HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-08 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes July 8, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Keith Chambers, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Dana Johnson, Jane Dancer and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran, City Council Liaison Susan Reid and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Member Deane Bradshaw was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby moved and Hook seconded to approve the Minutes of the June 3, 1992 meeting as mailed. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 92-084 Site Review 624 "A" Street Jim Lewis Lewis declared a conflict of interest. Cochran explained that because the depot is on the National Register of Historic Places and Lewis would like to change the height of two doors, a Site Review is required. It is also required for the use of the depot as a cabinet and furniture manufacture workshop. Two parking spaces will be required to be improved. Lewis stated he would like to request he not be required to provide street trees every 30 feet due to the large overhang of the building, and the number of existing large sycamores already on the property. Landscaping will exceed the required 15%. (Cochran stated if street trees will be required every 30 feet, it would be possible to plant smaller trees.) He will continue the rock work on the depot property. Lewis went on to say he proposes to add one window and drop the existing doors from freight level to slab floor level. The existing windows will be made workable. He has had verbal approval from Henry Kunowski from SHPO for this change. He has started putting on a new roof already. He has found the original colors, which appear to be shades of gray. The color will be changed to the original (this has been approved by SHPO). There will only be a few interior changes. He added the noise will be contained within the building. He also explained the existing portion of the depot took care of all the depot duties, including crew quarters, from 1937 on. When questioned about paving the alley, Cochran stated the moratorium is still in effect. Skibby commended Lewis for the work and research he has done on the depot. Chambers moved and Skibby seconded to approve both the exterior change on the building and also the use of the building. Hook amended the motion to include the alley not be required to be paved until such time as the entire alley issue is settled. The motion passed with all voting aye except Lewis, who abstained. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of June follow: 152 Strawberry Lane 109 Pine Street 70 Water Street 47 North Main Street 256 Sixth Street 71 Gresham Street 60 Fifth Street 376 "B" Street 582 North Main Street 582 North Main Street 582 North Main Street 842 "A" Street 85 Union Street 531 Scenic Drive 531 Scenic Drive 531 Scenic Drive 45 North Main Street 45 North Main Street 264-B East Main Street 25 North Main Street Helman/Central 370 East Main Street 258 #4 "A" Street Laura Dunbar Hillmann-Figueiredo Ann & Robert Clouse Lloyd Haines Jim Haim Santina Ashcrafe Tom Phillips Susan De Marinas Ashland Community Hospital Ashland Community Hospital Ashland Community Hospital Bruce Hoab Ken Marlin Casey Bright Casey Bright Casey Bright Terry Painter/Henry Daw Terry Painter/Henry Daw Perfect Solutions Masonic Temple Ashland Creek Condominiums Main Street Laundromat Ashland Recycled Furniture Remodel Skylights Deck Remodel Addition/Remodel Foundation Foundation SFR Demolition/Barn Demolition/SFR Demolition/Shed Addition Porch Overhang Addition/Remodel Demolition/Shed Garage Deck Remodel Sign (2) Sign Sign Sign Sign Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 Dancer, Chambers, Skibby and Lewis Chambers, Johnson, Skibby and Lewis Hook, Ennis, MacKenzie and Skibby Dancer, Hook, Johnson and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 8, 1992 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Goal Setting/Orientation Dinner Meeting Skibby stated he would like to see a brochure about what to expect from being placed on the National Register of Historic Places as a goal. Since the Historic Commission felt badly about the house on Morton Street, it was thought an explanation such as this would have helped the owners in the process, as they could have designed the addition differently and on a smaller scale. Lewis added that SHPO is making the open house mandatory for those structures which are receiving special assessment. He said he had talked with Skibby about the Ashland Heritage Committee helping with the open houses. Although money cannot be required to attend open houses, donations are acceptable. Reid said it would probably be best to let the Heritage Committee help the people with their open houses, with assistance from the Historic Commission. She also suggested the pamphlet clarify the difference between being in the Historic District and being on the National Register of Historic Places. Skibby discussed vandalism which continually occurs at the cemetery by Safeway. He has noticed many people using the pathway and the cemetery as open space. The City crew is trying to discourage this use. Since it is so rich in history, he feels there is a possibility of it being accepted to the National Register of Historic Places. He suggested the Commission undertake the cemetery documentation, etc. as a goal. MacKenzie mentioned another goal could be to procure National Register status for Siskiyou Boulevard. Fountain on Corner of Granite and Nutley Streets Hook stated Mike Morrison of the Water Department will investigate the other fountain, which is the one that was located on Laurel Street. It is thought it has WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union) inscribed on it. This, he said, is still a national organization and he has spoken with the secretary of the national WCTU. There are three local chapters in the State of Oregon, the closest being in Eugene. He will try to find out if any of the Oregon chapters would be interested in monetarily helping with the restoration. Rental Housine Loss Issue Hook moved to accept the draft memo by Chambers and Ennis regarding the loss of rental housing in the Historic District to commercial uses, and forward it as is to the Planning Staff and Planning Commission. Ennis explained they wanted to start by opening the issue, then Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 8, 1992 Page 3 would like to get into specifics and criteria. Dancer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Heritage Sunday Skibby reported Heritage Sunday was a success. There was a good turnout, and the people enjoyed the photo display and the music. It was covered by Channel 12 and the Tidings. He also said County Commissioner Ric Holt attended and is still very interested in getting a commuter train to run from Grants Pass to Ashland and a tourist train between Siskiyou County and Southern Oregon. A committee called Bring Back the Trains has been formed. A luncheon was held with guest speakers William Watt (Associate Administrator of Department of Trains, Federal Railroad) and Robert E. Krebs (Manager, Rail Passenger Plan, State of Oregon) to discuss this. Cultural Resource Inventory Akerman explained it is necessary for the Historic Commission and the City Council to hold public hearings before the properties George Kramer researched can be added to the interim list. The Commission will hold the hearing at its August 5th meeting. NEW BUSINESS Water Curtailment Reid discussed the water curtailment, especially with regard to older homes in the Historic District that have been converted to multi-family residences. The Commission agreed to support reasonable wording on information formulated and distributed by the City regarding the possibility of incorrect meter size for these commercial residences, and the ability to convert to the correct size in order to allow greater use of water. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 8, 1992 Page 4