HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-07 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIc COMMISSION Minutes November 7, 1990 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Thomas Hunt, Jean MacKenzie, Mark Reitinger, Lorraine Whitten and Keith Chambers. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin, Secretary Sonja Akerman and Council Liaison Susan Reid. Commission members Susan Reynolds and Deane Bradshaw were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Whitten moved and Reitinger seconded to approve the Minutes of the October 3, 1990 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. GUESTS John Fregonese Director of Community Development John Fregonese presented renditions of the existing and proposed plans for the Plaza design. He stated he began working on the Plaza design in 1986 when the Downtown Plan was being developed with the Downtown Planning Advisory Committee (DPAC). So far, the majority of money which has been allocated for Downtown improvements has been spent on parking lots and sidewalk repairs. DPAC wanted to save the Plaza until the last because it is the most important area of Downtown and because it wanted to develop a master plan with public input. He stated they hope to have the final plans ready for submission to the City Council in mid December. Fregonese then showed slides of the evolution of the Plaza. Mona Blankholm, 202 Oak Lawn Avenue, then requested to speak about her personal observations and opinions regarding the moving of the information booth. She has been a volunteer for years and has observed that it seems to be a built in protection for the area. Also, the present location makes it very obvious to the tourists that it is an information booth. If it were moved, she feels strongly that people would not know what it is there for. Fregonese agreed that Blankholm made a good point and responded that the idea has always been to keep it visible. It is thought by many that it should be relocated to keep it away from the hot afternoon sun and allow for expansion of the structure. Reid stated she does not feel the booth would be hidden if moved, as the trees will form a canopy, thus opening the view from the entire Plaza. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 7, 1990 Fregonese said he will be presenting the redesign ideas to the Chamber of Commerce on November 25 and reminded those present there will be a public hearing on November 13. Whitten moved to approve the general concept and idea of the Plaza redesign, but to reserve final approval until more details are worked out. Reitinger seconded the motion. Discussion followed with Skibby voicing concern about the raised crossings and the bollards. Lewis stated he feels the Plaza will be more pedestrian oriented and put to better use. It was agreed the Commission will meet with Bill Emerson (designer) at its regular review board meeting on November 15 to work out some of these details. The motion carried, with all voting "yes" except Skibby, who voted "no". STAFF REPORTS PA 90-197 Conditional Use Permit 447 Rock Street Michele Smirl McLaughlin stated the Planning Commission continued this application from last month's meeting because of Historic Commission concerns regarding the garage elevations. The architect had since submitted elevations. Richard Wagner, architect for the project, stated the garage is currently on two levels but is not useable as a two-car garage and there is no foundation. The plans call for a foundation; and the remodel work will not go beyond what is existing. It will become a one car garage and guest room. The roofing and siding material will match the house. Wagner agreed to bring in plans to the review board meeting on Thursday. Chambers moved to recommend approval of the concept of garage plans as presented, pending actual approval of final plans. Whitten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 90-186 Conditional Use Permit, Site Review and Variance 673 and 673½ Siskiyou Boulevard David Shaw McLaughlin explained this action was continued from last month's Planning Commission meeting in order to allow further discussion for Planning Commission members. The public hearing was closed so the Planning Commission cannot accept more public comment without completely opening the hearing. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 7, 1990 The Commission had no procedural comments regarding this action. PA 90-204 Variance 337 Oak Street Michael Van Ausdall McLaughlin said this application involves a Variance to allow the fence on the Van Ness side of a recently approved Minor Land Partition to remain as it is. The fence height on the corner of Oak Street and Van Ness Avenue has already been reduced. Staff agrees with the owner and is recommending approval. Hunt expressed his concerns about the fence height and added the owner knew what he had to contend with before the fence was built. Lewis stated the owner has good points regarding sound and privacy and that the traffic safety would not be changed by cutting 24 inches off the fence. McLaughlin added the fence was constructed before permits were required. Skibby moved to recommend approval of the fence height Variance and Reitinger seconded the motion. It was unanimously passed. PA 90-207 Change of Applicant 325 North Main Street Michael Megorden McLaughlin explained this is a transfer of applicant. There have been no complaints on this traveller's accommodation. With a motion by Whitten and second from Chambers, recommendation of approval was unanimously passed. PA 90-210 Conditional Use Permit 135 Maple Street Linda Vista Care Center McLaughlin stated the applicant is proposing to use an unfinished space in the basement and convert it into a doctor's office. Staff feels this is a positive move, as it will upgrade the site with landscaping. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 7, 1990 Skibby moved and Hunt seconded to reCommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. Motion passed unanimously. PA 90-213 Site Review Pioneer Street Erik Wallbank This proposal is for a two story building with a common access alley to be used also by Valley of the Rogue Bank and the proposed Ashland Food Co-op. Parking will be coordinated with the Co-op. Hunt stated he had concerns with the galvanized roof, as he feels it looks harsh on such a large building. Lewis stated the 4/12 roof pitch is not compatible in the Historic District and suggested the applicant change the design to a story and a half, as it would look better and the same square footage could be utilized. Although the Commission agreed the porch and 1 x 6 horizontal wood siding are positive points, more details are needed before a decision could be made. Erik Wallbank passed around pictures he had taken of some of his previous projects. Because the Commission was uncomfortable with the plans the applicant submitted, Reitinger moved and Whitten seconded to call this application up for a public hearing before the Planning Commission. The motion was unanimously passed. PA 90-218 Final Plan 'Modification Logan Drive Ed Houghton McLaughlin reminded the Commission the'modification request as currently constructed was denied by both the Planning Commission and City Council. The applicant's engineer has submitted plans rerouting the intersection of Logan Drive with Scenic Drive towards the downtown area. The proposed location allows more visibility and is not in direct alignment with the Barnett's house, although it will be somewhat with their new addition. Ed Houghton stated they have been working on erosion control and his landscaper feels that native vine would be more pleasing than a rock wall. Therefore, they are proposing a 30 inch split face wall with mounds of dirt above, creating valleys for erosion control, then planted with trees and bushes. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 7, 1990 McLaughlin said staff feels this location is feasible because it appears the farthest downhill, visibility and slope are addressed, and it was discussed at the Planning Commission meeting and City Council meeting. There would be stop signs located on Scenic Drive, Logan Drive and Grandview Drive. Traffic Safety is looking at this issue also. Joanne Houghton stated efforts have been made to address the Historic Commission concerns expressed at the August meeting >> livability, traffic safety/signage, and aesthetics. Commission members agreed that a good faith effort has been made and there is definitely an improvement in this modification. Reitinger moved to approve the landscaping concept as addressing the aesthetic and visual impact concerns the Commission had earlier. Skibby amended the motion to withhold comment on the actual location of the Logan Drive intersection. Whitten seconded the motion as amended and it was unanimously passed. PA 90-165 Ashland Municipal Code Revisions Affordable Housing City of Ashland McLaughlin explained the main affect in the Historic District will be the allowance of accessory apartments in R-1 zones if certain criteria is met. Discussion ensued regarding size of units with regard to single college students and families who would need two to three bedroom units, and infilling of residential districts. No action was taken. PA 90-171 Ashland Municipal Code Revisions Traveller's Accommodations City of Ashland McLaughlin explained the progression of events and concerns that led to the revisions. The final Staff Report addresses concerns voiced not only by the Planning Commission and Historic Commission, but also those received from traveller's accommodation owners. The Commission agreed with the ordinance revisions. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 7, 1990 PA 90-194 Ashland Municipal Code Revisions Manufactured Homes City of Ashland McLaughlin stated this revision will not affect the Historic District, as no manufactured homes will be allowed in the District. Certain criteria will have to be met, he explained, regarding the placement of the manufactured home (size, roof pitch, siding, skirting, etc.) and the location of the property. (Skibby moved and Reitinger seconded to extend the meeting past 10:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.) No action was taken. PA 90-189 Ashland MuniciPal Code Revisions Special Setbacks >> C-1 and E-1 Zones City of Ashland These revisions, McLaughlin said, would only affect Siskiyou BoUlevard, Highway 66, and North Main Street. Current regulations are too restrictive and the outcome of some projects has resulted in poor designs. By allowing special setbacks, it will encourage people to park behind buildings instead of in front. No action was taken. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of October follow: Frank/Kay Spierings Dave Beck Evert Peters Sue DeMarinis Brad Parker Mike Buckley John Schweiger U.S. Bank Cameron Hansen Crissy Barnett 164V2 "B" St. 40 Bush St. 134 High St. 386 "B" St. 137 N. Main St. 823 Siskiyou Blvd. 110 Lithia Way 30 N. 2nd St. 67 Woolen Way 182 Scenic Dr. Remodel Addition Remodel/Addition Remodel Porch Remodel Addition Remodel Remodel Addition Addition Ashland Historic Commission Minutes November 7, 1990 Susan Young Greg Sprague ~ Winter Cafe and Newsstand I1 Giardino Sefiior Gator's The Ashland Spa 188 Central Ave. Addition 337 Scenic Dr. Remodel 85 Winburn Way Sign 5 Granite St. Sign 92¥2 N. Main St. Sign 27 3rd St. Sign OLD BUSINESS Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29 Whitten, Hunt, Skibby and Reitinger All available members Thanksgiving Holiday Reitinger, Lewis, Hunt .and Skibby Cultural Resources Inventory McLaughlin notified the Commission there is no expiration date in the Ordinance. The current list is in place until the Council adopts Kay's Cultural Resources Inventory. Staff is in the process of working on notices and mailings. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business, ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 p.m.