HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes November 6, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:34 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Jane Dancer, Keith Chambers, Jean MacKenzie, Thomas Hunt, Deane Bradshaw and Le Hook. Also present were Assistant Planner Kristen Cochran and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Lorraine Whitten was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved to approve the October 2, 1991 Minutes as mailed. Hunt seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-149 Minor Land Partition 145 Manzanita Street Jay and Carol Lunt Cochran stated this application is to divide the property into two parcels, with the back portion being a flag lot. It is consistent with development in the area off Scenic Drive and High Street and is the last large lot in the area. It also meets the criteria and Staff is recommending approval. Bradshaw commented she feels flag lots are a detriment because of what could be built behind original structures. When questioned about the lot being partitioned again, Cochran answered it would not meet the width and depth requirements. She also added the flag drive would be paved to the required 12 feet. Chambers inquired about the feasibility of apartments at this site. Cochran responded it is in a single family zone, so apartments would not be allowed. However, it probably would be possible to build an accessory unit which would come before the Commission as a Conditional Use Permit. Hook then moved and Chambers seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion passed unanimously. PA 91-150 Conditional Use Permit 34 Union Street G.K. and Doris Schrock Cochran briefly explained the progression of this application. In March of 1990, an application was filed for an eight unit travellers' accommodation and included a house on Allison Street. After a boundary line adjustment, it was scaled back to five units, involving property at 34 Union Street only. That application was withdrawn. In the meantime, criteria changed. The alley and required parking spaces are already paved. There has been extensive remodeling, both interior and exterior. The request complies with the current ordinance. The only Staff concern is that the structure on the alley has two rooms, which could be rented as two units. If the application is approved, there will be a condition that there be a total of five rentable units plus the manager's unit, and that landscaping will have to be approved and completed. Bradshaw stated she remembers the building permits being issued as a large home for a large family and wondered why it has now been remodeled for a travellers' accommodation. G.K. Schrock explained he has a very large family and that the property will be used as a family home whether it becomes a travellers' accommodation or not. His wife's dream has always been to operate a travellers' accommodation. Also, he plans on applying for National Register status because of the architecture and history of the house. Skibby related the application has changed a great deal since the first proposal. He admitted he initially objected to the style, however, the quality workmanship and incorporation of certain styles gives it its own identity. He feels Schrock has learned a lot of Ashland history since his first proposal and is sincere in his application. Chambers felt Schrock had been less than candid with the Commission about the plans for the home. Schrock apologized and stated he couldn't say anything at the time because of his taxes. Hunt stated Ashland seems to be overloaded with travellers' accommodations and wondered if private homes would be retained. Hook also has a problem with B & B saturation and added it takes affordable housing away from Ashland residents. Lewis said most of the travellers' accommodations can convert back to residential homes and discussed certain benefits. Bradshaw thinks travellers' accommodations are beneficial because owners can better afford to keep up the house and property. She also stated they have consistently been used. Skibby moved and Bradshaw seconded to recommend approval of this request with the conditions only five units be rented and landscaping be completed. The motion passed with Skibby, Bradshaw, Lewis, Chambers, Dancer and Hook voting aye. Hunt and MacKenzie voted nay. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 6, 1991 Page 2 PA 91-157 Site Review 272 East Main Street Walt Stokes MacKenzie said her grandfather built the three buildings which comprise the Enders Building, and which are on the National Register of Historic Places. Skibby stated most of the facade is original. The applicant will remove the stucco from the upper windows and the three windows will be restored. Jean Kowachi, owner of the new business (Ciao Main) at this location explained they are cutting out the plaster of these upper windows and will duplicate the molding. The original framing is still there. The windows will be 4' x 3' and will be thermopane. The width of this business space, she added, is only 13 feet. The Commission was pleased with the proposed work. Bradshaw moved and Dancer seconded to approve the exterior plans with the three windows. The motion passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of October follow: Family Life Bible CHurch Hibbert, Swisher, et al Michael Van Ausdall Dennis Groover Copeland Lumber Co. Jim Slate Betty Camner G.K. Schrock Judy McCook Bill Bloodgood Tom Harrington Walt Stokes Audrey Sochor Audrey Sochor City of Ashland OSFA (Temporary Construction) 4th Street Garden Aldi 120 6th St. Deck 171 Oak St. Cottages (5 permits) 40 Van Ness Ave. Remodel/Addition 285 High St. Re-Roof 165 Lithia Way Addition 342 High St. Addition 8681/2 "A" St. Garage Conversion 341/2 Union St. Addition 866 Blaine St. Shed Demolition 327 N. Main #4 Skylight 145 Union St. Addition 272 E. Main St. Ceiling Demolition 261 W. Hersey St. Partial Demolition 261 W. Hersey St. Addition 110 E. Main St. Street Scene Wall 15 S. Pioneer St. Sign 254 4th St. Sign 14 S. 1st St. Sign Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 6, 1991 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS Demolition Request for 531 Scenic Drive The demolition request for 531 Scenic Drive was then discussed. Bradshaw questioned Richard Di Lorenzo, owner of the property, if he had a bid for repairs to the house. He answered the only bid he had was one for $13,000 for the foundation. He stated he is also a contractor and believes the cost which would be involved is extensive. He and his wife do not want to rent the house because of its poor shape. They have put some money into it and have tried to sell it. Two potential buyers declined after receiving individual house reports. Although apartments are permitted, they would like to build two smaller homes on the site (if the demolition is approved) which would be compatible with the area. When they bought the property two years ago, they were aware of the condition of the house, but not aware of the Historic District and restrictions of demolishing a structure. Skibby stated he had been through the house would like to see it restored. Chambers, who had also been in the house, felt it was not on its last legs and he would hate to see the house lost. He said he had qualms about tearing down structures and splitting property in order to make more money. Di Lorenzo said he was not over pricing the property. The sale price was $72,000 and he was assured the value of the land itself was at least that. It would definitely cost more to remodel the house than to start over and it would be an unreasonable hardship on them to keep it. Therefore, he stated the two criteria for demolition have been met. Chambers suggested remodeling the house and using the shed as a basis for an accessory dwelling. Di Lorenzo reiterated he was not concerned with potential money and that it would be too costly to remodel. He also stated they were being sensitive by downzoning the property and not wanting to build apartments. He suggested it be a condition the house not be demolished until he is ready to submit plans and build the other two homes. Bradshaw moved to approve the demolition with the condition the house not be demolished until the owners decide what will replace the house and that the plans be approved before demolition takes place. There was no second to the motion. Chambers said he remains unconvinced and moved to deny the demotion, encouraging the owners to seek remodeling of the structure. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed with all voting aye except Bradshaw and Lewis. OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: November 7 November 14 Dancer, Lewis, Bradshaw, Skibby and Hunt Hook, MacKenzie, Bradshaw, Skibby and Hunt Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 6, 1991 Page 4 November 21 November 28 Hook, Chambers, Lewis, Skibby and Hunt THANKSGIVING Fountain on Granite Street MacKenzie wondered what was happening regarding this fountain. Skibby stated he will be researching the history. 228 "B" Street The Commission was disappointed no attempt had been made to protect the house from the rains and no plans have been submitted to the Building Department. Hook stated he personally delivered 18 sheets of donated plywood to the site. Chambers, Bradshaw and Skibby will write a letter to the owners strongly urging them to cover the house as soon as possible. Mark Antony Lewis said Dennis Slattery, manager of the Mark Antony, had called him regarding the letter sent to him about covering the copper marquee with plywood. He was not aware of the process involved for exterior changes of structures on the National Register. Special Assessment Property Skibby informed the Commission he had received a copy of the letter Ethel Romano had written to SHPO regarding the tax freeze. She had concerns about an open house with so many people present at one time, her numerous antiques and the sign advertising this, as stated in the draft changes from SHPO. Bradshaw suggested the Commission volunteer to help supervise open houses. Hunt said there can be limitations on number of people allowed inside at one time and limitations on the areas to be viewed. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Dancer and second by Hunt, it was the unanimous decision to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 6, 1991 Page 5 On November 14, 1991, the Ashland Historic Commission met in a special meeting to reconsider the motion approved on November 6, 1991 to deny demolition of 531 Scenic Drive. Present at this meeting were Commission members Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Jane Dancer, Jean MacKenzie, Le Hook and Thomas Hunt. Skibby moved and Hook seconded to approve the demolition with the condition the house not be demolished until the owners decide what will replace the house and that the plans be approved before demolition takes place. If possible, the Commission would like this stipulation to go with the property rather than the owner. This motion was unanimously approved. Chambers and Bradshaw also agreed by telephone.