HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes May 5, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:38 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Le Hook, H.L. Wood, Keith Chambers, Jane Dancer, Dana Johnson and Nan Hannon. Also present were Associate Planner Bill Molnar, Secretary Sonja Akerman, and Council Liaison Pat Acklin. Steve Ennis was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved and Hook seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 7, 1993 meeting as mailed. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 93-045 Minor Land Partition 99 Granite Street Stephen Cary Molnar explained this application was administratively approved last month, but the neighbors called it up for a public hearing. The application involved a three parcel Minor Land Partition, one with frontage on Granite Street, one on Pine Street and the other would be a flag drive off Pine Street. The Granite Street property would have easement rights off the flag lot in order to get to the existing garage in the back. Staff, however, overlooked the requirement of creating a lot wider than it is deep (parcel 3). A Variance would be required if the applicant still requested three lots, and it was not noticed as such. A Variance is not justified under the criteria. Staff is recommending the applicant resubmit a site plan showing just two parcels. If plans are resubmitted, this action would be noticed again and come back to the Planning Commission next month. Molnar said comments from the Historic Commission would be taken. Hook questioned if parcel 2 would meet the criteria. Molnar said there is more discretion because the setbacks would be determined depending on the orientation of the house. Lewis noted there are no flag lots in the area and that three parcels would be less historic. Hannon stated the visual integrity would be preserved more if the lot were divided into two parcels rather than three. Myrl Burkholder, 107 Granite Street, said she owns the lot to the south and her daughter and son-in-law border the lot on Pine Street. Three lots would not be consistent with the area. The flag drive would serve all three properties and that use would interfere with, not only her property, but six others as well. Burkholder then quoted from Chapter IV of the Site Design and Use Standards and stressed that sensitivity is essential. Bob Wright, 97 Pine Street, agreed there should only be two parcels for all the reasons mentioned previously. Michelle Warren Schreiber, 93 Granite Street, agreed with the neighbors. Chambers questioned the access to the existing garage. Molnar said parcel 1 would most likely get the easement because the curb cut off Granite Street would be very difficult and the retaining wall would also have to be cut. When Chambers asked if the owner lived in the house, Burkholder answered no, it is a rental. Chambers moved to recommend the applicant resubmit the application for a two lot Minor Land Partition. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 93-053 Site Review 230 Van Ness Avenue Darrell A. Boldt and Lana McGraw Boldt Molnar related this property has recently been partitioned. This application is for the construction of four two-bedroom, two-story townhouses with access and parking off the alley. The flag off Van Ness would only be for a pedestrian walkway. This application was administratively approved last month and called up for a public hearing by a neighbor. The main concerns were the alley access and condition of the alleys over time. The dilemma is that the policy of the Planning Department has been to encourage parking off the alley, but with the infill off the alleys, enjoyment of rear yards has been affected. Alley capacity and saturation point will need to be considered in the future. When Hook questioned Darrell Boldt about the pedestrian access, he verified one of the reasons the parking was designed off the alley was to save the tree in the flag drive. Boldt added the flag slopes down toward the alley so drainage would have to be addressed in the alley anyway. He commented he will have to pave the parking even if he only has to improve the alley with gravel. Skibby noted the view on alleys has changed in the past year. Molnar clarified the improvement would be from Laurel Street to and including the length of Boldt's property. It is currently the policy of the Comprehensive Plan to pave alleys, but the City is looking at alternatives. There would be 100 feet of unimproved alley. There are conflicts because R-3 zones are located in the Historic District and Planning has been leery about punching in new driveways to keep the streetscape. With the policy of encouraging infill and alternate means of transportation, alleys are being used more. Skibby asked Molnar about vehicle trips per day. Molnar said there would be approximately 30 trips. Boldt added the people probably would not use Skidmore Alley because of the sharp turn. Skibby said he sees this development as having a major impact on the alley, and Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 5, 1993 Page 2 it will change the character of the neighborhood. He also said he is not comfortable with the design of the townhouses. Boldt stated he would like to add dormers to break up the roof line and add more character. Chambers said it looked as though if the flag drive was used rather than the alley, there would be less impact. One of the uses of an alley is a play area, so he thought it would be better if the alley use as a street was not the main use. He also felt the design of the townhouses was monolithic and not compatible with the neighborhood. Boldt explained the roof pitch could not be much steeper because of neighbor concerns. Gary Brewer, 229 West Hersey Street, commented this started with a duplex and flag lot. Originally, the application was to waive the pedestrian access. The alley situation is intolerable. He contended the tree in the flag drive could be removed. Everyone in the neighborhood, he said, is against this application. He feels until the alley situation is resolved, this should not be approved. He and his neighbors have large backyards and they do not plan on developing them. They are not against the development, but they are against the impact. They want their back yards connected to back yards, not front yards. He would like to get Boldt to develop the property off Van Ness rather than the alley. He would not be objecting if the parking lot were not off the alley. As it is, he will fight it. Hannon said she saw a lot of sense in Chamber's suggestion and questioned Brewer and Boldt about reversing the location of the units on the lot. Boldt maintained he would have to put the units too close to the alley and would therefore need a Variance. He remarked wherever the parking lot were located, it would have an impact. Brewer stated he will be going before the Traffic Safety Commission about this and declared alleys are not streets. Chambers inquired about the chances of getting a Variance approved. Molnar said Staff would like to get the property owners together in order to work things out because the criteria is very restrictive. The rear yard would need a 20 foot setback because it is a two story building and a solar waiver may be needed. Lewis remarked a tremendous amount of landscaping would be lost if the parking lot and building were reversed. The alley seems to be the logical place to deal with vehicles, especially with the potential to develop the properties off Hersey Street in the future. With the R-3 zoning, that neighborhood is destined for development and change. Wood commented there would be more privacy if the townhouses were to face Van Ness and would keep the neighborhood more as it is. The flag lot would not affect the houses on Laurel as much because it would be far enough away from the houses. He asked Boldt if he would consider reducing the units from four to three. Boldt said there was an economic factor involved and he would rather not. The lot could accommodate five units. He also stated he designed the site so the outdoor space was between the townhouses and the duplex off Van Ness. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 5, 1993 Page 3 Molnar explained Staff looks at all properties involved in weighing the impacts. Hook said he always argues not to pave the alleys, but thinks the flag drive would have more of an impact on the streetscape. He does not think paving would lessen the impact off the alley. Johnson requested Boldt come to a Review Board meeting to discuss the design. Lewis recommended double hung windows and dormers. He also said just being off the street helps the massing problem. When questioned by Hannon, Molnar said Boldt would not have more flexibility if the units were right off the alley. Molnar added Staff also had concerns about window types, and since massing/bulk is a problem, breaking up the design should be discussed, and standards need to be examined. Boldt interjected that even though this is a two story building, it will be about the same height off Van Ness as a one story building. He would like a steeper roof, but as Molnar said, loss of view had also been expressed. Acklin asserted she had concerns that the Commission wanted to operate differently than the Comprehensive Plan in the matter of alleys, since there is a policy in place which was set by the City Council. Chambers said there is a growing consensus of alley concern. Acklin maintained the decision making needs to be based on policies and ordinances in place. Hook related the Alley Committee has been working toward getting the alley proposal on the Council agenda, but has had no results. Acklin will see what she can do. Chambers clarified they are not laying down the law but recommending. It was the consensus of the Commission to list the concerns and have Boldt come to a Review Board meeting to work out design issues rather than make a motion. Architectural concerns are as follows: 1) roof pitch; 2) addition of dormers; 3) use of double hung windows rather than horizontal sliders; 4) use of architectural detail to break up design; 5) massive size; and 6) number of units. Traffic concerns include: 1) traffic generated by development off the alley; 2) flag drive versus alley access (three members were for alley access, five were for flag drive access off Van Ness); and 3) impact of future development. PA 92-061 Conditional Use Permit North East Corner Elks Parking Lot at Second Street and Lithia Way Judie Bunch/Ashland Marketplace This application, Molnar explained, is to locate additional booths in the Elks lot from May through October this year. It was called up for a public hearing by the Trinity Episcopal Church, however, the applicant is working with the members on their concerns, which include parking and emanating noise from the music. 37 booth sites are proposed. Staff has placed a limitation of 32 square feet for signage. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 5, 1993 Page 4 Phil Gates, representing the church, said the members were only made aware of this application the day before the call up date. They had questions and figured the best way to get the answers was to have a public hearing. Judie Bunch has been discussing the concerns and it looks as though they will be resolved next Monday during a scheduled meeting. Twelve people need to agree. Bunch's letter dated May 5 addresses the concerns. Chambers asked Bunch if these booths would be in addition to the ones on Calle Guanajuato. She said they would be additional ones, and explained no one is sure at this time what will happen to Calle Guanajuato next year. The Elks lot is just for this year,, so there will be two locations. Skibby said this is a positive proposal and it will bring more business to that portion of town. Hook added DPAC encouraged activity at that end of the business district. When Wood asked Bunch about the music, she said there will be no more than three musicians at a time and the music will not be loud. This will all be worked out with the schedule of the church so there will be no conflicts. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application if the concerns are worked out with the church. Chambers seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 93-064 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 228 "B" Street John Ferguson Molnar said this application has been anticipated. Staff is recommending approval for the five unit traveller's accommodation. In the application, future expansion is discussed, but there is a note in the findings which makes it clear this approval would in no way grant approval for further development on the property. That would have to be a separate request. The applicant has proposed to use an alternative parking surface which will drain like asphalt. One of the conditions will grant approval to use this material as a test example, then will be reviewed in a year to see how it holds up. Skibby remarked he felt comfortable with Staff recommendations and conditions. John Ferguson stated he decided to keep the Pelton house and carriage house historical, so he eventually plans to build a third structure on the property for his living quarters, thereby maximizing the units. Johnson moved and Skibby seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion passed unanimously. (Chambers left at this point.) Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 5, 1993 Page 5 PA 93-066 Conditional Use Permit 372 East Main Street Dan Shepherd Molnar explained the applicant proposes to locate a temporary pasta bar in the parking lot in order to sell cold food such as pasta salad, bread, cookies, muffins, juice and water. The small cart will be made of birch wood veneer and will have a forest green canvas awning. The applicant redesigned the site to keep clear of the curb cut and to utilize the existing small wooden platform. He has proposed to located 12-14 chairs, however Staff is recommending seating capacity of 8-10 chairs. Staff also felt it would be nice to locate the chairs closer to the sidewalk. Molnar added this proposal provides another magnet to that area of downtown. It is in conformance with the Ordinance and this type of use is encouraged in the Downtown Plan. Skibby asked about the loss of parking. Dan Shepherd said his proposal will only take up one space, which will leave 12. Since the Commission felt the proposed use is compatible and it would be a good use of space, Skibby moved and Dancer seconded to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. The motion was unanimously passed. TOM GIORDANO Architect Tom Giordano said he wanted to meet with the Commission for three reasons: 1) to discuss the future LID for Lithia Way, "A", Pioneer and Oak Streets; 2) to discuss the proposed design for the car wash building; and 3) to receive guidance on colors for the armory (which will need to tie in with Cantwell's Market). He explained the LID will include undergrounding of utilities, new street lights, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, benches, and street improvements. He said he has been working with the Parks Department for advice on street trees. They have decided to use Norwegian sunset maples for street trees and in the parking lot. Giordano said he would like to get a sense of what the Commission felt would be appropriate for benches and trash receptacles. The members responded they would not be opposed to using the same as on the Plaza. Acklin related this block was looked at in 1968 as an extension of downtown. Skibby said it was good to landscape the parking area, as the area between the armory and the market was residential many years ago. The Commission liked the design of the car wash building as presented. It is compatible with both the armory and Cantwell's. Giordano stated they don't want all the same colors for the buildings on that block. The Old Armory will be setting the precedence. Tim Cusick (part owner of the armory) Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 5, 1993 Page 6 explained they want the best combination that will pull the whole block together for neighborhood compatibility. Giordano has been consulting with SHPO on this, however, when a sample of approved colors was applied to the building, it was not acceptable. Cusick agreed to come to a Review Board meeting to further discuss colors. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of April follow: 364 Vista Street 85 Winburn Way 803 North Main Street 662 "B" Street 155 Seventh Street 36 South Second Street 291 Gresham Street 600 East Main Street 153 Oak Street 513 Siskiyou Boulevard 263 Seventh Street 119 Third Street 275 East Main Street 70 Water Street 139 East Main Street Sam Egan Larry Cooper Don Skinner Oregon Shakespeare Festival Leah Stringer Dale and Pierre Verge Steve Faro Susan Louie Joseph Page Roy and Alice Levy Jim Gleaves Brad Roupp Bob Wright Ann and Bob Clouse The Sandpiper Restaurant Remodel Remodel Roof Repair Remodel SFR Storage Shed Office Replace Stairway Interior Remodel Swimming Pool Repair/Replace Porch Remodel/Addition Re-roof Addition Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 Lewis, Skibby and Wood Skibby, Dancer and Hook Chambers, Skibby and Wood Johnson, Skibby and Lewis OLD BUSINESS Cemetery Nominations to National Register A letter was received from Southern Oregon Historical Society regarding the $2,500 request. The Board of Trustees decided not to fund the request because the Society no longer has a grant program. Kay Atwood has said she still wants to do the project. She may not be able to do all four cemeteries, but will do what she can. Kay will be invited to a Review Board meeting to discuss the next step and prioritize the cemeteries. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 5, 1993 Page 7 Applegate Trail Plaque Skibby said he has sent a letter to Dick Ackerman stating the plaque should be written for the Ashland area, not for the Oregon-California Trails Association. He is awaiting a response. 128 Wimer Street The Commission unanimously voted to support inclusion of 128 Wimer Street into the Heritage Landmarks List as a secondary structure. The recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council. (With a motion by Hook and second by Johnson, it was the unanimous decision to extend the meeting past 10:30 p.m.) National Historic Preservation Week - May 9-15 Lewis said he is coordinating the judges and will drive them to all the sites on May 10th. The awards will be given at one of the sites on Friday. This will be publicized. Earthquake Standards Skibby said it would be wise to be aware of the earthquake potential in this area. The Commission agreed to encourage property owners to retrofit their structures to seismic standards. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 5, 1993 Page 8