HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes April 3, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Vava Bailey, Bill Emerson, Larry Cardinale and Cliff Llewellyn. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Casey Mitchell, Bill Harriff and Keith Chambers were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Emerson stated that on page 8, the last sentence of the first paragraph should read "benefit" not profit. Also in the same paragraph on page 8, Skibby stated the Heritage Committee needs 50 current members to qualify for grant money, not to become an affiliate member. Emerson then moved and Bailey seconded to approve the Minutes of the March 6, 1996 meeting as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 96-044 Conditional Use Permit 868 "A' Street Betty Camner Knox explained this application is for a second traveller's accommodation unit on this property. It is proposed to be in back of the main house, using an existing bedroom and bathroom and adding 170 square feet to install a kitchen and living room for the second unit. No additional parking would be required. The only issue that cam e up was the pitch of the roof on the addition, so one of the conditions will be the Historic Commission recommendations be incorporated into the building plans. Emerson stated he had met with the applicant and builder prior to the latest plan submittal on March 21st. He then explained the changes in the drawings. Llewellyn asked if there was to be an overhang on the side. Lucas clarified it would be one foot. Skibby said he had also met with the applicant and builder as he was taking photographs of the site. He wondered if there was a conflict with the knee brace. Richard Lucas, applicant's contractor, said the roof will be truncated and notched to match the knee brace. Emerson said it looks as though he is trying too hard to keep the knee brace. Lewis said he thinks the knee brace should be modified to allow the roof overhang to return to the existing house. The Commission concurred. When questioned about the trim, Lucas stated it will be 1 x 4. It was also noted the Review Board will see the final plans. Emerson asked about the siding. Lucas said the size will match the existing siding but it will not be aluminum. The Commission agreed the preference is to match the original siding underneath the aluminum siding. Emerson asked about the roof material. Lucas said it will be composition 3-tab to match the existing roof. He also noted he likes the window sizes. Skibby said he feels comfortable with the use. The owner is living in the house and she is not displacing anyone in an existing rental unit. The second unit ties in well with what is existing. Emerson agreed with Skibby's comments. Llewellyn moved to recommend approval of the application with the condition the siding match the original which is under the aluminum siding, and that the roof material and trim be as previously stated. Emerson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Betty Camner asked for clarification on the siding before leaving. The Commission informed her the original is most likely five inch v-groove lap siding and is easily obtainable. Once the aluminum siding is removed, they will know what is underneath. If the original siding is off-size and would have to be specially milled, the Commission would not force her to replace it with like siding. The Commission did ask, however, if this should be the case, she come back to the Review Board. Planning Action 96-039 Exterior Modifications of Previously Approved Site Review 485 MA~ Street Steve Hoxmeier Knox briefly recounted what had happened last month at the Hearings Board meeting. He said the Board had a difficult time with the same issues and no progress. The three members were ready to deny the changes but at the last minute, decided to continue the application in order to let the applicant come back to the Historic Commission with a reasonable design. It will go back to the Hearings Board on April 9th. Skibby asked about the restaurant. Knox said Hoxmeier had withdrawn that from the application, as he is still unsure what will eventually be in the building. Emerson asked what is allowed in cases like this whereby nothing new has been turned in until at the meeting. Knox explained the Hearings Board told Hoxmeier he needed to review his plans with the Historic Commission but did not set a date. To date, nothing new has been turned in. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 3, 1996 Page 2 Skibby said he and Cardinale had talked with Hoxmeier at a Review Board meeting and they discussed the porch. Nothing, however, really happened. Hoxmeier had also shown them the site and the inside of the building. Hoxmeier said the Hearings Board suggested he come back to the Commission with a compromise of the windows and porch. He then submitted plans showing the restoration of the front porch. Emerson said his biggest objection is the picture windows on the east and north elevations. Skibby said he wanted to clarify the applicant has placed a self-imposed hardship on himself. Emerson continued by stating Planning accepts 10% in changes. Knox clarified the Planning Director has discretion in deciding if the 10% should be accepted. Skibby said the work has already been done and this is after the fact. He then asked if the Commission should look at the application as if the changes did not exist. Knox said yes, and noted the Planning Commission wants the design to meet Historic Commission standards. Hoxmeier again said the Hearings Board told him to compromise with the retention of the windows and porch restoration. Bailey commented the spindles on the back door should be reinstated also. Lewis said he could go with the rest of the windows, but would certainly change the picture windows. He explained the Historic Commission looks at a building from the outside, not the inside, and said Historic Commission criteria has to do with compatibility with the rest of the neighborhood. Hoxmeier then submitted letters from neighbors saying the building looks OK. Emerson stated the Commission is helping the Historic District become a better place to live. He also said Hoxmeier may have picked friends that want to see him go ahead with his project as is. Skirting around the porch was then discussed by the Commission, noting lattice would most likely not fit well in the space. Llewellyn stated it doesn't look as though there is enough clearance with the roof line on the extension off the back. Emerson said that is because it is drawn wrong and pointed out where it was drawn incorrectly. The back porch roof is shown lower than it has already been built. He said he has a hard time looking at plans that are drawn wrong. Skibby again stressed the importance of seeing accurate drawings and Knox related to Hoxmeier it is necessary for these drawings to show exactly what he is going to build. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 3, 1996 Page 3 Lewis suggested replacing the picture windows with two stock windows. Cardinale agreed and stressed the importance of the windows being compatible. Skibby declared the Commission has already compromised on the roof design and the double hung windows, but has agreed it won't compromise on the picture windows. The Commission then discussed the small window on the south elevation, which had not been on the plans before. The members acknowledged the incompatibility but agreed if Hoxmeier felt compelled to place a window in that location, the size would be fine. It was suggested, however that he either use a six or eight sided window. Emerson suggested adding a gable to the shed roof on the south side. Wendy Ray, 357 Glenn Street, admitted she doesn't know anything about architecture but thinks this is a nice looking building. She said you need to realize this is in the railroad area with the Grange Co-op on one side and the new insurance building on the other. This building fits in well with what's down there. Most houses were probably built by people like Steve and weren't built to code at the time. She added she doesn't think the Commission should have such a strict regiment on the windows. It infringes on basic American freedoms, especially within limits of good taste. Curt Anderson, 248 Fifth Street, stated his house is on the National Register so he has some sensitivity of historic restoration. He said he doesn't think windows were made that large for homes when his house was built, then remarked he is suspicious of fake historical houses and doesn't like to confuse people. Hoxmeier's building does not try to detract from his home or other homes in the area. He went on to say he is not too wild about the insurance building, but Hoxmeier's has wooden siding and windows similar to his. He can justify Hoxmeier's windows when he looks at other buildings in the area (he noted the large window in back of the building on the corner of "B" and Fourth Streets). He then asked the Commission if the picture windows would be OK if mullions were placed in them. Emerson said the problem is those two windows are off balance with the rest of the building. Anderson argued most houses are built asymmetrical. Emerson claimed, however, that the houses still need balance. Bailey said she agrees with the need for freedom to do what you want on most property. However, when a person buys property in the Historic District, that person needs to realize there are more guidelines which need to be followed. Lewis agreed and added standards need to be followed because that is the way Planning has been set up. He reiterated he would never have approved the picture windows, but the windows were put in without approval. You just can't make '5~illy nilly" changes and think it's OK. If Hoxmeier would have brought in changes before the windows were purchased, he would not have received approval and therefore, would not have bought the windows. He has to know he continually needs to get approval for whatever he does. Lewis said he knows this because he is a contractor and he continually has to get approval for his projects just like everyone else. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 3, 1996 Page 4 Skibby then asked Knox to read the statement at the bottom of the Building Permit which Hoxmeier signed into the record. The statement reads as follows: I hereby certify the contents of this application to be correct to the best of my knowledge, and furthermore, that I have read, understood and agreed to the following: 1) This permit shall remain valid only in accordance with code or regulation provisions relating to time lapse and revocation (180 days). 2) Work shall not proceed past approved inspection stage. All required inspections shall be called for 24 hours in advance. 3) Any modifications in plans or work shall be reported in advance to the department. 4) Responsibility for complying with all applicable federal, state or local laws, ordinances, or regulations rests solely with the applicant. Ray said she understands Hoxmeier deviated, however, there is a need to give people some room for diversity and artistic license. Anderson then submitted a letter in support of Hoxmeier's changes written by his wife, Lode. Emerson asked Hoxmeier if he had checked the wind shear to find out if that many windows would be structurally sound. Hoxmeier answered he had not. Emerson informed Hoxmeier it was something the Building Inspectors would not do, but that he should get an engineer for that. Kathy Hoxmeier, 385 "B" Street, said she is the applicant's wife and admitted she was probably the one who talked Steve into the picture windows. When you are in the building, she said you look out and see a gorgeous view of the valley. She said she thinks the picture windows look really nice and added she has heard a lot of good comments about the building. She also said Steve may not be savvy with the rules, but everyone doesn't think alike in the world. Steve also noted there are a lot of different sized windows, including picture windows in the Historic District. He said he still feels the picture windows fit in with a decent building and that the Historic Commission should approve of them, not because he didn't go by the proper procedure, but by how they look. Llewellyn said he thinks the view will still be there whether the picture windows are in place or double hung windows. Skibby agreed and said that in looking at the plans, the windows are out of place. The plans have changed considerably since initial approval, including the roof pitch and the window groupings. He maintained he does not like the picture windows and if he had seen the proposed changes before they happened, he would have said the same thing. Cardinale moved to recommend the following: 1) replace the picture windows with compatible windows that will match more closely in size and scale; 2) the front porch skirting material should be something other than lattice, perhaps using the same siding as the building only installed vertically (Llewellyn also recommended the use of split face block to match the existing foundation in lieu of skirting); 3) the proposed round window on the south elevation either be eliminated or installed with a six- or eight-sided window; 4) match the railing in back with the railing in the front; 5) resubmit accurate drawings to scale; 6) Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 3, 1996 Page 5 the ramp on the south side be ADA accessible; and 6) the applicant submit a detail design of the trim size for the building and the proposed awning on the south side. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Knox explained once the Planning Commission approves the application, Hoxmeier will have to resubmit accurate plans to the Building Department in order to have the red tag pulled. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of March follow: 563 North Main Street 259 "B" Street 259 "B" Street 160 Church Street 51 Water Street 83 Granite Street 850 Siskiyou Boulevard 563 North Main Street 635 Siskiyou Boulevard 71 Scenic Drive 80 Granite Street 774 "C" Street 140 Susan Lane 568 East Main Street 109 Church Street 90 North Pioneer Street 72 North Pioneer Street Jack Adams/Sam Davis Steven Sacks Steven Sacks Sarah & Dick Montgomery Lloyd Haines Narcissa Kelly Edward D. Jones Co. Jack Adams/Sam Davis Sandra & Lloyd Erb Brent Thompson Jed & Celia Meese Myrtle Franklin Amy Armstrong Beasy McMillan Bea Carlson Maizey's Arabella Salon SFR Demolition Garage Addition Remodel/Deck Tenant Improvement Interior Remodel Interior Remodel Commercial/2 apts. Bathroom Addition Remodel/Deck SFR Addendum Addition Bathroom Addition Kitchen Remodel Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: April 4 April 11 April 18 April 25 May 2 Lewis, Skibby and Bailey Lewis, Skibby and Llewellyn Bailey and Skibby Lewis, Skibby and Cardinale Cardinale and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 3, 1996 Page 6 OLD BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week ~ May 12th - 18th Skibby reported the Tidings will be coming out with a Home Guide around the 19th of April. He gave copies of the schedule and nomination form to Amy Richards to use in the guide. He also said there will be an article about the depot and the homes Lewis moved. Emerson related the Applegate Trail Committee, which is part of SOHS, is encouraging the store employees to wear period costumes on Fridays all summer in preparation of the wagon train, which will be coming through in October. Emerson suggested Friday during National Historic Preservation Week as the kick-off date for this. Ashland Heritage Committee Emerson handed out the by-laws and applications to join the Heritage Committee. James M. Ra~,land Memorial Award Akerman announced Skibby will be sharing the award with Planning Commission Chair Barbara Jarvis. She said those nominating the winners have been asked to attend the City Council meeting on April 16th at 7:00 p.m. The ceremony should be completed by 7:30. The Commission congratulated Skibby. SHPO Grant Application Knox reported due to a snafu in mailing, the application which would have allowed work to begin on the nomination for National Register status for the Railroad District did not make it to SHPO in time to receive the grant money this year. It will be submitted again next year. Emerson stated he was glad the paperwork has been completed and said one year isn't long, especially since he has been waiting for this since 1979. Skibby announced this was actually started in the early 1970s. NEW BUSINESS Pro|ect Reviews Emerson said he had talked with Knox, Planning Director John McLaughlin, and Building Official Mike Broomfield about reviewing projects as they are being built so that by ignorance, people don't get too far in inappropriate changes. He was told the Community Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 3, 1996 Page 7 Development Department will have a full-time enforcement officer starting in July who will help keep an eye on these projects. Knox added he had spoken with a planner friend who told him a commission member is assigned to each project in the city where he works. Educational Sessions Knox asked the members to think about educational programs he could conduct at the monthly meetings. He is also putting together slide shows on design and National Register properties within the City. Bailey said she would like to know what is involved in obtaining National Register status for districts and structures. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 3, 1996 Page 8 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda April 3, 1996 L III. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. -ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 6, 1996 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 96-044 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a second traveller's accommodation unit in the existing house at 868 "A" Street. There is one existing traveller's accommodation located in the detached building off the rear alley at this time. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-I; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AB; Tax Lot 1601. APPLICANT: Betty Camner PLANNING ACTION 96-039 is a request for approval of exterior changes to a previously approved building located at 485 "A" Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-I; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9BA; Tax Lot: 14600. APPLICANT: Steve Hoxmeier OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ~ appointments/volunteers B. National Historic Preservation Week ~ May 12th - 18th C. James M. Ragland Memorial Award D. Other NEW BUSINESS A. 15 Minute Slide Show on Design Styles B. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT