HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-07 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes August 7, 1996 ORIENTATION Members Terry Skibby, Joyce Cowan, Vava Bailey, Larry Cardinale, Keith Chambers, and Curt Anderson, with Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman, gathered at the Community Center at 4:00 p.m. From here, the group toured portions of the Historic District, focusing on new structures which are in the process of being built and some which have been finished within the past few years. At 5:30 p.m., Cliff Llewellyn joined the group at Bailey's house. Knox briefly discussed the history of land use planning, emphasizing historic resources and the role of the Historic Commission. He then examined the process applications go through, beginning with the pre-application conference. He also reviewed the types of planning actions requiring Historic Commission review and stressed the importance of reaching a decision based on criteria. Historic Preservation Consultant George Kramer then spoke to the Commission about recent legislative actions, including the ramifications of Senate Bill 588 and how it affects Statewide Planning Goal 5. He also discussed design review and showed slides of commercial and residential buildings, mostly in the Rogue Valley. Knox asked the Commission to think about goals it would like to accomplish within the next year. Among the goals which will be considered are: 1) fund raising for purchase of the 1913 City of Ashland fire truck, 2) Railroad District nomination to the National Register, 3) completion of the cemetery nomination to the National Register (Ashland Cemetery and Mountain View Cemetery have already been placed on the National Register), 4) Council adoption of the Historic Preservation Ordinance, 5) Council adoption of the Street Name List, and 6) attainment of Certified Local Government status. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Terry Skibby at 8:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Vava Bailey, Joyce Cowan, Keith Chambers, Curt Anderson, Cliff Llewellyn and Larry Cardinale. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Bill Harriff and Jim Lewis were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby clarified Lewis was contacted by the City regarding the Golden Spike Marker, not himself. Cowan then moved and Cardinale seconded to approve the July 3, 1996 Minutes as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 96-097 Conditional Use Permit 467 Scenic Drive Cynthia Wright and Pete Jaeger Knox explained the applicants are requesting approval to operate a two-unit travellers' accommodation as it had previously been used in the early 1980s. Since around 1984, it has been a single family residence. The new owners are proposing the same number of units as originally approved and will not be changing the exterior. He noted that although four off-street parking spaces are required, one of the spaces will be. on Scenic Drive, utilizing an on-street credit. This will enable the owners to save a large portion of a nine foot laurel hedge. The hedge, along with a wooden fence will screen the off-street parking on the lot. Staff is recommending approval. Cardinale moved and Llewellyn seconded to recommend approval of this planning action. The motion was unanimously passed. Planning Action 96-098 Site Review 190 Oak Street Doyle Brightenburg This application is for the construction of a two-story, mixed-use building related Knox. There will be 1784 square feet of commercial space on the first floor, and two 500 square foot apartments on the upper floor. Staff is recommending approval with seven conditions. The only concern noted by Knox was that the steps should go directly into the porch area on the Oak Street side of the building rather than off to the side. Designer Doyle Brightenburg stated his clients have owned the property for many years. The lot originally had a fairly large house on it, but it burned quite a few years ago. The owners want to keep a residential character in the design and provide two living units. Economic viability dictated the square footage. When Knox questioned Brightenburg about recessing two steps in order for the steps to directly access the porch, he said the steps would encroach into the handicapped ramp access. Brightenburg clarified the access to both the Oak Street side and "B" Street side would have wood handrails. He said he was looking for the most straight forward way of doing the porch. Brightenburg agreed to examine this again, however, when Knox said he would like to see a design with the steps leading directly into the porch. Brightenburg then said he had designed the upper story to meet the same setback as the second story on the Ashland Sanitary building and the Northwest Nature Shop. The setbacks are als() sensitive to the Old Ashland Armory across the street. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1996 Page 2 Skibby commented it is a nice design, but he too would like to see the steps in front go directly to the porch, as it would add more of a sense of entry. Cardinale also agreed and added the sense of entry is lost with the stairs on the west elevation. Skibby also noted the design is similar to existing houses in the area. He likes the mixed use also. Anderson asked how it was determined the primary entrance would be on Oak Street. To him, it looks as though the entry on "B" Street could be the primary one rather than the Oak Street entry. Knox stated on corner lots, property owners try to get the best benefit and can usually orient the structure accordingly. Cardinale questioned the entries off Oak Street for the commercial area. Brightenburg said if there is only one renter, there will only be one door. However, if there ends up to be two renters, two doors will be installed. Chambers said he agrees with the residential look and mixed use. However, he wondered if it will be too "crowded" looking with the narrow setbacks. Brightenburg said he pictured the building as walking down Oak Street toward the Armory and sees it as a transition. The second story is set back the same distance as Ashland Sanitary. Only the commercial area is set forward. Skibby asked what would be lost if the building were to be moved back. Brightenburg said parking would be lost. Knox clarified the units don't require parking because it is a mixed use, but if the building were to be moved back, the site would have only three parking spaces. Too much would be lost. Anderson asked if it would be possible to construct the Oak Street entry the way Knox had suggested so it would be more traditional. He would also rather see the steps lead directly to the porch rather than to the side. Brightenburg said he will check again to see if it would be possible. Anderson moved to recommend approval of this planning action with the condition the applicant explore the possibility of locating the steps so they access the porch directly on Oak Street. Bailey seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Planning Action 96-086 Site Review 685 "A" Street Patricia Murphy Knox explained the owner is asking to modify the building design of the previously approved spa by eliminating the multi-purpose room and replacing it with a private outdoor swimming pool. The building design will mostly be the same. The only change will be the pool area, in which case the roof will be removed. Overall, Staff does not see this as a major change, but there will be a loss of significant roof lines. Ornate iron grills will be placed in the six openings on the building wall facing the park. The changes may seem minor, but Staff is seeking advice from the Historic Commission. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1996 Page 3 Owner Patricia Murphy, 159 Laurel Street, explained the changes from the original approval. The footprint will remain basically the same. There will be hipped roof over a small addition for two interior dressing rooms on the front. The pool area will be open on top with a 12 foot wall on the exterior. There will also be a pump room constructed in the rear. She emphasized the need to have some way to keep the building secure so people won't get in and use the pool at night. She also said she feels the view from the park is an improvement. Architect Joyce Ward, 549 Auburn Street, said she was new to the project so she feels she came in with a fresh approach. She presented elevations of the proposed building with the changes (including two other alternate designs). She related she has kept with a typical Craftsman look while maintaining the same rhythm and size of the openings. The building will not look like walls without a roof, but rather a walled garden, as there will be ample landscaping. The first alternative design employes the use of columns, the second adds a trellis atop the columns at the entrance to the parking lot and to the front courtyard. Ward said the column theme is already existing in the building design. Philip Lang, 758 "B" Street, stated this development is an example of everything that's wrong with planning in Ashland. Nevertheless, it was approved by the Historic Commission and Planning Commission, then appealed to the City Council, whereby some conditions were changed. At the time of the first application, a community meeting room which would be available to the public was proposed. He then quoted from the December 6, 1995 Historic Commission minutes and the December 12, 1995 Planning Commission minutes emphasizing the remarks regarding the community room. Now, Lang said, the developer wants to do all these changes and the community room will become a member only lap pool. The Staff Report states there will be less traffic, but Lang pointed out in his opinion, this is based on greed. He also stated he and his neighbors fought for the Railroad Park and now they will be looking up to a 12 foot wall. He wanted the Commission to deny the change or build it as it was originally approved. Lang also noted he had talked with someone from the State of Oregon who told him the median income for Ashland is $23,579. Ward acknowledged Lang brought up valid points, but stated issues such as those need to be discussed in committee and it won't serve to deny this application. She maintained the building will not be difficult to look at from the park because of the landscaping, vines on the wall, and openings on the wall. Murphy said Lang used strong language and denied she was being dishonest or trying to con anyone. At first, she wanted the multi-purpose room, but due to Health Department regulations and other things that have happened, it just won't be feasible anymore. Skibby recognized the fact the Review Board has seen all the design variations and he has been following the changes. He related he was most comfortable with the first alternative design using the columns. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1996 Page 4 Cardinale remarked more landscaping will soften the column lines. Ward said there will be a lot of landscaping, as the columns will be standing out eight to ten feet, making them a little whimsical. Chambers said he likes the free standing whimsical look, and because he had to leave, wanted the Commission to know he was in favor of this alternative. (He left at 10:00.) Anderson remarked the trellis design is for holding plants, while the free standing columns don't serve a function. Bailey stated the owner could put in the columns, then add the trellis later if she doesn't like them. The gate to the courtyard was then discussed. Murphy said she will leave it open during the day and close it at night. It won't be a barricade people can't get through, but she said she hopes that by closing the gate, it will help deter people from entering the area. Anderson moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the column design be built. He also made note the trellis cap be an option to add to the columns if needed in the future. The Commission also asked the owner and architect to explore the possibility of continuing the rock wall around the southeast elevation. (The Review Board will see the final building plans.) Cowan seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. At 10:30, Anderson moved to extend the meeting another 15 minutes. Bailey seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of July follow: 120 High Street 521 North Main Street 10 Calle Guanajuato 88 Granite Street 120 North First Street 10 Calle Guanajuato 600 East Main Street 93 Oak Street 548 North Main Street 266 East Main Street 84 Fourth Street 250 Oak Street Norbert Bischoff Scott Young Hal & Barbara Cloer Jed & Celia Meese U.S. Post Office Pilaf & Global Pantry Rogue's Inn Rita's Relics Ashland Retirement Center Sister Moon Headwaters Jungle Taco Remodel/Deck Addition Interior Remodel Demo. Deck/Window Covered Bike Parking Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1996 Page 5 Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: August 8 August 15 August 22 August 29 Bailey, Skibby and Cardinale Chambers, Skibby and Cardinale Cowan and Skibby Cowan and Skibby OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions Anderson and Lewis were assigned to PA #96-086 and Bailey volunteered to oversee PA #96-098. Street Name List Knox stated he will write a memo to the City Council for adoption of the Historic Street Name List. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. Election of officers will be held during the September meeting. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Bailey and second by Llewellyn, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:48 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1996 Page 6 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda August 7, 1996 L III. ORIENTATION/GOAL SETTING: Members to meet at Community Center - 4:00 Tour of Historic District ~ 4:00-5:00 Be Orientation - Getting familiar with the Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, Site Design and Use Standards, Rehab Rights, and Rehab Oregon Right - and how to use them (Mark Knox) ~ 6:00-6:45 C. Legislative Update and Design Review (George Kramer) ~, 6:45-7:30 D. Discussion/Questions ~ 7:30-8:00 E. Goal Setting ~ 8:00-8:15 REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER: 8:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 3, 1996 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 96-093 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to increase the number of units from six to seven, which includes the owner's unit, located at 451 North Main Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 5DA; Tax Lot(s): 7200. APPLICANT: Wayne E. and Elisabeth M. Jonas WITHDRAWN PLANNING ACTION 96-097 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a three unit (includes owner's unit) traveller's accommodation located at 467 Scenic Drive. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 5DB; Tax Lot(s): 3602. APPLICANT: Cynthia Wright and Pete Jaeger PLANNING ACTION 96-098 is a request for a Site Review to construct a two story buiMing, including 1784 square feet of commercial space on the first floor and two residential units (500 square feet each) on the second floor, to be located at 190 Oak Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-I; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9BB; Tax Lot(s): 12300. APPLICANT: Doyle Brightenburg IV. PLANNING ACTION 96-090 is a request for a Site Review to construct a second resMential unit at the rear of the existing resMence located at 317 North Main Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family ResMential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 5DD; Tax Lot(s): 3000. APPLICANT: Peter Cipes PLANNING ACTION 96-086 is a request for a Site Review to modify the buiMing design of a previously approved health spa located at 685 "A" Street. Modification to involve the elimination of the multi-_purpose room and replacing it with a private (members only) outdoor swimming pool. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-I; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AB; Tax Lot(s): 6507 & 6508. APPLICANT: Patricia Murphy OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ,, appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. Street Name List D. Other NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Officer; (time permitting) B. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT