HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes February 6, 1991 PRIOR TO CALL TO ORDER Due to the large number of people in attendance for the Commission's review of the Heritage Landmark's List, McLaughlin postponed the discussion to a later meeting. McLaughlin will draft a new and more detailed letter explaining the list and informing the public of new meeting dates. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Terry Skibby at 8:15 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Thomas Hunt, Jean MacKenzie, Mark Reitinger and Deane Bradshaw. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin, City Council Liaison Susan Reid and Secretary Liza Gilton. Commission members Jim Lewis, Lorraine Whitten, Susan Reynolds and Keith Chambers were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hunt moved and Bradshaw seconded to approve the Minutes of the January 2, 1991 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 91-014 Request for Modification of a Conditional Use Permit and Parking Variance 386 'B' Street Susan DeMarinis McLaughlin explained that this action is a request for an expansion to the approved medical office usage and a variance in the required parking from five to two spaces. The applicant plans to pave the alley to provide access to 2 parking spaces in the back of the building. The 60% parking variance would utilize on-street parking for the other three required spaces. Since a 100% variance was approved in the past, and there is an excess of on- street parking at this corner location, staff recommended approval of the action. McLaughlin reminded members that the Commission already approved the addition and the Conditional Use Permit. DeMarinis explained that 10 cars could easily fit on the street frontage of this corner lot and that a maximum of 6 cars would be on location at any one time. She expressed her desire to use grasscrete for the two off-street parking spaces. In response to concerns about the area between the street and sidewalk, the applicant said she would provide a landscape buffer. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 6, 1991 Skibby felt that it would be wrong to require paving for five cars. Bradshaw moved that the action be approved and added her appreciation for the historical care taken by the applicant. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 91-017 Conditional Use Permit for Temporary Use Water Street Medford Growers and Crafters Association McLaughlin explained that the Medford Grower's and Crafters Association was granted a conditional use last year to operate on the paved area under the viaduct. Due to the success of the market, the Association wishes to expand its area of operation to include portions of Water street. The Public Works and Fire Departments found it unacceptable to close the street, but agreed to allow the market to use the 8 foot areas on each side of the street designated for parking spaces. McLaughlin advised the Commission that the Medford Growers and Crafters Association are meeting to determine whether or not this will be an acceptable solution for them. McLaughlin also pointed out that this use will mean that some of the sidewalk will be used up, thus creating a more festive atmosphere. In response to MacKenzie's concern that using the parking spaces on Water Street would be dangerous, McLaughlin explained that the street is not very heavily trafficked and a visible barrier will be placed between the market and the street. Reitinger and Hunt questioned the need of the Association for more space and McLaughlin explained that all of the booths are tied to the use of a vehicle for storage. Reitinger expressed further concern over the proposal. He feels that the space the Association now has is not adequately used. Hunt expressed concern that cars coming from East Main will be dangerous. McLaughlin pointed out that this was originally accepted as a type one and that if the Commission has further concerns, they should request that this Planning Action be called up for a public hearing. Reitinger moved that the Historic Commission call this action up for a public hearing. Hunt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 6, 1991 PA 91-020 Conditional Use Permit for a Duplex on a Corner Lot 342 Vista Street Michael Vore McLaughlin explained that in two weeks, under affordable housing, this will be considered accessory housing, not a duplex. There is no visible change to the structure. There will be only a small affect on density and traffic. Because there is no proposed expansion and no new units, Staff feels that this meets the criteria for a Conditional Use Permit. He further explained that if this falls under accessory housing, the primary structure on the lot must be owner-occupied. The applicant was available to answer questions and explained that the unit already has an outside entrance and there will be no visible changes to the structure. At the request of Skibby the applicant agreed to work with the historic commission if he wants any changes. A woman in the audience asked for an assurance that granting this permit would not set a kind of precedence for the neighborhood. McLaughlin assured her that each applicant would be considered separately and that this type of structure is still not a permitted use within the area. Bradshaw moved that the action be approved with the stipulation that the dirt driveway be maintained (i.e. not paved). MacKenzie seconded and the motion passed unanimously. PA 91-010 One-Year Extension to Request for Site Review and Variance 133 Sixth Street Robert Martindale McLaughlin explained that this will be the second one-year extension requested. There are no changes from the originally approved request (approved as a type I by staff with no public hearing). McLaughlin read into the record a letter recently received by the Planning Department from Phillip Lang stating opposition to the extension. This letter will cause the Action to be called up for a public hearing. The Historic Commission took no action because the issue will be discussed next month. The Commission requested that the Applicant supply updated sketches including elevations for next month's meeting. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 6, 1991 PA 91-013 Conditional Use Permit for Structural Alteration 159 Second Street John Fields McLaughlin explained that this is a unique house on a 25 foot lot. The eaves extend into the neighboring lot which has never caused any problems. The applicant wants to make changes to the back of the building. Although the applicant originally wanted to put in a separate living unit, modified the request to put in a new office for a home occupation. There will be no drive-by business generated by the office, so the only issue at hand is the modification of a non-conforming building. Reitinger stated that he talked with the applicant on Thursday and sees no problem with the change as the building is not going beyond the original space, only being modified. After a brief discussion of deck compatibility, a parking space for the owner and the shed in back, Reitinger moved that the action be approved. Hunt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of January follow: Michelle Smirl Vickie Lamb Stephanie Cassam Allan Drescher James & Margaret Foster David Foster Ken and Jessie Bradshaw Ken and Jessie Bradshaw Bernie Zieminski Blue Mountain Cafe Ashland T-Shirts Arabella Matthew Kirk Gooding, M.D. 447 Rock 49 Manzanita 25 Granite 290 East Main 146 Manzanita 19 Granite 122 High 122 High 366 "B" 457 Siskiyou Blvd. 88 N. Main 72 N. Pioneer 125 Maple Garage Foundation Addition Addition Remodel Studio Addition & Remodel(Garage) Bathroom Addition Carport Addition Demolition Sign Sign Sign Sign Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 6, 1991 OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: February 7 February 14 February 21 February 28 Hunt, Skibby, Bradshaw Hunt, Skibby Hunt, Skibby, MacKenzie Hunt, Skibby, Reitinger SHPO Grant Whitten was not available to report. McLaughlin explained that there is no room in the budget for matching funds. Also, an inadequate amount of time is available to properly deal with this issue. City Hall's lOOth Birthday Skibby reported that he is still researching information concerning the birth date of City Hall. He has as of yet been unable to find the exact date (month and year). He has spent a great deal of time looking at old Tidings. The original City Hall building was exposed red brick. When the building was remodeled and an addition made in 1913, the brick was plastered over. The windows upstairs remained the same with the addition of trim, so the building has remained essentially the same. The Utilities Department is now located where the original fire station stood. Skibby also reported that there was originally controversy of the location of the building. Also, the Chamber of Commerce is picking up on the 100th birthday theme and will have a meeting on February 19. NEW BUSINESS National Historic Preservation Week It was reported that the Chamber of Commerce is having a Spring Festival at this time (May 12-18). Skibby volunteered to be on a subcommittee and asked for other interested Commission members. Hunt expressed that he was in charge of the publicity for last year's meeting and volunteered to be on the subcommittee along with Bradshaw. MacKenzie said Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 6, 1991 that she will be working with the Chamber and will act a go-between for the Commission and the Chamber. Special Assessment - Ashland Depot Hotel, South Wing Skibby moved that the Historic Commission recommend a special assessment for the purpose of a property tax freeze for this property on the national register. Bradshaw seconded and the motion passed unanimously. 338 Scenic Drive- Possible Demolition Discussion Mike Blair appeared at the meeting to determine the feasibility of the Historic Commission approving the demolition of the structure at 338 Scenic. McLaughlin explained the application process. Bradshaw expressed her feeling that the Commission could make a recommendation to start the process for demolition based an inspection of the site. Skibby concurred. Other There is a letter from Jim Lewis and John Fregonese to Jackson County Board of Directors included in the packet. The City Council approved the demolition of the burned structure on "B" Street upon the recommendation of the Historic Commission. This is the first house to go through the entire process. The Lincoln Statue will be dedicated on February 12 at noon. Skibby will take pictures. In response to concerns over vandalism, McLaughlin explained that the statue will be lit at all times, the phone booths will be moved. Hopefully this well-traveled area will discourage vandalism. McLaughlin reiterated his intention to write a new letter explaining the heritage landmarks list. Later meetings will be scheduled to discuss this issue in detail in the form of a public meeting. Skibby raised a question about the possible location of the new power substation off of A Street and the impact on the Historic District. McLaughlin explained the option of lowering the grade to make the substation of low profile. He suggested that the Commission write a letter to Brian Almquist requesting Historic Commission review if the A Street site is chosen. Skibby motioned that the Historic Commission have a chance to review and make recommendations if this site is chosen. Reitinger seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes February 6, 1991 ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m.