HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-08 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes February 8, 1995 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:37 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Larry Cardinale, Jim Lewis, Chloe Winston, Keith Chambers, Bill Harriff and Casey Mitchell. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox, Assistant Planner Maria Harris, Council Liaison Steve Hauck, and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Steve Ennis was absent. H.L. Wood has resigned. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Winston moved and Mitchell seconded to approve the Minutes of the January 4, 1995 meeting as submitted. The motion passed with all voting aye except Chambers, who abstained because he was absent during the December meeting. STAFF REPORTS PA 95-010 Site Review and Conditional Use Permit 570 Siskiyou Boulevard Laura and Laurence Shrewsbury Harris explained this application is for the expansion of an existing traveller's accommodation from three to four units. She explained there are two structures on the property. The house at 570 Siskiyou Boulevard houses the owners' quarters and one of the three guest rooms. The house located at 115 Sherman Street contains two guest rooms. This application is for a 325 square foot addition on 570 Siskiyou Boulevard for the owners' unit and an additional guest room. A Building Permit was obtained a year ago for a 120 square foot addition on the 570 Siskiyou house, however, since the addition will now be 325 square feet, construction has not been initiated. There are five existing parking spaces; six are required. Since the lot has 173 feet of frontage on Sherman Street, the applicant can utilize one on-street space. Staff administratively approved this application because the Conditional Use Permit criteria has been met. One of the conditions will be that an additional street tree be installed in the Siskiyou Boulevard parkrow, and also in the Sherman Street parkrow. She also noted concerns have arisen about the original approval, which stated no exterior changes, would occur. The windows and siding were changed on the Sherman Street house, as well as the addition on the rear. The owner had submitted two letters in February of 1990 stating the windows would be replaced and retrimmed to more closely match the original by the first of May in 1990. This was never done. Therefore, Harris stated another condition of approval will be that the windows be replaced and retrimmed to match the originals, or as approved by the Historic Commission Review Board. Laura Laurence distributed new elevations of the proposed addition on 570 Siskiyou. She also clarified the existing three guest units are all located in the 115 Sherman house. In addition, she said she had not changed the windows in the 570 Siskiyou house as noted in the Staff Report. Skibby explained the changes in the siding and windows that had taken place in 1989 and passed around before, after, and current photos. Laurence then gave the members copies of photos of the Sherman Street house, and provided background information of what transpired five years ago. She said the original siding had been damaged by beetles, so her contractor replaced the siding and also put in different windows. She admitted there was a miscommunication with her contractor at that time. Laurence then said she has checked into changing the windows, but has heard it will be necessary to take off the siding and trim in order to put in narrower windows. (This was addressed later in the meeting.) Knox explained the Review Board will have the final say on the plans for the addition because the applicant was requested to submit more accurate drawings. Chambers said he would like to address the bulk and scale of this larger addition. The elevations which were just submitted are obviously quite different than the ones which were included in the packet. Laurence interjected the drawing in the packet was inaccurate. Chambers continued his concerns are with the Conditional Use criteria, specifically with the similarity in scale and bulk, and the architectural compatibility with the impact area. This house is very visible on Siskiyou Boulevard. If the addition was 120 square feet, it would probably be alright, however, the 325 square foot addition is just too much, as it increases the house by more than 50% in the front. He said he felt it would be a glaring change and could not support it. Skibby noted the differences in the plans in the packet and the ones submitted to the Review Board, which were both different than the ones just received. The long addition, he declared, would be a significant change. Lewis questioned the setbacks. Laurence said the addition will be ten feet from Sherman Street. Lewis stated that according to the elevations, the eaves will be three feet. Knox clarified there is only an 18 inch overhang allowance in the setback area. He added the applicant is in violation of the original approval because the windows were changed and she was suppose to replace them, which she never did. The current request was administratively approved based on elevations submitted at the time of her application. There are now concerns with the long addition depicted on the elevations which were just received. He suggested the Commission request the Hearings Board call up this action in order to address the scale, bulk and compatibility issues. If it is called up for a public hearing, it will be heard in March. Lewis noted he was at the Review Board meeting when the inaccurate plans were reviewed and he would have made different recommendations had he seen the revised elevations. Chambers stated the 570 Siskiyou house is a classic craftsman bungalow and will almost become a California suburban house if the proposed addition were allowed. He suggested Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 2 the owner rethink her goals because it is so visible. Maybe she can find another way to add 325 square feet. Laurence asked how the Commission would feel if she took the addition back to eight feet. She was told the members would need to see drawings first. She noted the lot has unique angles and does not feel the addition will have such an impact, however, she agreed to shorten the addition. Harriff suggested the next set of drawings be accurate and to scale. Too often, he said, plans approved by the Commission/Review Board are changed during construction. It was also noted the site plan was inaccurate. Replacing the windows on the 115 Sherman Street house were again discussed. Bill Emerson, 90 Fifth Street, suggested that instead of removing all the siding, remove one side only, then put in the windows and replace the remaining siding. The Commission concurred and said it would save a considerable amount of money. Chambers then moved to recommend denial of the application based on the fact there are major discrepancies with the scale and bulk, and the addition is incompatible with the original house. He also moved to recommend the Hearings Board call this action up for a public hearing or require the applicant to resubmit accurate drawings to the Review Board. Winston seconded the motion. Cardinale asked if the applicant's letters dated February 5 and February 8, 1990 need to be addressed. After discussion, Chambers amended his motion to include the applicant be required to comply with her statements regarding replacement of the windows and trim in her above mentioned letters. Winston seconded the amendment. The motion, as amended, passed unanimously. PA 95-015 Site Review 20 East Main Street (Ashland City Hall) 40 East Main Street (Pioneer Building) City of Ashland/Oregon Shakespeare Festival Knox explained this application was processed as a Staff Permit and has already been reviewed and approved by the Staff and the Review Board. The application includes a second story addition, an addition of a new entry and stair tower at the south end of the Pioneer Building, a second story addition on the City Hall, and an elevator to be constructed for use by both buildings. Architect Gary Afseth decided to attend the full Commission meeting in order to receive Historic Commission support for retaining the windows on the west side of the Pioneer Building (Fire and Life Safety has said the windows should be removed), and to keep the full Commission informed of plans for the two buildings. Afseth explained internal seismic work has recently been completed in the Pioneer Building. This application involves the next phase. The size, texture and color of the brick for the additions will match the old brick as well as possible. All the windows will be new wood double hung. Since the Pioneer building is situated so close to the property line, the State Fire and Life Safety will not allow windows on the west side. Since this is an historic Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 3 building, Afseth said they are asking for Historic Commission support in the form of a letter asking for the windows to be left as they are. OSF desires to retain as many windows as possible for natural light and ventilation. The Commission agreed to write a letter in support. Afseth also noted there are no plans to restore the north facade of the Pioneer building other than to replace the windows. Skibby moved to support OSF in retaining as many windows as possible on the west side of the Pioneer Building. (Afseth will revise drawing to indicate windows.) Winston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Afseth then explained because the elevator will be constructed in the alley, the driveway area will be cleaned up. The asphalt will be replaced with concrete and drains will be installed. Bill Emerson asked why the elevator was designed with a metal faced sloped roof. Afseth answered it recalls the old bell tower of the fire station. Emerson said in his opinion, he thought it would look better if it was a flat roof with a mansard, rather than the tower, which doesn't go with either building. Skibby said he thought the metal roof would be fine as it is not replicating the old bell tower. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of January follow: 137 North Main Street 291 Gresham Street 63 Bush Street 45 North Main Street 101 East Main Street 38 East Main Street 239 Oak Street 586 East Main Street 486 Siskiyou Boulevard 14 South First Street Brad Parker Steve Faro Robin Foster/Colleen Curran Henry Daw Brent Thompson OSFA/Ashland Bakery Cafe Sue Blaize Kate Jackson Shirley Grega The Bead Studio Innkeepers' Quarters Swimming Pool Remodel Windows Replace Window Seismic Upgrade Interior Remodel Remodel Stairway Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: February 9 February 16 February 23 March 2 Lewis and Skibby Lewis and Skibby Mitchell, Cardinale, Winston and Skibby Chambers, Cardinale and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 4 (Mitchell left at this time - 8.'55 p.m.) OLD BUSINESS Railroad Park Update Bill Emerson reported it is now up to him to give the angle on the roundhouse and the coordinates of the Golden Spike Marker to the Engineering Department. Landmarks List/Neighborhood Meetings Knox said there was nothing further to report on the Landmarks List at this time. The neighborhood meetings, however, are beginning. Lewis stated he had talked with George Kramer regarding HB 2124. It is currently stalled in the Senate, as they can't get enough votes to override the veto. He also said Senator Lenn Hannon is introducing a bill whereby there is no voluntary clause. Kramer is in support of Hannon's bill. Lewis proclaimed it would be beneficial to obtain a copy of this bill and if the Commission is in support, letters should be written. Ron Thurner, 1170 Bellview Avenue, expressed his frustration over the non-progress of the List. He said he finds it ludicrous the List has not been adopted yet and that it is extremely important for the historic integrity of Ashland it be adopted as soon as possible. Knox stated the List will be adopted at the same time as the Historic Preservation Ordinance, hopefully this spring. Citizen support of historic preservation was then discussed, along with the necessity of educating the public. Golden Spike Marker Knox reported the golden Spike marker has been put in storage at one of the cemeteries. He said the Commission should think of a temporary site to place it since it may be a while before a permanent spot near the original placement of the maker is found. NEW BUSINESS January 24, 1995 Editorial Winston stated this was a very poor editorial and obviously the author didn't do any research. She suggested inviting Cable Access and newspaper reporters to attend meetings. Harriff recommended the Commission have a column in the paper in order to educate the public about historic preservation. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 5 Lewis volunteered to go in to the Tidings to talk with Jeff Keating. Hauck said the City will be exploring different aspects of what goes on in the City. Assistant City Administrator Peggy Christiansen would be the person to talk with about getting something on Cable Access. Lewis remarked an educational forum explaining the reality of the ordinances, etc. would be appropriate. Chambers added a program could be produced not only showing portions of a Historic Commission meeting, but also shots of historic homes, etc. Thurner suggested a small block in the paper which would briefly describe what transpired at the meeting. (Chambers left at this time - 9:30 p.m.) Railroad District Meeting Knox declared the next Railroad District meeting will be on March 16th at 7:00 p.m. at the Mark Antony Ballroom. Restructuring of Commissions Hauck reported the City Council will be looking at what each commission is doing and deciding if added duties or restructuring will be necessary. Lewis informed Hauck the Commission is in the process of becoming a Certified Local Government and will make sure he gets drafts of the new ordinance, etc. Hauck said he would appreciate input within the next couple of weeks. Hauck also noted next year each commission will be formally asked by the City Council to submit a list of goals. (Cardinale left at this time - 9:35 p.m.) Miscellaneous Harriff led a discussion of impartiality and perception. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 8, 1995 Page 6 ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Agenda February 8, 1995 L CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. -ASHLAND COMMUNITY CENTER 59 Winburn Way II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 4, 1995 III. STAFF REPORTS: PLANNING ACTION 95-010 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a one-unit addition to the traveller's accommodation located at 570 Sisldyou Boulevard. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 9BD; Tax Lot: 4400. APPLICANT: Laura and Laurence Shrewsbury IV. OLD BUSINESS: A. Review Board ~ Appointments/Volunteers B. Railroad Park Update ~ Jim Lewis C. Adoption of Heritage Landmarks List/Neighborhood Meetings ,~ Update D. Golden Spike Marker ~ Update E. Other V. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Editorial in January 24th Tidings B. Railroad District Meeting C. Other Vl. ADJOURNMENT