HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes August 5, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson Terry Skibby at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Dana Johnson, Jane Dancer and Deane Bradshaw. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Jim Lewis, Keith Chambers and Steve Ennis were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Johnson moved and Dancer seconded to approve the Minutes of the July 8, 1992 meeting as mailed. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS Cochran stated PA 92-088 has been called up for a public hearing; therefore, it will be heard during the September meeting. PA 92-093 Conditional Use Permit and Variance 366 "B" Street Steve and Doreen Johnson Cochran stated the applicants are applying to locate a traveller's accommodation on a vacant lot. The structure that had previously occupied the lot had burned a couple years ago. The Variance is required because the applicants' new structure will not be the required 20 years old. She went on to say Staff is concerned with three issues. The first is that a new structure will be built on a vacant lot. A single family residence is a permitted use; a B & B is not a permitted use. The second issue is that this application cannot meet the 20 year requirement. This criteria was added last year, with the intent new hotels are not built in residential neighborhoods. The third issue is the design. In Staff's opinion, the design of the house is an imitation of an old design which will utilize new materials. Although the applicants have put in a lot of time and money into this application, Staff is recommending denial because it does not meet the criteria. It will be heard by the full Planning Commission and Historic Commission feedback is necessary. Johnson stated the Review Board encouraged the design and she feels the house will fit well into the neighborhood. Doreen Johnson said this was the first she had heard about not wanting an old looking structure. She wants to live in the Railroad District and wants the new structure to look somewhat historic. She feels her proposal, including the design, will fit into the community. She also said she made a painstaking effort to design a house that was not modern. She wanted it to fit in and still preserve the historic integrity of the neighborhood. She went on to say when people put together regulations, it is to have an end purpose, and the end purpose is to protect and preserve the neighborhood. Steve Johnson stated imitation was the furthest thing from their minds. In fact, they hired an architect and went to a lot of work to not make an imitation and were careful to not make the design ornate. He also went to the neighbors and showed them the plans. There were no negative comments. Cochran stated Staff is mostly concerned with what happened farther down "B" Street with the Craftsman house that ended up overpowering the entire street. Steve Johnson said they are willing to work 100% with the Historic Commission and will make any necessary modifications. Bradshaw commented the style of the house is fine and will fit into the neighborhood. In her personal opinion, the Johnsons would not let the house overwhelm the neighborhood, as they have already been to the Review Board numerous times. She also feels the 20 year rule is a good one, but each case needs to be discussed individually. The Railroad District would get a nice looking house with a family, and this would make a major contribution to the community. Skibby said he does not feel the design is an imitation. Johnson commended the Johnsons for the work they have put in to this project. She felt they have been very honest and have worked with the Commission. The whole concept is a positive one for Ashland. Hook also commended the Johnsons and stated he likes the design. He said there is a hole on the block now. He disagreed with Staff's interpretation of the guidelines regarding imitation. He did, however, have a problem with the scale. It looks like it will be 15 feet higher than the two houses on either side. Some flexibility with the 20 year rule is needed. Bill Emerson (who was in the audience for another matter), interjected a truncated hip roof would bring down the height (the Johnsons agreed) and also acknowledged the design was nice. Skibby remarked the fire left a void on the block and feels the proposal would be an asset. He then questioned if a portion of the fire damaged house was saved, could it have been rebuilt and would it have met the criteria. Cochran stated it would have met the criteria. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1992 Page 2 Skibby also felt it was not a duplication of any existing house, then stated he would like to see a scale of the block which would include the proposed house. Dancer stated the design is a style of architecture, not an imitation. Also, the structure will primarily be a residence; the B & B is secondary. Bradshaw said the intent for the 20 year rule is good, but that it does not necessarily apply here. The applicants want to build a nice house and the only way they can do it is to get some money in return. Because of this, she feels the Johnson's property rights will be preserved. Otherwise, they would have to build something less. Johnson added the neighbors back this proposal and have signed in support. Skibby said this is not self imposed because of the fire and the owner at the time was required to demolish what was left because it was a hazard. He agreed the 20 year rule is important, but felt the criteria has been met. After discussion, the Commission agreed there should be no question the Conditional Use Permit criteria had been met by the applicants. Cochran clarified Staff's interpretation of property rights, stating a single family residence would be allowed outright on the lot, so property rights are not in jeopardy. It is an allowed use, not one that is only permitted conditionally. Although seemingly more difficult to meet, it was also agreed the criteria for a Variance have been met: 1. The applicants have made a good case for this. 2~ As far as property rights are concerned, the Johnsons would like to build a nice house that will fit into the neighborhood. In order to afford this, they need to get some money back. The best way they can do this is to build a traveller's accommodation. The applicants' property rights will be preserved because they can build a nice house. 3~ The design fits right in with the neighborhood; it will fill a hole that was left from the demolition of the fire damaged house; and the neighbors which would be most directly impacted, have signed in support. 4~ The circumstances have not been self-imposed because it is under different ownership than when the fire occurred. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission on the grounds that all the criteria has been met, and that the 20 year requirement be waived in this case. MacKenzie seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1992 Page 3 PA 92-095 Site Review 482 Iowa Street Roanne Lyall Cochran stated this application is for the construction of six multi-family units in two buildings (four units in one, and two in the other). The existing house will be remodeled and expanded. Parking will be off the alley and in a parking area. Bill Emerson, who was representing Roanne Lyall, presented elevations. The units, he clarified, will be flats (two on top and two on the bottom), because of the slope of the property. He said he has not had a chance to work on the existing house yet, but verified he will work with the Commission on that. Cochran explained the Commission should look at the Site Review for the concept, and that the actual building permits will come back to the Review Board for approval. She also declared the alley will be required to be paved because of its steepness and drainage (a portion has already been paved). In answer to Skibby's questions on existing trees, Emerson explained one of the smaller trees may be lost, but every effort will be made to maintain the larger ones. Hook asserted his position on alley paving, which he will recommend against every time until the Council resolves this issue, even though this is one case that probably warrants paving. Emerson continued to say the landscaping has been designed with drought resistant plants. The owner will live in the existing house once it has been remodeled and enlarged. Composition shingles will be used on the roof. He was unsure what the siding will be (it is currently sided with aluminum). The fireplace will be removed, and the windows will be replaced (without grids), probably with single or double hung. He also added he is recommending square posts and not wrought iron on the front porch. When Hook questioned Emerson about saving the tree in the alley if it were paved, he answered he felt it could. Skibby said he agrees with Hook regarding the alley, and is concerned about the trees. Also the existing house design should be as original as possible. The earliest siding should be restored if feasible, and vinyl or aluminum should not be used. Hook moved to recommend approval of the proposal with the following conditions: 1) alley not be paved until such time as comprehensive plan for all alleys in the City be addressed Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1992 Page 4 by the Council (but have owner sign in favor of improvements); 2) any addition to the existing house would have horizontal siding (not vinyl or aluminum); 3) the owner trust Emerson's judgement on windows; and 4) the two large trees be saved and any other existing ones if possible. Dancer seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARING ASHLAND HERITAGE LANDMARKS LIST 550 East Main Street 568 East Main Street 586 East Main Street 598 East Main Street No one was present in the audience regarding this hearing. It was noted a letter had been received requesting deletion of 598 East Main Street from the list. The Commission felt, however, not enough evidence was submitted to warrant deletion. Bradshaw moved and Hook seconded to recommend Council add the four properties to the Ashland Heritage Landmarks List. The motion was unanimously passed. PA 92-089 Conditional Use Permit 128 Manzanita Street Bill and Henriette Brecheisen Cochran explained there are two existing structures on the property. The smaller one was built for the owner's office/shop space. Since it does not currently meet the habitable square footage requirement, an area behind the carport will be blocked off for extra storage space and garage. It will be necessary for the owners to sign an agreement stating that area will never be used as habitable space. A Minor Land Partition is not possible since there is not enough square footage. Hook said one of the positive aspects is that it increases affordable rentals. Johnson questioned the deed restriction. Cochran said it will go with the property. Bradshaw moved to recommend approval of this application with the qualifying factor the extra square footage be converted into garage space, and follow through with the deed restriction. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1992 Page 5 BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of July follow: 477 Fairview Street 63 Bush Street 266 N. Second Street 267 Eighth Street 79 Nutley Street 121 Union Street 574 East Main Street 228 "B" Street 180 Alida Street 1023 East Main Street 264-C East Main Street 42 East Main Street 41 North Main Street 45 North Main Street 115 East Main Street 300 North Pioneer Street 163 East Main Street Joe Marinez Robbin Foster Roger Funk Kenneth McCulloh Ralph Crumme Gerald Sessions Bob Burton John Ferguson Bryce Johnson Bob and Diane Ellis Kate's Casuals Red's Threads Players Deli LaFrance Trapeze Town Hall Ashland Camera Deck Remodel/Addition Shop Addition Dormer Addition/Remodel Roof Alteration Demolish Roof Addition/Remodel Porch Reconstruction Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: August 6 August 13 August 20 August 27 Skibby and Dancer Skibby, Hook and Johnson Skibby, MacKenzie, Hook and Johnson Skibby, MacKenzie and Dancer OLD BUSINESS Goals . SAVE THE GRANITE STREET FOUNTAIN. Continue to work toward saving the fountain or replacing it with the one in storage. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1992 Page 6 . REGISTER STATUS P~4MPHLET. Explanation of the National Register, what to expect from being placed on it, questions and answers, etc. Also, an explanation of special assessment would be helpful. o CLEANING OF STATUEATLIBRARY. Research cleaning agents (talk with Jeffrey Bernard), talk with City crews regarding regularly scheduled cleanings, find out if funding is available, obtain regular water for fountain. SELF GUIDED WALKING TOUR. Develop a pamphlet with maps and descriptions of structures for self guided tours, similar to park guide. Research grant possibilities. o ASHLAND CEMETERY. Research possibility of National Register status, photograph headstones, secure headstones, document by looking at information on each headstone, find out if school class would be interested. The above goals were approved at the Goal Setting/Orientation dinner. National Register information will be solicited from SHPO in order to begin the brochure. MacKenzie informed the Commission she had met with Jeffrey Bernard regarding the fountain at the library. He can clean the entire fountain for $200 (plus the rent of the scaffolding). He also recommended it be kept cleaned. They both felt a bronze placque should be placed where there is a hole where the Lithia water plumbing was once located. MacKenzie has also contacted Gerald Fowler, who was the plumber for the Perozzi Fountain. He will submit a bid for one basin and one fountain. Bernard and MacKenzie both agree a floodlight should be put in, especially since the wiring is already there. A letter was received from Kay Atwood, who would like the opportunity to prepare a nomination for the Ashland Cemetery. The Commission was excited about the letter and will invite her to the September meeting. Skibby and Bradshaw will be working on the walking tour brochure. There was nothing new to present on the Granite Street fountain or the loss of rental housing in the Historic District. NEW BUSINESS Special Assessment With a motion by Bradshaw and second by MacKenzie, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to recommend special assessment be approved for the Peerless Rooms at 243 Fourth Street. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1992 Page 7 Mark Antony A copy of a letter written to Dennis Slattery about the copper marquee was received from SHPO. Cochran stated she had talked with Mr. Slattery, who will come in to speak with the Commission. He wants to do things right. Skibby will find photos of the Mark Antony around the time it was accepted to the National Register. Media Dancer discussed recent articles that have appeared in the newspapers. She felt the interpretation of the Historic Commission was not accurate, and that they implied the Commission was not impartial. It was decided personal and Commission view need to be made more clear. Lewis will be the spokesperson for the Commission on most matters. Skibby will be the spokesperson for matters regarding the Railroad Park. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1992 Page 8