HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-02-07 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes February 7, 1996 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Vava Bailey, Bill Emerson and Bill Harriff. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Casey Mitchell, Keith Chambers, Larry Cardinale and Cliff Llewellyn were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby moved and Bailey seconded to approve the Minutes of the January 3, 1996 meeting as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Planning Action 96-003 Conditional Use Permit 212 Vista Street Mark Reitinger Knox explained this proposal is for an expansion of an existing subterranean garage. Concerns of the Historic Commission discussed during the meeting last month were the massiveness and visual impacts to the landscape. Cardinale had called it up for a public hearing. After discussing this with the architect and owner, and after the submission of new plans at the Review Board meeting of January 11, Cardinale withdrew his letter. Staff is recommending approval with four conditions. One condition is that if the retaining wall and terraced front are modified due to construction, they be restored to their current status. Also, the landscaping needs to be installed and irrigation operable prior to issuance of a certificate-of-occupancy. Emerson noted the garage door was not centered and suggested it be moved three inches to the center. Owner Jon Harbaugh agreed. Skibby said he felt comfortable with the changes and moved to recommend approval of this action. Emerson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Planning Action 96-022 Site Review 634 Iowa Street Jonathan Landes Knox reported this application is for the conversion of the existing structure to a triplex. There are currently two units in the house, and it has been used as a traveller's accommodation. The main floor contains 3100 square feet and will be divided into two units. The third unit is existing and located in the lower floor. There will be no exterior changes except the front entry door. Another door will be added which will be perpendicular to the main door. The applicant, Knox noted, has been sensitive to the parking area. Five spaces are required -- two will be in the garage, one on the rear side, and there are two on-street credits. Because the existing landscaping needs to be improved, the applicant has assured Staff a professional landscaper will be hired. Jonathan Landes agreed with the Commission the character of the house needs to be retained. Emerson asked about the decorative bracketing and facia board above the garage door. Landes clarified it was rotting and fell off. He did not feel it affected the character of the house in that it was on the side and back. Harriff moved and Bailey seconded to recommend approval of this planning action. The motion was unanimously passed. Planning Action 96-024 Conditional Use Permit 295 Idaho Street Donald Politis and Deana Lynn Knox explained this is a procedural application. Whenever a traveller's accommodation is sold, neighbors are notified and have the opportunity to voice concerns since most are located in residential neighborhoods. Staff is recommending approval. Ted Banke, 598 Lit Way, stated he is representing the new owners who will continue the same use. No changes are proposed. With a motion by Emerson and second by Harriff, it was the unanimous decision to recommend approval of this action. Planning Action 96-023 Modification of Condition of Previously Approved Staff Permit 882 'B" Street Annette Pugh Annette Pugh thanked the Commission for approving the cottage unit last summer, however, she said there is a problem with the idea the parking should be off the alley. She needs two parking spaces for the unit, plus she has relatives who come a couple times a year with an RV. The access on Eighth Street, which was existing when she and her husband purchased the house 24 years ago, has been used for the RV. They would also like to use this access for the required spaces for the new unit. The alley is only 14 feet wide, and they would have to remove the existing fence and possibly a tree to accommodate parking off the alley. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 7, 1996 Page 2 Knox then explained that in August of 1995, the application for the conversion of a garage to an apartment unit and the construction of a carport that was to have vehicular access from Eighth Street, came before the Commission. During the Review Board meeting, Emerson, Cardinale and Skibby asked there be a condition placed on the approval that the existing curb cut be sealed and access taken off the alley. At that time, the owner was notified of the condition and the planning action was approved. Recently, Pugh's husband realized that condition was placed on the approval and he would now like it modified. Knox said Staff feels strongly about the integrity of the street and the grid system. Since the RV parking is a temporary situation, and the owners have not provided evidence the alley parking cannot work, Staff is recommending denial. Pugh stated the neighbors will be upset if the parking needs to be off the alley because they will be looking at a parking lot rather than a nice fence. These neighbors have recently landscaped their back yard. Also, a tree will have to be cut to provide the turn around. They would like to maintain privacy for themselves and for their neighbors. Emerson said he could not understand the argument about the neighbor seeing the parking when otherwise, everyone in town will see the curb cut. Pugh argued the town will see cars rather than the nice new cottage if the alley access is used. The proposed carport will be offset from the cottage if they can use the existing access. Knox suggested the owners try another design for parking such as angled, which would only require 12 feet for the back up area. Lewis said nothing has been presented showing alternative parking. Emerson stated he did not object to using the existing curb cut, but he would object to increasing the size. He also would not want to see a structure built larger than the curb cut. Harriff asked why the owners couldn't move the fence back a notch on the alley side. This would allow for parallel parking and would also allow for occasional RV parking. It would get rid of the curb cut and allow cars to come off the alley by making a slight "S" curve. Skibby said no plans have been submitted for parking off the alley and he would like to see something before making a decision. Harriff agreed and said he would like to see something worked out with people who could design alternate parking plans off the alley. Pugh said she would like to request more time to see what could work. Lewis said Emerson was correct in stating the Historic Commission was here for the rest of the City. Emerson added the City has been encouraging no new driveways, especially in the Railroad District. Since the access is already existing, however, it would be grandfathered in. Skibby maintained it would change with the addition of a carport. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 7, 1996 Page 3 Harriff moved to recommend continuance of this action, while asking the owners to come in to the Review Board within two weeks with a dimensional site plan showing location of the proposed carport and parking. He also asked the owner to stop any kind of construction that will make the alley impossible to use. Emerson seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Regarding the proposed porch enclosure last August on the existing house, Emerson noted he would like clarification of the fact the proposed porch enclosure was not the problem, the problem was the way it was proposed to be enclosed. Planning Action 96-021 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 563 North Main Street Jack Adams/Sam Davis It was noted architect Fran Icenhower had been to the Review Board three times. Knox then explained this application is for a mixed use building on the corner of Maple and North Main Streets. An insurance office will be located on the bottom floor and two apartment units will be located upstairs. Knox had very good news about the tree so many citizens wanted to save. He went out to the site and it appears that by moving the sidewalk in six feet, thus creating a parkway, it will allow the tree to remain. He has spoken with a representative of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) who also concurs. Knox continued the proposed building is traditional in design. Staff is happy with the design because the Review Board is happy. The only concerns were the location of the trash enclosure (which doesn't meet the visibility standards) and Staff was hoping to see a gabled roof on the bike parking. If the picnic table were to be moved closer to the tree and the bike parking moved over, the trash enclosure could be moved, thus making it less visible. Icenhower said she would work on this, and agreed to put a gabled roof on the bike parking. Skibby stated he would like to see more detail on the windows. Icenhower then presented photos of two historic buildings in Medford with a similar design also utilizing the split siding. She also passed around window examples, including six inch mullions. Emerson asked Icenhower about the cantilevered area. She clarified that by using the cantilever upstairs, it creates a covered walkway for the parking strip. Also, part of the reason she continued the cantilever was to screen the parking area from North Main Street. Harriff stated he thinks the continuation will look fine, as will the landscaping. When questioned about the trim, Icenhower said the wide trim will make the windows look more like traditional casement windows. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 7, 1996 Page 4 Skibby passed around a photo taken circa 1900, which clearly shows the existing house on the corner that will be removed. Since it is not a primary or secondary structure, it does not need City Council approval before demolition. Emerson said he had not been able to attend the Review Board meetings, but he had a concern about the roof pitch and stated he thinks it would look better with a 6/12 pitch. Also, he said the entryway angle seems too contemporary. Bailey said she thinks this visually gives a more open area feeling. Harriff moved to recommend approval of this action, noting the good design. Bailey seconded the motion and it passed with all voting aye, except Emerson who abstained because he had not attended the Review Board meetings. Planning Action 96-028 Site Review 59 Sixth Street Harry E. Hutton Knox related this application is for a 280 square foot addition to the Lucas-Parker house, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Randy Warren, contractor for this project, submitted a letter just received from the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the design. Staff Architect Tami Beth Katz commented the gable shingles need to be different than on the existing house, the addition needs to be shifted over to the north, the windows on the south elevation need to be either wider than historic windows or have muntins (glued on or real), and the windows need to be wood. Warren recommended using straight shingles on the addition. Lewis asked Zelpha Hutton, owner of the house, if she were willing to go with the SHPO changes and she said that was fine with her. Skibby moved and Emerson seconded to approve this application. The motion passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of January follow: 237 First Street 645 "A" Street 482 Iowa Street 265 Fourth Street 462 Allison Street 120 High Street Ashland Community Food Store Allan Sandler Roanne Lyall Marta Traister Terry and Chiyemi Doyle Norbert Bischof Kitchen Remodel Retail/Multi-Family Addendum Interior Remodel Remodel/Addition Basement Wall Demo Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 7, 1996 Page 5 120 High Street 116 High Street 125 Scenic Drive 125 Scenic Drive 774 "C" Street 258 "A" Street #1 131 East Main Street Norbert Bischof Ilene Buys Cliff Llewellyn Cliff Llewellyn Myrtle Franklin Studio Designs One World Remodel Deck Garage Remodel/Addition Garage Conversion to Accessory Unit Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: February 8 February 15 February 22 February 29 Skibby, Emerson and Bailey Skibby, Cardinale and Llewellyn Skibby, Llewellyn and Lewis Skibby, Cardinale and Lewis OLD BUSINESS Monument Photos Skibby reported he had started photographing monuments around town. Among the photos were pictures of the seven-sided stone (unmarked) by Briscoe School. The stone was seen in old photos when the Ashland Academy was located on the site and also the Washington School. Skibby said the stone was used by students to help mount their horses. He will continue to take pictures of public art, plaque~, and interesting areas, such as "leftover" parks. Harriff suggested Skibby have a weekly article in the Tidings. He could have a picture with some information and ask for anecdotal stories from citizens who have information about the monument or place. Jackson County Money Available Emerson reported he had been in contact with the Jackson County Board of Commissioners regarding the available money for non-Southern Oregon Historical Society groups. He received a letter from the Board confirming there was over $240,000 available for this fiscal year. He will bring in the information for next month's packet. Emerson noted he had been corresponding with the Board representing the Ashland Heritage Committee. He also informed the Commission he had spoken with Brian Almquist about this and they concurred it would be great to have two historic groups maintaining a presence in Ashland at two locations. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 7, 1996 Page 6 Lewis then noted Southern Oregon Historical Society has committed $5,000 to exhibits at the Mark Antony. Applegate Trail Plaque Emerson reported he had talked with Parks Director Ken Mickelsen about the placement of the plaque. It will be located at the end of the promenade in the rose garden in the new Railroad Park. Discussion ensued about whether or not the plaque should be mounted to the pedestal or a base. Skibby said the City accepted the plaque, which was donated with the pedestal from Dick Ackerman. Therefore, he felt it should be mounted on the pedestal. It was the general opinion of the Commission to mount the plaque on the pedestal and in the future, it may be changed. Skibby and Emerson related the Applegate Trail Plaque will be unveiled on Heritage Sunday, which will be June 30th. 482 Iowa Street Emerson stepped down from the Commission in order to explain what has happened at 482 Iowa Street. He showed the plans, which were approved by the Historic Commission, the Planning Commission, Planning DePartment and Building Department. Skibby then passed around a photograph taken the previous day clearly showing the changes which have been made by the builder. It was decided the builder needed to be called in to the next Review Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week Harriff suggested photos/articles in the Tidings on how Ashland has progressed over the years, from its early days to the present, maybe every 25 years or so. Emerson said this is the 150th year anniversary of the Applegate Trail. The Commission was in agreement the members attending the Review Board should talk about it every Thursday during the months of February and March. James M. Ragland Memorial Ashland "Volunteer SpiritM Community Service Award Harriff stated there was no question Skibby should be nominated by the Historic Commission. All members agreed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 7, 1996 Page 7 CLG Meeting in Salem Knox related there will be a meeting regarding Certified Local Governments in Salem on February 15th. He will be going up and stated he would be glad to drive interested members also. The City is still interested in becoming a CLG and there is still CLG money available. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 7, 1996 Page 8 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda February 7, 1996 L IlL CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. -ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 3, 1996 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 96-003 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to re-construct and expand a non-conforming building (subterranean garage) at 212 Wtsta Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential; Zoning: R-l-Z5; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9BC; Tax Lot: 7600. APPLICANT: Mark Reitinger PLANNING ACTION 96-022 is a request for a Site Review to convert a residence to three apam~ent units at 634 Iowa Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi- Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9DB; Tax Lot: 9500. APPLICANT: Jonathan Landes PLANNING ACTION 96-024 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to transfer the ownership of a traveller's accommodation for the property located at 295 Idaho Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9CA; Tax Lot 5301. APPLICANT: Donald Politis and Deana Lynn PLANNING ACTION 96-023 is a request for a modification of conditions of a previously approved Staff Permit for the property located at 882 "B" Street. Modification would allow for maintaining the existing 8th Street access. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AC; Tax Lot: 100. APPLICANT: Annette Pugh PLANNING ACTION 96-021 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review to construct a general office (1,642 square feet) with two apartment units above (1,924 square feet) located at 563 North Main Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 5DA; Tax Lot: 6300. APPLICANT: Jack Adams/Sam Davis PLANNING ACTION 96-028 is a request for a Site Review for a studio addition for the property located at 59 Sixth Street and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 9AC; Tax Lot: 8200. APPLICANT: Harry E. Hutton IV. OLD BUSINESS: .4. Review Board ~ appointments/volunteers B. Other V. NEW BUSINESS A. Oregon's Special Assessment Program - Application Packet B. National Historic Preservation Week C. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT