HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-04 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes September 4, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Jane Dancer, Lorraine Whitten, Keith Chambers, Jean MacKenzie, Thomas Hunt and Le Hook. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin, Secretary Sonja Akerman and Council Liaison Susan Reid. Commission member Deane Bradshaw was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Whitten moved and Dancer seconded to approve the Minutes of the August 7, 1991 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-115 Variance 774 "B" Street Margot Pomeroy This application, McLaughlin stated, was originally approved by Staff, but called up for a public hearing last month. The applicant would like to provide a covered parking area. A Variance is requested to reduce the front yard setback from 20 feet to ten feet. Because of the way the property was partitioned a few years ago, 7th Street is considered to be the front yard and "B" Street is considered to be the side yard. However, 7th Street functions as the side yard. The Commission had problems with the elevations presented in the packet for the August meeting, therefore, had requested the applicant to attend a Review Board meeting. Hunt and Skibby reported the applicant had met with the Board and had agreed to revise the plans. Pete Peterson, presented photos of what the carport will look like and stated they plan to have horizontal shiplap siding on the front, will enclose the gable end and incorporate a steeper roof pitch. Barbara Hilyer, 165 7th Street, stated she owns the adjacent property and her front yard (on 7th Street) had to maintain the 20 foot setback. She has a three foot fence back 20 feet, then it is six feet high. The carport will obstruct her view. She feels it could be moved closer to the house so it will be 20 feet back and within the six foot portion of her fence, although she conceded the filbert tree would have to be removed and it would impact upon the existing patio. Whitten questioned McLaughlin about Staff feeling regarding the accommodation of a neighbor's view. He answered Variances are weighed upon impacts, and there has to be a balance of negative impacts. Dale Rooklyn, 137 7th Street, stated the neighborhood is going through a renaissance now and feels a carport will not fit in. He suggested a better design and would like to see more planning and design go into it. He also stated he was not against the owner building a covered parking area, but there are virtually no detached carports in the area. Margot Pomeroy stated she would like to keep the area open and free, so she decided a carport would best suit her needs. A garage would take up more space. Also, she has no backyard. Peterson added they want to create something aesthetically pleasing. The Commission agreed the roof pitch should be steeper, the gable end should be closed in and that a set of full elevations is needed. Chambers moved to recommend nothing to the Planning Commission regarding the Variance, but to make a statement the proposed carport will have an impact on the neighbor and there is a potential impact on the streetscape. Also, the applicant is requested to submit a set of revised drawings at a Review Board meeting to clarify the design and incorporate the above recommendations. At that time, the Review Board will act on the design. Hook seconded the motion. Whitten amended the motion to include the fact that the Commission recognizes the property owner's need for privacy and a covered parking area. The motion, as amended, passed unanimously. PA 91-126 Conditional Use Permit 574 East Main Street Bob/Lenna Burton McLaughlin explained this application is for four units to be used as traveller's accommodation and/or residential units. Parking access is off the alley and they have six spaces already. The proposal consists of upgrading the existing house, adding on to the studio and constructing a new two unit structure. The property is zoned C-1 and Staff feels this is an appropriate use. Bob Meiser, designer and contractor for the project, clarified the site plan and elevations. Whitten stated her concerns regarding the lack of setback requirements for commercial zones. Even though it is zoned commercial, the nature of the neighborhood is residential. Also, she would like to see the scale cut back instead of maximizing the property. Meiser said the design is in the planning stage and that he would speak with the owner about Historic Commission concerns. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 4, 1991 Page 2 Chambers expressed his concern about taking the existing studio/rental unit and turning it into a tourist accommodation. Meiser stated the owner would not only rent the units as over night rooms, but also as long-term rentals, as each unit will have a fully equipped kitchen. Also, he will not rent them as traveller's accommodations until he moves back to Ashland in about five years. Whitten moved to approve the concept of the additional rental units, advising that the owner look at an alternative to building on the property line, while noting the new structure will be visible from Siskiyou Boulevard, and realizing this property is between the Carter house (which is on the National Historic Register) and a small cottage designed by Frank Clark. Hook seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 91-123 Conditional Use Permit 868 "A" Street Betty Camner The applicant would like to convert an existing garage into a studio apartment, McLaughlin explained. It could eventually be converted to office space or an accessory use to the owner's salon. Bill Emerson, designer, stated that because the house has aluminum siding, the owner would eventually like to side the garage in vinyl because of the low maintenance. He remarked they will be taking an existing structure and making it better. He also noted two changes from the original elevations. Hook moved to recommend approval of the application with the stipulation horizontal siding be used and that the preference be other than vinyl or aluminum. Whitten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of August follow: Ann Clouse Ann Clouse Karen Giese George Goddard Bill Pettit Will Hilligoss Don Ballew Kathleen Phoenix Oak Street Cottages 70 Water St. Exterior Door 70 Water St. Remodel Shed 70 4th St. Shop 115 Bush St. Re-roof 301 Hillcrest St. Remodel 822 Blaine St. SFR 248 "A" St. Re-roof 665 E. Main St. Foundation Repair 171 Oak St. Sign Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 4, 1991 Page 3 Coolidge House B & B Lithia Stationers Bill Griffen & Associates Gen Kai Hersey House 137 N. Main St. Sign 21 Winburn Way Sign 110 Lithia Way Sign 180 Lithia Way Sign 451 N. Main St. Sign OLD BUSINESS 228 "B" Street Michael O'Brien (184 "B" Street) and Jackie Sims (269 "B" Street) explained the "B" Street Historic Neighborhood Association and gave the Commission copies of a petition that was circulated requesting the City of Ashland take all appropriate measures to preserve this historic home, which was damaged by a fire on August 2nd. Sims stated they were able to obtain 105 signatures within a five block radius of the area. O'Brien added he has lived next door for years and has noticed the regression of the house over the past 11 years, also that it has been used by transients for the past year. This not only involves property devaluation, but also health and safety factors. They wondered if the City could help protect the house or put on a temporary roof. John Groover (136 "B" Street) stated the owners have been approached by numerous people over the years who have wanted to buy the house and by people willing to help repair it. Sims added many people have been willing to donate time and/or material in the restoration. Debbie Whitall (350 "B" Street) stated she lives next to the house that burned last fall, so this is very emotional for her. She is truly concerned with health and safety, but would hate to see this house sit there so long the same thing happens. Bill Emerson (90 5th Street) commented that after the ordinances were passed following the Applegate house move, more demolitions have occurred than ever before. Freddie Weishahn (338 "B" Street) asked if this could be taken to the Planning Commission and/or City Council. Chambers remarked this is an issue of the community uniting to save a historic house which is of real significance to all of Ashland. It was decided the Commission will write a letter of concern to the owners, with copies to the Mayor, City Council and Planning Commission. The owners will be invited to attend a meeting. Chambers and Skibby will draft the letter. Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 4, 1991 Page 4 September 5 September 12 September 19 September 26 Skibby, Lewis, Hunt and Dancer Whitten, Skibby, Dancer and Hunt Hook, Skibby, Chambers, Hunt and Whitten Hook, Skibby, MacKenzie, Hunt and Dancer Site Design and Use Guidelines Revision Hook suggested "or vinyl" should be added to #9 on page 54. Skibby suggested page 67, #5 should read "Two-story development is encouraged downtown on new developments, with the second stories ..... " NEW BUSINESS Mark Antony Skibby advised the Commission the copper marquee on the Mark Antony Hotel has been covered with plywood, then painted and lettering put up. Since the hotel is on the National Register, any exterior change needs to be approved by the State Historic Preservation Office, and it may affect the tax exempt status. It was decided a letter should be written to the owner or manager. Election of Officers Whitten moved and Hook seconded to retain the current officers and liaisons. Motion passed unanimously. MacKenzie moved to nominate Skibby as Vice Chairperson. Whitten seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Lewis will remain Chairperson, Whitten will remain Council Liaison and Skibby will remain Planning Commission Liaison. National Historic Register Nominations Whitten moved and Hook seconded to recommend approval of National Historic Register nominations of 407 Scenic Drive and 52 Granite Street. Hunt declared himself as owner of 407 Scenic Drive. The motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decisions of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes September 4, 1991 Page 5