HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-04 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 4, 1992 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Jane Dancer, Keith Chambers, Jean MacKenzie and Le Hook. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Deane Bradshaw was absent. Thomas Hunt moved to Medford and therefore, resigned. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby commented the deck at 125 North Main Street is existing. This was unclear at the last meeting. Skibby then moved and Dancer seconded to approve the Minutes of the February 5, 1992 meeting as mailed. The motion was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 92-018 Minor Land Partition and Site Review 230 Van Ness Avenue Darrell Boldt and Lana McGraw Boldt Cochran explained this is a Minor Land Partition to divide the property into two parcels and a Site Review to convert the existing house to a duplex. There has been neighbor concern with the potential increase of traffic on the alley because the applicant is proposing alley access. Gary Brewer, 229 West Hersey Street, stated he was representing several concerned neighbors that do not want the alley paved. He also said he had met with John McLaughlin and Darrell Boldt that afternoon in order to work something out to preserve the alley. They decided that instead of a 15' pedestrian access for the flag drive, it should be increased to 20' if accessed off Van Ness Avenue. Darrell Boldt said the alley issue will not come up until the structure on the back parcel is actually built. Currently, the use has not been determined. He agreed to widen the flag to 20' if accessed off Van Ness. He added the cedar tree would have to be removed because it is in the middle of the flag drive. Brewer added there is also an ancient tree in the corner of the back lot that would have to be removed if the alley were to be paved. All their yards open up to the alley and it is their open space. When Lewis questioned Boldt about exterior changes, he answered he will be taking off the siding of the existing building and replacing it with lap siding. He will also re-roof with shingles. Some modification on the lower portion of the house will have to be done such as upgrading the windows. Cochran confirmed there would be a Site Review for the back portion of the property when the owner is ready to develop. Brewer, when questioned about the rustic condition of the alley, stated he and the neighbors have improved it and put in fill over the years. Whitten commented she would like to see this rustic nature of the alley preserved. Hook moved to recommend approval of this application with the stipulation the alley remain unpaved. MacKenzie seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 92-03O Conditional Use Permit 155 Hillcrest Street Bill and Lisa Molnar Cochran explained the applicants would like to convert a guest room, which is in the rear portion of their garage, into an accessory residential unit. The three required parking spaces are existing. There will be a few minor interior changes, but no exterior change. Hook stated he is strongly in favor of affordable rentals such as this. The Commission concurred. Whitten moved to recommend approval of this action. Skibby seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 92-032 Site Review for Landscape Logan Drive/Grandview Drive/Scenic Drive Intersection Ed Houghton Cochran stated one of the conditions imposed by the City Council was that the landscape plan come back as a Site Review for this intersection. Concerns of the Tree Commission and neighbors have been addressed. Rock walls will be constructed, portions will be hydro- seeded and ground cover will be planted. When questioned about the rock wall construction, Ed Houghton clarified the rock wall along Scenic Drive will match the existing rock wall on Scenic. Keystone block will be used as the wall goes up Logan Drive. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 4, 1992 Page 2 Hook moved to recommend approval of this landscape plan. Dancer seconded the motion. The motion passed with all voting aye except Chambers, who abstained. PA 92-029 Conditional Use Permit and Variance 208 Hargadine Street Laura and Eugene Anderson Cochran said this application is for a three-unit traveller's accommodation plus the business owner's unit. The Variance is needed because the site is more than 200 feet off a collector or arterial street. The purpose of that condition is to protect inner residential areas. She stated the City Council recently resolved that streets in excess of 18% should not have more impact. A traveller's accommodation, however, would have less impact than apartments, she stated. The request meets all other criteria. Staff has to recommend denial because it is not within 200 feet of East Main Street. Other B & B's not within 200 feet of collector/arterial streets were discussed. Laura Anderson clarified the Stone House was granted a Variance and added they are both 340 feet from East Main Street. This house, because of its proximity to the C-1-D zone (across the street), is not entirely in a residential area. She feels the City would benefit by the proposed use rather than apartments because they would be living on the premises. When questioned about the inside of the structure, she said it was divided into four apartments in the 1930's. Not much has changed since. It was denied status on the National Register because of the window changes. She went on to say they would like to rent the apartments to families. In the summer, it would be rented as traveller's accommodations and in the winter, it would be month by month, probably to students. She and her husband will live there all year. She clarified only one unit will be taken off the market, and it will be theirs. Eugene Anderson stated that in the first year, they will upgrade and decorate the inside and landscape. They would like to restore the house in the future. Laura Anderson added the traffic will drastically be reduced, as there are currently 12 people living in the house, and if allowed to be a traveller's accommodation, a maximum of five cars will be there at one time. Hook agreed and said the point is well made that people staying there will be much less likely to use a car, as so much is within walking distance. Skibby moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of the three-unit traveller's accommodation plus owner's unit and the Variance. Chambers expressed his concern about taking the units off the rental market and questioned if the units could be rented as much as nine months out of the year. Laura said she has been managing two traveller's accommodations on East Main Street and feels 80% of the people that attend the plays Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 4, 1992 Page 3 from February to June are local and/or students. Eugene stated they will cater more to families with children, so most will not come during the school year. Laura added it is not their intent to rent as traveller's accommodation in off seasons because they need the guarantee of monthly rent to help defray utility costs. The motion was then unanimously approved. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of February follow: Beth & Alex Reid Pierre & Dale Verger Steve Brummett John T. Strong Daddy O's Jackson County Federal Savings 147 Strawberry Ln Remodel/Addition 36 S. Second St. Remodel 135 Granite St. Addition 145 "B" St. Addition 130 Will Dodge Wy Signs (2) 183 E. Main St. Sign Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: March 5 March 12 March 19 March 26 April 2 Skibby, Dancer and Lewis Hook, Skibby, Chambers and Whitten Hook, Skibby, Chambers, Dancer and Lewis Skibby, MacKenzie, Dancer and Whitten Hook, Skibby, Dancer and Lewis OLD BUSINESS 228 "B" Street Skibby stated he had talked with Denise Miller about the house. She told him it was on the market, but that it will not be on the multiple listing register for at least a month. He was told the price was $89,000, however Whitten stated it is now $98,000. Skibby will call the Millers. National Historic Preservation Week Skibby informed the Commission the bill stuffer will be mailed with the April utility bills. He will speaking to people from the Tidings, Gazette, Sneak Preview and Lithiagraph within the next few weeks. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 4, 1992 Page 4 Historic Landmark Preservation Ordinance It was decided the work session should be scheduled at a time convenient with John McLaughlin. Alley Committee Chambers distributed a draft letter and report which will eventually go to the Mayor and City Council. He then summarized the committee was formed a couple years ago in order to change City policy of paving alleys. Alleys are a resource, not just little streets. The committee has been walking and mapping all the alleys in Ashland. There is now a notebook full of data regarding the alleys. The Committee is asking for specific sections to be changed in the ordinance and wants to remove the alley linkage with streets. People that live near alleys feel they are unique and should be preserved. Dick McKinney, 123 Seventh Street, added the alley committee has been able to help delay the paving of some alleys in the past couple of years. Granitic dust was a concern of the City Council, but no one has seen any health studies on this. Chambers stated Bradshaw is working on this. He feels alleys can be considered as linear parks which the City already owns, thus providing open space. The Commission decided to direct Staff to review and comment on the draft as soon as possible. NEW BUSINESS New Member Steve Ennis introduced himself and stated he has talked with the Mayor and written a letter requesting to be on the Historic Commission. He is a licensed architect in New York, New Jersey and Connecticutt, and prefers working on older houses. Lewis stated he was going to recommend Mr. Ennis replace Thomas Hunt as soon as possible in order to have a full commission. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Hook and second by Chambers, it was the unanimous decision to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 4, 1992 Page 5