HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes February 3, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Dana Johnson, Keith Chambers, H.L. Wood, Jane Dancer and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran, Secretary Sonja Akerman, and Council Liaison Pat Acklin. No members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ennis stated he would like Page 3 of the January 6, 1993 Minutes to read design rather than drawings in the second paragraph under 93-002. Also, on Page 4, in the third paragraph under 93-007, it should read "...required of Cooper/Silverman" rather than "by Cooper/Silverman". Hook then moved and MacKenzie seconded to approve the January 6, 1993 Minutes as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 93-002 Conditional Use Permit 726 Iowa Street Kai Jacobson Cochran explained this planning action was called up by the Hearings Board because the exterior details were somewhat lacking. Kal Jacobson said he understands why he was asked to provide more detail. He will be re- roofing the existing house and using composition shingles on both. The siding will be channel rustic cedar, which will also match the existing house. The windows will be double hung vinyl. Split block will be used for the foundation. He also said he plans on using the same color paint for both structures. Skibby suggested a wider space between the two double hung windows. Cochran reported the oak tree will be saved. Jacobson added the driveway will remain the same and conveyed he will be planting English laurel on three sides, the existing trees will remain, and he will be planting fruit trees between the buildings. Lewis questioned the height and skylights of the new structure. Jacobson said it will be slightly shorter than the existing house and that the upper story will have five foot walls. Skylights will be located on the east and back sides. He also said he feels this project will improve the neighborhood. While he realizes Jacobson needs the space in the garage, Chambers remarked he still has an issue with the bulk of the building, and feels it will dominate the property. The scale and bulk, he said, are out of sync, and he was unsure of a solution. Ennis added the drawings which were submitted are drawn with 6'8" walls, so the building will be more like one and one-half stories. Chambers asserted that he feels the intention of the ordinance was for living space, not necessarily for garage and storage space. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application. Lewis maintained the Review Board will have input on the plans. Ennis stated it is clear Jacobson is concerned with the accessory structure. Wood seconded the motion, and it passed with all voting aye except Chambers. PA 93-007 Site Review 277 Fifth Street Sherbourne/Jackson Cochran explained this planning action was called up because of neighborhood concerns. Also, the designer had revised the plans which were previously submitted. Steven Sherbourne, designer for the project, submitted the new elevations and stated the facade on "A" Street has been modified because it is so close to the sidewalk and it needs to meet the needs of the owner as a professional. Since the building will accommodate a dentist office, the windows were moved up for patient comfort. The owner has decided not to use a metal roof-- it will either be composition shingles or tile base shingles. He also said the owner had not decided on a color yet, but that he had suggested neutral tones. The Commission, in discussing the revision, agreed the first design had more positive features. Ennis suggested using double hung windows with a panel on the bottom. Skibby said there seems to be a lack of continuity on the "A" Street side with the other three sides. Ennis moved to recommend approval of the application with the following conditions: 1) the roof material be either composition or tile base shingles, and 2) the applicant work with the Historic Commission Review Board to make the design on "A" Street more compatible with the other three sides. Hook seconded the motion, which passed with all voting aye except Hook. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 3, 1993 Page 2 PA 93-024 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 35 South Second Street Michael Gibbs Cochran explained this application was approved by the Historic Commission and Planning Commission two years ago. The owners propose to build a two-story, two-guest unit cottage next to the alley. The design is compatible with the Winchester Inn. One more parking space will be required off the alley. Michael Gibbs stated the structure will look like it is one story from the Hargadine Street side and will have a side entrance. The front entrance will be from the lawn area on the bottom story. Skibby stated he was concerned about design replication. Gibbs said James Hamrick, from SHPO, had told him there was too much replication. When Gibbs let him know the cottage will be on a separate tax lot, Hamrick said SHPO did not have jurisdiction over it in that case. The main differences between the two buildings will be the use of masonite siding, thermal square windows with a decorative wooden arch, a modern design door, and French doors in the new building. They will keep the same roof pitch and the same color schemes. The new building will work as a whole unit with the Winchester Inn and the gazebo. Chambers said he feels the new building is very compatible. Skibby agreed, stating it will have a positive impact. Chambers questioned if the existing trees would remain. Gibbs said he will make every effort to save every tree. One dogwood will be moved, but the cherry tree is questionable. If it can't be saved, another will be planted. Skibby moved and Dancer seconded to recommend approval of this application. It was unanimously passed. PA 93-026 Conditional Use Permit 376 "B" Street Sue DeMarinis Cochran stated the applicant currently has her office at 386 "B" Street. She wants to scale down the operation of her clinic and move into the new house. Three parking spaces would be required; two will be off the alley. Cochran went on to say the Commission needed to weigh the impacts of the two uses -- number of trips generated for single family residence as opposed to clinic and apartment. The clinic will only be open three 1/2 days and two 3/4 days. She also explained a Conditional Use Permit goes with the property. If new Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 3, 1993 Page 3 owners can meet the conditions, they automatically have approval. If the CUP lapses for six months, however, the owners will have to apply again. Skibby stated even though a residence will remain, there will be a gain in commercial use. When questioned about pavers, Sue DeMarinis answered she would rather put in brick strips similar to the ones across the street. When questioned about alley paving, Cochran stated De Marinis will have to sign in favor. Chambers stated he has concerns about the balance of businesses and residenses in the area. This is also being talked about at other levels. There is a net loss of one single family residence to a one bedroom apartment, and a net gain of two businesses. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the alley not be paved at this time. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed, with all voting aye except Chambers, who abstained. PA 93-025 Conditional Use Permit 486 Siskiyou Boulevard Shirley Grega Cochran explained the application is for a four-unit B & B with a request to allow two of the units to have kitchens in order to rent as apartment dwellings during the off-season. Three units will be in the main house and one in the guest house. Six parking spaces are required, two of these are existing. The maple tree will remain and the parking will surround it. The owners will have stacked parking. A fence or hedge will be required on the parking area side. The owner is also proposing to tear down the single story portion in the rear and replace it with a new addition in the same footprint. Skibby stated the rear portion was added at a later time. Shirley Grega agreed and said the walls are only three inches thick, which is not enough room to rewire, insulate, etc. Ennis suggested sloping the parking area in order to have less impact on the adjacent property owner. Grega said that was her intention, and that she would be using pavers; she also said she will be replacing the wooden shingles with composition shingles on the house. Skibby stated it is clear the property will be upgraded, and the Commission concurred the addition will be compatible to the house. Therefore, Skibby moved and Johnson seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 3, 1993 Page 4 PA 93-022 Minor Land Partition North Side of "A" Street between First and Second Streets John Fields Cochran stated this application is a Minor Land Partition to divide the property into three lots. Parcel 1 will be used by Oak Street Tank & Steel. Lewis said his only comment was that area used to be a wrecking yard, and there have been oil problems. He wondered if the area had to be DEQ approved, as in the remainder of the SP subdivision. Cochran related the City is concerned, but DEQ enforces details such as this. Chambers moved to recommend approval of this application with the proviso DEQ investigate the site. Hook seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of January follow: 128 Manzanita Street 155 Hillcrest Street 673 Siskiyou Boulevard 247 Third Street 234 Vista Street 142 Church Street 49 North Main Street Casey/Kathleen Mitchell Bill/Lisa Molnar Freeman/Golden Jacquelyn Peake Sid DeBoer/Karen Adderson Sheafe Ewing Daniel Greenblatt Interior Remodel Remodel/Addition Remodel Barn Repair Addition/Remodel Remodel Structural Floor Repair REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday at least from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: February 4 February 11 February 18 February 25 Lewis, Johnson and Skibby MacKenzie, Wood, Skibby and Lewis Hook, MacKenzie, Wood, Dancer, Ennis and Skibby Hook, MacKenzie, Wood, Dancer, Skibby and Chambers Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 3, 1993 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS Joint Study Session Ennis reported he and Chambers had met with Susan Powell and Mike Bingham of the Planning Commission, and City Council members Pat Acklin and Rob Winthrop on January 27th. In the end, Winthrop suggested turning the Conditional Use Permit process upside down -- if it meets the criteria, its O.K. They will be working on changing the Conditional Use Permit wording in order to meet more specific criteria in the Historic District. Sub- zones will have to be created. Chambers said the net effect will be limiting the use of single family residences in certain sub-zones. They are hoping to get a consensus with the Historic Commission, Planning Commission and City Council. He added they will be looking at a special area plan for the Railroad District. The next subcommittee meeting will be February 17th, and the Planning Commission joint study session will be February 23rd. Cemetery Nominations to National Register Hook summarized the City Council unanimously agreed to appropriate half the funds from the cemetery levy. This money will be available July 1st. The City will request the remaining funds from SOHS. Applegate Trail Plaque Skibby reported Southern Oregon Historical Society had made numerous comments on the proposed wording of the plaque. Dick Ackerman, from Oregon California Trails Association, is waiting for the change in wording to submit for finalization. Skibby will draft a letter from the Commission to Dick Ackerman. Heritaee Landmarks List -- Cochran related the hearings before the Historic Commission will be held April 7 and 8 in the Council Chambers. Granite Street Fountain Hook will get together with Mike Morrison in the near future. Alley Committee Chambers reported the committee is moving quickly. Several members met with John McLaughlin to explain the status of the committee. They will be meeting next week with Pam Barlow and Steve Hall (Public Works), and McLaughlin, then will present the updated draft letter to the Planning Commission at the joint study session on February 23rd. He stressed it is important to understand the Alley Committee is not a subcommittee of the Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 3, 1993 Page 6 Historic Commission. The final draft will be presented to the Commission before it is sent to the City Council. Statue at Library MacKenzie said a new floodlight has been ordered, as have the four brass plaques. These have not arrived yet. Benches will be placed by the statue and new plantings are still to come. NEW BUSINESS Concerns/Comments Hook expressed his frustration about the amount of time spent on certain planning actions. He said he felt too much time was spent debating design and details. Cochran said because a lot of time is spent on detail, Staff encourages people to come into the Review Board in order to work out particulars before the Historic Commission meeting. Not all people, however, take advantage of the Review Board. Lewis commented he is pleased so many Commission goals are actually coming into being. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Hook and second by Dancer, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 3, 1993 Page 7