HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-03-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 6, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Thomas Hunt, Susan Reynolds, Keith Chambers, Mark Reitinger and Deane Bradshaw. Also present were Associate Planner Bill Molnar and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Commission members Jean MacKenzie and Lorraine Whitten were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Skibby moved and Hunt seconded to approve the Minutes of the February 6, 1991 meeting as mailed with the comment that on Page 5, the Minutes should reflect the fact that he knows the year (1891) City Hall was constructed, but he has been unable to pinpoint the exact month and day it was completed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-041 Site Review 77 Sixth Street Chuck and Sue McKereghan Molnar explained since this house is on the National Register of Historic Places, any exterior change is required to be processed as a Site Review. Jac Nickels, architect for the project, first presented an old photo of the house, then stated he wants to take the existing front facade and restore the porch and bay window as they were, with a few exceptions. The owner has the original porch posts and the pickets will be duplicated. The location of the door will be moved in order to create a small vestibule, thus making the space more functional. The existing picture window will be removed and replaced with two smaller ones. Nickels added he has been in contact with James Hamrick, Acting Deputy Director for the State Historic Preservation Office, who will give them input on tying the proposed rear addition in to the existing house. They want it to tie in, but not mimic the design. The Commission agreed the elevations presented were a positive improvement. Therefore, the Site Review was unanimously recommended for approval with a motion by Reynolds and second by Skibby. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 6, 1991 PA 91-010 Extension of Previously Approved Site Review and Variance 133 Sixth Street Robert Martindale Molnar informed the Commission this application was originally approved in 1989 and this would be the second extension. This is a 7,100 square foot lot. The owner wants to convert the existing duplex into one dwelling unit and build a separate house toward the front of the property. Attached units require 5,000 square feet for the first unit and 2,000 square feet for the second. For two detached units, 5,000 square feet is required for each. The extension is a Type I planning action, but was called up for a public hearing. Molnar said the reasons will become moot within a couple of months because of affordable housing revisions which will most likely be approved by the City Council soon. Although these revisions will not become effective immediately, the clause which would require 10,000 has been eliminated. Traffic generation is the same for attached as it is for detached units. Parking is adequate. When questioned about future division of the property, Molnar assured the Commission it could not be done. When asked about the condition of the duplex, Bob Martindale stated it is remarkably well built. He does not plan to alter the outside except to seal in the stairway. It was the consensus of the Commission that although the plans had been previously approved, concerns include window sizes and trim, siding and drawings to scale. Chambers moved to approve the extension and concept of the project, however, in order to reflect Historic Commission concerns, the following amendments to Section 3 in the Findings, which were adopted by the Planning Commission March 13, 1989, were recommended: 4) That a deed restriction be placed on the property preventing the construction of a carport addition that could later be enclosed; 5) That prior to final building permit approval, architectural plans which are drawn to scale be submitted, and that these house plans be reviewed and approved by the Historic Commission; and 6) That the applicant comply with the recommendations of the Historic Commission. Bradshaw seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. PA 91-026 Request for Inclusion on Historic Sign Inventory 166 East Main Street Varsity Theatre Molnar stated this is the first application to go through the process of being placed on the Historic Sign Inventory for Ashland. The main concern is the level of detail in the application. Since this will go before the City Council, it is necessary to establish a ~ Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 6, 1991 foundation for applicants to follow in the future. More facts supporting the criteria are necessary. John Schweiger, owner of the Varsity Theatre, 'said the neon sign will be fully restored and they have been able to duplicate the color tubes with the original ones. The Commission agreed the neon is historically significant, as the sign architecturally integrates the design of the building. Since Schweiger is completely restoring the front of the building, including the replacement of tiles and 1937 poster cases (which would duplicate the original theater), a percentage of the originality would be missing if the neon were not restored. Although the art deco building is not a common style for Ashland, it was a common style of theaters, of which neon was an integral part. Schweiger added he has been working with Bill Emerson on the color scheme of the building. Skibby moved and Bradshaw seconded to recommend approval of this application to City Council. The motion was unanimously approved. (Kay's survey of the theater will be attached to the Historic Commission recommendation when sent to Council.) PA 91-043 Site Review 290 East Main Street Allen Drescher Molnar explained this is another structure on the National Register of Historic Places. The contractor, Fred Cox, has proposed to expose the existing windows above the door and display windows which had been covered up years ago. Cox has talked with James Hamrick (SHPO). The Commission agreed this is a positive step in the restoration of the original facade and unanimously voted approval of this project with a motion by Skibby and second by Reitinger. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of February follow: Willard & Judith Brown Marta Traister Martha Wilhelm 165 Almond 265 Fourth 480 Rock Remodel/Wind ow/Doo r Remodel Addition Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 6, 1991 Bank of America Matthew Kirk Gooding, M.D. 101 E. Main Reinforce Floor 125 Maple Sign OLD BUSINESS Review Board ' Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00' to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: March 7 March 14 March 21 March 28 Reynolds, Skibby and Hunt Bradshaw, Chambers, Hunt and Skibby Lewis and Skibby Hunt, Chambers, Lewis and Skibby Heritage Landmarks List Molnar explained the final adoption of the Heritage Landmarks List has been postponed in order to receive more information from the State. On this same order, possible ramifications of Senate Bill 750 were discussed. It was decided the Commission should draft a letter for Council review, then send it to SHPO and Representative Jerry Barnes for testimony against this bill. National Historic Preservation Week It was decided to use the same brochure (bill stuffer) as last year. Skibby described events which will be sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce during Cultural Heritage Month (May). He will be giving a walking tour and supplying old photos to be displayed in the Downtown shops. NEW BUSINESS The Commission unanimously agreed to endorse and express support for the proposed Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area. This area in Nevada includes a portion of the historic Applegate-Lassen Trail. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m.