HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes June 5, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Vava Bailey, Joyce Cowan, and Curt Anderson. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Larry Cardinale, Cliff Llewellyn, Bill Harriff, and Keith Chambers were absent. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS Lewis introduced new members Curt Anderson and Joyce Cowan and welcomed them to the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby moved and Lewis seconded to approve the May 8, 1996 Minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 96-071 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 248 Eighth Street Janet Larmore and Tom Strong Knox explained this proposal is for approval to add an 88 square foot addition to the first floor and 728 square foot second story addition. Because this is a non-conforming building, a Conditional Use Permit is required. The Review Board has preliminarily reviewed the plans, and Staff thinks the design will fit in well with the existing streetscape. Knox went on to say the house will be a Craftsman style with an enlarged front porch. Multi-paned single hung windows will be utilized. The large sycamore tree located in the front will not be harmed by the construction. Bailey said the design looks great but wanted to emphasize the importance of preserving the tree. Designer Rick Vezie said his clients want that also. They will take care the root structure will not be damaged and will maintain the drip line. He also stated in the Railroad District, 70 feet is typical for the street right-of-way, while most streets in other sections of the City are not as wide. Therefore, they feel the encroachment is justified. Skibby asked how far the porch will encroach and Vezie answered three feet ten inches, which will mostly be steps. Anderson stated although he owns a rental a block away, he has no biases. He then asked about the optional stucco or l"x 8" shiplap siding, and commented that after looking at the book "Rehab Right", he did not see a precedence for stucco siding with shingles. Lewis added he would prefer to see the more traditional horizontal siding. Vezie related the 1" x 8" siding would be about a six inch reveal. Lewis maintained he would use the six or eight inch if possible. Anderson asked about the small window on the left elevation. Vezie said there is a stairwell located there and the window was added to gain more light. Anderson commented that side of the house seems to be devoid of windows. Vezie agreed, but said there is not much of an opportunity for window placement because that elevation is dictated by the floor plan. Gail Vezie added there is an existing bathroom window on that side also. Lewis asked about future sidewalks. Knox said if one is ever constructed, it would probably be more traditional, as in other areas of the Railroad District, and set back about eight feet. When Skibby asked about the roofing, Vezie answered it will be architectural grade composition. Anderson moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the siding be six inch (revealed) beveled horizontal. If this condition is not feasible for the owners, they can come to the Review Board to amend the width. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Planning Action 96-058 Site Review 264 Van Ness Avenue Dennis Hofer Knox reported this proposal is for the construction of a four-plex. It is zoned R-3, which is multi-family residential, and since it is off the alley, it does not have typical street frontage. The Review Board saw the plans at the pre-application stage. The Site Design and Use Standards states buildings need to be close to the street, with parking in the rear. He said he worked with the owner and contractor, and based on Review Board suggestions and the Standards, the design went through quite a few changes. The results include two two-story units and two single story units in the four-plex; the porches will be similar to the existing buildings across the alley; lap siding will be used with rough trim around the windows and doors; and dormers were added. Also, pedestrian scaled lighting will be installed. When asked by Bailey about the existing trees, Doug Hungerford, contractor for the project, explained one tree will need to be removed because of the setback area, but they will be able to save two and more will be planted. Skibby asked about the porch setbacks to the alley. Hungerford answered they will be eight feet. Knox added Staff pushed for the close relationship to the alley. Hungerford noted the porches across the alley are also eight feet. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1996 Page 2 Hungerford also noted the lap siding will be 16 foot boards with five inch lap. Cowan asked if these would be rental units. Hungerford said they would, then added the single story units will be handicapped accessible. Also, he explained three units will have attached garages and one will have a detached garage. Bailey noted she would prefer to have some sort of band or break in the middle of the front elevation, as it seems a little too contemporary. Hungerford agreed and said the owner had also mentioned that. Lewis said a trim piece would help match the porches better also. He then commented it was a nice looking project. Skibby moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition a trim piece in front of the center gable be added on the front elevation. Bailey seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Planning Action 96-075 Site Review and Variance 265 North Main Street Ashland School District (Briscoe School) Knox stated this proposal for a new music building was briefly reviewed at the meeting last month. The school will be losing a building that isn't compatible and gaining a 2,100 square foot building that goes well with the existing school. A five foot Variance is being requested to reduce the side yard setback along Manzanita Street. Also, a Variance to allow a roof projection at the door to extend within two feet of the street right-of-way is also being requested. Knox stated the building will still be 20 feet from the curb. He noted the design had changed considerably from the initial submittal. The design now has a notable entry, a lot of light, a cornice band at the top, detail in the brick with one inch extensions, and mullions in the windows. The design is consistent with the existing building but it is not mimicking or repeating. Skibby asked how the setbacks of the new building compare with the existing building. Allan DeBoer, representing the School Board, said the new one will be set back further than the one to be removed. DeBoer also stated the construction will not impact the tree, as the contract with the builder will include the provision for an arborist. Bailey moved and Anderson seconded to recommend approval of this proposal as submitted. The motion passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of May follow: 299 Scenic Drive Robert Sims Remodel/Addition Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1996 Page 3 42 East Main Street 248 North Second Street 494 Fairview Street 101 Gresham Street 93 Oak Street 191 High Street 29 North Main Street 108 Nob Hill Street 372 East Main Street 20 South First Street Steve Sacks Richard Ellis O.R. Edwards Kathy Buffington Grizzly Peak Brewery Larry/Karen Nollenberger Sam Wong Sempowich/Walsh Lithia Sourdough Johnny Kiwiseed Fruit Safari Remodel Reroof Shed Replace Porch Demo 2 Sheds Addition Remodel Interior Remodel Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 Skibby and Bailey Skibby, Lewis and Bailey Cardinale, Skibby, Lewis and Cowan Cardinale, Skibby, Anderson and Cowan OLD BUSINESS Project Assignments for Planning Actions Knox related the importance of assigning a Commission member to follow projects throughout the building process. Members volunteered as follows: Bailey for PA 96-075, Anderson for 96-071, and Lewis for 96-058. REHAB OREGON RIGHT It was discovered no members were able to attend the meeting in Talent on May 18th. Knox informed the Commission workshops sponsored by such establishments as the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Historic Preservation League of Oregon (HPLO) are held a couple times a year. The City will provide transportation and lunch for these workshops. National Historic Preservation Week Skibby reported he had quite a few people attending his tours on Sunday, May 12th. Because of the rain during the rest of the week, the other tours were not as well attended. Bailey said there were only about eight people that came to the Hargadine Cemetery, but declared she was pleased with all she learned during her research. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1996 Page 4 Heritage Sunday Skibby announced Heritage Sunday will be holding its annual celebration in the new Railroad Park from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on June 30th. The Applegate Trail marker will be dedicated by Mayor Golden, Southern Oregon Historical Society will have a video and display, and Shannon Applegate will speak at 1:00. He encouraged all to attend if possible. NEW BUSINESS lnfill Discussion Bailey stated she would like to invite Councilor Brent Thompson to speak at one of the Historic Commission meetings in order to gain insight on his philosophy of infill development. She is concerned with the parking situation, and feels too many spaces are required for accessory units. Lewis added there was an article in tonight's Tidings regarding the City Council meeting the previous evening. Among the subjects was accessory dwelling units becoming a permitted use rather than a conditional use. He said if this is being proposed, public hearings will precede approval, and it would be a good idea to give input at the public hearing level. Water Street Complex Lewis stated he was concerned with the fact the Site Review approval in 1991 and the submitted plans don't coincide. Knox said he had met with Planning Director John McLaughlin and Senior Planner Bill Molnar regarding these differences. They will be requiring the owners to put back some of the design details that were originally approved. Knox asked the Review Board to make a list of differences and Staff will speak to the owners. 66 North Second Street Skibby reported Joan Hambly met with the Review Board in order to solicit support in saving this house, which is located adjacent to and owned by the Trinity Episcopal Church. Evidently, half the church is in favor of saving the house and the other half would like to see it demolished and replaced, possibly with a gym. Lewis said he had spoken with Marge O'Harra and Joan Hambly about the house. He had also been through the house and found it to be in excellent condition. It does need a foundation, but otherwise, it is in great shape. O'Harra talked with him about using the house for the Southern Oregon Historical Society presence in Ashland. Bailey moved and Cowan seconded to write a letter in support of saving the house. Lewis volunteered to write the letter and speak to members of the church if necessary. The motion was unanimously passed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1996 Page 5 Orientation/Goal Setting Session The Commission agreed the best date to hold the orientation/goal setting session would be on August 7th, prior to the regular meeting. It should be similar to last year, with a tour in the late afternoon, a "box" dinner/discussion, then go directly to the meeting. Bailey volunteered her house for the dinner/discussion. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1996 Page 6 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda June 5, 1996 I. III. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. -ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winbum Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 8, 1996 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 96-071 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow expansion of an existing non-conforming structure located at 248 Eighth Street. The applicants propose an 88 square foot addition on the main floor and a 728 square foot upper floor addition. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AB; Tax Lot(s): 300. APPLICANT: Janet Larmore and Tom Strong PLANNING ACTION 96-058 is a request for Site Review approval to construct a four- plex located off the alley at 264 Van Ness Avenue. Comprehensive Plan Designation: High Density Residential; Zoning: R-3; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 5DA; Tax Lot(s): 1900. APPLICANT: Dennis Hofer PLANNING ACTION 96-075 is a request for a Site Review to construct a new music building at the north end of Briscoe Schoo~ off Manzanita Street, located at 265 North Main Street. Also requested is a Variance to reduce the side yard setback along Manzanita Street from 10 feet to 5 feet, and to allow a roof projection at the door to extend within two feet of the street right-of-way. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 5DD; Tax Lot(s): 2500. APPLICANT: Ashland School District (Briscoe School) OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ~ appointments/volunteers B. Project Assignments for each Planning Action C. REHAB OREGON RIGHT- workshop in Talent - discussion D. Discuss Results of National Historic Preservation Week Awards/Events E. Other V. NEW BUSINESS A. 66 North Second Street - letter in support of saving the house B. Water Street Complex - compare approval with submitted plans C. Set Date for Goal Setting/Orientation Meeting (separate meeting or combined with July 3rd monthly meeting?) D. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT