HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-02 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes January 2, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Thomas Hunt, Lorraine Whitten, Susan Reynolds and Deane Bradshaw. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Commission members Jean MacKenzie, Keith Chambers and Mark Reitinger were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Reynolds moved and Hunt seconded to approve the Minutes of the December 5, 1990 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 90-213 Site Review Pioneer Street Erik Wallbank McLaughlin informed the Commission that since this application came before the Historic Commission in October, the applicant has made numerous changes in the design of the building. He has worked with the Historic Commission Review Board and Dale Shostrom in the design and scaled it down to a one story building. It is oriented toward Pioneer Street, will have horizontal siding and a gable porch. It meets site design guidelines and the parking is adequate. Staff feels it will have a positive street presence. Erik Wallbank stated he has cut the square footage in half, it will be located 22 feet from the street, the overhangs will be at least four feet, the windows will be fixed with transit windows above, the trusses will be at least 6 x 12 pitch, and horizontal cedar siding will be used. Lewis suggested earth tones be used because of the Craftsman style. It was concurred by Wallbank and the Commission no bright colors will be used on the galvanized roof. Wallbank also agreed to work with the Commission on final details of the building. Whitten moved to approve the plans as presented with the reservation the Commission have access to final detail plans. Bradshaw seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 2, 1991 PA 90-208 Outline Plan, Variances, Outline & Final Plan Modifications Logan Drive Barton, Street, Paup and Houghton McLaughlin explained this is one of the most complex actions that has come before the Planning Commission and Historic Commission. Only a small portion is actually in the Historic District (lot 6 and phase I of Loagan Drive). The actual development will be outside the District as lot 6 already has an existing older home on it. Whitten stated that considering recent LUBA decisions, livability, including water and electricity, needs to be addressed. She lives in the neighborhood and feels the quality of life has decreased because the water pressure has gone down tremendously in the past few years because of recent development. Skibby stated the visual impact must be considered because the site can be seen even from downtown. Therefore, the houses need to be compatible with the existing neighborhood. McLaughlin pointed out the development potential for the property involved could have up to 20 lots if road access and water were available, but the applicants are proposing five new lots. These will access off Logan Drive. Bradshaw commended the applicants for their concern for trees and open space. She does not think this development will have a dramatic impact on the Historic District. Annette Paup, who lives in the existing house on lot 6, stated she would like the option to build a residence behind her home (lot 5). Eventually, she would like to demolish the shed and build a nice garage, then do more landscaping. The house will remain as it is. Because the upper portion of her property is quite steep, she would like to dedicate it as open space. She assured the Commission she would not like any of the houses to be incompatible with the neighborhood. She also stated most existing trees will remain, but that for every tree removed, they will plant one with at least a six inch diameter elsewhere. Dr. Barton explained he plans to live on lot 1. The applicants will set up an architectural review commission consisting of himself, Ms. Paup and someone from SOSC. The homesites have been proposed in areas virtually devoid of trees. He offered to let the Historic Commission review plans of the homes for input and requested that be made a part of the record. The Commission supported the concept of this development, especially the proposed open spaces, views, tree saving and density; however, still had concerns regarding traffic conditions, livability, visual impact and the impact of the quality of life. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 2, 1991 Bradshaw moved to support this project for the above reasons, although the Commission still has concerns regarding livability of the neighborhood which will be addressed by the Planning Commission. Reynolds seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 90-001 Conditional Use Permit/Change of Applicant 125 North Main Street Elaine Martens McLaughlin explained this request is for a change of applicant for the Queen Anne traveller's accommodation (the Atkinson House). There are no changes requested and there have been no complaints. Reynolds moved and Whiiten seconded to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. PA 91-009 One-Year Review Water Street/Recycling Depot City of Ashland McLaughlin said this location for the depot has been very successful. Other City-owned sites have been investigated, but none are as well suited. The only problem is the inability to accept motor oil, however, Ashland Sanitary Service picks up the oil curbside. The portion of the property not used for the depot has already been turned over to the Parks Department. McLaughlin added it looks as though the site is headed toward permanent approval. Skibby moved to recommend approval of this site and Whitten seconded the motion. It was unanimously passed. PA 91-003 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 35 South Second Street Darrel Boldt McLaughlin stated the applicant and owner are proposing to build a two-unit cottage with parking access off Hargadine Street. The design is similar to the Winchester Inn and will be behind the gazebo. Colors and material will also match. Given the zoning and adequate parking, Staff sees no problem with this. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 2, 1991 Michael Gibbs, owner, explained the detailing of the Winchester Inn will be miniaturized in the cottage. They are trying to maintain the trees which were planted eight years ago to minimize the impact of the root system. Also, they do not want the view from the restaurant and gazebo to be impacted. A recycling center will be created. When Lewis questioned the affect of this on the Winchester Inn, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, Gibbs answered it should not be affected since it is on a separate tax lot. Whitten moved to approve the proposal as presented. Bradshaw seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. PA 91-008 Conditional Use Permit and Variances 174 North Main Street Marilyn Krichman This planning action, McLaughlin explained, contains relatively minor items (expansion of non-conforming structure, variance to permit a second dwelling unit and variance to reduce rear yard setback) and if each were by itself, would be administratively approved. The applicant has provided extensive findings and Staff feels the proposal 'will have a minimal impact and will fit in well with the area. The garage, with living space above, is very compatible with the existing house. With streets on three sides, it is difficult to fit in any additional structures because of the setbacks, but the property is large enough to accommodate the separate building. The findings support all three requests. The owner, he added, has done a good job. Marilyn Krichman, when questioned about the tree on the corner, stated it is a black walnut which is dying and is hazardous. It is unique in that it is covered with ivy, but it will be removed and replaced with the garage/dwelling unit. Bill Emerson, designer, stated he created the garage design as its own entity. It does not match the existing house, but it is compatible. The Commission commended Krichman and Emerson for the beautiful and appropriate design for both the garage/dwelling unit and expansion of the existing house. Hunt moved to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of December follow: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 2, 1991 Shirley Boyce Linda Vista Care Center 283 "B" St. 1215 Maple St, Change Door Interior Remodel OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: January 3 January 10 January 17 January 24 January 31 Whitten, Hunt, Skibby Hunt, Skibby and Reynolds Hunt, Skibby, Whitten Bradshaw, Hunt, Skibby and Lewis Hunt, Skibby, Lewis and Reynolds NEW BUSINESS SHPO Grant Projects were discussed which might qualify for a SHPO grant. Applications must be submitted by March 1st. Whitten, Bradshaw and Skibby will meet and report back to the Commission at the February meeting. City Hall Commemoration Skibby informed those present the City Hall was built in 1891 and he would like to commemorate the history of the building. The Commission wholeheartedly agreed. Skibby will report back at the next meeting. 366 "B" Street It was noted that since the house located at 366 "B" Street had burned last October, the owner has not come forward with what he plans to do with the property. Since it is listed as a secondary structure on the Heritage Landmarks List, he needs to go through the proper channels (Historic Commission and City Council) if he wishes to demolish it. The Commission agreed the owner should present plans for replacement of the house if that is his intention. Since "B" Street is very much historically in tact in that area, guidelines and compatibility issues need to be addressed. The owner will be invited to attend a Thursday meeting. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.