HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-07 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes March 7, 1990 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Rick Harris, Susan Reynolds, Lorraine Whitten, Maxine Colwell and Joyce Ward (who arrived at 8:47 p.m.). Also present were Associate Planner John McLaughlin and Secretary Sonja Akerman. No Commission members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Reynolds moved and Whitten seconded to approve the Minutes of the January 3, 1990 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. Whitten moved and Skibby seconded to approve the Minutes of the February 7, 1990 meeting as mailed. Motion passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS PA 90-020 Conditional Use Permit 34 Union Street and 549 Allison Street G.K. Schrock This action, McLaughlin said, was discussed at length during the last meeting. Since then, Harris and Lewis have met with Mr. Schrock and Jac Nichols, architect. Nichols stated that the current plans have drastically changed from the original plans. Now, the applicant is basically leaving the house at 34 Union Street as it is. The existing siding will be kept and it will be painted. The front will be treated as a rehabilitation project and it will acquire the look of a carriage house (which Schrock has said it was at one time). The hip porch on the front will be retained, a hipped dormer will be added and double hung windows will replace the existing ones. A shed dormer is proposed on the rear, the back porch will be removed and windows will be added to the kitchen. Board and batten will only be utilized in the front porch area. George Kramer, former Chairman of the Historic Commission, stated that the house (34 Union Street) was originally a board and batt out-building, not a board and batt dwelling. Lewis related that he had looked through the house and believes it was an out-building (barn). He said he saw no problem with the rear elevation as proposed, but stated the front elevation is the most sensitive. When questioned, Nichols said Schrock wanted to use the original boards and battens on the front porch area. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 Skibby stated that the house was remodeled in the 1920's as a Craftsman style, so it stands as it has for over 60 years, and is thus considered historic. He sees the problem as attempting to change the house into an earlier period than it was originally built. Harris stated Schrock has come a long way since the last meeting, then listed the following three points concerning design: 1) it does not matter what the history has been for the last 100 years, what is germane is to deal with the house that is here; 2) based on the fact that the hip roof of the porch and dormer fit well with the design of the house as it is with the open eaves, the applicant should retain the open eave design; and 3) it is inappropriate in the current design to use board and batten on the porch. Harris stated if these three points in design are followed, he feels the Historic Commission can approve the design for the house located at 34 Union Street and so moved. Whitten seconded the motion and after a short discussion, it was unanimously passed. Discussion ensued regarding the number of units as it relates to the Historic District and the historical uniqueness of the area. Kramer stated that the decision of the number of units and the relation to the Historic District may set precedence more than the question of board and batts. Bed and Breakfast accommodations have moved beyond what it was even four years ago. He went on to say that he does not feel it is necessary to continually pull houses out of the housing market to turn them into B & B's, and that he cautions the Commission to strongly consider the implications of possible Planning Commission decisions. When questioned about the act of combining the lots, McLaughlin stated that the Allison lot would not be eligible for a B & B because it is not within 200 feet of a collector street. Future use of the property was discussed also. The new carriage house on the Allison Street property would meet all setbacks. The consensus of the Commission is that it is opposed to the use of multiple lots for a B & B complex. McLaughlin stated this will be more or less a test case for the proposed number of units (8). Harris then moved to deny the application for an eight unit traveller's accommodation because 1) the combination of the two lots creates an ~L* shaped lot which is inappropriate in the Historic District, 2) the configuration of the carriage house behind 549 Allison Street is inappropriate in that under the annual review process, there is a chance the approval could be revoked, and 3) the 549 Allison Street lot does not conform to B & B regulations in relation to collector streets and it is inappropriate to combine lots just to get approval. He further moved that the Commission would recommend approval for four units at 34 Union Street (two in the house and two in the garage, plus a manager's unit). Whitten seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 PA 89-149 Site Review and Conditional Use Permit Pioneer and Hargadine Streets Oregon Shakespearean Festival Association (OSFA) McLaughlin explained there have been some changes since this was approved by the Historic Commission last fall, but the plans are essentially the same. The main difference is in the highest portion of the structure which will house the lighting equipment. Paul Nicholson, general manager of OSFA, informed the Commission that the height of the structure is actually four feet lower than the original design submitted and approved in September. The lighting gallery extends a little further because of the need to extend the lighting. Also, there is a need for more side lighting at higher levels. There will be no change in materials or landscaping. The original Chataugua walls will not be disturbed and the proposed structure will be totally within the walls. Harris questioned Nicholson about the concerns of the neighbors who oppose the project. Nicholson answered that views from the Stone House have been superimposed with what the views will look like from the front yard, and added that there will not be a glare from the lights, even though they will not be screened. Skibby moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of the Site Review and Conditional Use Permit to the Planning Commission as presented. Motion was unanimously passed. PA 90-038 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 438 North Main Street John and Cheryl Colwell McLaughlin stated this house is the old myrtlewood factory and the applicants would like to convert it into a five-unit motel. This is an allowable use in an E-1 zone. He went on to say that with a motel, there is no annual review and the applicant does not have to live on the premises. The applicants are also proposing a commercial kitchen for catering, which is also an allowable use. The existing porch will be removed and the Craftsman porch will be brought back. The applicants, McLaughlin stated, are in no hurry to get rid of the trailer which has been situated in back of the house for many years. (Ward arrived at this time.) When questioned about the maintenance of the property without an on-site manager, McLaughlin stated the location should guarantee the upkeep of the property. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 Reynolds moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of this project to the Planning Commission, and it was unanimously passed. PA 90-048 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 164 'B' Street Frank Spierings McLaughlin reminded the Commission that this was once a B & B, but the approval was recently revoked by the Planning Commission and upheld by the City Council. The applicant now wants to reapply for a one-unit traveller's accommodation and states that he will be living on the site once an addition is completed on the cottage. The lot will be fully developed and landscaped. The one-unit is proposed to be available as a furnished rental October through May, and Staff feels this is a reasonable request. Frank Spierings stated the basic shell of the cottage will remain as it is, the addition will be two stories, on the back and side. The Commission was concerned that no elevations had been submitted and did not want to recommend approval without first reviewing the plans. With this in mind, Harris moved to recommend approval of this application subject to elevation approval of the cottage addition prior to the Planning Commission meeting. (A committee will meet at 5:15 p.m. in the meeting room at Kelso Realty on Monday, March 12 to review these plans with Spierings.) Whitten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The subcommittee met on March 12 as scheduled. Present were Harris, Lewis, Skibby, Colwell and Spierings. The subcommittee unanimously recommended approval of the plans submitted. PA 90-050 Conditional Use Permit (Temporary Use) Under the Viaduct on Water Street Medford Growers and Crafters Association McLaughlin explained that improvements under the viaduct are in progress. The proposal is to locate an outdoor market one day a week which is not geared to tourists. Only a small area will be used and Staff thinks it is a good idea. Will HisleBeard stated this is the start of the fourth year of operation in the City of Medford (the Ashland site will be in addition to a Medford site). Eleven parking spaces will be utilized from approximately 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. He added that the crafters' products need to be absolutely unique or agricultural in nature in order to qualify for Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 inclusion in the market. They have always made sure the site is strictly cleaned up and have always had minimal impact on surrounding areas. Ward then moved and Reynolds seconded to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission, and it was unanimously passed. PA 90-061 Conditional Use Permit 595 North Main Street John Roberts This action concerns the new BP station on the corner of Maple and North Main Streets, McLaughlin stated. The applicant would like to add a bay in the back of the station for repair purposes. It would be somewhat visible from Maple Street, but not from North Main. In studies, it has been shown that traffic is generated by the number of pumps, so there should not be an increase in traffic. Also, there will be no increase in parking requirements. He added the fence will be removed and the area will be landscaped along Maple Street. Mrs. Roberts stated that they would like to leave the fence because they were recently vandalized from the rear. They will clean up the property and landscape. With a motion by Harris and second by Skibby to recommend approval, the proposal passed with unanimous approval. PA 90-062 Conditional Use Permit for Temporary Use Parking lot comer of Water Street and North Main Street Karen Darling/Michael Rarity McLaughlin explained the applicants would like to locate an espresso cart in the corner of the parking lot at Orchard Lane Mall. The use of outdoor cafes, etc. is depicted in the Downtown Plan and it ties in with the livening up of that corner. Staff feels it would be an appropriate use, he said, adding that it will be reviewed in one year. Harris expressed concern about a vision clearance problem with making a left turn at that intersection. McLaughlin stated that is also a Staff concern and the applicants have agreed to set the cart back out of the danger area. Two parking spaces will be lost, but it also helps with the vision clearance problem. Reynolds moved and Whitten seconded to recommend approval of this application. The motion was unanimously passed. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 90-063 Site Review Corner of Pioneer Street and Lithia Way City of Ashland The Commission agreed that it trusted the Tree Commission as far as the landscaping was concerned. McLaughlin said that trees with a two inch caliper will be planted, which are larger than those required for most new landscaping. He also clarified that a ten foot high solid wood fence will be erected on the north property line. John Groover, a resident on 'B' Street with adjoining property, stated he is concerned with the truck traffic flow as a safety hazard. Currently, trucks circle around 'B' Street and block traffic and driveways. He wants to encourage walking traffic. Ward moved to recommend approval of the Site Plan and Whitten seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved. PA 90-064 Minor Land Partition 250 North Pioneer Street Valley of the Rogue Bank McLaughlin explained that Valley of the Rogue Bank intends to divide this property into two parcels, then sell one to the Ashland Food Co-op. The Co-op plans on building a two- story structure, the lower half to be the market and the upper story to be used commercially (i.e. meeting place). Frank Billovits, representing Valley of the Rogue Bank, stated the Co-op will also establish a mini park and be responsible for its upkeep. Harris moved and Reynolds seconded to recommend approval of this action to the Planning Commission. The motion was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of February follow: Brent Thompson Kaylee Lindberg Paul Rostykus 115 E. Main St. 489 Allison St. 123 8th St. Interior Remodel Remodel/Bay Window Garage Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 Roanne Lyle Freida Schaffer Visions Art Gallery Guthrie-Murrell Realtors Cook's Tavern Rebel's French Country Rest. Great American Pizza Co. Third World Tribal Gallery OLD BUSINESS 259 Idaho St. SFR 77 Manzanita St. Deck 20 S. 1st St. Sign 77 N. Main St. Sign 66 E. Main St. Sign 29 N. Main St. Sign 75 N. Main St. Sign 374 E. Main St. Sign Sign Code Ordinance Revisions McLaughlin will try to have this ready for review at the April 4th meeting. Ordinance Revisions Reynolds stated she did not have time to devote to this and would like to relinquish her supervision of that committee. Harris moved to table work on this for the next few months and Whitten seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. Review Board Following is the schedule (until the next meeting) for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: March 8 Skibby and Lewis March 15 Whitten, Lewis and Colwell March 22 Skibby, Harris and Whitten March 29 Reynolds, Skibby and Harris Lincoln Statue Bill Stuffer Money received through the month of February totaled $1,730.00 Historic Preservation Week >} May 13 through 19 Akerman reported that George Kramer had been unable to get the lecture series through the Historic Preservation League of Oregon, but that he and Kay Atwood would be willing to give lectures during that week. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 Whitten moved and Ward seconded to pay George Kramer and Kay Atwood $50.00 each for their presentations. The motion was unanimously passed. (Skibby moved and Whitten seconded to extend the meeting beyond 10:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.) Harris stated he will coordinate articles for the Tidings regarding historic preservation and incorporate the lectures by George and Kay in them. He also stated that he would like to obtain the same judges that were used last year (Kay Atwood, Tom Giordano and Bill Emerson), but has not spoken with them yet. Golden Spike Memorial Park Skibby reported that the Heritage Committee had met and agreed there is a need for a park in the area between 4th and 8th Streets off A Street, and that the Golden Spike should be commemorated. That area was once a park and is a part of Ashland's history. The Heritage Committee wants to do a lunch hour walking tour of the area some day. He then read a letter from the Parks Commission in support of a park from 4th Street to 8th Street. McLaughlin interjected that the Planning Commission would like to see a park from 6th Street to 8th Street, and that plans are being formulated for development between 4th Street and 6th Street. He added that 4th Street will eventually cross the tracks, the northeast corner of 4th and A Streets will accommodate a commercial building and an urban type plaza area will be incorporated in the plans for the area. The Commission unanimously supports the concept of a Golden Spike Park. Whitten then moved that the area along the railroad right-of-way along A Street be put to good use as park space, details to be decided later, and put to good use, with significance of the Golden Spike to be used. Skibby seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 115 Sherman Street Letters received from the owner were discussed regarding changing the windows to more closely approximate the dimensions of the original windows. She indicated this would take place between the first of March and the first of May. It is too late to do anything about the siding. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes March 7, 1990 NEW BUSINESS Skibby stated he had been informed that the Street Department is digging out the old cement crossing at the corner of 6th Street and C Street. Harris moved that the Commission write a letter to Steve Hall, Director of Public Works, asking the City to repair the crossing with concrete as opposed to asphalt. Skibby seconded the motion. Ward amended the motion to include a phone call because of the time constraints. The motion, as amended, was unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT Harris moved and everyone else seconded to adjourn the meeting at 11:07 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.