HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-04 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes May 4, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:45 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Casey Mitchell, Steve Ennis, Chloe Winston, H.L. Wood, Larry Cardinale, Bill Harriff and Keith Chambers. Also present were Senior Planner Bill Molnar, Associate Planner Mark Knox, City Council Liaison Pat Acklin, and Secretary Sonja Akerman. No members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved and Skibby seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 6, 1994 meeting as submitted. The motion ipassed unanimously. NEW MEMBERS Lewis introduced new members Bill Harriff and Larry Cardinale, who replaced Hook and Johnson. STAFF REPORTS PA 94-062 Site Review 255 "A" Street Ellis Wilson Lewis declared a conflict of interest and stepped down to sit in the audience. Skibby took over the meeting. Molnar explained the owner of the property is proposing to build a 3,000 square foot building, with office space below and two apartments above, to be located at 255 "A" Street in the new Railroad Subdivision. Staff approved the proposal last month but received a request for a public hearing. Staff felt the applicant did a good job in addressing the criteria in the Site Design and Use Standards, especially with regard to parking and landscaping. The main issues with the Historic Commission have been with the design. One problem is that the "A" Street Railroad area is taking off before anything has been decided on what type of design for the neighborhood is desired. The proposed building has a strong sense of entry with a traditional design, which seems to be prevalent in this area. The new Golden-Fields building down the street is more commercial in design. Staff is again recommending approval because it complies with the site plan. On a historical note, Skibby stated the property was the site of the old depot hotel. On May 4, 1884 (110 years ago), the. first passenger train came to Ashland. It is an historic site and an important part of the Railroad Addition. Although the plans have gone through the Review Board several times, some members still have concerns about the design. Ray Kistler, architect for the project, distributed working drawings of the front and rear perspectives. He said he went through the design guidelines and tried to match the criteria with the design, which was never meant to replicate or look like it was designed 100 years ago. Jim Lewis said that as a neighbor, he has no problem with the use, and agrees that Kistler has incorporated the guidelines into his design. His problem is with the contemporary and traditional details, and the metal roof. He said he sees the gabled ends as too contemporary, and that bay windows rather than recessed ones would add a more traditional look. He also noted his agreement with the memo received from Curt and Lorie Anderson, which urges the Historic and Planning Commissions to take a conservative stance when approving plans for this property, as they feel the architectural design and building materials need to be highly compatible with this historic area. Ellen Downes, 266 Fifth Street, said she appreciates the discussion on the design. According to the Site Design and Use Standards, she remarked the main architectural themes have already been laid down, and must be considered in the design of any new structures. She said she agreed that all new structures must not be a lavish imitation of an architectural style whose heyday is past, but sensitivity to surrounding buildings and the existing land use patterns is essential to a successful development (from the Site Design and Use Standards). J. Ellen Austin, 521 Thornton Way, said she likes Dr. Jackson's building across the street and it is extremely contemporary, so she doesn't understand the controversy. Skibby said he felt the building would be more compatible with the area if a metal roof were not used. Also, bay windows would be more traditional and compatible. He noted he felt fine about the overall building and usage, but agreed with Lewis about the design. Perhaps it would fit another area of the Historic District better. Winston remarked she was in favor of the office downstairs and the residences upstairs. She also said it is important for the Historic Commission to address a plan for "A" Street. Molnar related the major change is that the parking will be removed from the north side of "A" Street and a bike lane will be added. Traffic will increase, but according to planning standards, capacity is adequate on the street. Lewis asked if speed limit signs will be posted and Molnar said that would be up to the Traffic Safety Commission, however, the Commission can write a memo to that effect. (Ennis arrived at this point.) Chambers commented on the bigger picture, stating George Kramer's memo on the "A" Street Development hits it on the head. There is a major renaissance in the area and the Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 2 north side of "A" Street will become a significant part of the district. His concern is that all 9 lots will be making a statement, and he feels it should be an urban statement. He remarked he doesn't fault the design and said it would look great if it were located somewhere else. He also agrees with the Andersons that careful scrutiny is essential with this lot. Acklin interjected the City has just received a grant through the Oregon Department of Transportation and the De, partment of Land Conservation and Development to study Historic District infill. It is hoped someone can be hired by July 1st. Harriff questioned if there is a standard which should be used, and stated it would be unfair to the applicant if development were to stop so a plan could be put in place. Molnar said there is a need to come up with a standard for that area as he would like to give applicants more input at the pre-app stage. Ennis declared this was talked about months ago, but it was thought it was too late even at that point to force owners to comply with different standards. Also, he said it would be unfair to hold this applicant to Kramer's memo. Ellen Downes stated when the subdivision was being discussed, she remembers the planners stating the designs would be discussed at the Site Review stage. At some point, she said, there needs to be a freeze to come up with what the area should become. She advised the owner to stop and listen to the design recommendations. Ennis said he appreciates her frustration, but since there is no area plan yet, this application cannot be held up to something not yet determined. There is currently no formal vision. Chambers related compatibility to w/tat needs to be determined. Winston said there is a great need for a plan and doesn't feel it is too late to stop. Harriff agreed this needs to be discussed in order to get something formalized, but did not feel this was the place to stop development. Acklin stated at this time, the City does not have a policy to give a uniform architectural look. A set of criteria and direction should be goals. She sees the Commission not thinking the criteria is specific enough for the Railroad District. If the concern is that the current criteria does not fit the historic feel for the area, she suggested bringing an emergency sitting into the City Council. She reminded the Commission that it has never been the policy for the City to say this is what it should look like. There needs to be a process to look at the amendments and guidelines. Skibby said he does not feel a motion for denial is appropriate. His main objection is with the metal roof. He is in agreement the architect has followed some of the Review Board recommendations to tip more toward traditional compatibility. Harriff wanted to know what is it not cOmpatible with? Chambers said the two slopes don't fit, the design is empty and bare, and the design does not fit the site. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 3 Knox asked for specifics on design concerns. Four members felt the metal roof would be fine, and four felt another material should be used. Other concerns include the dormers, the inset versus bay windows, and the slopes of the dormer and roof. Chambers and Cardinale stated the push should be more toward a commercial feel. Ellis Wilson, owner of the property, stated he tried to design the building to meet the criteria, and he has tried to be a good neighbor in the proposed construction of a compatible building. He also would like to use material that would not have to be replaced in a couple years, such as a metal roof. He sees many metal roofs in the area and doesn't see the big turn-off. Wood moved to recommend approval of the applicant's plans noting the concerns of some of the members expressed above and the fact there was a four/four split decision on the roof material. The motion passed with all voting aye except Chambers and Skibby. Lewis did not vote. PA 94-004 Conditional Use Permit 105 Bush Street/163 High Street John and Betty McClendon Knox related that last month, Staff recommended denial of this application because the plans were incomplete and the proposed addition made the cottage too large for an accessory residential unit. He went on to say the applicants have resubmitted their plans with more contiguous shapes and the removal of certain windows. The siding will be wood shingles similar to the carriage house, with light blue trim around the windows and doors. Skibby asked for the reasoning behind the three sets of doors on the front elevation. John McClendon said the objective is to provide light into the space because the front faces the northeast. Also, since the size is so small, it would be advantageous to open up the space to the deck to provide more living area. Winston stated she appreciated all the design work, as it was much improved. Ennis also thanked McClendon for his efforts in working with the Commission and stated the doors will look nice. He then questioned McClendon about the material of the chimney, who answered it will probably be in a wooden chaise. Only the flue cap will be metal. Chambers stated he thinks the house will be attractive and something the McClendons will be proud of. Winston moved and Mitchell seconded to recommend approval of this action. The motion passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 4 PA 94-081 Site Review and Zone Change East Side of North Main Street Cliff Curry Molnar explained since a zone change is part of this application, it will also need to be approved by the City Council. Existing zoning is E-1 and Health Care (HC) is the proposed zoning. The property is owned by the Ashland Hospital Foundation, which has agreed to a long-term lease for the development of a retirement facility with 114 units. Elevations of the buildings were discussed. Only two of the structures will be in the Historic District. There is a 35 foot limit to buildings in the HC zone, and the highest point in this development will be 35 feet. Material will be synthetic stucco and horizontal clapboard, composition shingles for the roof, and white vinyl windows with white trim. Ennis stated this is a nice design, but he has a problem with the connectors, which should look more residential than commercial or institutional. Skibby said there used to be a cottage on the site and this design has kept the cottage feel, especially with the foreground structures. He said he agreed with Ennis the applicant has designed a nice complex. Mitchell related she was recently appointed to the Ashland Hospital Foundation and stated the need for such a facility in Ashland. She feels it is extraordinarily well designed. Acklin stated there would be no conflict of interest here because although the land was donated to the Foundation, it is leased to the applicant, who will be doing business with the City. The Commission agreed the facility will look nice, but would like the breezeways (connectors) to look more residential with less glazing. Ennis moved to recommend approval of this application as submitted with one amendment - that the connectors which are shown with storefront glazing and a flat roof be redesigned to be more compatible with a residential look. Winston seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 94-074 Conditional Use Permit and Variance 298 Hargadine Street Will Cart Knox related this is a unique request for a traveller's accommodation because it is directly across from the multi-unit Winchester Inn and in close proximity to the Cabaret Theater, etc. Staff has no problems with this request. No exterior changes will be necessary, as it meets all the requirements except it is not within 200 feet of an arterial or collector street. That requirement was made to encourage people to walk. This property is in the downtown Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 5 core of Ashland. Also, this B & B will offer a unique benefit to those not typically serviced, people with AIDS. The applicant has included letters from neighbors agreeing with his proposal. Skibby questioned the difference between this application and the one that was denied at 208 Hargadine. Molnar stated that one was already functioning as a multi-unit apartment. Will Carr clarified he is only applying for one unit, and it has already been used as a rental unit. There will be no changes. Skibby moved and Wood seconded to recommend approval of this action to the Planning Commission. It was unanimously approved. PA 94-073 Conditional Use Permit 131 Church Street Bruce and Pokii Roberts Knox explained this application is to approve an existing accessory unit that has been in existence for 30 years. It meets all the requirements, including adequate access. No complaints have ever been received, and Staff is recommending approval. With a motion by Chambers and second by Mitchell, it was the unanimous recommendation of the Commission to recommend approval of this action. PA 94-080 Modification of Previously .Approved Site Review/Parking Variance 233 Fourth Street Tom Frantz Knox stated there are a few design changes in this application which Mr. Frantz explained at the meeting last month. The building will be stucco, with no horizontal siding, and the deck in back will be removed. Eight parking spaces are required, but there is a 25% grace because the use will be mixed. Therefore, six spaces would be required. Frantz is providing five, as he has had a problem with fitting in the handicapped access so he has had to redesign the landscaping. He has also added 600 square feet to the building (it will be deeper than originally proposed). Chambers suggested the posts be 6 x 6 rather than 4 x 6. Ennis moved to recommend approval of this application as submitted and Skibby seconded the motion. Chambers amended the motion with the proviso the applicant consider changing all deck posts from 4 x 6 to 6 x 6. The motion with the amendment passed with a unanimous vote. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 6 PA 94-061 Site Review Lots 8 & 9 of the Railroad Subdivision on "A" Street Allan Sandier Because he had a conflict of interest, Lewis sat in the audience for this action, and turned the meeting over to Skibby. Knox stated the applicant proposes to build two buildings, one on each lot, with residential units on top and commercial units on the bottom, which will meet the 66% residential criteria. Parking requirements will be met, and Staff is recommending approval. Ennis said the buildings have grace, but the cooper roof marquee is heavy looking. It adds bulk to the buildings, and he would rather see this area as open rafters. He stated he was unsure how this would affect the signage, however. Lewis related that scale-wise, the buildings will fit in with the property. Harriff said that while the copper marquees add to the entrances and will protect from the rain, he also agreed they are too heavy. He noted that Staff should require drawings of the streetscape, as it is difficult to look at isolated pictures on a page. Chambers concurred about the marquees and stated a huge sign would not be compatible. The Commission agreed the overall design of the buildings was good. Ennis moved to recommend approval of this action with the requirement the applicant work with the Review Board in the redesign of the "A" Street overhangs (cooper roofs) of the buildings so they are less massive and don't appear to look like commercial strip buildings. Cardinale seconded the motion. Ennis amended his motion to state the Historic Commission concern is that. if signage is placed on the vertical face, it would detract from the look of the building significantly and not be compatible with the Historic District. Cardinale agreed with the amendment, and the motion, as amended, passed unanimously. Lewis abstained. (With a mOtion by Skibby and second by Mitchell, it was unanbT~ous the meeting be extended beyond 10:00 p.m.) PA 94-050 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Home Occupations City of Ashland Knox related one of the goals set by the City Council was to encourage cottage industries. Reasoning for this was to reduce vehicular trips, reduce overhead, and reduce childcare, in addition to the fact that most people can be more productive at home. This has now been Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 7 taken to the Planning Commission twice. The intent was to get hold of the problems the current definition of Home Occupations encompasses. Changes will be that one full time employee would now be allowed (other than family members), no signage will be allowed, and it cannot be used as headquarters for a business. The ordinance will allow the City to get more restrictive and at the same time, be more protective of existing residences. Harriff stated he attended one of the Planning Commission meetings where this was discussed and still does not understand why this needs to be done. He agrees with the intent, but stated it would do more good to get more restrictive and enhance existing ordinances (i.e. the noise ordinance). After discussion of the various aspects of the proposed ordinance, Winston moved and Mitchell seconded to recommend approval of this amendment. The motion passed with all voting aye except Harriff, who voted nay. (It was the unanbnous decision to extend the meeting past 10:30 p.m.) BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of April follow: 586 East Main Street 37 Third Street 758 "A" Street 122 South Laurel Street 586 East Main Street 482 Iowa Street 758 "B" Street 170 Church Street 117 North Main Street 216 Meade Street 234 Vista Street ((:;,~r,xc) 325 "A' Street 125 East Main Street 581 East Main Street 586 "B" Street Kate Jackson Steven Rowe City of Ashland Jeanne Nicks Kate Jackson Roanne Lyall Philip Lang/Ruth Miller Isabel Sickels Gall Barham Michael Sanford Sid DeBoer Northwest Mortgage Paddington Station, etc. Ashland Property Management Wolfe Manor Inn Porch Demolition Remodel Restroom Remodel/Addition Replace Foundation Porch/Add'n Demo. Garage Conversion Remodel/Deck Remodel Remodel/Addition Interior Remodel/Bath Sign Sign Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:0() to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: May 5 May 12 Skibby, Lewis and Harriff Skibby, Winston, Lewis and Mitchell Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 8 May 19 May 26 June 2 Skibby, Winston, Chambers and Wood Skibby, Mitchell and Cardinale Skibby, Harriff and Cardinale OLD BUSINESS City Space Needs Committee Lewis reported the Committee recommended the City purchase the Hillah Temple and seismically upgrade the City Hall. The City Council accepted the recommendation, along with the minority reports. He will keep the Commission informed of the progress. National Historic Preservation Week Lewis stated he, Skibby and Winston will be giving tours, and encouraged all the members to attend the award ceremony at the Pelton House on Friday. Graffiti in Ashland Wood reported he has talked with City Attorney Paul Nolte and Mayor Cathy Golden but he wasn't encouraged this would happen soon. He gave them both a copy of the Klamath Falls ordinance. He was told he should gather people together, including merchants and paint store owners, in order to come up with a concrete proposal. NEW BUSINESS 131 North Main Street Ennis stated the owner of the above address has proposed to add on a major addition and Planning has processed this as a Staff Permit, so only members of the Review Board had looked at the design. Since this is on the National Register, plans were sent to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and were approved. The Review Board, however, had some concerns. Ennis has since talked with the owner who wants specific concerns of the Historic Commission. These are: 1) the surrounds on the windows on the addition should be simplified, 2) there is a need to simplify the west bay window and the railing above, 3) there is a need to simplify the deck handrails and columns, and 4) there is a need to simplify the gazebo. These concerns will be faxed to the owner. Meeting Time Change Mitchell wanted the members to think about changing the meeting time to 7:00. This will be discussed at the June meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 4, 1994 Page 9