HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-082 Easement - BrunnerCITY OF ASHLAND CITY HALL ASHLAND, ORiEGON 97520 telephone (code 503) 482-3211 ENGINEERING DIVISION NAME: OF ROAD SLOPE AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT TRANSACTION GRANTOR: Peter Brunner & Cynthia D. White NAME OF PARTIES (Print or Type) GRANTEE: City of Ashland City of Ashland DOCUMENT TO BE Attn: Nan Franklin, City Recorder RETURNED TO 20 East Main Street ASHLAND OR 97520 TRUE AND ACTUAL ($1.00) one dollar CONSIDERATION UNTIL A CHANGE IS REQUESTED, ALL TAX NOT APPLICABLE STATEMENTS SHALL BE SENT TO: (c:\engineer~jcrecord.doc) 4-43710 CITY OF ASHLAND UTILITIES AND ROAD SLOPE EASEMENT Peter Brunner and Cynthia D. White, Grantor(s), convey(s) to the City of Ashland, an easement to use a portion of Grantors' property described on the attached Exhibit A and shown on attached Exhibit B. The terms of this easement are as follows: 1. City, its agents, independent contractors and invitees shall use the easement to construct, reconstruct, install, use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain and remove slopes, fills and utility lines, including but not limited to lines for electricity, sewer, water, gas and telecommunications, and all necessary related facilities over and under real property described on the attached Exhibit A. Grantee may assign this easement to the person, corporation, utility company or governmental entity operating the utility. 2. The consideration for this easement is $1.00. 3. This easement is granted subject to all prior easements or encumbrances of record. Grantor: ~/~ - State of Oregon County of Jackson This instrument was acknowledged before me or~ ~ ct~tt~6'~ /'7, 1994, PAGE 1 9.4-4371O Exh£b£~ 'A' PUBLIC UTZ L I T Y & ROAD SLOPE EASEMENT of way ££ne of 'A' Street w£th the boundary l£ne common to Lots 2 and 3 o~ the Ra£1road V£llag¢ Subd£v£s£on, a Commerc£al Subd£v£s£on to the C£ty of Ashland, Jac~aon County, Oregon, us now recorded, a£~ua~ed £n Dona~£on Land Cla£m No. 42 £n ~he Northeast ~uar~er Of SectZon 9, Townsh£p 39 South, Range 1 East of ~he ~£l£amet~e Baae and Her£d£an, Jackson County, Oregon; THENCE North 74 degreea 09 m£nu~es 33 aeconds ~est (plat record North 74 degrees 09 m£n~tes 08 seconds ~est, 80.01 fee~) alon9 the ~¢w Northeasterly r£ght of way line of 'A' SCreet ~or a diat~nce of 80.01 feet to a po£nt of curvature; THENCE alon9 a curve to the r£ght hav£n9 a rad£us of 20.00 feet aAd a~ arc length o6 16.82 feet, be£~9 subteA~ed by a chord of North 50 degrees 03 m£nutea 52 aeconds ~es~ for a d£a~nce of 16.33 fee~ to a po£~t on curve; THENCE alon9 a curve ~o the lef~ havin9 ~ rad£us of 5.00 ~ee~ and an arc length o~ 4.21 feet, be£n9 subtended by a chord of Sou~h 50 degrees 03 minutes 52 seconds Eas~ for a dZsta~ce o6 4.08 THENCE South 74 degrees 09 m£nutes 33 secoAda Eaat and StreeZ, aa set 6orth on said plat aa re~erenced here£nabove for a distance of 91.19 feel to a poi~t in the boundary line common to Lots 2 and 3 of the Railroad Village Sabdiviaion, us now recorded; THENCE South 15 degrees 50 minuEea 14 aeconda ~eaE (pla~ record South 15 degreea 50 m£n~:es 53 seconds ~eat) for a d£S~ance of 5.00 feet ~o the po£nt of beg£nn£ng. ALSO, Beg£nn£n9 at ~he £ntersection of the Sou~hwesEerly r£ght of ~ay line of an Alley w£~h the corner common to Lots 2 and 3 of the ~a£lro~d F£llage Subd£v£a£on, aa now recorded, and us referenced here£nabove; THENCE Nor£h 74 degrees 08 minu~es 57 seconds ~est {pla£ record North 74 degreea 08 m£nates 32 seconds ~est, 80.01 ~eet) alon9 ~he common boundary l£ne between ~he Alley a~d Lot 2 for a dia~ance ot 80.01 ~eet to a point of curvature; THENCE alon9 a curve to the lelt havin9 a radiua of 20.00 feet and an arc length of 16.82 feet, beth9 subtended by a chord 16.33 ~eet Eo a poEnE on curve; THENCE alon9 a cur~e to the rEgh£ hav£n9 a rad£us of 5.00 4.08 feel; THENCE Sou£h 74 degreea 08 mE.urea 57 seconds East and ExhEb£t 'A' 94-4371O PUBLIC UTILITY EASENENT Ta× LoE 6501, 39-1E-O9AB Page 2 Exh.,i.b£.,t. 'A ' & ROAD SLOPE o~ ~ay ££ne o~ an A££eg ~£Eh Ehe No~hea~£e~£~ bo~nda~g ££ne o~ LoE 2 ~o~ ~ ~Z~Eanc¢ o~ 91.19 ~eeE Eo a po~nE ~n ~haE ££n¢ common Eo LoEs 2 and 3 ol sa£d Ra£~oad U£~£aBe S~bd£v£s£on, THENCE No.Eh 15 degrees 50 m£nuEes 14 seconds Ease ~co~d No.Eh 15 degrees 50 m£n~Ees 53 seconds EASE} a~on9 boundary E£ne common Eo LoEs 2 and 3 o~ sa£d Ra££~oad U£££age $~bd£vEsEon, as ~o~ recorded, tot a d£~Eance o6 5.00 ~eeE po£nE ot begEnnZng. TogeEhe~ wEEh and ~b~ec£ Eo covenanEs, easemenE~, and ~e~E~EcE£ons o~ ~eco~d and Ehose appa~enE o~ Ehe Eand. GRANTOR: PeEe~ B~nne~ Hay 18, 77 No.Eh Ma£~ SE~ee£ Ash£and, O~egon 97520 Tax Lo~ 6501, 39-1E-OgAB GRANTEE: 20 Ease Hain S£rccE A~h£a~d, 0regon 97520 ~e~: C92T27B.~e9 j 12/31/1994 Exh£b£E 'A' 94-4~)710 EXHIBIT 'B' Remr,~ EXHIBIT lB'