HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes January 6, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis Terry Skibby, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Dana Johnson, Keith Chambers, H.L. Wood and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Jane Dancer was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ennis moved and Johnson seconded to approve the December 2, 1992 Minutes. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 93-011 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 234 Vista Street Davis & Downey Construction Cochran explained this application is for a Site Review because of proposed exterior changes (dormers in rear and deck) to a house on the National Register of Historic Places. The Conditional Use Permit is for the expansion of the non-conforming garage. SID DeBOER, owner, related he is concerned that the house remains a nice house. The addition and deck will maintain the Craftsman style. The garage will be extended to accommodate two cars. It will conform more to the style of the house. Most of the changes to the house, he explained, will be to the interior. Skibby moved and Johnson seconded to recommend approval of the Site Review and Conditional Use Permit to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. PA 93-018 Conditional Use Permit 247 Third Street Jacquelyn Peake Cochra.n stated this application is for the structural alteration of a non-conforming barn, which is located at the confluence of two alleys. The applicant proposes to upgrade the barn in order to use it for her garage. The siding will be retained, the metal roof removed and replaced with composition shingles. JACQUELYN PEAKE explained she will also have to close off two of the windows facing the alley for fire safety. She will get matching wood, then paint the building to match her house. After discussing the alleys, Hook moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the alleys not be paved at this time. Chambers seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. PA 92-144 Site Review Lot 1 of Southern Pacific Subdivision Steve Hoxmeier Cochran related the applicant would like to build a temporary office/storage/shop building on one of the Railroad subdivision lots. Staff is technically looking at it as one entire lot because the plat has not yet been signed. The temporary building would have a one year approval. STEVE HOXMEIER said he would not be doing anything until the property closes and is in his name, even though Southern Pacific has given its approval already. City Council will be holding a public hearing for LID financing on January 19th. Johnson questioned why the building would be temporary. Hoxmeier answered if Fourth Street goes through, he may have to change the parking or move the building. The building will be on piers in case it needs to be moved. If it can remain, he will then pour a foundation. He added it will be located on the rear of the lot behind the fence, trees and bushes, thereby retaining the existing open space. When asked about the use, Hoxmeier said he will first use it to store his garden tools and hoses so he can get the lawn going again. Then he will move in his saw for a shop. Skibby related he has old photos of the building that was originally on the site. It was also temporary and moved around on the property. It has similar features with the proposed building. He said he feels this proposal will improve the lot. When asked about material, Hoxmeier answered he will use old wood double hung windows, composition shingles, and new siding that looks like lap siding. Chambers said he was under the impression the design of the buildings in the subdivision were to have a unified look. Ennis agreed and said he feels it defeats the purpose by having to go through each application one at a time. Skibby said he doesn't necessarily want a unified look because not everything on "A" Street is the same. Ennis would like to see something in the design that would be the same. Lewis stated Fourth Street is the hub of Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 6, 1993 Page 2 the Railroad District and it is necessary not only to look at what is existing on the corners, but to look at the future also. Chambers added it is hard to predict what will happen in a year if the temporary structure would have to be moved or the exterior would have to be changed. The Commission was pleased with the overall design of the project and agreed a sense of integrity should be maintained, but not all the structures should look the same. Hook moved and Johnson seconded to recommend approval of this application, and it passed unanimously. PA 93-002 Conditional Use Permit 726 Iowa Street Kai Jacobson Cochran explained the applicant proposes to build a new structure at the rear of the property. The residential area will include 760 square feet, while the remaining will be a two car garage and storage area. Ennis stated the design is way out of scale. The new structure will look larger than the existing house and will affect the surrounding property. Also, the rear portion of the property is elevated, so the new structure will really stand out. The Commission felt not enough information was provided by the applicant to make a decision at this time. Design features are unspecified and the required elevations were not submitted. It was recommended the applicant meet with the Review Board personally. Chambers moved to defer approval of this application until a complete set of plans is submitted for the following reasons: 1) landscape plans are incomplete; 2) possible loss of large tree in driveway (unclear in plans); 3) scale of auxiliary structure is too large and the garage dominates the building; 4) there are no details in the design features (i.e. siding, roofing, window type and size, trim, etc.); 5) inconsistencies in square footage (garage, unit and footprint); and 6) plans are incomplete -- three elevations are missing, plans are sketchy, details are missing, scale seems incorrect, and unclear if house is really equidistant from both sides of lot as depicted on plan. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 6, 1993 Page 3 PA 93-007 Site Review 277 Fifth Street Sherbourne/Jackson Cochran conveyed this application is for a dental office and general office area. Staff is pleased with the design and orientation of the building. A sidewalk and park row will be put in along Fifth Street, and a sidewalk along "A" Street. Eight parking spaces and a handicapped space will be provided off the alley. The design is compatible with the area and does not imitate existing structures. More trim for the windows may be required. After it was determined the columns were square, Chambers suggested they be tapered (larger at the bottom). Hook agreed. Lewis asserted the sidewalk along Fifth Street should have a 12 foot parkway in order to conform to the existing sidewalk and the one being required of Cooper/Silverman. Hook said if it goes to 12 feet, three trees may be lost. Lewis contended the sidewalks should line up and be kept close to what was designated in the late 1800s. Skibby stated there are instances where the sidewalks curve around trees. Chambers questioned the aesthetics of the metal roof. Ennis said he feels the roof is one of the most attractive parts of the building and thinks it will look sharp. Half the Commission believe the metal roof will dominate the building. They would like the owner to consider shingles as an alternative. Skibby stated the color will also be a factor. Chambers moved to recommend approval of the application with the following comments to reflect general concerns of the Commission: 1) sidewalk setback on Fifth Street should endeavor to maintain the major trees; 2) recommend the applicants consider sawn shingles or composition shingles; and 3) it would be helpful to know the color of the wall surface and roof. MacKenzie seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. PA 93-008 Site Review 671, 673 and 673½ Siskiyou Boulevard Golden/Freeman Cochran explained David Shaw had received approval for this project but did not do anything before it expired. The new owners will have to conform to the original conditions and have agreed to this. Staff is recommending approval. Hook moved and Ennis seconded to recommend approval of this application with the suggestion the owners upgrade the main house also. The motion passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 6, 1993 Page 4 BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of December follow: 223 Fifth Street '188 Alida Street 19 Gresham Street 234 Vista Street 1 Hillcrest Street 169 East Main Street 130 Third Street Cooper/Silverman Frank Spierings Dave Werschkul Sid DeBoer Gayle Titus Ray Jackson Paul Steinbronner Remodel Remodel Porch footing/fence Interior Demolition Addition Interior Remodel Accessory Structure REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: January 7 January 14 January 21 January 28 Wood and Skibby MacKenzie, Johnson, Lewis, Chambers and Skibby Hook, MacKenzie, Johnson, Wood and Skibby MacKenzie, Lewis, Chambers, Ennis and Skibby OLD BUSINESS Joint Study Session Ennis reported the subcommittee had not met again because they needed input from Staff. Ennis said he had met with McLaughlin and it was decided the Historic Commission and the City Council should have a joint study session to discuss concerns such as this. It was decided a subcommittee consisting of Chambers, Ennis, Planning Commissioners Mike Bingham and Susan Powell, and Councilors Pat Acklin and Rob Winthrop should meet first rather than the full Commission and Council in order to be more productive. Granite Street Fountain Hook volunteered to work with Mike Morrison on this project. Cemetery Nominations to National Register The draft memo to the Mayor and City Council regarding Council support will be sent as is, with Kay's letters enclosed. Ashland Historic Cmnmission Minutes January 6, 1993 Page 5 Applegate Trail Plaque The wording on the proposed plaque was discussed. The Commission would like to see Ashland and the Rogue Valley stressed more. Skibby will write a letter and the proposed rewording for the plaque. Skibby reported he had spoken with Steve from the Parks Department to coordinate the placement of the plaque. He will also be meeting with Marty Stewart, surveyor, who has a copy of the original map of the Applegate Trail. He will report at the next meeting. I.O.O.F. Building The Commission was pleased the owners will be taking care of the chimneys and "martini glass". Heritaee Landmarks List Cochran said she had been discussing this with Staff. It was decided the list should be adopted as soon as possible. Two informal neighborhood meetings/hearings will be scheduled in February. She stated it would require a commitment from the Commission to attend the meetings. McLaughlin is working on an updated newsletter to send out and explain the ordinance and list. Also, something should be put in the newspaper to educate the citizens. Historic Landmark Preservation Ordinance Cochran stated the Heritage Landmarks List will be adopted first, then the ordinance. Alley Committee Hook declared the committee will be meeting on January 18th. NEW BUSINESS February_ Meeting The next meeting (February 3, 1993) will be held in the Hospital Conference room. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Ashhmd Historic Commission Minutes January 6, 1993 Page 6