HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes July 5, 1990 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Susan Reynolds at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Rick Harris, Susan Reynolds, Lorraine Whitten, Thomas Hunt, Jean MacKenzie, Mark Reitinger and Keith Chambers. Also present were Senior Planner John McLaughlin and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Commission member Jim Lewis was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Whitten moved and Chambers seconded to approve the Minutes of the June 6, 1990 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 90-122 Conditional Use Permit 164½ "B" Street Frank Spierings McLaughlin informed the Commission this application is for the expansion of a non- conforming structure. The small garage behind the house located at 164 "B" Street was converted to a cottage for the owner's residence when the house was granted approval for a traveler's accommodation. At the time, the owner was single. The license was revoked last year when it was discovered she was not residing on the property. She has since re- applied and obtained approval. Because she and her husband need a larger residence, and because the side yard setback is not in compliance with the ordinance, they need approval to build 3.4 feet from the side property line. Staff sees no problem with this. Chambers stated that the garage currently sits back quite unobtrusively and will definitely stand out with the new addition. He agreed with the Commission, however, that the style is compatible with the existing house. Harris moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit and design of the cottage to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission July 5, 1990 PA 90-124 Conditional Use Permit 550 East Main Street Kimo and Sandra Littlefield This application, McLaughlin explained, is to operate a two-unit hotel and beauty parlor on the site. With the Commercial zone, the owners are not required to live there. This request is unique in the combination of the two uses. Staff agrees it would be a viable use for the property. When questioned by Hunt about the units, McLaughlin answered the two units will be equipped with kitchens. He also added the parking is in excess of what is necessary, and although the access ways are shared, there has never been a complaint. Kimo and Sandra Littlefield assured the Commission there would be no exterior changes. Whitten moved to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission. Skibby seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 90-126 Conditional Use Permit 268 West Hersey Street Venita Varga McLaughlin explained this request is to operate a one-unit plus manager's unit traveler's accommodation at this site. It is currently a run down duplex and is owned by Audrey Sochor, who also owns and operates the Arden Forest Inn Bed and Breakfast across the street. He added the structure will be greatly upgraded. In order for this type of request to be granted approval, the applicant and owner are required to sign a hands off lease, which dictates the applicant will be running and managing the unit, not the owner. He went on to say that in the past, the Planning Commission has shown concerns about this type of request. Staff is recommending approval with the condition that it comply with new Bed and Breakfast code changes when adopted. Audrey Sochor informed the Commission that the building is in view of her own Bed and Breakfast and it was an eyesore. When it became for sale, she bought it so she could have control of her view. It has been painted and will be landscaped. Harris questioned what would be gained if the duplex were converted into a Bed and Breakfast, therefore losing affordable housing. He feels the same thing could be accomplished by retaining the duplex. After discussion of owner vs. applicant occupancy, Chambers moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition that should there be a change in ordinance Ashland Historic Commission July 5, 1990 requirements, it must come into compliance at the time of annual renewal next year. Reitinger seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PA 90-020 Conditional Use Permit, Site Review and Boundary Line Adjustment 34 Union Street and 549 Allison Street G.K. Schrock McLaughlin reminded the Commission this application (although changed many times) was heard in February, March and April. The Conditional Use Permit was approved in April, but there was not enough information for Site Review approval. A neighbor requested a continuance of the public hearing, but the City Attorney concurred with the applicant's attorney that it was not a timely request. However, the Conditional Use Permit has been opened up once more to allow for current changes. The present application consists of three units in the house at 34 Union Street, two units in the garage at that location and the manager's unit located in a new structure. The application also includes a Boundary Line Adjustment, which will take off the rear portion of 549 Allison Street and add it to 34 Union Street to accommodate the parking. This, however, is a non-discretionary item. The main controversy has been the use of boards and batts on the front porch of 34 Union Street. When questioned about this, Schrock stated he still intends to use them. McLaughlin said that Staff feels the main planning concerns have been attended and now the issue is particulars on design features. He then stated that a condition which will be included in the Staff Report will be that no board and battens will be visible from a public right-of-way. The Commission agreed this should be a part of the approval. Harris moved and Reitinger seconded to recommend approval for the five units plus the manager's unit with the provision that all the siding remain horizontal. Discussion ensued regarding the owner's unit and it was concluded that it was harmonious with the rest of the property. Schrock agreed to match the trim with the rest of the structures. The motion was unanimously passed. 90-150 Annual Review of Renewals/Conditional Use Permits Traveler's Accommodations City of Ashland McLaughlin stated this is the annual one year renewals for traveler's accommodations. No complaints have been received about any of them and they seem to be operating smoothly. No action was required from the Historic Commission. Ashland Historic Commission July 5, 1990 90-140 Site Review 337 Oak Street Michael Van Ausdall McLaughlin explained this application is being requested to allow for an existing workshop to be converted into an apartment. The applicant would like to add a kitchen in order to create a rental unit. The main concern is that the property is located in the flood plain. This structure, however, seems to be situated above the flood plain. Whitten stated this is the type of project that is needed for affordable housing. McLaughlin added that the large lot would meet density requirements for affordable housing. Whitten moved to recommend approval of this Site Review with the stipulation that the Commission review and approve the plans for the proposed addition before permits are issued. Skibby seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. PA 90-139 Site Review 248 Van Ness Avenue LBI and Friends McLaughlin explained this application is for a four-unit apartment complex. Three units will face the alley and one will face Van Ness. The twenty foot front yard setback will be off Van Ness. He also stated the applicants were advised to design the building so that the front portion would be harmonious with existing homes on Van Ness. The Commission delayed decision on this matter because of design weaknesses, notably the front porch, asymmetricality of windows, roof pitches and the flat facade. Staff will contact the applicants and invite them to a Thursday Review Board meeting (July 19th). Reitinger, Hunt, Skibby and MacKenzie met with the applicants on July 19. They will provide new elevations (which will be reviewed on July 26) based on the following Historic Commission recommendations: 1) porch sa~ne roof pitch as main building, 2) knee braces at gabled ends, 3) freeze board with shingled gabled ends, 4) gabled end of porch to Craftsman style and 5) change half round windows to double hung with ~ inch trim and eliminate half round front door. The applicants met with Skibby, Hunt and Reynolds on July 26th and presented a revised elevation of the front portion of the building. Although the elevation did not depict certain recommendations of the Historic Commission, the applicant agreed to use double hung windows with conventional trim. Based on this agreement, the members present approved the revised design. Ashland Historic Commission July 5, 1990 PA 90-157 Variance 774 "C" Street Steve Battaglia McLaughlin related the applicant received an approved building permit to add on to his house, however, when the building inspector went out to inspect the footings, the front property line was questioned. He informed the owner that if he was certain of the location of his property line, he could have the cement poured, which he did. It was then discovered that "C" Street actually has a 70 foot right-of-way, and the footings were poured too close to the property line. The Land Use Ordinance allows the owner to average the two adjacent properties in cases like this, however, this would still put the addition twenty feet back from the curb. A four foot Variance would be needed in order for construction to resume on his addition, thereby saving a redwood tree in the front yard. Staff feels this hardship was totally unintentional and approval would not cause a problem. Whitten moved and Hunt seconded to recommend the Planning Commission grant approval of this Variance, and it passed unanimously. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of June follow: Christopher Briscoe Doug & Susan Morrison Craig & Marie Chestnut Sharon Tisdale Daniel Greenblatt Victoria's Tea Room Trapeze Cuppa Joe Big Town Hero #IV Superior Weatherization Accents B & S Saloon Lucca's Delicatessen 509 Siskiyou Blvd. 320 Scenic Dr. 346 Iowa St. 550 Holly St. 501 Allison St. 397 E. Main St. 115 E. Main St. 60 E. Main St. 75 N. Main St. 340 "A" St. #5 33 E. Main St. 180 Lithia Way 116 Lithia Way Railing* Addition Partial Rear Demolition SFR Remodel/Deck Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign *Denotes Historic Commission disapproval. Ashland Historic Commission July 5, 1990 OLD BUSINESS Historic Sign Code Ordinance McLaughlin briefly explained the results of the City Council meeting, stating the Council was not comfortable approving the revisions without a list. Copies of a letter written by George Kramer were distributed and analyzed. The Commission concurred with Kramer regarding the list, with the feeling it should be the sign owners' responsibility to come forth with the burden of proof for historical listings. The Commission agreed it should ask the Council for reconsideration of the necessity of a list, while assuring the Council that it does not want to open gates. The Commission supports the Sign Code Ordinance revisions not for economic reasons, but historical reasons. Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: July 12 July 19 July 26 August 2 Reynolds, Chambers and Skibby Reitinger, Skibby, Hunt and MacKenzie Reynolds, Whitten and Skibby Reitinger, Chambers, Hunt and Skibby Heritage Sunday Skibby reported that 150-200 people attended the Heritage Sunday activities on July 1st. There was a packed house for the slide presentation by Kay Atwood and George Kramer, and approximately 50 people attended the open house at 248 Fifth Street. Bill Emerson had a good collection of old maps and Skibby had a large photo display. All in all, Skibby stated there was a good response. Orientation Meeting The meeting will be in the Dankook Room at SOSC on Thursday, July 12th. The Commission decided to invite Kay Atwood and George Kramer because of all the work they have contributed over the past few years. Ashland Historic Commission July 5, 1990 NEW BUSINESS Aueust Meetine The next meeting will be August 8th instead of August 1st. This is because the Planning Commission now meets on the second Tuesday of the month due to cable access scheduling. SOSC 2000 Plan McLaughlin explained the SOSC 2000 Plan will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan, and will thus carry a lot of weight. The Historic Commission needs to review the portions pertaining to historic structures, notably Churchill Hall, Swedenburg House and the small house on the southwest corner of Mountain Avenue and Siskiyou Boulevard. Swedenburg House is already on the National Register of Historic Places and the City would like to see Churchill Hall on the Register also. SOSC is proposing major changes to Churchill Hall and the City is concerned that the remodel be done correctly in order for it to qualify for the National Register. The City needs reassurance from SOSC in this case. Also, the college plans to demolish all the houses across from Churchill Hall in order to create parking lots. The City would like to see the house in the Historic District retained. The Commission concurred with the City's comments on these structures and agreed to help McLaughlin write a letter regarding them. Plaza Plans MacKenzie brought up the fact that she had been contacted by a few people regarding plans for the Downtown Plaza area. They are concerned about changes that might take place. She went on to say that there are many people who do not want to see it changed at all. McLaughlin stated the plans will come before the Historic Commission before final approval. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Whitten and second by Hunt, it was the unanimous decision of the Historic Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 p.m.