HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-02 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes October 2, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:05 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Jane Dancer, Lorraine Whitten, Keith Chambers, Jean MacKenzie, Thomas Hunt, Deane Bradshaw and Le Hook. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin, Secretary Sonja Akerman and Council Liaison Susan Reid. No members were absent. 228 "B" STREET Bob and Denise Miller, owners of 228 "B" Street, met with the Commission regarding the status of their house. Denise Miller stated they had met earlier in the day with two members of the "B Street Association", Mayor Cathy Golden and Terry Skibby. They have been waiting for the insurance claim, which to their knowledge should be a maximum of $70,000. Estimates of repair for the fire damaged portion only have been between $80,000- 90,000. They are not, she explained, in a good position to borrow money. Bob Miller said they have personally had no concrete offers of help, but if there are volunteers, he would like to divide the project into units. At this point, Hook offered to give the Millers 25 sheets of plywood from the Festival. Miller stated he would like to tear off the top story and put on a good roof within 30 days. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hook stated on Page 3, the September 4, 1991 Minutes should read" .... preference be other than vinyl or aluminum" not T-I-ll. Chambers then moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Whitten seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-135 Minor Land Partition 216 Meade Street Peter and Krystyna Jensen McLaughlin explained this application is to divide the property into two lots, with the new lot being a flag lot. Although there is no proposed new structure yet, he said the ordinance requires that flag drives have an approved driving surface before occupancy. Since the new lot will have frontage on the alley, it is possible to have a garage located off the alley. If this is the case, the owner can use two strips of brick, concrete, grass pavers, etc. rather than asphalt for the flag. Staff has approved this application. When questioned about parking, McLaughlin stated it is nonconforming, but there will be no change. Krystyna and Peter Jensen clarified they have never used the alley for off street parking. Peter Jensen added his lot was originally two, however the house was built right in the middle. Obviously, he can't split the lot as it was, so he is doing it as a flag lot. Bradshaw moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion was unanimously passed. PA 91-137 Conditional Use Permit 55 Nursery Street Gall Orell/Lynn Savage This application is for an additional unit for the Hersey House located at 451 North Main Street, explained McLaughlin. This is an existing house on the same property and currently used as a rental. It will be rented on a nightly basis. There will be no change to the property and no exterior change to either house. In as much as the the Hersey House is so attractive, it would be nice to make the cottage more compatible (siding, windows, etc.) in the future. Whitten moved to recommend approval of this application with the above recommendation. Bradshaw seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 91-144 Site Review 345 Lithia Way Ken Crowson McLaughlin stated the applicant would like to modify the existing service bay in order to allow an express lube and oil change center. A very small mini mart will be added. Exterior changes will be minor. The "C" Street portion will have a few added features that will make the building more attractive, including landscaping. The Commission agreed this will be a plus. Bradshaw stated her concerns with traffic on that portion of "C" Street, as she was recently involved in an accident there. MacKenzie moved to recommend approval of this application. Dancer seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of September follow: Gloria Boyd 207 Hillcrest Studio Ashland Historic Commission Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 2 George Janini 338 First Congregational Church 171 Rick Landt 487 Charles Case 264 Kit Larke 247 Mike Uhtoff 154 Dick McKinney 865 Margot Pomeroy 774 Michael/Judith Sanford 127 Ashland Family Practice 935 Van Vleet Realty 1st Street Bistro Diane's Nail Salon Oregon Shakespeare Festival Scenic Dr. Siskiyou Blvd. Rock St. Van Ness 7th St. Oak St. "C" St. "B" St. Strawberry Siskiyou Blvd. 375 Lithia Way 15 North 1st 109 Will Dodge Wy 15 S. Pioneer St. Remodel Re-roof Remodel Re-roof Remodel/Addition Remodel/Addition Garage Carport Remodel/Addition Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: October 3 October 10 October 17 October 24 October 31 Skibby, Lewis, Hunt, Bradshaw and Dancer Skibby, Dancer, Chambers and Hunt MacKenzie, Hook, Whitten, Bradshaw, Hunt and Skibby Hook, Bradshaw, Chambers, Hunt and Skibby Bradshaw, Dancer, MacKenzie, Hunt and Skibby Mark Antony Hook questioned if the letter had been sent to the Mark Antony regarding the copper marquee. Skibby responded he was working on the draft. NEW BUSINESS McLaughlin reported he will be turning over his Historic Commission duties to Kristen Cochran, Assistant Planner. He added he has finished the historic preservation ordinance and it will be sent to SHPO before local review. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decisions of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 3