (arrived at 8:30), Bill Harriff (left at 9:48), and Cliff Llewellyn. Also present was Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Curt Anderson and Larry Cardinale were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Cowan moved and Llewellyn seconded to approve the January 24, 1997 Minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 97-014 Site Review 20 South First Street Dale Shostrom/Shostrom Bros. Ltd. Knox stated the applicant is requesting permission to demolish the existing structure at this location and replace it with a two-story building. The first floor will be used for retail space and a dwelling unit will be located on the second floor. He explained the applicant first came in with the intention of saving the existing building, however, it was discovered a second story could not be structurally supported. Knox noted Shostrom had been to the Review Board several times. He also said Staff is in support of this application. When asked, Knox clarified the building is designated as "compatible" on the City of Ashland Heritage Landmarks List. Lewis questioned the material in the rear of the existing building. Dale Shostrom answered it is six inch hollow masonry containing no rebar. When asked about the different elevations in the packet the Commissioners received, Shostrom explained he submitted simplified versions of the elevations for cost projections. Knox said the version Staff has approved is the one with the columns. Shostrom related the building will have a tinted sand stucco finish. When Lewis asked about foundation colors, Shostrom said the columns will be darker. Skibby recalled the Review Board members liked the projected (bay) window on one of the elevations they saw. Shostrom then said he had drawn another version which would eliminate the gables and utilize five vertical 18 inch windows in a slight bow. This would also change the flat opening over the door to a slight bow. The Historic Commission agreed this will be a nice looking building. Bailey added the existing building doesn't fit in now and the proposed one will be more compatible. After Llewellyn asked, Shostrom stated the stairway to the second story will be located on the left side of the building. Shostrom then asked if the Commission had a preference between the approved version or the one with the bay windows. The Commission agreed either would be acceptable, noting the final plans will go before the Review Board. Knox stated only the one version has been approved by Staff, but there is allowance for slight modifications. Harriff moved and Llewellyn seconded to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. Planning Action 97-016 Site Review 872 'B' Street Dan Heller This application, Knox said, has not been formally noticed, however, the owner was present for Commission input. He related the owner's proposal is for the construction of a third single family residence to be located on the property. It will be 1,636 square feet and two stories. The application meets the density requirements. Knox conveyed the owner wants to know if it is a supportable design, and if so, he said Staff can process it as a Staff Permit (20 day process). Knox declared the main concern of Staff and the Historic Commission is the amount of rock work proposed. The owner is a stone mason and he would like to do the entire first story in rock. The existing rock wall serving as a front yard fence, however, is too high and no permits were obtained; therefore, it is illegal. With this existing wall and the rock on the house, it is the general consensus there would be too much rock. Knox explained the Planning Staff is aware of the illegal fence and is working on it, and the Commission needs to discuss the house only. Harriff commented the proposed house would be a beautiful country home, but not a city home. He would like to see a streetscape of elevations, as he finds the house (as drawn) to look out of place. Dan Heller stated he designed a Craftsman house so it would fit into the neighborhood and not that much will be seen from the street anyway. The rock work, he added, will be gorgeous. Lewis asserted the City has adopted the Site Design and Use Standards and one of the criteria is a "sense of entry". He said he is concerned because this is not depicted in the front elevation. He also noted most rock work on Craftsman homes is used in the front porch, pillars, and foundation with a mixed media. It would be rare to see so much rock work in a Craftsman design. Skibby added there are several stone houses in Ashland, but Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 5, 1997 Page 2 they are not built with the river rock Heller will be using, and he hasn't seen one where an entire story consists of round river rock. Heller said this seems to be such a subjective thing. He designed the house to fit in the Railroad District and he also does rock work. He would like everyone to see the situation through his eyes. Skibby acknowledged the house would reflect Heller's trade, and looking at it from a historical aspect, the house would be unique and it would have its place in history. Steve Sacks, 259 "B" Street, stated there is something to be said for individuality. This house will be more unique and it will stand out in 50 years. Hh asked if everything has to remain the same. Heller, he said, is a stone mason and it would be interesting to have this type of variation. He remarked a lot of new houses in the neighborhood are boring. Bailey said it seems like a lot of stone. She also commented the alley elevation seems more like the front elevation and suggested more windows, a door, or more shingles to improve the front elevation. She also asked if he would consider keeping the rock to window height. Heller maintained he would like to have everything on the front lower story to be rock. He added he and his wife live off the alley so they want the south elevation to look more like the front. He then appealed to the Commission's emotional side and said the house really means a lot to himself and his wife and to change the plans would be very difficult. (Chambers arrived at this time.) Harriff said he would prefer less stone, but if concessions are made on Heller's part, he may be able to go along with it. The appearance from the front of the house needs a sense of entry, and he asked Heller to redesign this elevation. Skibby agreed. Llewellyn said he also thought the house could be attractive and admired with a larger entry in front. Shostrom, who is a designer, stated he has studied stone houses and built one a few years ago. The problem is the elevations are not as complete as they could be. When he looks at a stone building, he needs to see the stone relates to something above it. There needs to be a transition of the stone to the gable. A lentil or beam or something similar is missing. It needs to show the rock is supporting something, and it needs a massive feeling of the roof. He said this design can work in a city with some changes. It looks as though the proposed rafters are 2 x 4 and they should be at least 2 x 6 or 2 x 10. It is also important to keep in mind what leads to an entry -- the pathway, separate roof, half walls, etc. He added he likes the way the proposed entry gives privacy. Knox stated he agrees with Shostrom about the massiveness of the rock and what is holding it up. He still feels the porch itself is lacking dimension, as you rarely see a porch less than six feet. Heller said because they are on a tight budget, they had to compress everything. His existing house has a four foot porch and he thinks it would also work on the new house. He noted he doesn't use the front porch anyway. Knox declared Staff is just as passionate Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 5, 1997 Page 3 about a sense of entry and functional porch as Heller seems to be about the design of his house. He argued maybe the next owner would use the front porch. Heller contended they live their lives in the back yard and all they need is four feet. Chambers interjected that although this will be his house and his money, it will eventually become Ashland's heritage. Even if Heller doesn't see the value of a porch for himself, it is a value for Ashland. The porch says something. Also, if it is going to look Craftsman, it should have a larger porch. Bailey added since the existing rock wall will be opened up for the entry into the new house, the front will be more exposed and they may find themselves using the porch more than they think they will. (Harriff left at this time.) Heller agreed he would make the porch two feet larger. Lewis stated it would help if at least the north (from) elevation could be drawn to a 1/4 inch scale with details. He also said the larger beams could be pseudo and should not incur much more expense. Chambers agreed and remarked if the porch is enlarged and mass is added to the top, Heller should be able to get the house to fit in better. It will be unusual, and he would like to see it unusual "good", rather than unusual "bad". Llewellyn said he would like to see horizontal lines between the rock and the rafters. Chambers also noted that one of the reasons Ashland and Medford have such beautiful buildings is because the owners have stepped just a little over budget and never regretted it. Lewis agreed, but said they are not talking about a lot of money. Shostrom stated he thinks the porch needs columns. This would give an openness and would offer a subtle transition between the outside and inside. It would also be more Craftsman. He added 6 x 6 or 8 x 8 beams would give more sense of scale to the house. All members agreed Heller needs to submit elevations drawn to scale that show more detail, including width of trim. Heller will then come back to the Review Board with his drawings. The Commission gave the Review Board permission to sign off on the design if Heller incorporated suggestions made by the members. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the months of December and January follow: 190 Oak Street 46 Union Street 155 Third Street 153 Sixth Street 430 Holly Street Sarah & Al Berman Eric Laursen Art Burnston Gloria Stone Merrill Smith Comm/Res Bldg Remodel Interior Remodel Interior Remodel Front Porch Addition Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 5, 1997 Page 4 421 "A" Street 15 S. Pioneer Street 219 Almond Street 258 "A" Street 488 North Main Street 541 Fairview Street 120 East Main Street 67 East Main Street 397 East Main Street 233 Fourth Street 625 "A" Street 40 North Main Street 258 "A" Street Grange Co-op OSFA Sharon & John Javna Carol Baptist Harriet Maher Vito Nico Starbuck's Coffee Wells Fargo Bank Avant Garb Arura Clinic Jega Gallery Ichiban Orient Express Whistle Stop Cafe ADA Ramp/Planter Reroof Addition/Remodel Interior Remodel C,-m~e Addn/Remxtel Replace Foundation Sign (2) Sign (2) Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign In addition, flood damage permits were issued to 84 North Main, 31 Water, 57 North Main, 47 North Main, 29 North Main, 27 North Main, 5 North Main, 21 Winburn Way, 11 North Main, 41 North Main, 7 Winburn Way, 35 North Main, 49 North Main, 53 North Main, 55 North Main, 51 North Main, 37 North Main, 31 North Main, 10 Calle Guanajuato, 15 North Main, 25 North Main, and 47 North Main. REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: February 6 February 13 February 20 February 27 Skibby, Cowan and Bailey Skibby, Cowan and Bailey Lewis, Bailey and Skibby Skibby and Lewis OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions PA # [ Address [ Person(s) Assigned 96-063 62-66 East Main Street Terry Skibby 96-075 265 North Main Street Vava Bailey 96-071 248 Eighth Street Curt Anderson 96-058 264 Van Ness Avenue Jim Lewis 96-098 190 Oak Street Vava Bailey 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 5, 1997 Page 5 96-110 499 Iowa Street Joyce Cowan 96-112 249 "A" Street Jim Lewis 96-9139 545 "A" Street Terry Skibby 97-014 20 South First Street Joyce Cowan NEW BUSINESS Discussion Knox then discussed the role of the Historic Commission. He pointed out everything the Commission does helps guide people into appropriate compatible designs for their projects. This is currently in a recommending capacity. The Commission also needs to remember to base its decisions on facts and the criteria in the Site Design and Use Standards. When approval or denial decisions are made, the conditions need to be justified. There are limitations on everything and laws governing how much you can impose on someone. Knox and the Commission agreed the City needs infill guidelines, especially in the Historic District. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Chambers and second by Llewellyn, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 5, 1997 Page 6 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda February 5, 1997 I. me iv. v. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 24, 1997 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 97-014 is a request for a Site Review to demolish the existing building and construct a two-story building located at 20 South First Street. The two- story building would house retail/office at the street level with a single family dwelling unit above. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial/Downtown; Zoning: C-l- D; Assessor's Map//: 39 1E9BD; Tax Lot(s): 4700. APPLICANT: Dale Shostrum/Shostrum Bros. Ltd. PLANNING ACTION 97-016 is a request for a Site Review to construct a third, two- story, single-family residential unit located at 872 B Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09AC; Tax Lot 200. APPLICANT: Dan Helier OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ~ appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. Other NEW BUSINESS VI. ADJOURNMENT