HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-11-04 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes November 4, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Jane Dancer, Keith Chambers, Dana Johnson, H.L. Wood and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. No members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dancer moved and Ennis seconded to approve the October 7, 1992 Minutes as mailed. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 92-128 Conditional Use Permit 1 Hillcrest Street Gayle Titus Cochran explained this application is for an expansion of the garage, which is a non- conforming structure. The existing setbacks are three foot side yard and nine foot rear yard, rather than the required ten feet on each. Compatible materials with the house will be used. Fire Department concerns have been worked out. Gayle Titus said a new hydrant will be installed on Glenview Drive across from the garage. This will provide better protection for the whole area. Structures are required to be within 250 feet of a hydrant and she was 300 feet. When questioned by Chambers regarding cost, Titus answered the Water Department will provide the hydrant and she will pay for the installation. After discussing fire walls and culverts, Chambers moved and Johnson seconded to recommend approval of this action. The motion passed unanimously. PA 92-119 Transfer of Ownership 120 Gresham Street Margaret Kuan Cochran stated this is a formality when a traveller's accommodation changes ownership. The applicant will operate the B & B under the same conditions except she will live in one of the units. Ennis moved to recommend approval of this application. With a second by Hook, the motion was unanimously approved. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of October follow: 167 East Main Street 126 Nursery Street 5 Hillcrest Street 116 Nob Hill Street 73 Granite Street 548 Iowa Street 477 Fairview Street 140 High Street 51 North Main Street 477 North Main Street 73 Granite Street 73 Granite Street 363 "B" Street Off Pioneer Street 47 North Main Street 363 "B" Street 340 "A" Street Ray Jackson Brent Thompson Robert Hall Jenna Sturgis Gerald/Helaine Noble Bill Koenigsberg Joe Martinez Lorraine Raft Lance Pugh/Lloyd Haines Sue Kruse Gerald/Helaine Noble Gerald/Helaine Noble Counseling Assoc. of S. Oregon Shops in the alley Plaza Cafe Counseling Assoc. of S. Oregon Software Boutique Remodel Remodel Overhang Re-Roof Rear Demolition Foundation/Re-Roof Addition Remodel/Addition Demolish Int. Walls Dormer/Skylight Remodel/Addition Garage Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: November 5 November 12 Lewis, MacKenzie, Hook, Skibby and Wood MacKenzie, Skibby and Dancer Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 4, 1992 Page 2 November 19 November 26 Hook, Johnson, MacKenzie, Skibby and Lewis THANKSGIVING OLD BUSINESS Joint Study Session Ennis reported a subcommittee consisting of himself, Chambers, Lewis, Skibby, and Planning Commissioners Susan Powell and Mike Bingham will meet on November 9th. Granite Street Fountain Chambers will write a draft letter requesting the Water Department to replace the fountain with the one in storage. Skibby will take photos. Cemetery Nominations to National Register Kay Atwood's letter was discussed regarding costs involved in the nomination. Lewis recommended the Commission first seek support from the City Council, then pursue information about grants, etc. A letter to the Council will be drafted for the next meeting. Skibby moved and Wood seconded to pursue the nomination of the cemeteries to the National Register. The motion passed unanimously. Statue at Library MacKenzie reported Jeffrey Bernard did a beautiful job of cleaning the statue, and that it now looks iridescent. Two brass plaques have been ordered to cover the holes on the sides. She added that John Fregonese has agreed to place one or two benches around the statue and they are trying to get a floodlight from across the street. Applegate Trail Plaque Skibby related he had talked with John Fregonese about the placement of the plaque. Fregonese agreed the Plaza area would be appropriate. Hook moved to recommend to the City Council that the City of Ashland accept the plaque commemorating the Applegate Trail, and that it be placed in the Plaza area. Johnson seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Heritaee Landmarks List Hook moved to recommend to the City Council the Interim Heritage Landmarks list be adopted as the final list. Johnson seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 4, 1992 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS G.K. Schrock Mr. Schrock spoke about the 100th anniversary of the Chautaugua Dome. He feels Ashland should celebrate the people that accomplished Chautaugua, and suggested having a "Chautaugua Event" during the time period of June 14 to July 5 (the three week period in which it was completed). The Commission advised working with SOHS, the schools, and newspapers, and also discussed tying it in with National Historic Preservation week in May and/or the Applegate Trail celebration. Schrock then acquainted the Commission with what is being done in his research for National Register nomination of 34 Union Street. He feels the Emerys need to be remembered, as in his opinion, there is very little physical evidence left in Ashland of this family. If the house (which was built by H.S. Emery, foster son of Eber and Sophia) was on the National Register, he would open up the home so the people could "see" history. He added he does not anticipate success, but would like the support of the Commission in order to educate people. Letter from Pat Marlin The letter from Pat Marlin (85 Union Street) was discussed requesting paving of the alley between Union and Gresham Streets by the City. Skibby commented the worst part of the alley seems to be the existing paved portion. No decision was made. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Hook and second by Chambers, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 4, 1992 Page 4