HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes April 6, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Le Hook, Casey Mitchell, Steve Ennis and Keith Chambers. Also present were Senior Planner Bill Molnar, Associate Planner Mark Knox, and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Dana Johnson, H.L. Wood and Chloe Winston were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby moved and Mitchell seconded to approve the Minutes of the March 2, 1994 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS Modification of Condition 586 "B" Street Ron and Sybil Maddox Ron Maddox introduced himself and explained he and his wife plan to operate a B & B. The planning action has already been approved, however, one of the conditions was to remove the bars from the downstairs windows. Since the bars are decorative, a part of the recent history of the house, and they protect the windows, they are requesting to keep them in place. Maddox stated he had talked with Dennis DeBey, who designed and made the bars. Dennis told him the purpose of the bars for the Dunn House was to make a decorative adornment with added security on the windows. Ennis stated he was initially concerned with life safety issues, but has no problem with the bars remaining. The Commission concurred. He then moved to approve the modification. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 94-062 Site Review 255 "A" Street Ellis Wilson Knox explained this action was called up for a public hearing so there is no Staff Report; however, he invited the Commission to review and comment on the design of the building. Skibby asked if another design had been considered. Ray Kistler, architect for the project, stated he was under the impression the overhangs were more important than massing or a new design. Ennis said that although he agrees it would not be mistaken for a historic structure, it picks up the flavor of the historic area, with additional touches to make it more modern. He personally prefers this design over the original one. Lewis stated he felt the design had too much of a modular look. Hook said he had a problem with the metal roof, as it is a glaring feature and covers over 50% of the elevation. Ennis related he does not personally agree that the building would look better with another roof. Skibby said if the metal roof were to be approved, it could set a trend in the area and he didn't want to see that. Chambers agreed and added he did not see elements of the past or a new design statement. Mitchell suggested the windows could be changed to give it more of a Craftsman style. Skibby asked about the upper story. Kistler answered it would be used as apartments. Ellen Domes, 266 Fifth Street, introduced herself and stated she was the one who wrote the letter calling it up for a public hearing. Her concerns were the same as those voiced by the Commission. The lot is in an extremely prominent place and she can't picture the submitted design on that spot. Ron Thurner, 1170 Bellview Avenue, suggested that since it will be coming back next month, the applicant should take a look at J. Ellen Austin's initial design and the rework of that design. It needs to be compatible not only with existing residences, but with the new buildings yet to be constructed in the Railroad Subdivision. Some of the same components might help. Ennis agreed there is a need to look at each project in context. Chambers related the treatment of the roof was a major issue of Austin's design, and it had a good result. He felt Thurner's suggestion was a positive one. The Commission felt good about the site design of the project. PA 94-059 Conditional Use Permit 142 East Main Street Shawn Pollard and Tanya Traister Knox explained this proposal is for the location of an espresso cart outside of Fortmiller's. The cart is six feet wide, and one sign plus one menu sign will be allowed. Staff believes this type of use adds color and energy to the Downtown, and has therefore recommended approval of this application with conditions. Although this is a good use, there are potential problems, so one of the conditions is that it be reviewed in a year as a Staff Permit. When questioned about an agreement with Fortmiller's, Shawn Pollard stated it will be drawn up once the approval is granted. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 2 Chambers moved and Hook seconded to recommend approval of this action. The motion passed unanimously. PA 94-060 Conditional Use Permit Under the Viaduct on Water Street Lithia Arts Guild Molnar explained the applicant was recently awarded a three year contract by the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission to manage the marketplace along Calle Guanajuato. More space is needed to accommodate additional artisans, therefore, the applicant is requesting the use of this area during the same time period the marketplace will be operating, from May through October. Only the paved area under the viaduct' will be utilized. Molnar went on to say the applicant had originally proposed to use the area similar to that of the Grower's Market on Tuesdays. Since the proposed use is for the weekend, Staff wanted to ensure parking would be available, so the area will take up no parking places. Staff is recommending approval with conditions. Although the applicant requested permanent approval, it will be reviewed in one year to ensure the operation is in compliance with the conditions. After one year, permanent approval may be granted. Mitchell stated she was impressed with the thoroughness of the application and handbook for the vendors. Hook questioned the access to the Brew Pub. Molnar stated the applicant has had to work with the owner of the pub because he leases the area from the State. With a motion by Skibby and second by Mitchell, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to recommend approval of this application. PA 94-O63 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 137 North Main Street Brad Parker Knox related the owner is proposing to add a detached owner's unit on the property, which would allow him to operate the traveller's accommodation while still living on the site. All renovations of the house will be confined to the interior. The owner's unit was designed to compliment the Coolidge House. Since it is on the National Register, plans were also submitted to the State Historic Preservation Office. Staff believes this is a good design and has recommended approval. Skibby stated the Review Board has been working with the owner and he likes the final elevations which have been submitted. When asked about the siding and trim, Brad Parker said he will match the siding on the Coolidge House and the trim will be compatible. Lewis suggested six inch trim and cornerboards be used. Ennis suggested a band be put at the top of the porch (front Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 3 elevation) and Parker agreed. Lewis said that traditionally, trim was used between windows that are side by side. Parker said he would like to use sawn shingles and eventually, would like to remove the existing shingles from the Coolidge House and replace with sawn shingles, which were original. Skibby said he would like the recommendations to be made conditions of approval. Therefore, Ennis moved to recommend approval of this application with the conditions as discussed with the owner as follows: 1) windows be wood, 2) roof be sawn shingles, 3) cornerboards and window/door trim be six inch, 4) six inch trim be used between second story windows on front elevation, and 5) entry porch be trimmed out with horizontal trim above it (left and front elevations). Hook seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. PA 94-004 Conditional Use Permit 105 Bush Street/163 High Street John and Betty McClendon Knox explained the applicants are proposing to expand the existing non-conforming cottage from a single story to a two story 1,100 foot residence. He noted the concerns of Staff, stating the applicants had met with the Review Board and the lack of detail was noted at that time. Also, accessory residential units shall not exceed 1,000 square feet according to the Land Use Ordinance. Therefore, he said Staff cannot support the application as submitted. John McClendon interjected he had changed the design and also noted the materials and color in the description. Skibby said he could only see a few minor changes from the plans submitted to the Review Board. Ennis remarked the site plan differs from the floor plan and Skibby stated the deck plan also differs. McClendon declared the cottage is almost 60 feet from the street and feels it is insignificant. Ennis suggested the applicants work with the Review Board in revising their plans to be more compatible. Betty McClendon said she resents being told the cottage needs to be redesigned because she feels it was carefully designed. They did it and they did not feel there was a need for an architect. When the Commission commented on the number of skylights, she said they were specifically placed to allow light to enter. Lewis stated he did not feel the design was compatible with either the main residence or the carriage house on the property. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 4 Chambers moved to recommend denial of the application because the applicants did not seem to want to listen to Commission recommendations and the design does not have any integrity. Hook seconded the motion. Ron Thurner then asked to speak to the applicants. He informed them the project is likely to get denied outright as it is, and suggested they take the opportunity to consider the Historic Commission comments, as they could be faced with starting the entire process over. He advised they withdraw their application at this point and continue to reconsider the design. John McClendon wanted specific conditions they were being asked to change, and stated he found it intimidating to be told the design is not liked. Ennis suggested they get a book on drawing their own house plans, as there are several very helpful guides available. The design that was submitted does not indicate any detail. After being interrupted by the McClendons, Ennis stated the Commission is trying to help them. At this point, Knox suggested the applicants write a letter to continue this application rather than withdraw, so they have time to address the concerns noted. Chambers said he would like to back down from this confrontation as nothing is gained by getting hot under the collar. While he realizes it is hard to draw something and then be critiqued, he stated the Commission would give them specific concerns (which follow): 1) Keep type of windows similar even though all four sides are not seen at the same time. 2) There is an eight sided window on one side, a triangular window on another, etc. The windows should be of a consistent height. 3) Especially on the northeast face, the proportion of double hung windows should be kept. 4) Consistency of elevations and fenestrations in doors and windows should be kept. (At this point, Chambers withdrew his motion and Hook withdrew his second.) 5) Four skylights for 500 square feet of roof seems unnecessary and would be quite expensive. 6) The applicants should talk with the Building Inspector to ensure the State Energy Code will be met. Only a certain square footage of glazing is allowed. 7) The deck design needs to show the railing and stairway and be drawn to scale. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 5 8) On the southeast face, the staircase windows should be scaled down so they are not what stands out on that side. As drawn, they are too big in proportion to the wall. 9) The northwest face should have a vertical window design. 10) Two double hung windows would give more light and would be able to reduce the number of skylights. 11) What is the logic of having two doors on the northeast face of such a small structure? The code for stairways is three feet long, with a three foot landing. This should be kept in mind. The McClendons said they will request a continuance. Chambers stated he understood the applicants are requesting a continuance because the design needs work. He moved to support the continuance, but would recommend denial if this action were to go to the Planning Commission as it is now. Hook seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 94-053 Site Review Northwest Corner of Intersection of Fourth and "A' Streets Steve Hoxmeier Molnar said this was originally proposed as a temporary structure a little over a year ago. The Building Code does not allow a temporary structure such as the one proposed, so after making some modifications, the owner would like approval for a permanent storage building. Last year, the Planning Commission had concerns about the temporary nature of the building. This is a key lot in the Railroad District and future plans were not known. With the application of a permanent structure at this time, it is necessary for the proposal to be subject to full review of the City's design standards. Most design aspects are consistent with concerns from last year. The elevation toward Fourth Street is critical, and Molnar then read the five conditions recommended by Staff should the Planning Commission approve this application. When Lewis asked about parking, Molnar said three spaces are required, and there are three on-street credits. The owner is proposing to keep the existing parking. Ennis questioned the fact that double hung windows were a requirement, but the windows drawn look square. Steve Hoxmeier said they were modeled after old ones he had, which were square. Ennis recommended using two double hung windows side by side rather than square ones. The Commission concurred and Hoxmeier agreed to use the more traditionally Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 6 proportioned rectangular double hung windows. When asked about future development of this lot, Hoxmeier said it is not being considered at this meeting. Chambers questioned the use of the building. Hoxmeier said it would be used for storage only. Lewis said he had no problem with the building being temporary, but feels differently now that it will be permanent. Skibby agreed and stated the conditions have now changed. Chambers said questions have been raised about that corner, and he does not feel the design fits that site. He is concerned about the future of Ashland. It seems to fit in better with the residential area than the urban area, and he would feel better if more mass and bulk were added to utilize the building. He also has difficulty with getting the proposed particular use to mesh with the site. He would like a total redesign of the building because this is a new commercial area. Anchor spots are significant and this building is in conflict. Hoxmeier said there is still room on the corner for a large concrete building on the corner and asked if that was what Ashlanders wanted to see. Molnar said the Historic Commission is pointing out the underlying zone is Commercial, as is the Comprehensive Plan. This building is more residential in nature. Ennis stated the basic concept of a building on that site could be positive, but it needs relief and work on the design; more than just a rectangle is needed. Skibby agreed and said the building needs to fit and be adjusted to the site. When Hoxmeier expressed his frustration, Ennis said the Commission was not trying to design the building, but offering suggestions. Tom Frantz, a member of the audience, suggested Hoxmeier use the Site Design and Use Standards booklet, which has been adopted by the City and contains very good guidelines. The Commission agreed it would look more favorably at the building if Ennis' suggestions were taken into consideration and it did not look so temporary. There are serious site plan issues. Ennis suggested a continuance of this action if the applicant were willing to incorporate the recommendations and address planning concerns. He then stated that based on the building design submitted, the Historic Commission not recommend approval to the Planning Commission, and moved the application be continued so the applicant can work with the Review Board to address concerns expressed regarding the building design. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Chambers moved and Mitchell seconded to extend the meeting beyond 10:00. The motion passed with all voting aye except Hook.) Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 7 BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of March follow: 561 "C" Street 393 East Main Street 142 East Main Street 581 East Main Street 164 Fifth Street 155 Strawberry Lane 105 East Main Street 31 South Second Street 555 Siskiyou Boulevard 259 "B" Street 621 "A" Street 629 "A" Street 325 "A" Street 125 East Main Street Sandra Simonett Roger Ledbetter Dean Fortmiller Frank/Katherine Spierings Fred/Laura Perloff Ned Eichler Brent Thompson Mike/Lauri Gibbs James Tumpane Steve Sachs J. Ellen Austin J. Ellen Austin Northwest Mortgage Paddington Station, etc. Garage Interior Remodel ATM Machine Remodel Foundation Garage Conversion Remodel Remodel/Addition Remodel Remodel/Deck Comm/Resi Bldg Comm/Resi Bldg Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: April 7 April 14 April 21 April 28 Lewis and Skibby Lewis, Skibby and Winston Skibby, Chambers and Winston Skibby and Mitchell OLD BUSINESS Tom Frantz - 233 Fourth Street Tom Frantz wanted to keep the Commission informed regarding a few changes in the design of his building at 233 Fourth Street. The lower floor will be leased to a doctor and will become a health clinic, and the upper floor will remain residential. The only thing that is changing in the site design is the loss of one parking space. The huge deck in the rear has been removed from the design at the request of the doctor. The entire building will have a stucco look. He will be resubmitting the application for next month's Planning Commission approval. Graffiti in Ashland It was suggested the Klamath Falls ordinance on graffiti be reviewed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 8 National Historic Preservation Week More brochures will be made and distributed by Historic Commission members. City Space Needs Committee Lewis reported the committee will be voting on the options April 13th. The report should then go to the City Council for the April 19th meeting. Jackson County Register of Historic Landmarks A letter will be written to Jackson County in support of Jackson County's review of historic resources in the Ashland area. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 6, 1994 Page 9