HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-14 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 14, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Steve Armitage. Other Commissioners present were Mike Morris, Chris Hearn, John Fields, Mike Gardiner, Marilyn Briggs, Anna Howe, and Russ Chapman. Ron Bass was absent. Staff present were John McLaughlin, Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, Maria Harris and Susan Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes of the June 9, 1998 Regular Meeting were approved. PUBLIC FORUM No one came forth to speak. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 98-055 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A POOL ADDITION AT THE ASHLAND FAMILY YMCA 540 YMCA WAY APPLICANT: Ashland Family YMCA Site Visits or Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all Commissioners. STAFF REPORT McLaughlin reported there was a master plan from ten years ago with this proposal being the next step of the phasing. The phasing was to happen upon demands of the community as well as community funding and support. Overall, the design matches the original master plan approval and is in keeping with the theme of the YMCA. The applicant is proposing an additional 34 parking spaces in a lot that would expand the current Tolman Creek Road parkin9 lot. Staff has looked at the parking demand for this type of use and given the wide range of demand, they feel the spaces provided are adequate and in keeping with the ordinance. The applicant has proposed site improvements that better reflect the amendment to the Site Design and Use Standards that were not in effect at the time of eadier approvals. Those improvements are outlined in the Staff Report. Beginning July 1, 1998, Rogue Valley Transit District started a new route going down Tolman Creek Road. RV'I-D found the route works better if the buses travel down Tolman Creek Road. The bus stop is on the opposite side of Tolman. RVTD expects to be adding a route in the next one to two years and it would be a route that would come up Tolman Creek Road going the opposite direction so a bus shelter will be needed in the future. Staff is asking the applicant to plan for a shelter in the future. The bike parking will be brought up to the City's current standards. Staff noted there is an issue with access to the parking lot. The Y is proposing to close the Tolman Creek Road access and direct traffic to the other entrance, thus consolidating access to one point. Staff suggests instead of chaining off an entrance, curb the entrance and prohibit entrance/exit at this point. With regard to parking circulation within the lot, the applicant has not made any provisions for a turnaround. Staff believes two additional aisles should be considered near the middle of the lot. McLaughlin handed out turnaround sketches. Staff has recommended approval with the attached 15 conditions. Condition 12 refers to the transit shelter and can be modified to plan for a pad only. Condition 15 addresses the turnarounds. PUBLIC HEARING KEN OGDEN, architect, Ogden/Schmitz & Associates, 295 E. Barnett Road, Medford and YMCA Board Secretary gave a brief history of the site. The proposed natatorium is the third phase of the master plan. He showed some sketches and the model of the proposed expansion. The new buildings will link to the existing building. Currently there are about 80 parking spaces on two split parking lots. There are another 78 spaces adjacent to the property at the YMCA city park. Those spaces are being underutilized. They would like to propose a link between the existing parking lot at the city park lot. The advantage would be a reciprocal parking agreement. The soccer fields tend to be very heavily used on Saturdays and weekends at a time when the YMCA is somewhat underutilized and vice versa. There is not a pedestrian link between the two lots. A vehicular link could encourage people to park there and use those spaces. Ogden said inevitably, the YMCA would like to propose the parking lot with the 34 spaces currently occupied by residences. First, they are asking for approval of the reciprocal parking and review the situation in six to nine months after the project is completed so they can determine if it is necessary to develop the additional 34 spaces. There are two large trees on the site that are deteriorating and have been recommended for removal. The trees will be replaced with younger trees. The applicant will follow the Tree Commission's recommendations. Ogden believes with regard to the parking lot, the blocking of the primary artery would be beneficial and is in agreement with Staff. He does not see a need to create a loop. With the lower parking lot, if there is a second phase it can be designed to create the wider aisle at that location so turnaround would be easily maintained and designated as a turnaround space. The reduction of the curb cuts to Tolman Creek are beneficial too. Ogden does not mind allocating a place for a slab for a future bus stop. Howe suggested since there is considerable roof area on the existing and proposed buildings, that the applicant think about the use of solar hot water heating. Howe wondered if Ogden had thought about broadening the landscaping strip along Tolman Creek Road to create a buffer. Ogden said if they could get the reciprocal parking they could afford to lose a few spaces and add to the landscaping. Howe asked where the access point would be between the two parking lots if the reciprocal parking is instituted. Ogden suggested the pedestrian walk be brought next to the retaining wall which would remove about 25 feet of the wall. They would have to address the change ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 14, 1998 in grade. ALAN DEBOER, 2260 Morada, has been involved with the Y project since 1989. They are asking for the right to keep the existing house until the new parking lot is introduced so Condition 10 would be deleted. They would like the option to put the third parking lot in if they cannot get the easement from the Parks Department to the soccer parking lot. In addition, they would tike Condition 15 deleted because if they add the new parking lot, they will make it wide enough to turn around in the new parking lot. Condition 12: They will relocate the transit shelter and pre-plan for it. He is not sure they want to put in a concrete pad yet. DeBoer said if they put in a ~lriveway in the center of the parking lot, that will take away eight parking spaces. There are some pedestrian problems so they would like COT~dition 15 deleted. McLaughlin said the change mentioned in parking is a new part of the application not yet reviewed by Staff. No findings have been provided explaining parking or parking calculations. If the parking is not going to be provided this would create a Variance. DeBoer's proposal would require approval from the Parks Commission since presently there is an informal agreement which would need to be formalized. DeBoer said he would like approval this evening and bring back a request for a Variance. Armitage read comments from JED MEESE, 88 Granite Street, and LISA MOLNAR, 155 Hillcrest, favoring the project. Rebuttal The applicant had no further comments COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION Howe moved to approve Planning Action 98-065. Delete Condition 15. Modify Condition 12: All plans associated with the transit shelter be indicated on the maps and plans with the understanding it will be the YMCA's responsibility to install such a shelter at time RVTD travels that route. Gardiner seconded the motion. Armitage liked the idea of widening the green area between the parking lots and Tolman Creek but it is difficult to do when it is not part of the proposal. McLaughlin said the Commission has the power to amend the plans with additional landscaping. Howe would like to see this part of the existing motion. She believes the proposal with the two parking lots should not have any less green area than the Y park area between Tolman Creek and the lot. The streetscape along Tolman Creek will be very spare unless the Commission requires more landscaped area. Fields also feels this would be a good time to thicken the park row buffer. He is not certain about the parking proposal presented tonight and just exactly what they would be approving. Armitage is inclined to approve the application as it is and let the parking discussion take place at the time of a Variance. Howe disagreed and felt they should act on the proposal before them which she believes needs a wider landscaping buffer. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 14, 1998 Fields said the Tree Commission suggested more trees for shade and he wanted to be certain that was added as a Condition. McLaughlin said the key issue is the parking since the building is master planned. Does the parking work and what is the relationship of the parking to the street. He would agree with Howe that it be done with this application and not deferred to another point. Armitage reiterated Condition 15 would be eliminated (Staff Exhibit S-1) which means the proposal before the Commission says there is adequate turning space without the center row. Approximately five or six spaces will be lost by widening the greenway. Howe moved to amend the motion that the buffer landscaping area between Tolman Creek Road and the parking lot be increased to a width of 16 feet, eliminating five parking spaces. Condition 10 remains as it is. McLaughlin asked if the Commission would want to assign one space for a turnaround. Howe is concerned that space would be parked in. Howe further amended her motion to add Condition 16 to push the parking lot to the north about five feet (widen the lower area to provide adequate turnaround space) with Staff approval. Condition 12 has been modified to provide bus service when RVTD is ready and in the meantime it will show on the plans. The original Condition 15 is deleted. The new Condition 15 pertains to the green strip. Fields seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS JUNE 9, 1998 HEARINGS BOARD Howe moved to approve, the motion was seconded and the Minutes and Findings were approved. JUNE 9, 1998 REGULAR MEETING -Approval of Findings Briggs moved to approve, the motion was seconded and the Findings were approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-059 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW AND OUTLINE PLAN APPROVAL OF A 24-LOT, 24-UNIT MULTI- FAMILY SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION. 458 AND 460 CLAY STREET APPLICANT: GREG ADAMS Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Everyone had a site visit except Armitage. Fields knows the next door neighbor and they had a short discussion but nothing of interest to the application. STAFF REPORT ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 14, 1998 Molnar reported this is a three acre site subject to site review and outline plan approval. There are some existing structures on the site that are all proposed for removal. The proposal involves the construction of 24 single level homes. This unit size will be approximately 1600 square feet. Access to the site is from a private access road with a circular turnaround at the end of the road. Two pedestrian walkways are proposed in the project. Five units will front Clay Street but none will have direct access onto Clay Street. Staff would like to have a couple of parking bays along Clay. There is an ample 60 foot right-of-way. Elevations are included in the packet. The project is being geared towards individuals 55 years of age and older. The required open space has been included. Staff has had some anxiety over the dead end street design, however, the applicant has proposed public pedestrian/bike easements allowing public access. No on-street parking is required. The applicant is providing double car garages for each unit. There is a 20 foot wide apron behind each garage. Since there will be an improvement to Clay Street, Staff has included a condition requiring a design at Final Plan. Staff believes the application complies with the Site Review and Outline Plan approval. There has been no discussion of phasing. Staff has recommended approval with the attached 14 conditions. Molnar said the applicant made a change on Lots 19 and 20. Instead of garages accessing the rear, the applicant created larger back yards. Briggs did not see how the ODOT road can link with the YMCA road. Molnar said Sta~s thinking is long- term. It is not part of this proposal but he showed a transparency outlining some possible street linking in the future. Briggs likes the idea of a sidewalk/bike path but right now they only lead to someone's property. Molnar said there could be some design changes that could discourage people from trespassing. The improvement is required so everyone will know there is an intent to eventually provide a link. Howe wondered what Staff's reaction has been to the overall plan layout with houses all lining up exactly the same. Molnar would like to see a variety of housing types. They discussed with the applicant and the applicant has three different housing types. The site review addresses orientation toward the street. The applicant in this case has a specific age bracket or clientele he is focusing on. PUBLIC HEARING GREGG ADAMS, 123 Princeville Drive, Eagle Point, OR, concurs with the Staff Report, Findings, and Conditions of approval. The basic idea is to build single level houses for older folks on a fairly level site. The site is close to services that seniors would want to use. Adams felt running a through street would be duplicating what the State Highway Department has done south of their property. There is no traffic generated south of this property. Adams said most of the affordable housing being done is two-story and not conducive to seniors. He will be doing extensive landscaping. Armitage asked if Adams had any concerns with Condition 10. Adams responded that there is a 60 foot right-of-way. It is his understanding the parking can be accommodated within the right-of-way which Adams feels is reasonable. Briggs wondered if Adams would recycle the pine trees in the turnaround. Adams said if it was feasible he ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 14, 1998 would move them. COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hearn moved to approve with the attached Conditions. Gardiner seconded the motion. Chapman is glad to see Staff presenting the first outline of the master plan of the area as this area needs an overall master plan. After reviewing the Transportation Plan, Chapman noted that streets should be multi-purpose public spaces. The applicant says it is a private road and though he has met the applicable ordinances, Chapman would hate to see this done in a large scale development. The motion carried unanimously. OTHER There will be no July Study Session. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 14, 1998