HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-02 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes August 2, 1995 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Chloe Winston, Fredricka Weishahn, Casey Mitchell, Larry Cardinale, Keith Chambers, Bill Harriff and Bill Emerson. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. No members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Winston moved to approve the July 5 and July 13, 1995 Minutes as submitted and Weishahn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. PEROZZI HOUSE Architect Mark Reitinger presented preliminary elevations.of a proposed addition to the Perozzi House, located at 88 Granite Street. The house is on the National Register and when Reitinger met with the Review Board, enough concerns were expressed it was decided he should get input from the full Commission. Knox related the property recently exhausted the tax freeze benefits and the owners are willing to terminate the Register status if necessary. Reitinger clarified he is the design facilitator for the owners, and further explained the house has only two bedrooms. The owners want to add another bedroom and bathroom upstairs. The addition would give the house more volume. He stated he is also trying to consolidate the roof lines to stay in context with the architecture of the building, but the roof has suffered throughout the years with previous additions. Skibby said he felt the profile, mainly the roof, has changed the context significantly. He also said it looks as though a portion of the new roof would be more of a Craftsman style, and he would like to keep the profile of the existing house. Reitinger noted it had been suggested he use a hip roof, however, he felt it would be a shame to lose the original lines of the house, as he would like to keep the existing pitches. Emerson said he had presented a proposed addition years .ago to SHPO, however, it was turned down. He passed around the design. Emerson said the two side additions could be lowered and added he doesn't feel the need to keep the same pitch. Reitinger maintained if the profile was lowered, it would create a drop off point which would have to be flashed and it would be funky. Emerson and Skibby said they favored lowering the pitch of the side porch. Harriff asked why the roofline was going to be so high. Reitinger answered it is to keep the lines of the existing house and clarified it is five feet higher. John Fields suggested the roof be flattened on top with a widow's walk, thereby keeping the same appearance from the street. Skibby declared the real concern is from the from and retaining the elevation. Cardinale added when the plans came to the Review Board, it was the consensus the higher gable took away from the original facade. Knox explained that by being on the National Register, a Type I Planning Action is required. SHPO approval is also required. This process can be done simultaneously, however, and the City would be willing to work with the owners on this. He is hoping all parties can reach a compromise. He also noted the owners should feel an obligation to keep the house on the Register since they received the tax benefits for 15 years. Skibby related this is a very significant house and the Perozzi family was prominent in Ashland. He can understand changes in the rear, but maintained the front needs to remain unchanged. Reitinger said John Fields' suggestion of a widow's walk on top has merit and added it would be preferred over a bunch of hips and valleys. He said he appreciated the Historic Commission thoughts and parameters of this and will work on the suggestions, then present them to the Review Board in the near future. STAFF REPORTS PA 95-066 Site Review Fourth Street near 'A~ Street Frank Papen Knox explained the applicant is proposing a 655 square foot building on the property behind the Furniture Depot. Parking will be in the rear. He briefly explained the changes made as a result of the letter (copy was in last month's packet) explaining Staff concerns. Staff is happy with the changes, but still has reservations about the Spanish western style. The design is similar to Haskins Garage and the new Bakery Building. Frank Papen explained the roof pitch is 4 x 12 and the building itself will be 14 feet to the top. He went on to say his designer told him it was not feasible to add an apartment unit upstairs because of the close proximity to the power lines. Skibby noted the buildings located on Fourth Street used to have false fronts. Emerson said when Tom Frantz came in with his elevations last year, he was concerned the false front buildings would set a precedence and that is what is being proposed. His suggestions are: 1) raise the parapet a foot so it will blend in better with the false from; 2) eliminate the trim line in front; and 3) reduce the pitch of the awning. Lewis clarified the horizontal band should be raised a foot, then the band should be eliminated in from. The Commission Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 2, 1995 Page 2 agreed the wrap around parapet was a good suggestion and also the Spanish style should be avoided. When questioned, Papen noted he would like to have windows that open on the west side. He then clarified the stucco finish will be "quartz putz", which is fine grain. The trim will also be stucco. Weishahn said that although she likes the design, she feels it is imitating too many styles. Too much seems to be going on for such a small building. Lewis said he sees the design as classic commercial. Knox asked if anyone felt the windows were too high off grade. Emerson and Skibby said that typically, storefront windows were lower. Papen noted the windows were higher because of the strong sun on the south side. Lewis said if the awning were a minimum of four feet, it will help keep the sun off the building longer. - Windows were discussed, and it was the consensus they should be more homogenous on the two sides and front. Papen said he would like to keep the vertical windows, and after hearing that Emerson and Weishahn would prefer non-arched windows, added he could use rectangular ones, then make fake arches in the facade. He also noted the designer had not drawn the windows correctly; they should not be quite so arched. It was agreed the arch should be more shallow. The Commission would like to see a streetscape and drawings to scale. The elevations need to depict the consistency of the windows, parapet changes and awning changes. Harriff moved to recommend approval of this action to the Planning Commission with the following conditions: 1) the applicant come back to the Review Board with new elevations showing a) the change in the awning to be a minimum depth of four feet; b) the side parapets raised one to two layers of block to equal close to a foot; c) integration of the top trim with the parapet; and d) integration of the windows (the two sides and front of the building need to be similar); and 2) the applicant needs to submit simple streetscape depicting Haskins Garage and the proposed building. Winston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 95-079 Conditional Use Permit Vacant lot west of 325 'A~ Street Camilla Cassity/Carole Klein Knox explained this application is for a vending cart to be located on property owned by Paul Comstock. He noted there may be problems with signage on the cart itself, but Staff will work with the applicants. The cart will be located temporarily initially, then when the lot is developed, the cart will be moved to the rear. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 2, 1995 Page 3 Camilla Cassity stated they will have flowers and plants around the cart and on the site. Skibby felt the applicants should carry out the detail around the sign and the applicants said they would prefer to do it that way also. Discussion regarding the removal of the cart every evening resulted from condition 7 of the Findings. Skibby then pointed out the condition stated the cart and any other movable object be secured OR stored off-site. Knox clarified this would mean the cart could stay on the site, but would need to be secured. The applicants also stressed the importance of security at night. Harriff moved to recommend approval of this application with the following conditions: 1) the gold paint that looks like panel molding be restored to the front; 2) the coffee pot logo be included; and 3) skirts to hide the wheels be installed. Winston seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. PA 95-087 Site Review S.E. Corner of Second and East Main Streets John Fields John Fields clarified the 3,700 square feet is the footprint of the second floor only. The gross square footage of the building is 7,800. Knox explained this application has not changed since it came before the Review Board last month. Commercial office space will occupy the first two floors, and two residential units will occupy the third, each of which will be approximately 800 square feet. One of the conditions will be the applicant remove and restripe the City parking lot due to handicap parking changes. John Fields said he would like to do the entire building in brick. It will be wood-framed with a full brick veneer. He is concerned with seismic issues, however, and the rear portion of the building may be stucco. He assured the Commission the first and second floors, including the East Main side will all be brick. If the rear is stucco, there will be a relief or column line. Chambers said he likes the building, but he wondered if all the variables are used, a new Site Review would be precipitated. Knox answered John McLaughlin would have the final decision, but felt sure if too many changes were made, it would be a new Site Review. When the plans for the Building Permit are turned in, all changes will need to be included. At that time a decision will be made. Chambers moved and Winston seconded to recommend approval of this application in principle and commended John Fields. The motion passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 2, 1995 Page 4 PA 95-083 Conditional Use Permit N.E. corner of Elks' Parking Lot at Second Street and Lithia Way Vincent Sanchez Knox explained the applicant proposes to operate an outdoor marketplace consisting of organic produce and flowers at this site. This will be similar to the Grower's Market on Tuesdays. Chambers moved and Skibby seconded to recommend approval of this Planning Action, and the motion was unanimously passed. PA 95-095 Staff Permit 882 "B" Street Annette and Lance Pugh Knox related the applicants propose to demolish the existing garage, then build a 968 square foot unit within that footprint and also construct a carport. When it came to the Review Board, it was requested the alley be used as access rather than the existing curb cut off Eighth Street and Staff agreed. This will require the proposed carport to change direction. The owners, Knox said, have agreed to this change. Emerson questioned the glazed in porch, and the Commission concurred it would be inappropriate and should not be enclosed. (Winston left at this time - 9:30 p.m.) Emerson noted the fence and landscaping will help screen the lengthy addition along Eighth Street. The carport was also discussed. Because there are few carports in the Railroad District, the Commission agreed to recommend three sides be enclosed so it will look more like a garage. Chambers moved to recommend approval of this application as submitted with the exception the front porch not be enclosed on the existing house. In addition, the Commission recommends at the minimum, the gable ends be enclosed on the carport, and preferably a garage be built rather than a carport. Emerson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of July follow: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 2, 1995 Page 5 862 Siskiyou Boulevard 358 East Main Street 40 Bush Street 630 Siskiyou Boulevard 152 Strawberry Lane 120 North Second Street 559 Scenic Drive 120 North First Street 65 Granite Street 272 East Main Street 27 Third Street Ashland Adolescent Center Robert/Sandra Matthews Eric/Dave Beck Karen Teker LarryLaura Bressler David Allen Ashland Community Hospital USPO Company Janice Jacobson Jean Kowacki Treasured Memories Addition Remodel Greenhouse Protective Railing Remodel Addendum Demolition Out Bldg Reroof Remodel/Addition Interior Remodel Sign Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: August 3 August 10 August 17 August 24 August 31 Skibby, Emerson and Weishahn Skibby, Winston, Mitchell and perhaps Chambers Skibby, Cardinale, Lewis and Weishahn Skibby, Lewis and Cardinale Skibby, Lewis, Cardinale and Harriff OLD BUSINESS, Mountain Avenue House Lewis reported at the end of August there will be an open house (park) at the Mountain Avenue site. The City will be invited. He will be taking people through the house, a biologist will be conducting tours of the land, etc. The house, while in the flood plain, is not in the flood way. Meetings will be scheduled soon so citizens can be involved in designing the park. Lewis added he will be at all the meetings, as he is not only interested in the house, but also the park itself. If anyone would like to tour the future park, Mike Uhtoff should be contacted at the Northwest Nature Shop. Historic Preservation Ordinance Study Session Knox related the study session to review the draft ordinance is tentatively scheduled for either August 22nd or 29th. Notices will be mailed. The draft ordinance was distributed and Knox noted August 10th is the deadline to get any changes back to Bill Molnar. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 2, 1995 Page 6 NEW BUSINESS Street Naming Committee Knox explained the City Council recently amended the Municipal Code relating to street names. A portion of it states that prior to naming new (or renaming old) streets after a person, that person needs to be dead four years. He went on to say he thought it would be nice to establish a list of historic names which would include people who have contributed to historic preservation in the City. One name that comes to mind is Jim Ragland. Once the list is created, it would need to be adopted by the City Council. Then street names can be chosen from this list. Skibby, Lewis and Knox volunteered to be on the committee which will research names and come up with a list. It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:06 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 2, 1995 Page 7 ASHLAND HISTO~C COMMISSION Agenda August 2, 1995 L III. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. -ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 5, 1995 and July 13, 1995 STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 95-066 is a request for a Site Review for the construction of a new commercial building located on Fourth Street near "/1" Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning E-I; Assessor's Map #: 9AB; Tax Lot: 5500. APPLICANT: Frank Papen PLANNING ACTION 95-079 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a temporary use to operate a sausage cart on the vacant lot west of 325 "A " Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-I; Assessor's Map #: 9B/1; Tax Lot: 14602 and 14603. APPLICANT: Carole Klein/Camilla Cassity PLANNING ACTION 95-083 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to operate an outdoor marketplace consisting of organic produce and flowers located at the northeast comer of the Elks'parking lot at Second Street and Lithia Way. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-1-D; Assessor's Map #: 9BD; Tax Lot: 3900. APPLICANT: Vincent Sanchez PLANNING ACTION 95-087 is a request for a Site Review to construct a two-story 3, 729 square foot commercial/residential building on the southeast comer of Second and East Main Streets. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Commercial Downtown; Zoning: C-I-D; Assessor's Map #: 9BD; Tax Lot 6100. APPLICANT: John Fields PLANNING ACTION 95-095 is a request for a Staff ~'ermit to convert a garage to an apartment unit located at 882 "B" Street. The City requires access/parMng off the alley. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 9/1 C; Tax Lot 100. APPLICANT: Annette and Lance Pugh IV. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ~ Appointments/Volunteers Historic Preservation Ordinance (draft will be handed out at meeting) - study session date to be announced C. Mountain Avenue House ~ Update D. Goals (time permitting) E. Other V. NEW BUSINESS A. Volunteers for Street Naming Committee B. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT