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1992-119 Boundary Agrmt-Warren
(Re-Record) exhibit omitted) 92-3859 y ~_)AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the ~ day of October, 1992, by and between RANDY WARREN and LAURIE WARREN, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as "First Party", and The City of Ashland, an Oregon municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Second Party"; W I TNE S S E TH: THAT WHEREAS, First Party is the record owner in fee simple of that certain real property situated in Jackson County, Oregon, and more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein; AND WHEREAS, Second Party is the record owner in fee simple of that certain real property which is adjoining and more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein; AND WHEREAS, it is the mutual desire of the parties that the boundary separating their parcels should be modified as set forth herein for the better advantage of each; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties do hereby agree, for themselves and their successors and assigns, that the boundary line described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto, and incorporated herein shall serve as the boundary line between the subject parcels for all purposes. First Party does hereby quitclaim unto Second Party all of First Party's interest in the real property situated to the east of said boundary line. Second Party does hereby quit claim unto First Party all of Second Party's interest in the real property situated to the south of said boundary line. THIS AGREEMENT was prepared on behalf of First Party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands on t~~entioned. ~~/ ~KNDY WARREN LAURIE WARREN THE CITY OF ASHLAND CATHY G~EN, Mayor NAN FRANKLIN, City Recorder BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT Page -1- ~w OFF,CeS AINSWORTH, DAVIS, GILSTRAP, HARR/S & BALOCCA, P.C. 515 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 (503) 482-3111 FAX (503) 488-4455 92-3S597 STATE OF OREGON County of Jackson Personally appeared the above-named RANDY WARREN and LAURIE WARREN and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a ~Y Comm~ss~OflExp~res:~//?/~'~/ ~-OREGON ) ) § County of Jackson ) Personally appeared the above-named CATHY GOLDEN and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a voluntary act. Before me: STATE OF OREGON County of Jackson Notary Public for Oregon~ My Commission Expires: Personally appeared the above-named NAN FRANKLIN and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a voluntary act. Before me: Notary Public fox/.Orego~ / / My Commission Expires: -'/~/~.~ BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT Page -2- ~w o~css AINSWORTH, DAVIS, G[LST~A?, HAmUS & BALOCCA, P.C. 515 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 (503) 482-3111 FAX (503) 488-4455 ~92-38597 CommenCing a~"the Northwest corner of Donation Land Claim No. 54 in Township 39 South, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson County, Oregon; thence along the North line of said Donation Land Claim, South 89° 46' 09" East (Record North 890 44' East) 1258.2 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 60° 18' 51" East (Record North 59° 49 'East) 175.00 feet; thence South 70° 01' 09" East 169.51 feet (Record South 70° 31' East 162.00 feet) to the North right-of-way line of Crowson Road; thence along said right-of-way line North 89° 46' 09" West 123.61 feet (Record South 89° 44' West 80.00 feet); thence South 50° 20' 43" West 46.78 feet (Record South 51© West 40.00 feet) to the North line of said Donation Land Claim No. 54; thence along said North line North 89° 46' 09" West 151.72 feet (Record South 89° 44' West 200.00 feet) to the True Point of Beginning. Randy Warren Parent Tract September 23, 1992 DREGISTERE pROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR FEI~RUARY 4, 1983 DARRELL L. HUCK 2023 Darrell L. Huck Hoffbuhr & Associates, Inc. EXHIBIT 'A' PARCEL 1 Beginning at ~he southwest corner of Donation Land Claim No. 53 in Township 39 South, Range 1 Ka°st of the Willame~:e Meridian ~n Jack- son County, Oregon; thence No~th 2306.2 feet to the southerly- northwest corner of said Claim; ':hen~ South 89~47' ~ast 177.52 f~et :O the westerly ~ine of the Pacific Highway; thence alon~ said line %h$ fo~owing~ South 38~56' zast 738..25 feet, thence South 34~0 East 1478.9 feet, ~hence South ~92~.' ~ast 100.0 feet; thence South 8~20' Zas: 417.0 fee~ to the sou:h 'boundary of said C~aim No. 53; thence Sou~h ~9"44' West, along ~a!d boundary, 1576.0 feet to the p0&nt Of ~e~innin~. ALSO, Beginning at ~he northwest co~ner of Donation Land Claim No. 54 in Town~hip 39 Sou~h, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian in Jack,on County, Ore~on; thence ~ast, along the north line of ~aid C%aim, ~8.42 feet to the southwest corner of Donation Land C%aim No. ~, said Township and Range; thence Nor%h, a~ong the west line~o~ said Claim No. ~, a distance of 2306.2 fee~ ~o the sou~herly-no~.~hwes~ corner thermof; thence $ou~h 89"47' Zas% ~??,52 feet to the we~t~l~ ~ine of thm Pacific Highway; ~henoe North 38056' west, along said line, 282.9 %hence south 163.8 feet; %hence North 38" West 3~0.0 feet; thence North 43"42' West 200~0 fee~; ~hen~e No~th 64~12' We$~ 60.0 feet; thence South 87~13' West 221.0 fe~t ~o an interse¢~ion with the north-sou~h tine b~tween Sections ~ and 14, said Township and Ran~$; ~h~nce South 00"21' EaSt, along said line, ~800.0 fee~ to the point of beginning. ~XCSP?ING THEREFROM the following: Be- ginning at a point North 8~"44' ~ast 1258.2 feet from the north- west corner or.Donation Land Claim No.,.54 in Township 39 South, Range 1 ~aSt of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson COuntY, Oregon; %hence North $9"49' ~a~% 175.0 feet;' thence South 70~1' East 162.0 fee~, mo~e or less, :~ a point on the north right-of-way ~i~e of Crowson Road; thence South ~9"44' West, along said right~of-wa~ line, 80.0 feet; thence Sou~h 51" West 40.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the north tine of sai~ C%aim No. 54; %hence Sou~h 89~44' West, a~on~ said ~ine, 200.0 fee~ ~o th~ point of bm~inning. ALSO, ~XC~PT~N~ T~R~FROM ~he following: Be~innin~ at the nor~hwes~ cOrn- er Of D~na%ion Land C~aim No. 54 in Townhip 39 South, Range of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson County, Oregon; thence North 0"02'10'" ~ast, along the wes: ~tns of Section 13, sal~ Township and Range, a distance of 1220.0 feet; %hence South 44"46' ~as~ 1718.0 fee~, more ¢~ le55, to an intersec~ion wi:h ~h~ north lin~ of said C~aim; thence West, along sa%d line, 1210.0 fe~, more or 1.s~, to th~ point of beginning. A~O, ~XCZPTINQ THEREFROM ~he following: Commencing at the brass cap monum~n~ marking ~he corner common to Sections 11, ~2, 13 and 14 in ~ownship 39 South, Range ~ ~ast of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson County, Oregon, thence South 00"02'0~" Wes~ 44~.74 feet along ~he west ~oundary of said Sm¢%ion ~$ ~o a §/~" iron p~n for the true point o~ ~e~inning; thence, ,92-35 97 leaving said wes= boundary, .South 58329'49" EaS: 300.0 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; thence North 43~'33.'' East 130.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin: thenc. South 38~42'51'' East 445.00 feet to a 5/$" iron pin; thence North 51~17'09" East 15'0.00 feet tO a 5/8" iron pin'on the westerly right of way boundary of Oregon S.~a~e Highway 66; thence North 38°42'$ West, along said westerly boundary,IS0.00 feet, more or less, to ~he point of beginning Parcel A de$¢ribe~ in Instrument No. 66-08873 of th. Official Reoords of Jackson County, Oregon; thence along the east and southerly boundary of said Parcel A the following courses and distance: South 163.$0 ~eet; North 38"00' West 350.00 feet; North ~42' west 200.00 leek; North 64~12' West 60.00 fee~; South 87~13' West 221.0 feel more or less, to ~he west line of Said Section 13; =h~nce, along the west line of said Section 13, South 00"02'01'' we~t 101.9'7 feet, more or lm~s, ~O th~ true p'oin~ of beginning. (Code 5-~, m p~rtion of Account #1-11630-4, Map #391E13B, a portion of Tax Lo~ #2200) Co~l~e~oin~ a~ the concrete and brass cap monument marking the co=net of Donation Land Claim No. 54 in Township 39 South, Range of the Will&m~tte Meridian in Jackson County, Oregon, thence 00008'39'' East a ~istance of 490,93 feet to the oonor~t~ and brass cap monument marking the Quarter corner Gommon to Sections 13 and 14 of said Township and Range, ~hence North 00~02'0i'' East, along the section line common to said Sections 13 and 14% a distance of 729.07 feet to a $/8" iron pin for the true point of beginning, sai~ point being North 00"04'41" ~ast (Record North 00"02'10" East) 1220.00 f¢~ from the afor mentioned northwest corner of DOnation Land Claim No. 54; =hence, con- ~inuing along said seo%ion line, North 00"02'01" ~ast 221.26 fee~ to a ~/8" iron pin, at a poin~ ~ast of the 5/8" iron pin marking the sou%h- eas~ ~o=ner o~ GREENSPRINGS SUBDIVISION, EXTENSION NO. 1 in Jackson County, O~egon, according ~o the official plat thereof, now ~f then=e Wes% 0.6~ f~et to said sou=beast corner of said Greensprings Subdivision, Extension No. 1; =hen=e, along %he sou%her!y boundary of ~aid subdivision, South 32~33'13" West (RecOrd South 32"32'20" west) 150.30 feet =oa 5/8". iron pin; thence South 63"20'19" wes~ 105.82 fee~ (R~¢ord South 63"21' Wes~ 106.25 feet) ~oa 5/8" iron pin at ~he south- west co=ne= of said Greensprings Subdivision, Extension No. 1; leaving said subdivision boundary, South 26:41'05" East 5.00 feet to a ~/$" iron pin; thenu~ South 6~18'55'' West 48.39 feet to a 5/8" iron pin on the northeas=~:ly boundary.of L~t 70 of GREENSPRINGS in Jackson County, Oregon, according :o the official plat thereof, now of xecord! thence along =he easterly boundary of said subdivision South 26"34'04'' ~ast (Record South 26~39' East) 55.04 feet to a 5/8" iron pin at the mos~ northerly corner of Lot 71, said subdivision; thenoe, con- tinuing along said easterly boundary, South 26~34'04'' East (Record $out~ ~6"39' ~ast) 5.00 feet to a 5/$" i~on pin; thence, leaving said easterly= boundary, South 63~23'50" west, and parallel with the boundary line com- mon to Lot~ 70 and 71 of zald s6~diyision' (Record $ou~h 63~2t' East), a ~tstanoe of lbv.02 f~et to a ~/8" iron pin on ~he easterly right of way boundary, of Twin Pine Circle; thence, along 8aid easterly right of way boundary, South 26o38,07,' ~ast (Reobrd South 2~'39' ~art) 17.00 feet %o a 5/8" iron pin; ~hence along.the are of a 160.00 foot radius curve to the right (the long ohor~ to which bears South 11~20'$3" Ea~% ~4.57 feet a distance of 85.59 feet to a 5/~" iron pin~ thence, leaving said easter ly ~igh~ of way boundary, South 86~01'27'' East 95.00 feet to a 5/8" iron pin; %hence North 86~04'~0'' East 96.64 feet to a 5/$" iron pin; thence North 63~22'08,, East 160.00 ~eet ~o a 5/8" irQo pin; then~m South 26~37' Eas~ 177.5~ fee% to a 5/$" iron ~i~; %hence North 45o15'40'' ~a~t 72.27 f to a $/$" iron pin on the northsa$~ly boundary of that parcel describe as Tract B in Volume 553 page 87 of the Deed Re~ord$ of Jackson County, Oregon; thence, along said northeas~erly'~oundary, North 44"44'20" west (Record North 44'4~' West) 298.19 fee~ ~o ~he true point of beginning. (C~m 5-1, a portion of Account 41-10167-6, Map #391~14AD a portion of Tax L~t #6200) ' (Co~e 5-1, a portion of Account #1-11774-9, Ma~ #391E14AD a portion of Tax LOt # 800) ' (Code 5-15, a portion of Account #1-11631-2, Map #39~E135, a portion of Tax Lot #2~00) (EXHIBIT "B" PAGE ~3) ~ommencing at the No~-thw~st corn%= o~ Donation Land Claim No. 54 in Township 39 South, Range 1 East of the W~llamette Meridian, Jackson Tount~, Oregon; ~hen~e South 89~ 4~' 09" East along the NO:ah line of said DOna~lon Land Claim No. 54, 1258.~0 feet to a ~/8 ~oh iron pin being the Southwest corner =rao~ of land descried in Instrument No. 86-1277~ offi~ial Records in Jackson County, Ore,on for the TRUE POINT ~GI~I~; thenoe North 56~ 52' 55" Eas~ 169.05 ~-{';" SOu=h 71~ 00~ ~1" =as= 90.73 f~=; 'thence South ~5~ 22' 02" East 35.05 feet to the northgrly right-of-way line of Crow~un Road for the P~int of Terminus. (EXHIBIT "C" ) Recorded O~TlClAL RECORDS