HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 3, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Dana Johnson, Jane Dancer and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. H.L. Wood and Keith Chambers were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hook moved and Johnson seconded to approve the Minutes of the February 3, 1993 meeting as mailed. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 93-036 Historic Sign Inventory 243 Fourth Street Crissy Barnett Cochran stated Staff is recommending approval of this application for inclusion of the Peerless Rooms/Coca Cola sign on the Historic Sign Inventory. This is currently a non- conforming sign and it is an important one to protect. Lewis reminded the applicant of the need to consider the means of historic restoration. Crissy Barnett stated the sign will probably be repainted, then aged and weathered. It will also be processed through the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Lewis questioned the brickwork, and Barnett said a portion of the sign will be affected, as the bricks will need to be replaced before the sign is restored. Skibby said it is obvious that this sign is important to preserve, then moved to recommend approval of the inclusion of this sign in the Historic Sign Inventory to the City Council, and that the proper technique for restoration be used. Dancer seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 93-035 Conditional Use Permit, Site Review, Solar Waiver and Variance 243 Fourth Street Crissy Barnett Cochran explained this action was called up for a public hearing, however, the applicant is working with the neighbors regarding their concerns, and she is hopeful the neighbors will rescind their letter before the Planning Commission meeting. Concerns include traffic, view obstruction, parking, privacy and noise. Staff has preliminarily approved this application. Skibby stated the impact of the vacant building should also be considered, as it has been empty for many years. The applicant has been working with SHPO and the Review Board. The building is now on the National Register and will be restored. Also, it was built as a hotel, so this is an appropriate use. Ennis questioned the narrowness of the alley and parking lot. Cochran stated there will be enough room for backing up. Diagonal parking was discussed by the Commission, but it was determined it was not feasible for the two-way alley. Ron Thurner, speaking for the applicant, said they attempted to design diagonal parking, however, with the parking and landscape requirements, the design submitted was the one that fit the specifications. Johnson questioned the alley paving and Cochran said the owner will have to sign in favor. Since Fourth Street has no ability to deal with runoff, Thurner discussed the method recommended by Jim Olson, Engineer for the City. The slope currently runs toward the building and water settles around the foundation. Barnett explained the metal awning will be copper. Ennis asked about the use of sliding windows rather than double hung in the new addition. Barnett said she felt the sliding windows had more of a porch like feeling. SHPO had also conveyed similar windows as on the downstairs screened porch should be used. Ennis said she should work more with the proportion of the windows and added more ventilation is achieved with double hung windows. Barnett stated she has tried to keep the downstairs and upstairs alignment in proportion. The Commission then suggested using casement windows, which would have a more traditional look. Barnett concurred. Thurner stated this is a "certified rehab" so every detail will be subject to approval by SHPO. Some details, therefore, may change. He also added they have been able to accomplish an easement so they are able to use windows on the North side of the building, which was a concern with the State Fire and Life Safety Division. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1993 Page 2 Johnson referenced the parking, recognizing that hotel use will have less impact than the target use, which is general offices. Cochran added there is usually parking available in the front off Fourth Street. Thurner said the original hotel had 14 rooms and they are only requesting approval for seven. Vivienne Friedman, 258 Third Street, stated she is excited about the project and the fact that the building will be preserved. However, she is also concerned with the alley, as she has seen the effects of alley paving. Cars go much too fast on the paved portion. She would personally like to see no parking off the alley, but if it has to be, she would not like to see it paved, which would also keep the historic flavor. The Commission agreed this is a positive project, and that if the building remained vacant or was demolished, it would be a negative impact on the area. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application with the following stipulations: 1) the alley remain unpaved, and 2) the windows on the second story addition be casement if that meets with SHPO approval. MacKenzie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 93-026 Conditional Use Permit 376 "B" Street Sue DeMarinis Cochran stated this was called up for a public hearing by the Hearings Board. There is no additional information. Ennis said he felt the concerns were worth discussing, and as Chambers pointed out last month, there will be a net gain of two commercial businesses. Lewis stated he had canvassed that area for another matter and found, in addition to commercial uses, many low-income rentals and elderly people living in the houses. If alternate uses go the way they seem to be headed, loss of many affordable rentals is inevitable. Johnson said she felt uncomfortable discussing this since a decision had been made last month. Ennis declared since the Hearings Board opened up the discussion which included concerns of the Historic Commission, it was appropriate. Johnson stated she understands the concerns, but is disappointed the Commission did not voice a louder opposition last month. Hook agreed with Ennis and asserted there is no criteria to disapprove applications such as this. Lewis said there needs to be a clear directive so applicants are not given mixed reactions. Ennis said as these applications come through, the typical statement from Staff is that they won't have a significant impact. He feels there is an impact, as there is a cumulative effect. Skibby stated he will attend the Planning Commission meeting to convey Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1993 Page 3 Commission concerns. They all agreed this does not change the fact that they already voted to recommend approval of this action. PA 93-025 Conditional Use Permit 486 Siskiyou Boulevard Shirley Grega Cochran explained the Hearings Board could not arrive at a decision so it was continued. The applicant has submitted a letter stating she is dropping her request for one of the units, as the parking design only allows five spaces. The existing concrete pad will be removed. Shirley Grega related the neighbors felt the parking area was not deep enough for the cars to back up. Bill Emerson has since designed a deeper parking area with no stacked parking. Two options were presented, one with straight-in parking and one with diagonal parking. Ennis remarked several people that live nearby will be glad there will be three units rather than four, but the gist is that the alley is too narrow and heavily travelled. Lewis said there is a need to look at the target use also. It is nice to have houses still existing that were built in the 1800s. This could be apartments and office complexes, so he feels the proposal is not a detrimental use. Grega said she bought the property in November and had not met the adjacent property owners until she applied for this planning action. She has since met with most of them and alleviated their fears. She is very concerned about her neighbors' concerns and feels they have been addressed. Lewis stated this was recommended for approval last month, and now there is a lesser use. He felt Grega addressed the concerns of neighbors. Ennis didn't agree, as there will be more use. Johnson said the applicant is working with the neighbors. The Commission agreed the parking design should be straight in (Option B) rather than diagonal (Option A), and that last month's approval recommendation would stand. Demolition Request for 267 8th Street Lewis stated he had toured the structure. The evaluation submitted by the applicant is straight forward and he will support the demolition request. Ken McCulloh submitted elevations of what will replace the structure and photos of what exists. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1993 Page 4 Ennis moved to recommend approval of this request to the City Council because of the poor condition of the structure and the expense of bring it up to current code, with the condition the width of the windows on the alley side of the new structure be matched with those of the new rear addition. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Review of the Proposed Cantwell's Market Skibby passed around a photo of the original building located at 310 Oak Street. Tom Giordano presented a revised drawing from what was submitted for the Review Board and noted the changes. Skibby pointed out the replication areas of the armory. Giordano stated he has simplified the tower and the plans from the original. Giordano also conveyed an LID is being formed for undergrounding of utilities, new street lights, sidewalks, etc. George Kramer, 386 North Laurel Street, said he felt the design is going in the right direction, but he is still concerned about the armory, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, and the "earlying up" of Cantwell's Market because it is not historically accurate. He said the City should have a consistent approach because the Commission has fought against recreation architecture in the past. He thinks it is a wonderful project, but by simplifying the design, it will keep the integrity of the National Register building. Giordano said there will be harmony, but it will not be the same. Color and material (texture) will be different. The Commission concurred with the changes he had made, and Kramer agreed he could live with them also. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of February follow: 135 Coolidge Street 40 Water Street 121 Manzanita Street 41 North Main Street 95 Dewey Street 51 North Main Street 485 East Main Street 215 Scenic Drive 14 Beach Avenue 390 Iowa Street 11 North First Street 91 Oak Street Hector Aleman Jim Hibbert Joe Farli Dave Lewis Rob Jaffe Andrew Chester Christian Hald Koskella/Chesney Al Gray Miriam Watson David & Stephanie Pump Village Floral & Unique Gifts Addition Interior Remodel Fire Damage Repair Remodel Remodel Remodel Remodel Addition Remodel Remodel Remodel Sign Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1993 Page 5 383 East Main Street 253 East Main Street Reinholdt & O'Harra City Art Works Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 April 1 Skibby, Johnson and Lewis Wood, Hook, Skibby, Dancer and Lewis Hook, Skibby, Johnson, MacKenzie Wood, Skibby, MacKenzie and Ennis Skibby, Dancer and Hook OLD BUSINESS Joint Study Session Ennis reported he and Chambers had met again with Powell and Bingham from the Planning Commission regarding loss of residential housing in the Historic District. They worked on ideas of adding subchapters to the R-2 zone and Conditional Use Permit chapters that will make it more stringent to get approval. This was not discussed at the Joint Study Session on February 24th, but will be on March 30th. This does not have a high priority on the Planning Commission list. Cemetery Nominations to National Register The Commission agreed the draft letter to be sent to the Southern Oregon Historical Society sounded good as it was. It will be submitted to Brian Almquist and Cathy Golden for their signatures. Applegate Trail Plaque Skibby reported he was disappointed to learn the Oregon California Trails Association will not modify the proposed plaque to fit the site. If it will not be revised, the Chamber of Commerce, Southern Oregon Historical Society, and the Ashland Heritage Committee do not think the Plaza area would be appropriate for the plaque. Skibby will attempt to get the wording changed one more time. He said the Chamber felt the City could do its own plaque for 1996 (150 year anniversary) which would reflect more local history. The plaque given to the City by OCTA should be relocated if it is not changed. The Commission concurred with this. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1993 Page 6 Heritage Landmarks List Adoption of the Heritage Landmarks List has been delayed again. Cochran is leaving the Ashland area and until another planner is hired, Community Development does not have the staff to handle all the requirements. Granite Street Fountain Hook reported the fountain in storage is in better shape, so it will be used instead of the existing one. As discussed a couple months ago, it will be non-operational, and will have a plaque placed on it. A working fountain will be placed next to it. Alley Committee Ennis related the people, including the Fire Department, at the Joint Study Session were very positive about the draft. Don Paul, Assistant Fire Chief, mentioned there were only a few alleys above Siskiyou Boulevard with which fire trucks have a problem. It was added that Barbara Jarvis, Planning Commission, is concerned about criteria of deciding which alleys should be paved and which should not. 128 Wimer Street Commission members will be ranking this house and turning in the sheets at the Review Board this month. NEW BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week - May 9-15 Skibby said he would like to tie in the Oregon Trail and the 100th anniversary of Chautauqua with National Historic Preservation Week. Lewis will help Skibby. (With a motion by Hook and second by Johnson, it was the unan#nous decision to extend the meetingpast 10.'30.) Street Scorine Ennis will write a letter to Public Works thanking them for taking the time to score the crosswalks on "C" Street. He will also mention the space on either side of the crosswalk that will have to be filled in with asphalt. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1993 Page 7 Plaza Kiosk Hook informed the Commission that two weeks ago, the City Council approved the kiosk on the Plaza for vendor use. That decision was rescinded on March 2, largely because of lobbying by DPAC and Marge O'Harra. The booth will be used as it has in the past by the Chamber of Commerce. Dead Indian Road Hook said he wanted this issue brought up because he felt if the name of the road offends anyone, it should be changed. He also felt the Historic Commission should take a position on it. After discussing this, the Commission remained split on the issue. Hook declared he will bring it up again so he wants it considered. Lithia Water Fountains on "A" Street City Administrator Brian Almquist had contacted Lewis regarding the base of the old concrete Lithia water fountains on "A" Street across from 4th Street. The railroad property is in the process of being cleaned up, and the base of the old marble fountains was unearthed. Lewis had checked out the site and talked with the operator, who said he did not bid on the concrete removal. Skibby stated he will document the site by taking photos. Southern Oregon Historical Society and the newspaper may be interested in this. Siskiyou Boulevard Median Lewis reported new landscaping plans will be submitted for the Siskiyou Boulevard median. A couple years ago the Bikeway Plan came before the Commission and all the members agreed they did not want the median narrowed. Hook stated, however, narrowing of the islands was mentioned at the Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Hook and second by Johnson, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 3, 1993 Page 8