HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-08 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes July 8, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:35 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Vava Bailey, Dale Shostrom, and Curt Anderson. Also present were City Council Liaison Steve Hauck, Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Keith Chambers, Joan Steele and Joyce Cowan were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hauck clarified that on page 3 under Meter Locations, the June 3rd minutes should indicate when the franchise agreement with US West is reviewed again, language should be added regarding aesthetics and location of the utility boxes. Bailey then moved and Shostrom seconded to approve the Minutes of the June 3, 1998 meeting as clarified. The motion was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS none NEW BUSINESS Proposed Ashland Community Hospital Foundation Buildin~ ~- Scenic Drive & Maple Streets Architect Ken Ogden stated this project is being proposed in two phases. The first will be the two story portion and the second will be the single story portion. A vertical element will be used in the window treatment with a separation between the groups. Roofing material will consist of multi-textured heavy asphalt shingles. Ogden said he tried to keep more of a residential feel in the design. Lewis asked about the setbacks. Ogden responded the building will be set back 15 feet from Maple Street and 20 feet from Scenic Drive. Skibby noted Ogden had been to the Review Board and has since made some positive changes in the design. Ogden asked the Commission for input on the detailed paneling between the window clusters. He explained the window groups divide the exam rooms so there will be an interior wall between the windows. The Commission agreed there should be a panel. Ogden also noted the building will have a neutral color blind throughout the building (probably vertical). The Commission commended Ogden on the design. Unitarian Church Remodel & Addition Knox stated this proposal has not gone through the pre-application process yet. Ogden stated Matt Small, with his firm, was also designing the remodel/addition for the Unitarian Church. They have met with the congregation to get a feeling of what is needed. The members would like to 1) create a new sanctuary, 2) expand the religious education area, 3) expand the administrative area and 4) convert the old sanctuary to the fellowship hall. The existing church was built in the 1960s out of pinkish concrete blocks, which is dated material. Another main entrance will be created in the addition off"C" Street. This view will have a lot of glazing, a water feature and a wood screen wall, which would create a privacy factor with visual penetration to the street from inside the building, and will also reduce the mass of the new sanctuary. It soften the imagery of that elevation. Ogden stated he would like Historic Commission input to put with the congregation needs to mesh together the design. Ogden also noted the existing stained glass is very 1960s and he would like to suggest to the congregation it be replaced with stained glass reflecting nature, light and water, which is the integral philosophy of the church. Lewis stated even though some may not particularly like the 60's style of stained glass, it is a part of the building. Shostrom asked if the glazing (other than the existing stained glass portion on Fourth Street) would be clear. Ogden stated it probably will be clear because it will be used for light and visual penetration. Anderson asked if the parking would need to be increased. Knox stated it will be addressed at the pre-application conference. The applicant will need to supply sufficient data verifying the size of the congregation will not increase in order to have no change in the parking requirements. Ogden stated he would like to work with the Commission concurrently with the design in the process. Proposed Ashland Community Hospital Foundation Building ~ 595 North Main Street Rob Saladoff, architect with Bruce Abeloe, presented conceptual plans for the proposed two-story building at 595 North Main Street. Parking will be off North Main Street. An entryway has been provided at a 45° angle similar to the new building across the street. Saladoff said they tried to soften t he parking area with a metal trellis and rail system to support vegetation. Landscaping will be along North Main and Maple Streets. Materials will include horizontal vinyl siding with vertical trim on the corners. He said it was also likely the roof will be metal. Overall, the Commission liked the design, however a composition roofing material would be preferred. Also, the Commission would like to see more definition between the windows. National Register Grant for Downtown Historic District Knox announced the City of Ashland received a grant from the State Historic Preservation Office to research the Downtown District for National Register status. He said he feels the downtown owners will get behind this nomination because after the flood, a large group of owners encouraged the City to move forward on this. Goal Setting/Orientation Meeting Since the Commission is currently one member short, it was decided the best time to have the goal setting/orientation meeting would be in late September. Knox stated he would like to take the members up to the powerhouse for a tour. Suggested topics for the orientation include: 1) what are we here for? 2) what does historic preservation mean? 3) what is the impact of National Register status? 4) what strategies should be used to make sure all the facts for National Register status are straight? The Commission would like to invite Kay Atwood to speak during the orientation. Knox also said he would like to talk about city-wide issues that will be coming up. These include the expansion of the Fire Department, library and post office. REVIEW BOARD Following is the July schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: July 9th July 16th July 23rd July 30th Skibby and Bailey Skibby, Anderson and Bailey Skibby, Cowan and Shostrom Skibby, Cowan and Lewis OLD BUSINESS Proiect Assignments for Planning Actions PA # 96-086 97-018 97-075 98-022 98-082 98-034 98-039 Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 8, 1998 Address 685 "A" Street 661 "B" Street 40 North Main Street 112 Helman Street 141 Lithia Way 221 Oak Street Holly Street Person(s) Assigned Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis Jim Lewis Dale Shostrom Vava Bailey Dale Shostrom 'Dale Shostrom Joan Steele and Joyce Cowan PA# I Address J 98~045 122 Church Street 98-047 Between 548 & 628 North Main Street Meter Locations There was nothing new to report Person(s) Assigned Vava Bailey Joyce Cowan Grant for National Register Web Site Steele was unable to attend the meeting, but sent word she will begin working on the abstracts when she is well. meantime, In the ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Shostrom and second by Skibby, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes July 8, 1998