HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-12-04 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes December 4, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Ashland Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:42 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Keith Chambers, Bill Harriff, Cliff Llewellyn and Larry Cardinale. Also present was Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Curt Anderson, Vava Bailey and Joyce Cowan were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved and Harriff seconded to approve the November 6, 1996 Minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 96-140 Conditional Use Permit - Transfer of Ownership 111 "B" Street Clarence M. Longley Knox stated the applicant is requesting a transfer of ownership for the existing traveller's accommodation. There have been no complaints from the neighbors and Staff is recommending approval. Chambers moved and Skibby seconded to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. Planning Action 96-139 Site Review 545 "A" Street Jerome White, Doyle Brightenburg, C~thia White, Peter Brunner Knox related this proposal is for the construction of a 4,756 square foot mixed-use building. The 2,350 square feet on the ground floor will comprise offices. One two-bedroom apartment and a one-bedroom apartment will constitute the second story. The design is a classic box style with angled bays, stepped in entry, two-dimension horizontal lap siding (8" on the first floor and 6" on the second floor), and windows that are double hung in appearance. Staff feels this application meets all the design standards and is recommending approval. Skibby said the designers had originally presented the plans to the Review Board with brick to be used on the first floor. Architect Jerome White said they would like to use brick, however, because of the affordability, it may be impossible. He added he would rather get approval for the lap siding, with the possibility of being able to change it to brick, rather than receiving approval for the brick and then having to change it to wood. The Commission discussed the zero side yard setback to the east and it was generally agreed they would like to see more buildings with these setbacks in this area. White said they are taking the lead with this setback and their building will influence what is built on the vacant lots on either side of theirs. Knox noted the meters on the right side will be screened by a split face masonry wall that will have a trellis on top. Skibby stated he thinks this is a very good design for the Railroad District and the Fourth Street area. He then moved to recommend approval of this application. Harriff seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Planning Action 96-143 Site Review 136 North Second Street Mary Nelke Knox stated this application is for the construction of a two-story second residence on this property. The existing house has recently been upgraded. The proposed house is of traditional design with double hung windows and a porch. Staff's concern has to do with the building height in relation to the house in front. The previous owner has been helping the applicant (new owner) with the design. Knox stated that in talking with the previous owner, there may be ways to bring down the height, such as dropping the roof, using pony walls, and putting the house on a slab. The proposed house will have horizontal siding and 1" x 4" trim. Knox also added the roof line of the house and porch do not work as drawn. Skibby said in his observation, the new house would overwhelm the existing house. Harriff said the existing house seems to be the smallest house in the area. Chambers emphasized the necessity of seeing elevations of the existing house relating to the proposed house. His biggest issue is overcrowding, and he stated he would prefer a smaller residence, maybe a story and a half. He would like the applicant to address the massing. Harriff said it is unfair to judge against the front house because it is so small. Lewis commented if approval is granted for this design, he would recommend using l"x 6" trim. Also, there should be a five inch space between the double hung windows. Skibby maintained the proposed house would give a false history to the area. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1996 Page 2 Mary Nelke's son-in-law, Robert Zundel, said they are proposing a house with the same scale as the one directly across the street. Anything else would be an anomaly. Mary Nelke made reference to the Church on the corner of Second and "B" Streets, the Kane House on the corner of "B" and Third Streets, and the Silsby House on the corner of Third and "C" Streets. She declared when you look at the bungalow, the major portion would go with the streetscape. Cardinale asked about the height of the house Zundel referred to. Lewis said it is most likely a story and a half. Skibby remarked he is still concerned with the compatibility to the other houses, but feels a story and a half would work better than a two-story house. Knox stated the roof line as drawn doesn't work with the design and it doesn't meet solar. Staff needs the design to be drawn to scale. Cardinale commented that in looking at Skibby's photo, he sees the proposed house as looming up behind the existing house. He asked if the applicant had considered moving the existing house to the back of the property and building the new house in front, as he said he finds it awkward as proposed. He added it was typical to have smaller bungalows in the back. Nelke stated that moving it was considered, but it would cost $10,000 and this would not be financially feasible. Knox stated that philosophically, the Planning Staff would probably not support moving the house to the rear of the property. He said the applicant needs to come back with a design to make the roof line and solar work. The design needs to be drawn to scale. Skibby added he doesn't feel the scale is consistent with the Site Design and Use Standards. Lewis noted that by putting the house on a slab, the bellyband, which is an integral part of historic homes in the area, will be lost. Harriff said since it will be in the rear it shouldn't matter as much. He also stated the Commission and the owner will have more of an opportunity to work on scaling down the house since it needs to be redrawn to meet solar. Skibby said the previous owner came to the Review Board with more of a Craftsman design to begin with. This design is significantly different. Chambers stated the Commission is concerned more with the "appearance" of the building rather than square footage. There may be a design that does not appear so massive, yet gives the owner the same amount of space. Nelke asked the Commission if the existing house, which was built in 1900, has any historical value. Lewis answered that every house on Second Street probably has at least a "secondary" rating on the Landmarks List and they all have historical value. He added he would not have a problem with a compatible structure in the rear. Skibby asked the applicant to consider another design whereby the massing would not be so evident. Llewellyn noted that in looking at the elevations, he doesn't know if they would gain much with a Craftsman design. Harriff maintained the design has to meet the solar Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1996 Page 3 criteria. He also said he feels it is appropriate to make the mass feel less imposing, but not necessarily abandon the design. Chambers moved to deny this application as currently formulated because 1) it requires a roof redesign since it does not meet solar criteria, and 2) the massing is out of scale with the existing historical house. Harriff seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Knox clarified the applicant can come to a Review Board within the next couple weeks. If the Review Board and Staff approve the new design, the applicant can proceed. At 10:20, Knox stated it was necessary to re-open the public hearing because in order to expedite this application for the owner, if the Historic Commission called this action up for a public hearing, it could rescind this if an appropriate design was submitted to the Review Board within a couple weeks. Therefore, Chambers moved and Llewellyn seconded to call this action up for a public hearing. The motion was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of November follow: 485 "A" Street Steve Hoxmeier Addendum 142 East Main Street Allen Connolly Remodel 180 Lithia Way Gen Kai Restaurant French Door 223 Fifth Street Peter Silverman Reroof 199 Sherman Street Peggy Newman SFR 100 Alida Street John & Leslie Foster Studio 120 East Main Street Starbuck's Coffee Co. Remodel 152 Sherman Street Dave & Meredith Compton Remodel 140 Seventh Street Paul Comstock Interior Remodel 423 North Main Street Hoffard Haus Apartments Sign 130 Will Dodge Way Inkwell Tatoo Sign 534 Siskiyou Boulevard Summer Place Inn Sign 90-92 North Main Street Europo-Let Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: December 5 December 12 December 19 December 26 January 2 Skibby and Harriff Skibby, Bailey, Cowan and Lewis Bailey, Cowan, Chambers and Skibby Skibby and Harriff Skibby, Cowan and Harriff Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1996 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions I PA # ] Address Person (s) Assigned I 96-063 62-66 East Main Street Terry Skibby 96-075 265 North Main Street Vava Bailey 96-071 248 Eighth Street Curt Anderson 96-058 264 Van Ness Avenue Jim Lewis 96-098 190 Oak Street Vava Bailey 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis 96-110 499 Iowa Street Joyce Cowan 96-112 249 "A" Street Jim Lewis 96-9139 545 "A" Street Terry Skibby NEW BUSINESS Gary Afseth/Trinity Episcopal Church Architect Gary Afseth then spoke to the Commission about future changes to property surrounding the Trinity Episcopal Church located at 44 North Second Street. He said the church is planning for its next 100 years. The original cornerstone was laid in 1894 and the first service was held in 1895. The membership decided in the 1980s it wanted to remain downtown. Consequently, it has purchased both properties to the north. Both the parish hall and the church are on the National Register of Historic Places. Afseth stated the Morgan House directly to the north of the church is currently vacant, however it was used as a private residence until the church bought it in 1986. (Although Afseth referred to the house located at 66 North Second Street as the "Morgan House" because of its previous owners, it is listed as the "Beach-Good House" in the Heritage Landmarks List.) It had never been used by the church prior to its purchase. Afseth said his primary purpose at the Historic Commission meeting was to bring the Commission into the process. He said he has documented all the existing buildings and has done a space needs study for the church. The church would like to move the rectory office from the sanctuary to a separate building and build a new structure which will either be an educational center or parish hall. He then presented four alternative site plans of different ways of developing the property. He also stated he has spoken with Elisabeth Potter from the State Historic Preservation Office. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1996 Page 5 The Commission discussed the different schemes and the conceptual drawing. Afseth said he would like to incorporate a campus on the property while maintaining the church as the dominant structure. The Commission was split on keeping the Beach-Good House on the property or moving it completely off the property. Most thought it should be retained and used on the property, even if it is moved within the property. The church members said they definitely do not want the house demolished, whether it is used on the property or not. Afseth will seek Commission input during the design process. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Skibby and second by Chambers, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1996 Page 6 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda December 4, 1996 L IlL IV. V. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 6, 1996 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 96-139 is a request .for a Site Review to construct a two-story, mixed use building with approximately 4,756 square feet of floor space (com~nercial/residential) tmilding located at 545 "A" Street. Two apartments will occupy the second floor of the building. Comp~vhensive Plan Designation: Employment (Detailed Site Review); Zoning: E-I; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AB; Tax Lot(s): 6502. APPLICANT: Jerome White, Doyle Bffghtenburg, Cynthia White, Peter Brunner PLANNING ACTION 96-143 is a request ~br a Site Review to construct a two-story second residence located at 136 North Second Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9BA; Tax Lot: 9100. APPLICANT: Mary Nelke PLANNING ACTION 96-140 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a tramfer of ownership of a one-unit travellerS' accommodation located at 111 "B" Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Fwnily Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9BA; Tax Lot(s): 13300. APPLICANT: Clarence M. Longley OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ,, appointmentsfvoh,tnteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. Other NEW BUSINESS A. Gary Afs'eth/EpL~'copal Chttrc'h VI. ADJOURNMENT