HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-07-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes July 3, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Vava Bailey (arrived at 8:30), Joyce Cowan, Cliff Llewellyn and Larry Cardinale. Also present were City Council Liaison Brent Thompson, Senior Planner Bill Molnar and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Bill Harriff, Curt Anderson and Keith Chambers were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby moved and Cowan seconded to approve the June 5, 1996 Minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 96-063 Site Review 62-66 East Main Street Allan Sandier and Ed Bemis Molnar reported this application is for the renovation of the first floor and the addition of a mezzanine, second and third story of the existing building. There will be two leasable spaces off the sidewalk which will have angled entrances and an upper mezzanine for each. There will also be an entrance off East Main that will lead to a stairway that accesses the upper floors. The new second floor will open onto the Shakespeare plaza at the rear of the property and will consist of two retail spaces and a handicap accessible apartment. The third floor will consist of four small apartments, ranging in size from 508 square feet to 771 square feet. The primary material will be smooth red brick. The bottom floor will be constructed with real granite or granite-like material. An option will be brick, depending on the cost and availability of the granite. Granite will also accent the center of the building. Molnar conveyed this is a significant project in the downtown core and the design has evolved from the original plans submitted for the pre-application conference. There are two adjacent buildings to the east occupied by the Shakespeare Festival which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. They are historically known as the First National Bank Building and Vaupel Store/Oregon Hotel Building. The applicant has worked with Staff and the Review Board to accommodate concerns and incorporate suggestions. The design now pulls from the National Register buildings rather than the more contemporary building on the other side. Staff has raised the issue of building height due to its significant location. There is a 40 foot maximum average building height allowance in the Commercial-Downtown District. The proposed building measures 39 feet 8 inches from the sidewalk along East Main Street to the top of the roof, and 25 feet 3 inches from the grade of the Shakespeare plaza to the roof top (for a total average building height of 32 feet 6 inches). Molnar then reviewed the changes which have been made to the design but were not in the packet. The ground floor windows have been changed to bays with angles. The windows on the mezzanine have been changed because consistency was a concern. These windows are now casement windows that can be opened/removed to look more similar with the top floor windows. Everything is now on the same plane, not cantilevered out over the sidewalk. The design now takes from the older buildings on East Main Street. The awning style will be continued in the rear of the building. Also, there is a need to reduce the landscaped area to the left of the phone area to accommodate another exit in the rear. Overall, Molnar stated Staff is pleased with the design and is recommending approval with six conditions. Cardinale asked if the building material will be similar to the one they are building on "A" Street. Contractor Ed Bemis said they will be using a different brick. Llewellyn questioned the clearance of the proposed awning. Molnar stated the height is regulated in the Sign Code Ordinance so it will have to be at least seven feet six inches at the lowest point. Bemis said the first story windows will be about eight feet when questioned about the height by Skibby. Applicant Allan Sandler said he would like to assure the Commission there will not be changes after the building permit is issued as there have been with the new building on "A" Street. The parapet requirements and ADA requirements dictate the height of the building, and he is not asking for a Variance. He also said he was not totally sold on the material yet. Although he loves the granite, it may be too expensive, so he said he would like to leave the option open to change the material on the first floor m either granite or brick. Availability of the granite may also be a problem. Bemis added the granite would have to be the right color to fit well with the brick and he isn't sure they can find enough. Lewis asked if there will be an interior frame. Bemis said there would because of the code. There will be the frame, siding, then the brick. Sandler added the brick will be the real thing, not "Z-Brick". Molnar asked if they had thought of using brick with granite accents on the first floor. Bemis said they had and that was an option. Skibby asked about lowering the parapet by a foot. Molnar said the rhythm of spacing would be broken if the parapet were lowered. After discussing this, the Commission agreed it is better to have the height variation on East Main Street. Sandler thanked the Review Board members for input he received from them, noting he had used one of their ideas. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1996 Page 2 Cowan asked if the awnings would be fabric and Sandler said they would. Llewellyn suggested putting Sandler/Bemis with the date built in stone and attaching it to the building. He then asked about the front doors. Bemis said there will be three doors constructed of glass and wood. They will be similar to those on the Tudor Guild. Cardinale moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the applicants come to the Review Board after they decide on the material they would like to use for the first floor -- prior to submitting the plans for the building permit. Cowan seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of June follow: 461 Allison Street 461 Allison Street 62 East Main Street 51 Water Street 195 Sherman Street 51 Water Street 219 Almond Street 358 East Main Street 397 #3 East Main Street 33 Third Street 624 "A" Street 240 East Main Street 75 North Main Street Colin Swales Colin Swales Allan Sandler Lloyd Haines Ronald Butz Lloyd Haines John & Sharon Javna Rogue Ski Shop Marketplace Deli Marketplace Deli Project A Footlights Big Town Hero Demolition of Garage Replace Garage/Shop Interior Remodel 3rd Floor Remodel Bathroom Remodel 1st Floor Remodel Demolition of Carport Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: July 11 July 18 July 25 August 1 Skibby, Cardinale and Cowan Lewis and Skibby Lewis, Skibby and Cowan Skibby and Cardinale OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions Skibby volunteered to oversee PA 96-063. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1996 Page 3 (Bailey arrived at this time.) Golden Spike Marker The memo from the Mayor and Council regarding the relocation of the Golden Spike Marker was discussed. Lewis noted that in reading the wording on the marker, it would not be appropriate for it to be placed in the park closer to the actual location where the spike was driven. Skibby reported he was involved in the original placement of the marker in 1974. At that time, no one was as sure as they are now where the golden spike ceremony took place. When it was placed on "A" Street at the bottom of Fourth Street, it was the obvious place at the time because there was a little park there. Then for years, it was a weed patch and later, the Southern Pacific property was divided and sold. When the contractors came in last fall to work on street improvements, the marker was moved and damaged. Even after it was moved to the city yard area, it was threatened with being damaged. Consequently, Lewis was contacted by someone from the Street Department and asked where the marker could be moved. This was discussed at the November and December 1995 Historic Commission meetings. On December 6, the Commission unanimously agreed to direct the City to move the marker from the city yard to the corner of Fifth and "A" Streets in the right-of-way. This seemed to be the natural site because it is by the only surviving railroad building- the south wing of the old depot. Councilor Thompson said any monument owned by the City needs to be on City property. Since it is in the right-of-way, he suggested writing a complete report to the Council including the location, and being at the Council meeting when it will be discussed to back up the decision. The Historic Commission again agreed it would not be appropriate in the park. Lewis stated an easement would need to be granted to the City if the marker were to be moved back to the Fourth and "A" Street location since there is not enough right-of-way to place the marker on City property. Skibby volunteered to write a draft letter to the Council. Infill Discussion Thompson submitted infill/sprawl information to staff and stated he would be happy to discuss this at one of the Historic Commission meetings. The information will be included in the next packet and Thompson will be invited to discuss this at another meeting. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1996 Page 4 Orientation/Goal Setting Session On August 7, the orientation will begin with a tour of the Historic District at 4:00. The regular meeting will begin at 8:30 rather than 7:30. Staff will send reminders. NEW BUSINESS Review Board Because the Review Board will not be meeting on July 4th, the Commission reviewed plans for 120 High Street, 485 "A" Street, and 190 Oak Street. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1996 Page 5 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda July 3, 1996 L III. IV. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. - ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 5, 1996 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 96-063 is a request for a Site Review for the renovation and multi-story expansion (first floor with mezzanine, second and third story) of the building located at 62-66 E. Main Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial Downtown; Zoning: C-I-D; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9BC; Tax Lot(s): 1600. APPLICANT: Allan Sandler & Ed Bemis PLANNING ACTION 96-086 is a request for a Site Review to modify the building design of a previously approved health spa located at 685 A Street. Modification to involve the elimination of the multi-purpose room and replacing it with a private (members only) outdoor swimming pool. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-I; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AB; Tax Lot(s): 6507 & 6508. APPLICANT: Patricia Murphy PLEASE NOTE: This has been called up for a public hearing. If not resolved prior to the meeting, it will not be heard. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ~ appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. Goal Setting/Orientation Meeting ~ August 7th D. Golden Spike Marker E. Other NEW BUSINESS VI. ADJOURNMENT