HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes January 5, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, H.L. Wood, Steve Ennis, Le Hook, Casey Mitchell and Keith Chambers. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Dana Johnson and Chloe Winston were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ennis moved and Hook seconded to approve the Minutes of the December 8, 1993 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 94-001 and 94-002 Solar Waiver and Conditional Use Permit 253 Third Street Jerome White and Elizabeth Ellingson Knox explained the applicants propose an expansion of the first floor and an addition of a second story on this structure. It is non-conforming, as it does not meet the setback requirements. The design follows the overall style of the house and the materials will match the existing house. Ennis questioned the shadow which will actually shade two properties. Knox said that although it does shade two, in the City Attorney's opinion, only the lot to the North would have to consent because of the criteria used for the solar calculations. Skibby commented these lots are unique because of the long narrow configuration. They are some of the only ones left in the City. The Commission acknowledged the nice design, especially with the addition of the windows. Hook inquired about the status of the alley. Knox said the owners will be required to sign in favor of alley improvements. Skibby commented he would like the alley to remain an alley and not be neglected. Skibby moved to recommend approval of the Solar Waiver and the Conditional Use Permit to the Planning Commission. Hook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 94-010 Transfer of Ownership 115 North Main Street Perry M. Cook Knox related this application is for the transfer of ownership only. There will be no changes, and the current owner understands all the conditions which have already been placed on the traveller's accommodation. Hook moved and Mitchell seconded to recommend approval of this action. The motion was unanimously passed. PA 94-011 Conditional Use Permit 555 Siskiyou Boulevard Stratford Inn The owner is requesting approval to convert the manager's apartment (located within the motel) to two smaller guest units, explained Knox. There will be no exterior changes. He noted that although one additional parking space would be required for the increase in the number of units, there is enough on-street parking credit to accommodate this. Staff is recommending approval. Skibby conveyed the site used to contain a car dealership, then was vacant for years. The Inn has blended in well with Siskiyou Boulevard and has been a big improvement. With a motion by Ennis and second by Chambers, it was the unanimous decision to recommend approval of this proposal. PA 93-148 Conditional Use Permit 586 "B" Street Ron and Sybil Maddox Knox explained this application is for a five unit (plus owner's unit) B & B. It was extensively remodeled in 1987 for use as the Dunn House. This house is unique because all the handicapped requirements have already been met. Staff is proposing the six foot fence be reduced to four feet and the gates in the front and rear be removed. With the on- street credit, the required seven parking spaces should be adequate. Ingress will be facilitated off "B" Street and egress off the alley toward either Fifth or Fourth Streets. Skibby related the original owners were the proprietors of the old Depot Hotel. He also noted the similarities between the two structures. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 5, 1994 Page 2 When questioned about the bars on the windows, Nancy Van Landingham, representing the owners, stated they were artfully done when it was remodeled for the Dunn House, and may be in the casings. Ennis remarked they should probably be removed for safety reasons. The Commission agreed this will have a positive impact on the neighborhood, and less impact than apartment units. Chambers moved and Hook seconded to recommend approval of this action to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. PA 94-014 Site Review 581 East Main Street Ashland Property Management, Inc. Knox explained the applicants are proposing to convert the first floor of this single family residence to an office and the second floor will be residential. The parking stalls off the alley are designed to have vehicles ingress from Fifth Street and egress from Fourth Street. A portion of the alley is already paved, and prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the remainder (150 feet) of the alley will need to be paved. There will be no exterior changes to the structure. Ennis questioned the feasibility of the handicapped parking in the rear. Knox related the applicants are working with Building Official Mike Broomfield in the construction of a ramp. Ennis moved and Skibby seconded to recommend approval of this action. The motion passed with all voting aye except Hook, who voted nay. TOM FRANTZ- 233 FOURTH STREET Frantz stated he was considering the use of stucco on the sides and rear of his building in addition to the front. The Commission had previously suggested this, and since he is not going for a western look, wanted to get input on this change. Ennis said he liked the masonry in front and the wood on the sides, however, the stucco would also look fine. Mitchell also liked the wood siding because of the texture. Chambers said it might look plainer than he wants if all the building were stucco. Mitchell then asked about the color and Frantz answered it will be earth colors, such as a champagne shade, with green, blue, copper verde, etc. on the wood portions). The metal roof will be dark brown. Since the Commission was split on the advantages of stucco versus wood, Frantz said he would come back when his mind is made up. Knox informed him if he did change the material, he would have to go through another planning action. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 5, 1994 Page 3 BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of December follow: 215 Fourth Street Robert McWilliams Add'n/Staircase 317 North Main Street Peter Cipes Reroof 155 Hillcrest Street Bill & Lisa Molnar Addition 130 South Pioneer Street Lea Ireland Reroof/Repair 130 Third Street Paul Steinbronner Demolition 762 "B" Street Claudia Law Reroof 340 "A" Street Comstock/Fields Remodel 250 Oak Street The Mind's Eye Sign 250 Oak Street Tresses Sign 250 Oak Street Space Solutions Sign (2) 250 Oak Street Oak Street Plaza Sign 344 East Main Street Century 21 Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: January 6 January 13 January 20 January 27 Mitchell, Lewis and Skibby Mitchell, Lewis and Skibby Hook, Chambers, Wood and Skibby Hook, Chambers, Wood, Ennis and Skibby NEW BUSINESS Proposed Bus Stop in Front of Library Pam Barlow, Administrative Assistant for Public Works, presented plans for the new bus stop in front of the library. She said the City has had an ongoing program encouraging alternative transportation for quite some time. This includes the bus. Since RVTD has offered special rates for SOSC students and local citizens, student ridership has increased 300% and local ridership has increased 30%. RVTD and the City would like to make the stops more comfortable, and grant money will make it possible to start with four or five sites, of which the library is one. Funding is coming from Federal tax dollars. Barlow explained she met with Skibby and Bob Wilson, the head librarian. Wilson expressed an interest in reconstructing the wall because of the poor drainage and it's crumbling condition. With the construction of the new bus stop, the wall would be replaced and would blend in with what is existing. The proposed bus stops, she went on to say, will Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 5, 1994 Page 4 be identifiable, but not intrusive. Busses will include bike carriers, so bike racks will be incorporated into the bus stop area. Neutral tones will be used. The metal roof type will look similar to the kiosk on the Plaza and the area will blend in to the neighborhood. Lewis asked about the metal material which will be used. Barlow said it was selected for its durability. If a part of the building is damaged, entire sections could be replaced. She added the primary bus stops will be the same. Skibby stated he had a negative reaction at first, but after studying it, he felt it would be an improvement over the existing bus stop. Barlow informed the Commission this is a conceptual idea now. Tom Giordano, architect for this project, will draw the final plans and submit them to the Historic Commission. The Commission agreed the existing bus stop is not aesthetically pleasing and the new bus stop will be an improvement. OLD BUSINESS Ad Hoc Committee for City Space Needs Lewis reported the first meeting was held that morning. The committee will meet every Wednesday morning at 7:50 a.m. at the Plaza Cafe. The meetings are open to the public. A tour of all City facilities will be conducted on January 12th. Assessing needs will be the first priority. Members on the committee include himself, Ron Roth, Rob Winthrop, Cathy Golden, Don Laws, Rick Vezie, Susan Yates, Greg Williams, Mike Bingham and John Fields. Public input is being sought, as the committee needs to submit something to the Council by April 5th. Applegate Trail Plaque/Railroad Park Skibby reported he had talked with Ken Mickelsen, Parks Director, who will take a look at the plaque. Graffiti in Ashland Knox said John McLaughlin, Director of Community Development, and City Attorney Paul Nolte both felt the Commission should write a letter to the City Council. It is doubtful the Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 5, 1994 Page 5 Council would approve increased fines, however, it could encourage the Police Department to do extra patrols. Wood will draft a letter and Skibby's photos will be included. MORE NEW BUSINESS I.O.O.F Building Skibby explained LLoyd Haines, owner of the Oddfellows Building, and architect Ted Mularz had met with the Review Board regarding the potential hazardous condition which exists on the back side of the building. The currently existing restaurant exhaust systems and heating/cooling units present a fire hazard. The owner is therefore proposing to relocate the equipment and ductwork, and at the same time, "clean up" this side of the building with the addition of a parapet wall. With the use of faux brick, it will match the existing wall. The color of the brick, however will match the color of the building rather than the faux brick. Skibby said he and Winston expressed concern over the removal of the window shutters, which are extremely heavy and have apparently caused some damage to the building. Mr. Haines has said he will replace them with shutters which will look similar but will be constructed with a lighter material and attached. Since this building is on the National Register of Historic Places, this proposal will be processed as a Staff Permit. Hook moved and Skibby seconded to approve the modifications of the I.O.O.F. Building. The motion was unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Hook and second by Ennis, it was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 5, 1994 Page 6