HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-03 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIc COMMISSION Minutes July 3, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Thomas Hunt, Jane Dancer, Lorraine Whitten and Le Hook. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin, Secretary Sonja Akerman and Council Liaison Susan Reid. Commission members Keith Chambers, Deane Bradshaw and Jean MacKenzie were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby moved and Dancer seconded to approve the Minutes of the June 5, 1991 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-072 Site Review and Parking Configuration Variance 671, 673 and 673¼ Siskiyou Boulevard David Shaw McLaughlin briefly explained there was no change from what was presented at the last meeting. The Planning Commission basically had the same concerns as the Historic Commission and therefore requested a public hearing. No further action was necessary. PA 91-103 Conditional Use Permit 124 Nob Hill Street Christine Edner McLaughlin related this application is to expand a structure which is non-conforming. The building plans have already been reviewed and approved by the Historic Commission Review Board. No further action was necessary. PA 91-063 Minor Land Partition and Variance Alta Avenue and Scenic Drive Kim and Dale Rooklyn McLaughlin explained this action is back to the Planning Commission regarding the paving of Alta Street, Public Works comments and certain conditions that cannot be met. No action was taken. PA 91-096 Conditional Use Permit, Variance and Site Review 171 Oak Street Hibbert, Swisher and Walker McLaughlin stated this application is to add a unit on to the back of an existing house, and build two new units and a retail store on the back property. The new units will be larger, more like an apartment than a motel. The retail space is proposed for the very back of the property facing toward the parking lot off Water Street. No major changes will be made to the existing house other than the addition which will be toward the rear. Siding, windows and roof pitch will match the existing portion. The units behind will offer a break from the other house in design. Staff feels this is appropriate and that the architect did a good job. He went on to say Staff is also excited about the retail space so close to the parking lot and is recommending approval of the project. McLaughlin added the Variance is being requested in order to allow the existing narrower driveway to exist instead of a 20 foot one. The brick treads may need to be widened, however. The parking spaces will be paved with asphalt. Jim Hibbert, 263 Oak Street, addressed a letter submitted by Joseph Page, owner of the McCall House located at 153 Oak Street and adjacent to the proposed site. The concerns were an overhanging bathroom, which will not be built, and the brick driveway. Although the driveway is on Hibbert's property, Page has an "undivided one half interest in a 12 foot strip" which is the common driveway. Hibbert stated he had been trying to locate identical bricks, but has been unable to find them. Joseph Page, 153 Oak Street, explained his concerns regarding the driveway problems. He stated the driveway is very important to him and he would like to see it retained as it is. He would also like a guarantee the integrity of the driveway will remain intact. When questioned by Hunt about conditions the owner %vould like" and what is actually done, McLaughlin answered all items need to be met as part of the Conditional Use Permit approval before occupancy can commence. Skibby moved to recommend approval of the project, with the condition the driveway retain the existing look and integrity of brick, and that the Review Board be allowed to review the design of the driveway. Whitten seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1991 PA 91-099 Conditional Use Permit/Site Review/Physical & Environmental Constraints Permit Helman and Water Streets, Central Avenue and Lithia Way Lloyd Haines Currently this lot is vacant, said McLaughlin. It was a key item in the Downtown Plan, as the area is prime for mixed use. The developer has proposed retail space on the bottom story (of three). The remainder of the building will be for tourist accommodations and condominium living units, perhaps as time-share. The overall project use is in accord with Downtown use and an extension of Lithia and Bluebird Parks with the landscaped area. One of the most innovative portions of the project is the underground parking plan. The building is designed to accommodate the hillside, he continued. It fits in well not only with the downtown area but also with the adjacent residential character so Helman Street is not overpowered. Lloyd Haines, when questioned about the time share units, stated they would be tailored for people visiting from out of the area and would be in excess of $200,000/unit. There will be two elevators and spa facilities. Hunt questioned the size of these units. Haines responded typical condo units would be two bedroom/two bath or two bedroom/three bath with kitchens. McLaughlin stated this project will also entail the improvement of Central Avenue through to "B" Street. The main access to this project will be from the Helman Street/Central Avenue intersection. When questioned by a member of the audience, Haines answered the entrance off Water Street will be near Central Avenue. He also stated there will be no vehicular access near the parking lot/narrow bridge area. McLaughlin added the City is trying to get State and Federal funds to replace the bridge. Haines stated the trees along Ashland Creek will be retained and sidewalks will surround the project. He also informed the Commission he had talked with the neighbors and had an open forum. Their main concerns -- parking and views -- have been addressed. The Commission commended Haines for the design of the project. Skibby moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of this project to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of June follow: Laura Dunbar Brian/Paula Sohl 152 Strawberry 283 Scenic Addition Remodel/Addition Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1991 Copeland Lumber Co. Bette Hampton Steve/Gayle Vincent Mesa Enterprises C~thia Meir Chris Edner Al/Carol Gray City of Ashland Robert/Maureen Meiser Mark Schoemleber Gary Brendon David Allen Greg Sprague Will Carr Ashland Antique Emporium Naturals Arabella Pacific West Insurance Sajama Alpaca Rocky Mountain Choc. Factory 165 Lithia Way Remodel/Addition 38 E. Main Re-roof 166 N. Main Re-roof 33 E. Main Remodel 338 Scenic Remodel 124 Nob Hill Remodel 14 Beach Ave. Foundation E. Main/Pioneer Wall 151 Nursery Remodel 358 High Shop 424 N. Main Remodel 120 N. 2nd Remodel 337 Scenic Addition 298 Hargadine Carport/Deck 90 N. Pioneer Sign 90 N. Pioneer Sign 72 N. Pioneer Sign 400 Hersey Sign 258 "A" St. Sign 33 E. Main Sign OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: July 11 uly is July 25 August I Dancer, Lewis, Whitten, Skibby and Hunt Lewis, Skibby, Hunt and Hook Dancer, Skibby and Hunt Dancer, Skibby and Hunt Heritage Sunday Skibby reported Heritage Sunday was very successful. The first three fire engines Ashland had were on display by the City Hall and there were more than 150 people that attended the silver tea reception. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1991 NEW BUSINESS Orientation/Goal Setting Meeting It was decided the goal setting/orientation meeting should be held in the Dankook Room at SOSC on July 31. Whitten will make the necessary arrangements. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 3, 1991