HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-08 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 8, 1995 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Larry Cardinale, Jim Lewis, Keith Chambers, Casey Mitchell, Steve Ennis and Bill Emerson (new member). Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Chloe Winston and Bill Harriff were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mitchell stated Page 1 of the February 8, 1995 Minutes should state the applicant can use one on-street parking space rather than off-street space. She then moved to approve the Minutes as corrected and Chambers seconded the motion, which passed with all voting aye except Emerson who was not a member last month. STAFF REPORTS PA 95-010 Site Review and Conditional Use Permit 570 Siskiyou Boulevard Laura and Laurence Shrewsbury Knox explained this was heard last month, and after debating about the best way to proceed, the Historic Commission voted to request the Hearings Board call it up for a public hearing. As a result, the owner has submitted new elevations depicting the new 372 square foot addition on the rear of the house. He also said the original Building Permit for the 120 square foot addition on the side has been reactivated. The only Staff concern with the new elevations was that there were no windows in the rear. Consequently, Staff is requiring two windows as one of the conditions of approval. Knox stated Lewis and Skibby had calculated the actual size of the original windows on the Sherman Street house and they determined the windows just need a foot in height. This means the siding will not need to be removed. Laura Shrewsbury stated she was willing to add the windows on the rear elevation of the proposed addition. She went on to say they will place a cluster of three windows to match the right side elevation and also a single window in the rear. The revised elevations will be brought to the Review Board for approval. Emerson said he is bothered by the length of the addition and said if it were off-set two feet, it would look better. Shrewsbury said it is set back to match the existing house. She noted it will not show from the Siskiyou Boulevard side and the grade will be below the pool. She also wanted the Commission to know the windows on the Sherman Street house will be replaced by March 13th. She then clarified she is replacing six windows - two on the alley side, two on the Siskiyou Boulevard side, and two on the front porch. Skibby noted the Sherman Street house was originally located on Siskiyou Boulevard, then moved back and reoriented on Sherman Street. The Siskiyou Boulevard house was then built around 1914. Skibby said he feels comfortable with the changes that have been made and moved to recommend approval of this proposal. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed with all voting aye except Chambers. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of February follow: 97 Pine Street 370 East Main Street 372 East Main Street 37 Third Street 496 Scenic Drive 11 North First 297 East Main Street 64 North Pioneer Street 247 East Main Street Ellen & Robert Wright Andy South Andy South Steve Rowe Dave Greene The Paper Moon Blue Dragon Bookshop Footlights Theatre Gallery Ashland Books Garage Foundation Interior Remodel Interior Remodel CommercialRemodel Addition Sign Sign (2) Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30 Winston, Skibby and Lewis Skibby, Lewis and Emerson Skibby, Emerson, Mitchell and Cardinale Skibby, Emerson and Chambers Lewis discussed the significance of the Review Board as a valuable tool. He emphasized the importance of each member getting involved and attending the meetings. Skibby agreed and added the applicants can come in before final plans are drawn in an informal setting. Knox stated the Review Board is a great help to the Planning Staff also. OLD BUSINESS Neighborhood Meetings Knox informed the Commission the next Railroad District meeting will be on March 16th in the Wesley Fellowship Hall (corner of Laurel and North Main Streets). He said there will be at least two charrettes, whereby the group of people will meet, break down into Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 8, 1995 Page 2 smaller groups, and do brainstorming and problem solving. He also noted the City has submitted a grant for next year to do a plan for the area north of the tracks, which is zoned M-1 and still owned by Southern Pacific. Following is a list of meeting dates for the Railroad neighborhood meetings (which will all be from 6:00-10:00 p.m.): March 16th, April 13th, May 4th, possibly May 23rd (joint meeting with Jacksonville), and June 8th (joint Historic Commission/Planning Commission meeting). Knox also listed the Ashland Street meetings as follows: April 6th, April 27th (Skibby's birthday), May 24th, and June 15th. Cemeteries Knox said he and Skibby had driven to Salem to be there during the State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation review of the cemeteries. It was approved by the Committee, so it is now on the way to the National Park Service for confirmation. The entry gate, which was removed and is in the process of being replaced at Ashland Cemetery, was discussed. It was noted how important it is to communicate with the Cemetery Department now. Lewis said it is also important to communicate with the Parks Department because Lithia Park is also on the National Register of Historic Places. Ennis stated in order to make anything official, it should be put in writing. Lewis agreed and declared the need to be specific. Skibby said there is a need for documentation, as some gravestones have already been oriented differently than originally placed and don't match the base. If too many changes are made, Kay Atwood has said it could jeopardize the status of the cemeteries. Knox volunteered to write a letter. He also said that by being on the National Register, there will be grants available through the Federal government and the State Historic Preservation Office to supplement the city's cost. January 24, 1995 Editorial Lewis stated he had spoken with Jeff Keating, who apologized for the editorial. He said he would accept a guest commentary on the same subject. The Commission will work on this. Adoption of the Historic Preservation Ordinance Knox related that the draft ordinance will be ready for review at the next Historic Commission meeting (April 5th), and will be reviewed by the Planning Commission April 1 l th. There will be a joint study session for the Historic and Planning Commissions on April 25th. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 8, 1995 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week - May 14-20 Skibby stated information had to be gathered early so it could be incorporated in the City Newsletter for the month of April. City owned properties on the National Register will be the theme this year. He said he could use some help on the tours this year. Emerson related the Heritage Committee conducted a tour of Lithia Park a few years ago and he will try to get the notes from this tour. Lewis will be in charge of judges again this year. Oregon Historic Preservation Plan Knox explained the Plan had been sent by SHPO as part of the regularly scheduled revision of the Oregon Comprehensive StatewMe Historic Preservation Plan. It was drafted by eight subcommittees of the State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation. He announced we have until July to get responses together, so he asked the Commission to study the Plan. Library Material Knox distributed books, magazines, articles, etc. from the Historic Commission Library box. He encouraged the members to check out material, and said it will be available during Review Board meetings and full Commission meetings. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 8, 1995 Page 4 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda March 8, 1995 CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. -ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 8, 1995 I11. STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 95-010 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a one-unit addition to the traveller's accommodation located at 570 Siskiyou Boulevard. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 9BD; Tax Lot: 4400. APPLICANT: Laura and Laurence Shrewsbury IV. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ,, Appointments/Volunteers B. Discussion of Review Board C. Neighborhood Meetings ,, Update Next Railroad District Meeting is on March 16th .... possibly to be held in the Rogue River Room at the Stevenson Union Building at SOSC. D. Ashland Cemetery/Mountain View Cemetery ~, Update E. Other V. NEW BUSINESS A. National Historic Preservation Week ~ May 14th - 20th B. Discussion of Oregon Historic Preservation Plan C. Discussion of Availability of Library Materials D. Other VI. ADJOURNMENT