HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes June 3, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Keith Chambers, Le Hook, Jean MacKenzie, Deane Bradshaw, Dana Johnson, and Steve Ennis. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran, and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Member Jane Dancer was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved and Hook seconded to approve the Minutes of the May 6, 1992 meeting as mailed. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 92-070 Conditional Use Permit 363 "B" Street Mark and Jane Moskowitz Cochran explained the applicants would like to convert an existing residential structure to an office with parking in the rear. Staff feels this is an appropriate use. She distributed copies of a letter received from John Stacy, an adjacent property owner, expressing his concerns about parking, traffic, and non-residential uses in the immediate area. These are also concerns of the Staff, however, since the studio apartment will remain in the back, it is recommending approval. When questioned about alley paving, Cochran answered it will not be required. Ennis commented since the caretaker will be living off the alley, on evenings and weekends the property will have the appearance of no one there. He is also concerned about increase in traffic. Lewis stated cottage industries have been encouraged in the past and feels it would be appropriate, especially since "B" Street is the only collector street in the Railroad District. Skibby said traffic will remain on "B" Street because the alley will remain unpaved. When Cochran was questioned about a saturation point of businesses in residential areas, she answered when it gets to that point, the Historic Commission and neighbors have the right to say "no". Chambers expressed his frustration about affordable rentals being taken off the market at an alarming rate. He wondered if the Planning Staff had thought about this saturation. Bradshaw commented she is concerned about livability of the area and feels the property will be maintained with the proposed use. Mark Moskowitz, owner of the property, said he had lived in the house from 1979 until last summer and has completely restored it. There is no net gain in the parking. He feels it is a good mix because it would eliminate parking at night. The residential feel will remain. The house next door has been a rental for years and it has been become quite run down. He assured the Commission he will keep the residential feel and maintain the property. When questioned by Johnson regarding the letter from the neighbor, Moskowitz stated Mr. Stacy didn't realize parking would be located in the back, along with the studio, and the proposed business would be a fairly small business. He stated Stacy will be sending a letter to the Planning Department regarding this. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application with the following conditions: 1) there are no more than two offices, 2) the hours of business do not exceed 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and 3) that no alley paving be required. Bradshaw seconded the motion. Discussion followed, with Chambers emphasizing the fact a house will be lost to a business. Moskowitz stated his wife will be one of the counselors, and although they will not be living in the house, they will still own it and maintain it. Ennis related he appreciates what Moskowitz has done with the property, but since he lives in a rental, he knows what the loss will be. He also stated he would be more comfortable if there were more regulations regarding the percentage of businesses in certain areas and the city-wide problem of affordable housing. Bradshaw addressed vacancy in rental units. Moskowitz commented that businesses come in waves, then cited a business that was located down the street for a number of years and now is a residence again. He added in all the years he lived on the site, he never had a problem finding a parking space in front of his house day or night. Lewis stated it is important to have a mixed use, and it should be noted it could be converted back to a residence at any time. The motion passed, with Skibby, Bradshaw, MacKenzie, Johnson, Lewis and Hook voting aye. Inasmuch as Chambers and Ennis opposed approval because of the loss of rental property in the area and wanted it to be in the record, they voted nay. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 2 PA 92-076 Conditional Use Permit 531 Scenic Drive Casey Bright Cochran stated when this property was originally partitioned, one of the conditions was that the back portion of the house be removed. The plat was signed without this being done. The new owner would like to restore the house and retain the back portion. Cochran said the benefits of keeping this portion outweigh the removal. Skibby remarked this was meant to be saved because the City Council had already approved demolition of the structure. Bradshaw wondered if a 20 foot setback could be required for the property to the rear (off Catalina) in order to give the applicant more space. Cochran said this could not be done, however, parking would probably be in the back portion of that property. Casey Bright stated he will be remodeling and adding on to the house. Although the only bathroom is now on the back porch, it will be moved during the remodel. This back portion, however, includes the foundation which is a part of the house. Therefore, he is asking to retain it. The Commission was pleased the house will be restored. Bradshaw moved and Chambers seconded to recommend approval of this action. The motion passed unanimously. PA 92-052 Conditional Use Permit 600 East Main Street and 23 Sherman Street Carol Stanton-Farr Cochran explained the application is for a four-unit motel (three units in the triplex and one in the single family residence). The applicant has to provide on-site parking, which will be located between the two structures, while maintaining the two maple trees. The only exterior change on the structures is a stairway on the East Main house. Impact will be considerably less than the current residential use because it will not be rented 365 days a year. Hook stated his concerns about losing four affordable rental units that are convenient to downtown, and said it would directly impact the condominiums across the street. Chambers noted the loss will be felt by the local renters rather than out of town tourists. Skibby felt since it is located in a commercial district it would be appropriate. Bradshaw said she had Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 3 been inside and it is in horrible condition, so to preserve the streetscape and improve the interior, it should be approved. Chambers and Ennis both stated they would like to see a strong statement made regarding affordable housing loss. When questioned about commercial areas losing residential structures, Cochran said mixed uses have been encouraged, especially residential/retail uses. Lewis said he felt since the impact would be less, it would be a similar use, and the facades and landscaping would improve, he had no problem with the approval. Bradshaw moved to recommend approval with the following conditions: 1) the alternate parking plan (page 11) which retains the two maple trees be utilized; 2) the sign be in scale with those allowed for traveller's accommodations; 3) the original integrity of the houses be maintained; 4) the shingled portion of the house not be painted; and 5) the owner consider utilizing pavers from the curb to the parking lot. Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with Skibby, Bradshaw, Lewis, MacKenzie and Johnson voting aye, and Hook, Chambers and Ennis voting nay. PA 92-071 Conditional Use Permit 60 Fifth Street Tom Phillips Cochran explained this is another instance of repairing the foundation on a non-conforming structure. The existing rock foundation will be removed and replaced. Ennis said he was concerned about damage to the mature vegetation. Lewis stated he had given the owner a bid on the foundation, so he could give more details. (He also felt it did not constitute a conflict of interest since only a bid had been submitted, but nothing had been accepted.) Lewis said Phillips is very sensitive to the vegetation and will retain as much as possible, including the large juniper and the plants in back (which will no doubt be trampled, but not removed). The alley side could lose vegetation. The crawlspace is not adequate so it will be brought up to code. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application with the stipulation the owner maintain as much vegetation as possible, including the large juniper. Skibby seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 4 PA 92-072 Site Review and Variance 8 "B" Street Phyllis Sanderson/Caroline Mohagen Cochran explained a Site Review is required because a portion of the existing use is changing from less intensive to more intensive, the Variance is being requested because there is not enough space on the property to provide for parking. Staff feels since this will not be a planned destination, parking will not be a problem. Lewis added since the property is in the commercial zone, the owners are already paying for a local improvement district. Skibby moved to recommend approval of this application with the provision a residence be required in a portion of the house. With a second by Ennis, the motion was unanimously approved. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of May follow: 256 Sixth Street 104 Bush Street 47 North Main Street 87 Granite Street 117 Morton Street 45 North Main Street 407 North Main Street 147 Church Street 376 "B" Street Jim Haim John Schweiger NJC Corporation Florian Szymaniak Georgia Daniels Tery Painter Jed Meese Louise Welch Susan DeMarinas Foundation SFR Interior Demolition Windows Remodel* Remodel Shade Trellis Foundation SFR Demolition * Historic Commission recommended disapproval because of proposed siding. Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 July 2 Skibby, Lewis and Johnson Skibby, Lewis and Dancer Skibby, MacKenzie and Ennis Hook, Johnson and Lewis Hook, Chambers and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week Skibby reported the percentage of nominations received was low compared to the brochures that were mailed and distributed. It was decided the COMMERCIAL category should be clarified to let people know it also includes residential (i.e. Bed & Breakfast accommodations). The Commission also agreed a new category should be added >> HISTORICALLY COMPATIBLE NEW CONSTRUCTION. Bradshaw added there was a good response to the tours. Fountain on Corner of Granite and Nutle¥ Streets Lewis stated the City has a replica of this fountain at the water treatment plant. He will check out the condition, along with replacement costs. Ennis suggested restoring the exterior but using compatible interior parts with the fountains downtown. Chambers proposed the Commission enlist the help of a service club to take on the project. Hook will investigate this. The Commission agreed it should request Public Works take no action at this time, as it would be in the best interest (historically) of the City to get the existing fountain serviceable. (Hook moved and Lewis seconded to extend the meeting beyond 10:30 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.) NEW BUSINESS Election of Officers Chambers moved and MacKenzie seconded to retain Lewis as Chairperson, and Skibby as Vice Chairperson and Planning Commission Liaison. The motion was unanimously passed. Chambers then moved to nominate Hook as Council Liaison. Bradshaw seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Goal Setting/Orientation Dinner Meeting It was decided to hold this meeting on July 9th in the Dankook Room at SOSC. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 6 Cultural Resource Inventory Hook moved to formally accept George Kramer's research for the additions to the Ashland Cultural Resource Inventory, request the City Council to add this to the interim list, and forward to the State Historic Preservation Office. Chambers seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Rental Housing Loss Issue Ennis and Chambers will draft a letter which will be sent to the Planning Commission regarding loss of rental housing to businesses in residential areas of the Historic District. The letter will be ready for the next meeting. Heritage Sunday Skibby reported the Ashland Heritage Committee will hold its annual Heritage Sunday on June 28th. The subject will be Remember Railroading. Photo displays will be located at the Old Depot on the corner of 5th and "A" Streets, there will be walking tours, and an open house at 248 Fifth Street. Chautaugua Wall Akerman noted Kay Atwood had called commending OSFA for the fine work it has done in rebuilding and restoring the Chautaugua Wall. The Commission agreed a letter should be written to OSFA complimenting the festival for the care it has taken in the entire project. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 7