HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes June 5, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Thomas Hunt, Keith Chambers, Jean MacKenzie, Jane Dancer and Deane Bradshaw. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Commission member Lorraine Whitten was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved and Bradshaw seconded to approve the Minutes of the May 8, 1991 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-046 Minor Land Partition 97 Pine Street Mary Taylor McLaughlin explained this action was discussed at great length during the Hearings Board meeting last month. It was finally decided to continue the hearing, but the findings would be adopted at the June meeting if nothing else happens with this application. Concerns were expressed by the Commission regarding incompatible development and architecture. Skibby suggested the Commission stand by its recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding flag lots in the Historic District. Chambers added it should be noted there are special districts with important characteristics which should be taken into consideration, especially open space and slope of property. The ordinance needs to address these cases. The Commission agreed with both Skibby and Chambers. PA 91-071 Site Review 70 Water Street Ann Clouse McLaughlin said the applicant would like to open a small retail store adjacent to her office space in order to sell such things as brownies, coffee and antiques. There will be no exterior changes or additions. Parking and landscaping have been previously approved, and there will be no changes. With a motion by MacKenzie and second by Chambers, this action was unanimously recommended for approval. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1991 PA 91-072 Site Review and Parking Configuration Variance 671, 673 and 673¼ Siskiyou Boulevard David Shaw McLaughlin briefly reviewed this application, stating the Planning Commission and City Council denied the cottage conversion into a single family residence. The applicant is now requesting a Parking Configuration Variance, in which one space could be extended into two to allow for "stacked" parking. The Variance would need to be approved because the Ordinance requires all parking spaces to be accessible without having to move any cars. This configuration has been approved in other actions and Staff feels it is an appropriate design for the space, therefore is recommending approval. Hunt expressed his frustration in dealing with the same problems over and over. He has a problem with time spent on actions such as these that have started without permits, have been denied, then come back until everyone is tired of dealing with them. He thinks there needs to be a limit and that the correct process should be required from the beginning. He also did not want this to set a precedence. Bradshaw agreed there is a need to put a stop to this sort of difficulty. However, she feels this will inevitably be approved. Lewis added at least the end product will be affordable rental housing. McLaughlin stated this type of problem makes everyone more wary and that we learn a lot from these situations. He added he does not feel this will set a precedence as Mr. Shaw has tried working with the system once he got into the planning process. He won't be getting away with anything. Chambers disagreed and said he felt a precedence could be set because members will especially remember the end product, that of affordable housing. Bradshaw moved to approve the Site Review and Parking Configuration Variance. Chambers questioned the alley paving and McLaughlin answered the City Council already placed a paving condition on the property. MacKenzie then seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 91-079 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 247 North Second Street Rochelle Desnick/Shari Sunshine McLaughlin explained this application is for the mixed use of the property- office and residence. The positive aspect about applications such as this is the general upgrading of the property. Another positive aspect about this one is that the residence will help maintain a residential character. The alley is already paved and the landscaping will be upgraded and maintained. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1991 Shari Sunshine clarified there will be three part-time therapists who will not all be at the site simultaneously. She will also be the residential tenant. Skibby moved to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. Hunt seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 91-084 Extension of Previously Approved Site Review 165 Lithia Way Copeland Lumber Company McLaughlin explained Copeland may need this extension, although time will not run out until June 25. The Planning Department received notification from Copeland the building permit will be picked up soon. Some modification of the existing property will take place. A portion of the existing warehouse will be removed and a new warehouse will be built. Originally, exterior changes were going to take place in the existing building, however, this will no longer take place. A fence will be built and the trellis with the vines will remain. Bradshaw moved to recommend approval of this application with prior Planning Commission recommendations. Skibby seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 91-053 Variance 758 "B" Street Ruth Miller/Phillip Lang This action, McLaughlin said, started out as a remodel. As it turned out, there was not much to save of the original house. It was not on the Landmarks List. The original foundation is still there, but no original walls. The house will be built according to the permit already obtained. The property was surveyed and it was found the setback on one side was only five feet rather than the required six. Staff is recommending approval and feels the proposed house is a very good design and will fit in well with the area. Chambers moved and Bradshaw seconded to recommend approval of this action to the Planning Commission. Motion was approved with a unanimous vote. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of May follow: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1991 Plato Doundoulakis Sam Egan Mike Sullivan Brent Thompson City of Ashland Clay Colley Ann/Bob Clouse G.K./Doris Schrock Ken/Pat Marlen Clay Colley Chris Edner/Dan Atlman Ashland Fire Department Fadden's Inn Accents/The Hangar 494 Holly 364 Vista 486 Siskiyou 1098 "B" St. 20 E. Main St. 867 E. Main St. 70 Water St. 34 Union St. 85 Union St. 867 E. Main St. 124 Nob Hill 455 Siskiyou 326 N. Main 33 E. Main St. Interior Remodel Retaining Wall Studio Porch Repair Remodel SFR Demolition Increase Door Size Garage Remodel Remodel SFR Interior Demolition Addition Sign Sign OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 Skibby, Hunt and Dancer Skibby, Hunt, Bradshaw and Chambers Skibby, Hunt, Bradshaw, MacKenzie, Lewis and Dancer Skibby, Hunt, Bradshaw and Chambers National Historic Preservation Week Lewis thanked all the members for their work prior to and during National Historic Preservation Week. Letters will be sent to the judges thanking them also. Heritage Sunday Skibby reported Heritage Sunday will be on June 30 at the Community Center from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. His old photos will be on display. He is now in the process of trying to obtain photos of all the mayors. Also on display will be fire and police department photos and ones during the building of the dam. Lawrence Powell will have a slide show of the Plaza. The 1913 and 1929 fire engines will also be present. Old Ashland Tours will conduct a walking tour at 3:30 p.m. City Hall Remodel Lewis reported an anthropological dig will take place beginning next week in that portion of the City Hall that is being remodeled. A segment of the concrete floor had to be Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 5, 1991 removed and various items were found, including a bone fragment and hand forged square nails. Nan Hannon, Richard Olmos and students will be working on the dig. NEW BUSINESS Chautaueua Wall After discussing the letter received by Brian Almquist from Paul Nicholson, General Manager of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, it was decided more information would be helpful regarding exact location, width of demolished area and how the wall will be restored. Since it is on the National Register of Historic Places, it may also need to be approved by the State Historic Preservation Office. Wes Vail McLaughlin stated he had talked with Wes Vail regarding his option on a portion of the old railway spur from the Helman Street/Van Ness Avenue intersection to the parking lot of Orchard Lane Mall. Vail, he stated, knows everything about the Ashland railroad system and has old photos and maps. He owns several restored railroad cars which are protected under cover and heated. He would eventually like to move some of these cars to the property. Planning Staff feels it would be a great use of the property. The Historic Commission also enthusiastically would like to encourage this use. Demolitions Skibby presented photos of 474 North Main Street, 120 Second Street and 542 Allison Street. Two of these have had the siding and most of the interior removed, while 542 Allison Street has only the front porch standing. Building permits have not been issued for 474 North Main Street or 120 Second Street. 542 Allison Street obtained a permit for remodel only. It was clear to the Commission a formal definition of "demolition" needs to be adopted. Skibby moved and Bradshaw seconded to instruct Staff to write an ordinance with a dear definition of "demolition" which will amend Ashland Municipal Code 15.04.210, and obtain a scheduled hearing date for the City Council. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.