HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-07 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes April 7, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Terry Skibby at 7:38 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis (who arrived late), Terry Skibby, Le Hook, H.L. Wood, Jean MacKenzie, Keith Chambers and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Jane Dancer and Dana Johnson were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hook stated that on Page 7 of the February 3, 1993 minutes, he was not the one to say Barbara Jarvis is concerned about criteria of deciding which alleys should be paved. It was decided the sentence should read "It was added that Barbara Jarvis ...". (Lewis arrived at this point.) Hook then moved and Skibby seconded to approve the Minutes of the February 3, 1993 meeting as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 93-035 Conditional Use Permit, Site Review, Solar Waiver and Variance 243 Fourth Street Crissy Barnett Cochran explained that although this application was discussed at the meeting last month, it was called up for a public hearing. The applicant has submitted new information addressing concerns of the neighbors. Ennis questioned Crissy Barnett about using the casement windows. She said this was fine with SHPO and she is planning on using them. The Commission agreed its decision of last month stands, and there was no need to discuss it further. PA 93-020 Conditional Use Permit 261 West Hersey Street Audrey Socher Cochran related the applicant would like to add one unit to her existing B & B, which will be located in the carriage house and bring the number of units up to five. One parking space will be added. A neighbor has raised a variety of issues and the applicant has addressed them all. The Planning Commission will be looking at the parking, as the neighbor has suggested the parking area be moved inward 15 feet. Staff is recommending approval. Skibby questioned Audrey Socher if the alley was paved and she said it was, however, where it comes in from Laurel Street, it is not. Socher added there will be less impact from this proposal because it was her painting studio and it was used 365 days a year. If approved, the unit will be used 166 days. She noted her property has had an effect on the rest of the neighborhood, as more owners are upgrading their property also. Ennis commented the owners may have to meet new ADA requirements and advised them to check with the Building Official. Skibby moved and MacKenzie seconded to recommend approval of this application with Staff conditions. The motion was unanimously passed. PA 92-048 Conditional Use Permit 119 Third Street Brad Roupp This application is a request to convert an existing structure located on the rear of the property into an office. Also, the owner is proposing to reconstruct the garage. When asked about the alley, Brad Roupp clarified it is paved to "C" Street. The office will be off the alley and the garage will be where the existing one is now. Roupp also explained there are two different roof pitches on the house, and the new construction will match. When Skibby inquired about signage, Roupp said the office probably will not have a sign, especially if he uses it for his own office. If there is a sign, it will most likely be on the building by the entrance door. Skibby said he is concerned about commercial development in the alley, as he does not want the alley turning into a street. Lewis commented the small office space compared with the residential space is a good ratio as far as recent joint study session discussions are concerned. Hook remarked the proposed use of the already paved alley is a good one. Lewis added there is no loss situation because the house will remain a residence. Skibby reiterated his signage concerns and recommended if there is a sign, it be attached to the building. The Commission agreed this is a good example of commercial/residential and would work well with the new proposed criteria. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application with the conditions stated in the staff report, with the addition that any signage be attached to the building. Wood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Cmmnission Minutes April 7, 1993 Page 2 PA 93-051 Change of Condition 671 Siskiyou Boulevard Nancy Golden/Gregory Freeman One of the conditions previously approved was that the alley be paved. Cochran stated the owners are concerned about the safety of the children who play in the alley because of the heavy traffic. Staff is recommending to defer alley paving for at least a year. The alley was discussed, especially in regard to the apartment building which uses the alley as access. The apartments are mainly rented to college students who use the alley as a street. David Freeman said he wants to have a good relationship with the neighbors and they have all expressed their concern about the alley. He will pursue other alternatives also, such as requesting the doctor's office put up a chain after closing hours. Ennis questioned the agreement people have to sign in favor of improvements. Cochran said it is because of existing policies. The owners will need to sign in favor for the alley. Freeman added if he does have to pave, he will try to get the approval for speed bumps. Cochran remarked there may be an ordinance prohibiting speed bumps in a public way. Hook moved and Skibby seconded to recommend approval of the deferred alley paving. The motion was unanimously passed. PA 93-046 Minor Land Partition 70 Water Street Robert and Ann Clouse Cochran stated this partition is being requested to correct an illegally created lot years ago. After discussing the property, Skibby moved and Hook seconded to recommend approval of this partition to the Planning Commission. 'The motion passed unanimously. PA 93-057 Transfer of Applicant Calle Guanajuato Ashland Parks Commission/Ken Mickelsen, Director Cochran said permanent approval for Judie Bunch was granted last year for the marketplace. However, the Parks Commission is requesting the responsibility for the Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 7, 1993 Page 3 operation, and will in turn be leasing it to an individual. Judie was ultimately granted the lease, however, the number of booths allowed has been cut almost in half. Cochran announced that at the City Council meeting the previous night, Judie was given approval to use the adjacent City parking lot plus 24 spaces in the alley. Hook commented there was not enough information on future plans for Calle Guanajuato from the Parks Commission. He did not want to see Judie phased out. Lewis said if Judie felt there would be a problem, he was sure she would have been at the meeting. Also, he said the Parks Department needs to look at the big picture and it makes sense to have the Parks Commission in control. Chambers moved and MacKenzie seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion passed with all voting aye except Hook, who voted nay. PA 93-047 Minor Land Partition 438 North Main Street John and Cheryl Colwell This application is to partition the property into two lots. Bayberry Inn will be on its own lot, which will be large enough to accommodate the required parking. The mobile home is a non-conforming use in an E-1 zone, but it is existing. There is no minimum lot size because both parcels will remain E-1. Ennis said he would like to encourage the owners to fix up the property with the mobile home. Hook noted that at such time as the property is upgraded, he would like the Commission to have the opportunity to review the plans. Ennis then moved and Hook seconded to recommend approval of this application with the condition that, although it appears that once the partition goes through, the Lori Lane parcel (with the mobile home) will no longer be in the Historic District, if and when a building permit is applied for, the Commission have the opportunity to review the application. The motion was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of March follow: 55 North Main Street 234 Vista Street 310 Oak Street Kirk David Sid DeBoer Tom Cantwell Remodel Garage Laundromat Remodel Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 7, 1993 Page 4 461 Rock Street 726 Iowa Street 486 Siskiyou Boulevard 35 South Second Street 111 Third Street 298 Hargadine Street 145 Manzanita Street 264 East Main Street 223 Fifth Street 11 North First Street 51 North Main Street 91 Oak Street 116 Lithia Way 326 North Main Street 212 East Main Street Gene & Marilyn Brummett Kai Jacobson Shirley Grega Michael Gibbs Thomas Cassel Will Carr/Gary Powell Jay & Carol Lunt KIXX Cooper/Silverman Canario's Black Sheep Village Floral Operation Desktop Best Way Real Estate Mark Antony Addition/Remodel Garage/Apartment Remodel Cottage Remodel Addition Demolish Shed Sign Sign Sign Signs Sign Sign Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29 Skibby, Wood and Lewis Skibby, Chambers, Lewis and MacKenzie Skibby, Hook, Lewis and MacKenzie Skibby, Hook, Wood and Ennis NEW BUSINESS Nomination of 228 "B" Street to National Reeister The Commission discussed the care that has gone into the restoration of the Pelton House and commended John Ferguson for his work. The community and the Historic Commission put in a great deal of energy into saving the house, thereby recognizing it as an important structure. Skibby moved to recommend approval of this nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. Hook seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 7, 1993 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS Statue at Library MacKenzie conveyed the floodlight on the statue has been installed. Also, the Parks Department has reserved two benches to be placed by the statue. The plaque have arrived and Jeffrey Bernard is working on them. Joint Study Session The Historic Commission received a lot of support from the Planning Commission at the last study session in the direction they are headed. The Commission agreed Chambers and Ennis have done a tremendous amount of work and it was greatly appreciated. Cemetery Nominations to National Register No word has been received from the Southern Oregon Historical Society regarding the request for monetary help. Applegate Trail Plaque The letter received by Bill Emerson from Rich Ackerman, Oregon-California Trails Association, was discussed. Skibby will inform Ackerman that if the second paragraph is not changed to at least mention the Rogue Valley and make the placque more applicable to this area, it should not be placed on the Plaza. Chambers and MacKenzie suggested Kay Atwood review the proposed wording before it is finalized. Heritaee Landmarks List -- No update. Granite Street Fountain No update. Alley Committee No update. 128 Wimer Street Commission members will be ranking this house and turning in the sheets at the Review Board this month. It will be voted on at the May 5th meeting, then forwarded to the City Council. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 7, 1993 Page 6 National Historic Preservation Week - May 9-15 Skibby said that for his walking tour, he will include the Allen Pavilion and a tour of the cemetery to tie into the Applegate Trail celebration. The brochures will be completed and placed in a couple places soon. Street Scorin~ Ennis informed the Commission he had written a letter to Steve Hall and received a nice letter in return. Hall stated they will avoid the large spaces on subsequent ones. Dead Indian Road Hook explained a compromise was reached, and the name of the road is being officially changed to Dead Indian Memorial Road. NEW BUSINESS Earthquake Standards Due to the recent earthquake near Portland, Skibby said he felt the Commission should once again talk about earthquake standards, as this area can definitely be affected. He requested it be put on next month's agenda. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes April 7, 1993 Page 7