HomeMy WebLinkAbout1915-147 RR Crossing LeaseSOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY
Office of Assistant General Manager
,.,% .... oer iF,,-1915
City Or LsRl~:.nd,
i!erewlth for setention ::h%)!icate ora ii,a! of fully
m~ecuted a2re}~:{':nt d~.~ed ~m~fu~ gg~h, 19iS, oe"}~Teen ~he dout!iern
lacific Comp~,z .n:i h!~e 3~tF of ..sh]~2l~i covorin2 constr~o~ioll,
Yours truly,
Form 3400 LOCAL
(Approved by Chief Counsel as to form
November 9, 1912)
. ade this .... .
by and between SO U T H E R N PA C I F I C C O M P A N Y, a corporation, hereinafter termed
Licensor; a~d .........
of. ........ Aohl:md . , County of ..... J,v:cka~n
State of. ...... 0regO~ , hereinafter termed Licensee,
Licensor, in consideration Of the faithful performance by Licensee of all its covenants and agreements herei~
contained, hereby grants unto Licet~see the right to construct, reconstruct, maintai~ a~d operate._.
hereinafter termed ,tructure, for transporti~g: ...... W~tOt ...... said str~cture to be con-
structed beneath the property of Lice~sor ami / or its lessors, at or ~ear ....
........ ~ g~Don,
County of ......... J~kaon ......... , and State of_ .Oregon
from a poi~t in ita no.hotly propa~y line to ,~. point in it~ ~outharly property line,
c .... ;~,- beneath tho track~ not less th~ t~ (2) feet belo~ ~ttom o ~ ti~s ~;~t
~]njim~r ~t,~tion 1139 pluz 10 in th~ locc~tion.
as showy in red itd~; on Ibc blveprint wap hereto an~wxed and wade part hereqf.
This grant is made ripen the.following terv~s and conditions, to wit:
1. Licensee hereby acknowledge.~ the title of.~O~ogoa & C~fo~g
Company, a~d the lea,~ehold e,~tate of the Lice~or, in a~d to the premi.ses described in this agreement and agree.~
*wt, er to as6'ail or resist said lille or leo.seboId i~tere.~t.
....~As and .for '~e, of. l~ v'vdw'~ .......... of I icen~or or its lessor% Licensee shall l o)o~ Licensor,, o~'~ rendi~o'on o~ bill
re re tel ' Fiv~ S9.Oo ....... .$ ~ ~: ""'
3'. Licensee a~irecs to i~zdevo~fy a~d ,save har'mlc,~,s Liceasor and its lessors fi'om and ugai~st a~y and all
los.s, dovta~c, h'abilih/, cod o~d exT~w~se which it or its Iea'.wr,~ may ,s~ston~ or bear, or to which it or its les.sots may
be put, rc~dtig~g i',~ (nd/ma',m~r.frov~ thc [r;cal[6?~ qf ~t{d .~h'~tcl~t~rc and ~:ts app~o'lcna~ces o'n or bequeath the prerrdse~
h~re~'~t:efcre ~7;ec~)icd.
d. Licensee and the a~enls a~d employees of L't'ce~ee shall have the privilege of entry o~ .said prev~ises for
'/vmicdiolcly revwve ,,:oid dr,('i?~rc ,'ml rvs~ore .said premises, as nearly as possible, to the ,sanw ,state a,d conditim~
l]~ey were ~'~t Tcz'c~' io lhc ec,~t.~:t~t<h'~,~ oj' .,aid ,a'uchtrc, ft~ili~u~ in which Licensor nm?/7:~e~fo~v~ s~ch work (d cost of
G. Licensee agrees that all work 'aport, or i,z co~mectio~ with, s(tid .slruciurc ~bal[ be doztc al s~ch tithes
a~d l'~ a~tch vitmTler as ,tw[ ~o i~te~fcre i~z any way wheresoever with Ibc o~:eraiio~.s of Licensor, ils lessors or ~succea-
sm's, a~d that thc /ocaiz'o~t (~' said struclure and all work i,~ co~mcclion Iherewflb shall be do*w and vlade u,~der
a~Fervisio~ and lo the sah'¢/hch'on of Lice~sor, its lessors or s~wcessora.
,,' x ~ .... ~ ' ' ,', '~' ' ,,', "~: ~ .... ~':',~" ~ ~," .... ' ' '}'~}5; ~ ' '~. ~ " " "X'v
's'4os'~al ,~77 ,to .~os'uag~ fo til~ado4d uo
q.wat p?s' jb fi'uo op 4o ta.tofzod ol .tolop.quo:) tlOn, s' (it~o ~t.ql.ttu.tod o4ofaq ~f~oad;~' ]]oq,s' .tos'ua3>'I so ]uno~ao qo~'
,toloo~luoo o /i(t atwp .to pau~.toj)ad am ol .9> ,ZalOO~toqo ,to ptq:[ ~uv fo :~.to,n fiuo saut!l ,to atu!] /h~o ]o fi 'Ol
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~ot{~ ~mma poo, %nott%~ ' '
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'aaot.ua.t filalv.~pauttu) 'as'uadxa puo l~oa u~no s',aas, uao)~ lo 'lloqs aasuao~ 'a.tnlon41~ p?s fo uo)loool a~l uz s'abUmlO
40 q~OylO,tailD 'uo]l:)n.,tls'~tooa.t 'loaoma4 aql a,tmba,t attUl /iuo 1o s,.tos,gaaons ,to s~os'sal ,s'ly ',tos,~tao>ff plnoyv ',L