HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-12-02 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes December 2, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson Terry Skibby at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Dana Johnson, and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Jim Lewis, Jane Dancer, Keith Chambers, and H.L. Wood were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MacKenzie declared page 3 of the November 4, 1992 Minutes, under Statue at Library, should read four brass plaques rather than two. Skibby clarified page 4, under Letter from Pat Marlin should state "the worst part seems to be the existing entrance to the alley on Union Street". Hook moved and Johnson seconded to approve the November 4, 1992 Minutes as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 92-138 Conditional Use Permit 111 Third Street Thomas Cassel Cochran explained this application is for a four-unit plus owner's unit traveler's accommodation. It will be a change in use, as it now is used as a counseling office. Five parking spaces are required and six are existing. The alley and the parking spaces are already paved; landscaping is fine as it is; and traffic impact will be the same or less than the present use. Skibby questioned if there are residential units in the house now. Cochran answered there are none, but the applicant (new owner) will be living in the house. THOMAS CASSEL related the house still has a kitchen and bedrooms, as few interior changes were made when it became an office. He has ordered an 8"x 11" plaque, which will be placed by the door. The name will be "Colonel Silsby's Bed and Breakfast Inn". Cassel also said he plans to begin working on the house next spring and should be able to open the inn in April. The Commission agreed this was an appropriate use for the house, as it will be more authentic having it as a residence once again. Hook moved and Johnson seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion passed unanimously. PA 92-140 Conditional Use Permit 662 "B" Street Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association Cochran stated this application is to modify the existing non-conforming building to accommodate seven living units. It is non-conforming because there are currently six units in the house, and only three would be allowed. The shed in the back will be demolished and replaced with a parking area. No exterior changes of the house are proposed other than upgrading. The only concern neighbors have expressed is the increased traffic in the alley. The two neighbors with property abutting the unpaved portion of the alley feel it should be paved, and OSFA is willing to do so. Half the alley is paved already. JIM DUNCAN, 692 "B" Street, stated he is one of the neighbors requesting permission to pave the alley. Currently, there is no parking off the alley for the OSFA house. With the demolition of the unit (shed) in the rear, all the off-street parking will be located off the alley. Hook stated that although OSFA is his employer, he has nothing to do with this project. There were a few items he could clarify, however. The structure will be used for temporary housing for actors, directors, etc. Most do not have cars, as they fly in, so they will be using bicycles and their feet for transportation. In spite of this, he agreed the alley should be paved. Ennis said he was a little dismayed because there are seven people living at the site now whose affordable housing will be lost. He also wondered how the owners of property on the paved portion felt about the increased traffic in the alley, and how they would be affected by having the entire alley paved. MacKenzie stated the uniform appearance would justify paving the alley. Johnson felt it would deteriorate further if it was not paved, and said it seems it would be safer if it were consistent. Skibby added it is not one of the alleys destined not to be paved by the Alley Committee. Hook moved to recommend the remainder of the alley be paved as part of the conditions for approval. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with all voting aye except Ennis. MacKenzie moved and Johnson seconded to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit. The motion passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 2, 1992 Page 2 PA 92-141 Conditional Use Permit Under the Viaduct on Water Street Medford Growers and Crafters Association Cochran explained this application is for the review of a temporary use. The Market has been using the area under the viaduct for the past three years. This type of use is encouraged in the downtown. The Market has the use of eight more parking spaces if needed. Hook stated he was on the DPAC when the recommendation was made to use parking spaces across the street for expansion so as to not take away more parking spaces from downtown employees, as this is one of the few areas where they are allowed to park for a full day. The City Council, however, approved expansion of the Market by taking away more spaces from the lot. He felt if the Market people were allowed to use a certain number of spaces, there should be the same number of spaces made available on Tuesdays elsewhere for downtown employees. He recommended the small lot across from Copeland not be monitored on Tuesdays as a trade-off. Ennis moved to recommend approval of this application on the condition that on Tuesdays during the Market season, downtown employees be allowed to park in an alternate area, such as the small lot across from Copeland, to make up for the 16 spaces lost on that day. Hook seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of November follow: 174 North Main Street 75 Bush Street 30 North Second Street 453 Allison Street 184 "B" Street 548 Iowa Street 58 Fourth Street 23 Sherman Street 338 Scenic Drive 59 Manzanita Street Central/Helman/Water 184 Hargadine Street 140 High Street Marilyn Krichman Gordon Pelton U.S. Bank Nancy Coleman Ian and Betsy Wessler William Koenigsberg Martha McGentre Susan Louie Beth Coye and Esther Bell Vicki Lamb Lloyd Haines Marvin Salles Lorraine Skaff Cottage Remodel/Addition Repair Ceiling Deck Remodel Reroof Shed Remodel/Bay Window Demolish Shed Garage/Studio/Storage Interior Remodel Co mmer cial Building Re-roof Carport Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 2, 1992 Page 3 150 East Main Street 191 Oak Street 243 East Main Street Ashland Homes Real Estate Sign Ashland Cycle Sport Sign Western Bank Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: December 3 December 10 December 17 December 24 December 31 ewis (?) Hook, Johnson, MacKenzie and Skibby Hook, Johnson, MacKenzie and Skibby Ennis and Skibby MacKenzie and Skibby OLD BUSINESS Joint Study Session Ennis reported a subcommittee consisting of himself, Chambers, and Planning Commissioners Susan Powell and Mike Bingham met on November 9th. He submitted copies of the worksheet and explained the revisions. The committee is now awaiting word from Planning Staff regarding continuation at this time. Eventually, they would like their intentions adopted by the City Council. Granite Street Fountain A memo from Pam Barlow was discussed in which she states Dennis Barnts, Water Quality Superintendent, believes the old fountain should not be replumbed. He suggested a new fountain be placed next to the old one, and that a plaque be placed on the old one noting its historic significance. The Commission agreed with the proposal. Hook moved to comply with Dennis Barnts' suggestion and added the fountain in the best shape should be used. MacKenzie seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Cemetery Nominations to National Register Lewis was not present at the meeting and it was understood he will draft the letter to the Council. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 2, 1992 Page 4 Statue at Library Hook commended MacKenzie for her work in taking care of the statue. MacKenzie said she will be meeting with A1 Williams, Electric Department Director, to discuss the floodlight. She added that John Fregonese had told her two benches could be placed there. Donn Todt, from the Parks Department, may also be putting in a planter bed. Applegate Trail Plaque Skibby reported he had attended the City Council meeting on November 17. The Council approved the acceptance of the plaque and the placement in the Plaza. Skibby will write a letter to coordinate this with the Parks Department. Heritage Landmarks List Cochran explained the Planning Staff will work toward adoption of the list in four to five months. The Commission will set up a study session in order to review the files. Historic Landmark Preservation Ordinance Cochran conveyed this is low on the City Council priority list and it looks as though it will be another year before it is adopted. Ennis suggested Page 4 (n) should be "one inch equals four feet or greater". The Commission agreed. Alley Committee Hook stated the committee should resume meeting after the first of the year. NEW BUSINESS I.O.O.F. Buildine Skibby noted a martini glass made of reinforced plaster had been placed in the middle of the old Plaza Cafe sign on the side of the Oddfellows Building. Akerman related she had spoken with one of the owners who was quite upset about the glass. Evidently, a mason had been hired to reinforce some of the cracks in the bricks, then took it upon himself to put up the martini glass. Skibby also added the top portion of the chimneys had been removed. Hook moved and Ennis seconded the Historic Commission express its concern about the exterior changes made to the Oddfellows Building-- the martini glass and the change in the Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 2, 1992 Page 5 chimneys that have been in existence since 1879 -- and request the owners restore the building to its previous condition. The motion was passed unanimously. Skibby will draft a letter and include photos of the building. Hook stated he knows of people who could restore the sign. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Ennis and second by Hook, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 2, 1992 Page 6