HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-08-05 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes August 5, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Community Center by Vice-Chairperson Terry Skibby at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Terry Skibby, Vava Bailey, Dale Shostrom, Keith Chambers and Joyce Cowan. Also present were City Council Liaison Steve Hauck, Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Joan Steele, Curt Anderson and Jim Lewis were absent. The Commission is currently one member short. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bailey then moved and Cowan seconded to approve the Minutes of the July 8, 1998 meeting as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 98-065 Conditional Use Permit 868 "A" Street Betty Camner Knox explained this application is for a Conditional Use Permit to expand an existing two-unit travelers' accommodation to three units. The portion which is currently a hair salon will be remodeled to accommodate the unit. No exterior changes are proposed. Staff is requiring a sidewalk to be installed and the curb cuts to be filled in. Chambers asked about traffic. Knox responded the trips per day for a travelers' accommodation are less than for a hair salon. Chambers moved and Shostrom seconded to recommend approval of this proposal to the Planning Commission. The motion was unanimously passed. Planning Action 98-070 Site Review and Variance 595 North Main Street Ashland Community Hospital Foundation Knox related this application is for the construction of a 9,775 square foot medical office building. Architectural elements are consistent with the area and should compliment the surrounding area. The initial design was discussed at last month's Historic Commission meeting with the architect. The applicant is also requesting a parking variance. 28 spaces are required and although the applicant shows 30 spaces, six will be stacked and designated employee only. Generally, stacked parking is not approved in commercial developments. Staff feels, however, this will work since it is only for employees. Parking is based on square footage and the Planning Commission will make the decision on this. Skibby asked how the building would be affected if the parking variance was not allowed. Rob Saladoff, architect for the project, answered it would reduce the size of the building. Saladoff also stated he addressed the concerns the Commission had at last month's meeting. Exterior materials will be horizontal wood lap siding, and architectural composition shingle roofing will be used. The second entrance off Maple Street (along with the deck and stairs) was eliminated, the primary entrance will be off the parking lot side and there are less windows on the south elevation. Shostrom discussed the parapet on the roof which will conceal the mechanical equipment. He suggested hipping the roof on the west side because as you come down Maple Street, the roof line will be very visible. Shostrom then moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the west elevation mechanical specs be looked at and possibly eliminated, with the suggestion the architect look at parapet walls, to create more of a sense of entry, and mitigate the roof on the parking entrance side. Also the final design will be approved by the Review Board. Bailey seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Planning Action 97-072 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 440 East Main Street Steve MoraschlAstro Gas Station Knox explained this application originated last year, but there were many problems associated with it. Since then, architect Jac Nickels has been working with the applicant. He has also worked with the planning staff to mitigate the size of the canopy, which is now as small as it will get. The proposal is to modif7 the gas pump area. The station is the entrance to the downtown area so it is very visible. Staff also had traffic flow concerns. The asphalt areas will be screened with landscaping, and staff is asking for a new eight foot sidewalk system to replace the existing one, which will be more pedestrian oriented. Trees will also be replaced. The applicant is asking for one employee parking space on site, but this is not characteristic of the downtown area and staff does not feel it should be there, especially because it is such a highly visible corner. Therefore, staff is asking the applicant to explore the relocation of the space. Knox clarified the Land Use Ordinance does not support gas stations downtown and non-conforming uses cannot be expanded, so no pumps are being added. The application is for upgrading the site. Nickels stated the applicant is eliminating one of the existing four pumps. Two will remain for gasoline and one will be for diesel. Skibby related he is a walker and wondered how the site will change pedestrian-wise. Nickels stated wider sidewalks will be installed and he feels the traffic situation will be improved. Nickels also noted Astro has come a long way since its initial application. The WELCOME ASHLAND, OREGON sign was designed not to be part of the gas station, but to be a part of the community. Astro, he said, is concerned with the community. Skibby then asked about the lighting. Nickels responded the lighting will be in the canopy. The pole lights will shine down and not project onto adjacent buildings. When asked about the roofing materials, Nickels said it will be light weight concrete and will look like tile. He then explained the color system and noted the existing building will also be painted. The bright yellow color will be gone. Skibby then asked about the traffic flow. Nickels said ingress and egress will be both off East Main Street and Lithia Way. - -Chambers commented he thinks traffic will be-increased. Bailey said she-likes thesidewalk<iesign, it. will.be-more open to pedestrian traffic. Cowan moved and Bailey seconded to recommend acceptance of the changes submitted by the applicant, including the staff conditions regarding the sidewalk and relocation of the employee parking space. The motion was unanimously approved. Planning Action 98-075 Site Review, Parking Variance and Landscape Variance (includes demolition decision) 542 "A" Street Mark and Rebecca Reitinger Knox reported this application is for a Site Review for a new building, a Landscaping Variance, and a Parking Variance which would allow the a reduction in the total number of spaces and a stacked parking configuration. The applicants have been to a full Historic Commission meeting. They are proposing a two and a half story building, with commercial offices on the first two floors and an apartment on the third floor, utilizing a portion of the second floor. The design is compatible with the neighborhood. An earlier concern of the Commission was the proposed projecting balconies on the second floor. These have been eliminated and replaced with a flush railing in the window jamb to allow French doors to be used as windows. The lot is only 25 feet wide, which only allows for three parking spaces, hence the request to utilize a stacked parking configuration. The proposal, as presented, requires eight spaces. The applicants are requesting the City allow six stacked spaces, a handicapped space on the corner of Fourth and "A" Streets and the elimination of the eighth space. In reality, Knox stated they are asking for a five space variance. Parking is generated by the type of use in a commercial building. The variance being requested surrounds the commercial use. The second floor is dictating the variance. Staff would like the applicants to eliminate the commercial use on the second floor and dedicate it for residential use instead, thus eliminating the need for the variance. The landscape requirements for the commercial downtown area have just recently been dropped in the standards, so staff supports this variance. Knox also explained the applicants are requesting approval to demolish the existing building, which is currently ranked as a secondary structure on Ashland's Cultural Resource Inventory. This ultimately requires City Council approval. The building is possibly the only remaining pre-1910 commercial wood structure in the Railroad District. One letter was received from property owners across the street who have concerns about the parking variance. Staff believes the proposed building and site improvements are consistent with Ashland's design standards, however, the parking demand created by the building's total floor area far exceeds the amount of available on-site parking. If the commercial space on the second floor was eliminated, only four spaces would be required. Stacked parking is normally not acceptable in commercial situations. Residential and commercial neighbors would feel the parking impact the most. Rebecca Reitinger said she was under the impression staff was supporting the parking variance, so she was unable to respond to this item. The second story commercial space is what she and her husband would like for their office space. With Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1998 the present building, there are zero parking spaces. With the six stacked parking spaces in the rear, they will increase the number of parking spaces to six. She explained the reasoning for the handicapped space on the corner even though the proposed building is in the middle of the block, stating the handicapped parking in the area is rarely used and would not be far from the building. In consulting with an engineer, this was the best solution. Parking in the back will be used for residents of the building. She also noted there is almost enough footage for one space in the front. Mark Reitinger debated Knox's statement regarding stacked parking. Becky Reitinger also spoke about the poor condition of the existing building. In her opinion, the building is not architecturally pleasing so she and her husband wanted to create something which would contribute to the historic integrity of the Railroad District. They would like to see "A" Street develop with an historic flair. They would salvage material from the existing building to use in the new one; however, they won't know what is salvageable until they begin the work. Skibby asked about the exterior material. Mark Reitinger stated the building will be stucco with brick accents, and a stone- looking base on the store front, wood parapets, and brick corner cornices. He said he will bring the color scheme to the Review Board. He also said there will be no projection, as he decided to make the railing flush in the door jamb. Knox defended the Staff Report and said he feels staff made its concerns clear in the pre-application conference and that staff and the commissions need to make decisions based on the adopted ordinances which were well thought out. Staff cannot justify the second floor commercial space based on the information the applicants have turned in. Skibby said he feels if the second floor cannot be used as commercial, it would have an economic impact on the project so he is unsure which way to go. The Reitingers stated they would have to rethink the application if not allowed to go ahead with the commercial business on the second floor. Chambers maintained the letter received from the neighbor across the street has valid points. If the parking variance is approved, the overflow will go to the nearby area. Other owners have had to follow the ordinances and he feels the project can be scaled back to meet staff concerns. He also noted the design of the new building is attractive and will be an improvement to the block. Shostrom moved and Chambers seconded to support the demolition of the existing structure, but not prior to the approval of a Site Review, whether it be the current applicants or someone else. The motion was unanimously approved and will be forwarded to the City Council for final approval after a decision is made by the Planning Commission. Bailey moved to recommend approval of the facade. Shostrom said he has a problem with the French doors and flush railing as he feels it looks odd. It would be more traditional if there were four similar windows. Reitinger stated he has seen the French door/flush railings in Europe and Canada. Chambers asked what the rock-like material would be. Reitinger answered it will be a stone material, but they have not picked it out yet. Shostrom noted the Commission would like to see more details of the demarcation of the depth/relief of the building design. Chambers added he would like to see alternative designs for the details and would like the applicants to work with the Review Board on this. Cowan added the design should be subject to Review Board approval with respect to the relief drawings. Chambers then amended the motion to state in principal, the Commission feels the design is close to attaining its endorsement, however, the reveals need to be submitted to the Review Board and the French doors need rethinking. The Review Board will see the alterations. Cowan seconded the motion as amended and it was passed unanimously. Shostrom moved and Bailey seconded to recommend approval of the landscape variance to the Planning Commission. The motion passed unanimously. Chambers said he is not comfortable with the parking variance because there is already congestion in the area and there will be an impact on the neighbors. He then moved to pass along the parking variance recommendation, noting staff's concerns were taken seriously. Shostrom seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. (Chambers left at this time.) (With a motion by Shostrom and second by Barley, the Commission unanimously voted to extend the meeting beyond 10:00.) After discussing the matter, the Commission and staff agreed applicants should not come to the Historic Commission meetings prior to pre-application conferences. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1998 BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the months of June and July follow: 360 Pearl Street Ron Peck Re-roof 199 East Main Street BJ's Ice Cream Remodel 307 Meade Street Cynthia Ceteras Addition 531 North Laurel Street Dennis Robertson Addition/Remodel 925 "B" Street Gary & Karen Foil Interior Remodel 276 Almond Street Marilyn & Ted Koutunovich Porch Addition 595 North Main Street Ashland Hospital Foundation Body Shop Demolition 250 North Pioneer Street Valley of the Rogue Bank Re-roof 209 Almond Street John Javna Pool House 235 Fifth Street Ashley Henry Remodel 348 Pearl Street Michael McKee Addition/Carport 209 Almond Street John Javna Swimming Pool 499 Iowa Street Tom Marvin Sunroom Addition 872 "B" Street Dan Heller Garage 123 First Street Marvin Wood Interior Remodel 27 North Main Street Sam Wong Re-roof 285 Oak Street Brad Roupp Moved Shed 295 Oak Street Brad Roupp Moved SFR 132 Eighth Street Paul Rostykus Remodel/Addition 74 Granite Street Deborah Martin Remodel 31 North Main Street M & F, Inc. Remodel 101 Oak Street Standing Stone Brewing Col. Trellis 270 North Second Street Roger Funk Shop Conversion to SFR 259 "B" Street Steve Sacks Interior Remodel 94 Granite Street Craig & Annette Mesco Addition 40 North Main Street Ashland's Outdoor Espresso... Sign 25 East Main Street Nimbus Sign 199 East Main Street BJ's Ice Cream Sign (2) 64 Third Street Thomashesfky, M.D. Sign 525 East Main Street Jackson Travel Sign 265 Fourth Street Peerless Restaurant Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the August schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: August 6th August 13th August 20th August 27th Skibby and Bailey Skibby, Lewis and Cowan Skibby, Chambers and Bailey Skibby, Cowan and Shostrom OLD BUSINESS Proiect Assignments for Planning Actions PA # 96-086 97-018 98-022 Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1998 Address 685 "A" Street 661 "B" Street 112 Helman Street Person(s) Assigned Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis Jim Lewis Vava Bailey PA # I Address I Person(s) Assigned 98-082 141 LJthia Way Dale Shostrom 98-034 221 Oak Street Dale Shostrom 98-039 Holly Street Joan Steele and Joyce Cowan 98-045 122 Church Street Vava Bailey Between 548 & 628 North Main 98-047 Street Joyce Cowan 98-070 595 North Main Street Terry Skibby and Dale Shostrom 97-072 440 East Main Street Joyce Cowan 98-075 542 "A" Street Jim Lewis There was nothing new to report Meter Locations Grant for National Re.qister Web Site Steele was unable to attend the meeting, but sent word she will begin working on the abstracts when she is well. NEW BUSINESS This was already discussed. Request for Demolition (542 "A" Street) Trianclle Park Gazebo Facelift Skibby informed the Commission that David Mason, who has been volunteering to give the Triangle Park Gazebo a facelift, needs input from the Commission on how to restore the column bases. Shostrom recommended metal corners with exterior stucco. Skibby said he also would like to repair the flag pole on top. When asked about the shingles, the Commission noted it would be best to leave in a natural state rather than stain them. The Commission also agreed the color of the columns should be stained the same as the posts. Staff will write a letter stating appreciation for the work Mason has already accomplished. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Shostrom and second by Bailey, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes August 5, 1998