HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-04 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes December 4, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:37 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Jane Dancer, Keith Chambers, Jean MacKenzie, Thomas Hunt, Deane Bradshaw, Lorraine Whitten and Le Hook. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. No members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby stated he was not able to go through 531 Scenic Drive, so requested the November 6, 1991 Minutes be changed on Page 4. Hunt moved and Hook seconded to approve the Minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-158 Conditional Use Permit Water Street/Under Viaduct Medford Growers and Crafters Association Cochran stated this application is basically the same as the previous year. It will be the third season of operation. Two changes are being proposed - extend the season (weather permitting) from April through November instead of mid-April through mid-November, and extending the hours of operation to end at 1:30 instead of 1:00 (in which case they would be gone by 2:00). Lewis questioned if more letters had been received than the supportive ones in the packet. Cochran answered the Brew Pub had written a letter regarding a parking space concern. Dancer commented the market is an asset to Ashland and very well done. Because he was on DPAC, Hook said he is aware of parking concerns. He stated the heaviest traffic use in the area is just before the plays begin at 2:00. Joyce Schillen, Market Manager, stated they do take up neighborhood parking spaces. 20 spaces in the immediate vicinity would be taken up until 2:00. Bradshaw moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of this action. Discussion ensued. Although he supports the market, Mike Bingham, Ashland Bakery Cafe, wondered why special dispensation would be granted for baked goods when he thought the market was suppose to be agricultural. Schillen stated the market is licensed under the Department of Agriculture and the bakery also needs to be licensed under it. Primarily, it is a farmers market. At all times, it needs to be at least 60% agriculture, while the remaining 40% can be complimentary products and crafts. Chambers questioned the name "Medford". Schillen stated it started out in Medford, then were asked to expand to Ashland. Anyone can become a member as long as the criteria can be met. Parking was then again discussed. When Chambers asked Schillen if it was absolutely critical to extend the hours, she said she asked for an extension of hours because the members in general had requested this. Whitten amended the motion to include the market close at 1:15 and the vendors be out by 1:45. The motion, as amended, was unanimously approved. PA 91-160 Conditional Use Permit and/or Site Review 331 Lori Lane Gary Brenden Cochran stated the application and findings were unclear as to what exactly the applicant is proposing for the property. The Commission felt a Conditional Use Permit and Site Review are two entirely different matters. Hunt moved to delay recommendation of this application until the applicant clarifies his intention for the use, provides a floor plan and stairway details. Hook seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of November follow: Intaxshel Inc. Jack Sabin Clair Baker Levins Levinson Judy McCook Brent Thompson Vern Weiss Allen Drescher Bill Hicks/Paula Daystar Ashland Lodge #23 Allen Drescher Lynn/Ray Peake "A" Street Office Supply 120 N. 1st St. 275 E. Main St. 402 Holly St. 156 7th St. 866 Blaine St. 64 N. Pioneer St. 568 E. Main St. 272 E. Main St. 190 Vista St. 25 N. Main St. 272 E. Main St. 52 Alida St. 340 "A" St. Re-Roof Remodel Deck Re-Roof Garage Window Patio Restoration Remodel/Addition Re-Roof Remodel Window Replace Sign Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1991 Page 2 South Valley Enterprises Ciao Main 246 "A" St. Sign 272 E. Main St. Sign OLD BUSINESS 228 "B" Street Lewis stated he has had no response from the Millers. Mike Bingham, 129 Fifth Street, said he was at the meeting as a concerned citizen. He has recently been talking with the Fire Department, City Attorney, Historic Commission members and neighbors regarding this house. He then passed around the Fire Department report and said the Police Department report has not yet been closed. Arson is the strongly suspected reason for the fire. As stated in the report, there was no forcible entry into the house - the front and back doors were wide open. He stated the Millers should know without any doubt the City does not want the house demolished. The Commission agreed. Chambers said it is clear there is little time left and the Commission has nothing to lose by being frank. George Kramer, 386 North Laurel Street, stated the only thing that has teeth is that the City does not have to give permission to demolish the house. Also, there is a possibility the carriage house located on the same property could be redesignated from secondary to primary. It was decided Lewis would contact the Millers the following day. If the house is still not covered within a week, copies of the most recent letter to the Millers from the Commission will be sent to the local newspapers. Bingham said the house would be a premium B & B or would make a terrific museum. All agreed the property is worth much more with the existing structure. Bradshaw moved to request additional money allocated to the Commission in order to reassess the carriage house as a primary structure and to add the houses on East Main Street which are within the Historic District but not on the inventory. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Special Assessment George Kramer explained a public hearing has already been held but the record is open until the end of this year. SHPO is interested in receiving comments from governmental entities. There has never been a problem in this part of the state with abuse of the special Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1991 Page 3 assessment program. He suggested the Commission write SHPO on the effect of the changes and how it will affect Ashland. Skibby stated the Heritage Committee questioned the lawn signs and the specific assigned dates for open houses, and will be writing a letter. Kramer continued by stating what SHPO proposes (choosing one of four set days for the open house, lawn signs, etc.) will inhibit people from wanting to be placed on the National Register and could gut the program. Probably 90% of the people who apply for National Register status do so for the tax freeze. If the rules go through as proposed, SHPO will ultimately have the final say about any exterior change (it will not be advisory). SHPO is feeling substantial political pressure. Kramer stated things will drastically affect property in Ashland if the proposed rule changes are approved. It could result in the current special assessment program to be lost. He again stressed the importance of the Commission supporting a special assessment program in some form. The Review Board will write a letter to SHPO before the end of the year. NEW BUSINESS Earthquake Risk to Ashland's Downtown Hal Cloer spoke to the Commission in order to get its reaction to what he had suggested regarding involvement in seismic retrofitting for masonry buildings in Downtown Ashland for earthquake protection. He explained the City feels the most appropriate community body for taking some of the responsibility in offering guidelines if someone is doing work on a building for the seismic retrofitting. The City has no requirements for this, so it would be entirely voluntary. On December 20th, there will be a presentation by the City which will include several experts who will offer information on the subject. Cloer will be taking the opportunity to retrofit a building he owns on the Plaza. He feels it is very important for all property owners of historic masonry buildings to be informed of the earthquake risk in the area. Whitten questioned the Historic Commission involvement in this as she does not feel the Commission should assume responsibility for the buildings. Cloer, who is a former member of the Historic Commission, stated he feels it is the correct body to recommend volunteer retrofitting because it is the most concerned about preservation. Right now, he added, the City does not know of a better solution. Lewis stated that although there are no perks to fix up the buildings, lives and buildings could be saved in the long run. Both Cloer and Lewis urged all the members to attend. Skibby agreed and stated it should be put on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1991 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS (continued) Demolition Request for 531 Scenic Drive The City Council voted to reconsider this demolition request at a later date because reasons for the Historic Commission reconsideration were needed. After discussing this, it was clear the first vote was with the heart rather than the head. Reasons for the reconsideration were as follows: 1) the original design of the house is uncertain, 2) there is not enough historical integrity left to determine "what" to restore, 3) it would cost more to make the house livable than the property is worth, 4) it is a low secondary house with minimal original structure left which therefore nullifies the real historic value, 5) want the residential line of demarcation to remain, and 6) when considering relative merits, there is very little to save and restore. The Commission felt it had not come up with good solid reasons for denying the demolition request and recognizes other similar cases. A stronger fight would rather be put up to save 228 "B" Street. Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: December 5 December 12 December 19 December 26 January 2 Hook, Lewis, Whitten, Hunt and Skibby Bradshaw, Dancer, Chambers, Hunt and Skibby Bradshaw, Hook, Lewis, Dancer, Chambers, Hunt and Skibby Bradshaw, Whitten, Hunt and Skibby Bradshaw, Dancer, MacKenzie, Hunt and Skibby ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Hook and second by everyone else, it was the unanimous decision to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes December 4, 1991 Page 5