HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-02 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes November 2, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, H.L. Wood, Larry Cardinale, Jim Lewis, Steve Ennis, Chloe Winston and Casey Mitchell. Also present were Senior Planner Bill Molnar, Secretary Sonja Akerman, and Council Liaison Pat Acklin. Keith Chambers and Bill Harriff were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Wood moved and Ennis seconded to approve the Minutes of the October 4, 1994 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously. ASHLAND CREEK INTERPRETIVE KIOSK Linda Chesney stated Headwaters has received a Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board Grant to construct an interpretive kiosk. It will be located midway between the path and Ashland Creek, approximately across from the back side of the Plaza Cafe in the picnic table area. She stated the Parks Commission has approved it and she has been working with Terry Skibby on the historical aspect, including photos. The Parks Department has offered to build it. She presented a drawing and a small model of the proposed design. It will be three sided, with a panel on each side. Information on the panels include creek information, steelhead life cycle, stream care and historic information/natural history information of Ashland Creek, including an old photo. The kiosk will be made of steel and wood (redwood or cedar). She also noted Harry and David's has already donated an iron weathervane for the finial. The panels will be enamel on metal, like the street signs. Chesney said there has been a tremendous amount of interest. Graffiti was discussed. Wood suggested using materials that would be easy to replace. Metal posts and metal panels should be alright. Ennis suggested using metal on the corners because of possible vandalism, but if the frame is metal, the wood can be replaced. Chesney stated that according to the grant, the Enhancement Committee will be responsible for the maintenance of the kiosk for five years. The Commission agreed the kiosk is a great idea and fully supports it. STAFF REPORTS PA 94-135 Site Review and Physical Constraints Review 340 South Pioneer Street City of Ashland Knox related this application is for the construction of a new Parks Department building, which will tie in to the existing office. Since the location is in the flood plain, a Physical Constraints Review is required. He noted it is necessary to locate the building as far back as possible in order to have the finished floor at least ten feet above the channel of the creek. The exterior will be horizontal wood siding with single hung wood windows and fiberglass shingles. When asked where the building will be situated, Steven Gies, of the Parks Department, stated it will be between the two existing buildings, about 20-25 feet from the smaller building. It will be 22 feet by 48 feet and into the bank five feet. He also added two or three madrones will need to be removed. Ennis stated the site plan works well, but he personally feels it looks like a modular building set down on a foundation, and it lacks character. He said in his opinion, it could look better by taking more hints from the existing office building, such as a steeper roof pitch and wider trim. The Commission agreed with Ennis. Gies stated it would be possible to change the roof pitch and trim, and that the siding will match the existing building. Ennis also stated the roof of the walkway should be reconfigured so the entire walkway, including the connection with the existing office, would be protected. As it is drawn, people could get wet on a rainy day walking between the two buildings. Ennis then moved to recommend approval of this application with the following conditions: regarding the walkway: 1) 2) 3) regarding ~) 2) 3) 4) S) 6) the columns (posts) be trimmed to 6 x 6, the handrail and baluster material be thicker than drawn (more beef), and the walkway roof be extended at the east face of the new building to provide cover; and the new building, the exterior door and window trim be 1 x 6, the horizontal siding have nominal 8" exposure, the corner boards be 8" nominally, the roof pitch match the front gable of the existing office building, the rake board and facia match the existing office building, the siding of the upper portion of the east and west elevations be similar to the existing office building, and Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 2 7) the applicant bring a revised sketch to the Review Board for approval before the building permit is issued. Winston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 94-134 Conditional Use Permit and Variance 239 Oak Street Susan and John Blaize Knox explained the owners would like to expand their existing traveller's accommodation from two to three units. There will be no exterior changes. A Variance is also being requested to waive the requirement for paving the existing driveway. When it was originally approved, the owners had a letter from the Sentry Market across the street stating two parking spaces could be utilized. The applicants actually would like to have the two spaces located on their property. These will be located at the end of the driveway near the existing garage and will be improved with concrete, pavers, concrete strips or asphalt. Knox went on to say one of the conditions for approval will be to plant two large stature street trees prior to occupancy of the additional traveller's unit. Staff is recommending approval. Cardinale asked about the neighbor who shares the driveway. Knox said the neighbor has stated he does not want the driveway improved with asphalt. Skibby moved and Mitchell seconded to recommend approval of this action to the Planning Commission, and the motion was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of October follow: 164 Sixth Street 269 "B" Street 116 High Street 624 "A" Street 8 "B" Street 58 East Main Street 160 Helman Street 10 Water Street Karen Loop Jim/Jackie Sims Ilene Buys Jim/Cheryl Lewis Sanderson/Mohagen Allan Sandler Pyramid Juice The French Quarter Porch Roof/Addition Door to Deck Interior Remodel Remodel 2nd Story Addition 2nd Story Addition Sign Sign (Per City Council Approval) REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 3 November 3 November 10 November 17 November 24 December 1 Mitchell, Skibby and Cardinale Skibby, Lewis and Winston Mitchell, Lewis and Skibby THANKSGIVING Skibby, Wood and Cardinale OLD BUSINESS Pelton House Cottage/228 "B" Street The Commission reviewed plans submitted by John Ferguson for the proposed cottage. Skibby noted the cottage is now blending in more with the Carriage House rather than the Pelton House. Knox asked about the windows on the south elevation. John Ferguson clarified the lower one is in the stairwell. He added it would be possible to eliminate the two windows below the dormer windows, which will let in the light; however, when Knox said the windows add character to an otherwise bland wall, the Commission agreed. Ennis stated he still had the same feeling about the massiveness of the proposed house. Ferguson verified it is still the same height, and Lewis said a 24 foot building height is standard for a two story building. In an informal vote, all members except Ennis indicated they would support Fergusons's application as it was presented. NEW BUSINESS Modification of Plans - 58 East Main Street Allan and Sally Sandier presented minor changes they are proposing for the second story addition of Macaroni's Restaurant. The changes include: ° removing the balusters/spindles of the deck area to an enclosed open frame style, ° removing transom windows and extending the interior floor area (roof of area will cover location of transom windows), and o adding "bowl" shaped light fixtures to the front elevation (fixtures extend out from top cornice). Sandler stated the basic changes are only in the facade. As he is still undecided about the lights (he does not like the existing ones), he invited the Historic Commission to take a look after the addition is framed. In the meantime, he will bring in different lights and talk to the Commission again when the time comes. The Commission felt comfortable with the changes. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 4 MORE OLD BUSINESS Heritage Landmarks List/Neighborhood Meetings Knox informed the Commission a Portland firm has been hired through the Transportation Grant and things should be moving along within the next month. The City needs to hold neighborhood meetings and the Historic Commission members need to participate in these. Design guidelines for each historic district will result, as well as adoption of the Historic Preservation Ordinance and the Heritage Landmarks List. There is a great need to educate the public and clarify the issues. The City has also hired George Kramer to help rewrite certain ordinances. Also, Ashland is hoping to get grant money from SHPO to help defray the costs. He noted it is hoped the neighborhood meetings will defuse any confusion the public may have in the passage of the guidelines, the ordinance and/or the Landmarks List. These meetings will probably start the first part of the year. Update on Cemeteries Lewis reported he and Skibby had met with Mike Biondi, who is in charge of Ashland's cemeteries. They had a very positive meeting. He said they offered the Historic Commission as allies to help if there is ever a need to go to the City Council, etc. It was also felt it would be a good idea to become a member of the Oregon Historic Cemeteries Association. One article in the OHCA News was about a monument maker who donated signs offering a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of graveyard mischief-makers. Skibby stated the fence between Safeway and the Ashland Cemetery is in a state of disrepair, and since it is on Safeway property, it should be maintained by Safeway. Ennis suggested making an opening. Lewis stated that legally, each plot is owned by someone, and pathways that cut across plots are discouraged and need to be removed. He suggested planting a hedge. Skibby recommended installing motion lighting. Acklin said she likes the reward idea, but not only could it be used in the cemeteries, but also for the fountains and statues. Donations could be used for the signs and rewards. Knox volunteered to write a letter to Mike Biondi suggesting a hedge be planted and motion lights installed in the cemeteries. He will also write a letter to Safeway. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 5