HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-07 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes August 7, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to 'order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present' were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Jane Dancer, Lorraine Whitten, Keith Chambers, Dearie Bradshaw, Jean MacKenzie and Le Hook. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin~ Secretary Sonja Akerman and Council Liaison Susan Reid. Commission member Thomas Hunt was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hook moved and Whitten seconded to approve the Minutes of the July 3, 1991 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. GUEST Paul NicholSon, Oregon Shakespeare Festival Association, reported on the progress of the pavilion. They plan on breaking ground the end of September or the first of October, and hopefully, it will be completed by May. He also presented a sketch of the proposed cut in the Chautauqua Wall. He explained it will be off Pioneer Street because it is a lower elevation. The cut will be the smallest possible (not more than 20 feet) which will allow a ramp to be built over the remaining portion. When construction is completed, the ramp will be completely removed. A small amount of vegetation will be lost, but it will be replaced. Nicholson clarffied the large tree in that vicinity will not be touched.- OSFA will also restore the entire wall, which will consist of filling in cracks and re-texturing portions of the wall. It will match the heavily textured portion and the tint will be inherent within the texture. The ivy will also be preserved, plus additional ivy will be planted. Nicholson then stated the State Fire Marshal determined there was an insufficient number of exits in the wall. One exit will be cut into the wall which will lead down to the pond. Also, near the portion of the stage where an existing gate is located, a small portion of the wall will be removed during construction, then replaced with an exit. The new exits were considered to be the least obtrusive and will be fire exits, for emergency purposes only. The Commission thanked Nicholson for his presentation and the care OSF has shown during this planning stage. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-104 Conditional Use Permit 151 Nursery Street Bob Meiser McLaughlin explained the applicant is proposing to add on to his house, which is non- conforming. The plans have already been approved by the Review Board. Meiser got a building permit for all but the small portion that is non-conforming. The Commission noted that construction has already begun, including the non-conforming pOrtion. Reid added this house was slated for demolition ten years-ago, but the Historic Commission was able to stop it. Whitten moved and Bradshaw seconded to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. Motion was unanimously passed.' PA 91-113 Minor Land Partition 108 Granite Street Carmel Barnthouse This lot, McLaughlin explained, includes two houses. The owner wants to divide the lot into two parcels, each containing a house and each meeting setback requirements. The applicant has talked with the Parks Department about acquiring a portion of City-owned property which abuts hers because it is poorly maintained now. Reid said one of the Council goals is to construct a sidewalk on Nutley Street between Winburn Way and Granite Street. Skibby reminded the Commission that John Gruel, who wrote the Raggedy Ann series, lived in the small green house. With a motion by Chambers and second by MacKenzie, it was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to recommend approval to the Planning Commission. PA 91-114 Minor Land Partition 346 East Main Street WESS Investments McLaughlin stated the location of this piece of property is on the corner of South Second and East Main Streets. One portion of the lot has a building on it. The vacant portion, Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1991 Page 2 he stated, will hopefully accommodate a building. The City recently acquired an adjacent piece of property which will become an official parking lot and double the parking capacity. written moved to recommend approval of this action to the Planning Commission and Dancer seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. PA 91-120 Fence Height Variance 182 Scenic Drive Crissy and Steve Barnett McLaughlin explained the applicants are applying for a fence height variance in order to obtain privacy along Scenic Drive. With the recently erected stop sign in front of their house, a buffer is needed. The fence would be 30 feet long and five feet above the curb. The main portion of the house would still be visible. Hook stated he physically inspected the property and he has a problem witfi a five foot fence above the curb. He feels the problem could be solved with a four foot fence. Five feet creates too much of a barrier. Lewis concurred and suggested a "step down" fence. It was agreed by the Commission if the applicants want a fence, they would need one higher than 3~A feet, but that a five foot fence would be too high. McLaughlin stated he would contact the Barnetts to have them come to the Review Board meeting the following day in order to work something out. Hook suggested the findings state "...there be an ample view of the valley for pedestrians..." Hook moved to make a formal recommendation the Barnetts not build their fence fiVe feet above the curb and to try and work out an alternative solution with them. Whitten seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. PA 91-115 Variance 774 "B" Street Margot Pomeroy McLaughlin informed the Commission this application has been called up for a public hearing. It was suggested the owner and/or contractor come to a Review Board meeting to discuss the design of the carport. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of July follow: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1991 Page Dorothy Murphy 145 Alida Re-roof Marilyn Boje 74 Pine St. Addition/Deck Briscoe School 265 N. Main Re-roof Ralph Riggs 260 7th St. Remodel Chris Edner 124 Nob Hill Addition Jim Hibbert 171 Oak St. Foundation Karl Slack 44 Scenic Dr. Re-roof Bank of America 101 E. Main Remodel Don/Laura Kay 105 Nutley Re-roof Marvin Woods 123 First St. Re-roof Ralph Rosa 657 Siskiyou Blvd. Remodel Lloyd Haines 290 N. Main Remodel Jack Gunter 247 Oak St. Re-roof Mr. Purdey 295 E. Main Re-roof Robert McWilliams 215 Fourth St. Remodel C~thia White 245 Van Ness Remodel Garage McCall House 153 Oak St. Sign Naturals of Ashland Lithia Way Sign Laurel Street Inn 174 N. Main Sign The Sands 248 Van Ness Sign NEW BUSINESS Roanne Lyall met with the Commission regarding her request for demolition of the house located at 482 Iowa Street. Lyall stated she would like to build her oWn residence on the rear portion of the property, with apartment units located on the front portion. Since the existing house is on the Landmarks List, the application will ultimately need to be approved by the City Council. Lyall was instructed to fill out the criteria, state reasons for the demolition and submit plans depicting all proposed structure(s). Once this has been completed, it will be placed on the Historic Commission agenda for a decision, then forwarded to the City Council. OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: August 8 August 15 August 22 August 29 Hook, Whitten, Skibby and Lewis Bradshaw, Chambers and Skibby Dancer, Bradshaw, Chambers, Skibby and Lewis Hook, Whitten, Dancer and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1991 Page 4 Goals When questioned about the finalization of the Heritage Landmarks List, McLaughlin informed the Commission the City has been working on ordinance revisions. The first draft should be ready in September for review by the Commission and SHPO, so for the time being, final adoption of the List is on hold. The following goals were adopted by the Commission: . Clean and explore ways to restore the Mickelson-Chapman Memorial Fountain. The fountain, located at the library, is associated with an abundance of local history and needs periodic cleaning (which it rarely gets). JEAN MacKENZIE . Attempt to get another grant for research on continuation of Cultural Re~0urce Inventory. This would be for structures in the Historic District which are not on the Landmarks List (short term), and for structures outside the Historic District (long term) which should be protected. LORRAINE WHITTEN ' 3. Education of the Public. Since the Commission realizes that many citizens are not aware of the Historic Commission, its functions, the importance of the Heritage Landmarks List, etc., it is imperative the public be informed before the public hearing for the final adoption of the List. The newspaper and cable access TV should be utilized for this. DEANE BRADSHAW NEW BUSINESS... continued Fountain at Corner of Granite and Nutley Streets A memo was received from Pam Barlow (Public Works Department) regarding the possible replacement of the fountain at the comer of Granite and Nutley Streets. Skibby stated this fountain dates from the teem and is the last surviving fountain (out of 26) that was erected due to the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). .~ The Commission recommended restoration of the fountain and will start media information about the history. If allowed to be replaced, the legend of "industry, education and temperance" will fade, so it is important this fountain be protected. Site Design and Use Guildelines Revision McLaughlin stated he would like the Commission to take a close look at the revisions, then edit and make comments for the next meeting. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 7, 1991 Page 268 "B" Street Skibby explained there has been an application for demolition of the structure at 268 "B" Street. This is the old cider shed that was used by Powell's Apple Cider in the early 1900's. It is in bad shape now, and has been used as a rental for years. The owners would like to get a demolition permit in case new owners want to replace it. It was suggested the Commission talk with the owner in order to explain the history. Since it is not on the Landmarks List, it would not need City Council approval. 228 "B" Street Skibby informed the Commission this house was fire damaged, quite extensively on the second floor. The owners would like to restore the house, but are unsure of their insurance at this time. He also said neighbors and contractors have already volunteered to help in the restoration. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Dancer and second by Bradshaw, it was the unanimous decision to adjourn the meeting at 10:18 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes .6ugust 7, 1991 Page 6